Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1259 Luo Bao, I am your fan

"Death is like the wind, always with me."

"The day the broken sword is recast, when the knight returns!"

"Shurima, your emperor has returned."

"You think you can kill me?"

"Change is a good thing."



After you sing the familiar heroic voice, we will take the stage. The audience’s cheers have never stopped since the beginning of this show.

What about League of Legends moves players the most?

It’s not the golden rain that fell when you won the S game, nor is it how many ranks you stayed up all night to reach, it’s the first time you played your favorite hero and heard every line he said.

No matter whether the operation is good or bad under your control, you must be happy when you are playing this character.

Memories are always the sweetest when you first meet them.

The game League of Legends has carried the youth of too many people. Although it can no longer be returned, the mark it has engraved on the soul will be instantly ignited with the appearance of these lines.

At this moment, not only the audience at the scene, but also countless players on the barrage were all posting: "Heroes of ten years, alliance forever!"

If the shielding is not turned on, the entire screen will be covered by dense barrages.

Such a grand occasion is very rare even at Station B.

After more than five minutes, the hero lines session finally ended.

The host came on stage to connect the show. Luo Quan had already sat on the piano chair on the lifting platform, stroking the keys with his hands and getting ready.

All the audience knew that Luo Quan was about to appear next, and they all stared with wide eyes, wanting to see what her cosplay as Dr. Mundo looked like.

Although she had posted a few selfies in the morning, the camera on her mobile phone was definitely not comparable to professional live broadcast equipment. The clarity, angles, and texture were much lacking.

And as Luo Quan gradually rose from the center of the stage, a purple-skinned beauty full of charm like a violet appeared in front of everyone?

Perhaps everyone had no idea what the mysterious dark elves in Western fantasy novels looked like before.

But after Luo Quan came out, everyone understood that this should be the dark elf!

The deep night gave her deep skin, but she looked for the light with eyes as bright as stars!
Under her gentle touch, the piano slowly flowed out a soft and sweet melody.

But soon, her movements became swift and powerful, and "The Power of the Ancient", which had been popular on major platforms for a week, blew up the audience at this moment!
"It's so beautiful, just as charming as tonight's night."

"I recommend those celebrities who like to market their beauty to take a look. This is called beauty. Even if you dye your skin this color, you will still be breathtakingly beautiful!"

"I even think the purple Luo Quan is more exciting. It seems that I have some perverted attributes."

"Is your body like Greedy Purple? You are Greedy Luobao's body, despicable!"

"Who can not be mean when meeting Luo Bao? He is just trying to hold on."

"Luobao, I will give birth to a monkey with you!"

"I still want to give birth, go to the back and line up for the lottery!"

"It's different for me. I call Luo Bao mom directly."



The only advantage of being on stage is that you don’t have to see these outrageous barrages.

In the past, when Luo Quan saw these outrageous barrages, she was always embarrassed and didn't know how to respond.

It's fine now, I can't see it at all.

And after "The Power of Prehistoric" ended, her performance was not over yet.

The next song, "Lonely Warrior", was a song she had previewed for several days, but never disclosed the specific content. It is also the theme song of the S11 Global Finals.

The lights suddenly went out. Luo Quan was standing up now, holding a microphone in his hand, and the spotlight shone on her.

Luo Quan lowered his head, his face solemn, and his mood suddenly became deep.

"It's all brave
The wound on your forehead, your differences, the mistakes you made
don't have to hide

your battered doll your mask your ego

At this moment, Luo Quan transformed into a narrator and narrated a story.

The audience was mesmerized by her emotional singing and entered the tragic world she described.

However, before the audience's sadness could accumulate too much, it was instantly swept away by Luo Quan's passionate and high-pitched singing:

"Love you walking alone in a dark alley
I love you without kneeling

love you confronted with despair

don't cry


The mood rose rapidly, from a soothing chant at the beginning to a rapid monologue, calling, and shouting, until it reached a climax:

"Will you go with this ragged cloak

Fight? Fight! With the humblest dream
To the whimpers and roars in the night
Who says that only those who stand in the light are considered heroes


Listening to the thunder in the silent place, it was clear that Luo Quan did not roar with a throat-piercing high-pitched voice, but with the blessing of her extremely rich chest resonance, everyone was deafened.

Especially in the transition section after the second chorus, Luo Quan used his real voice to raise the pitch by two full octaves, like morning bells and evening drums, completely igniting everyone's blood.

There is no unburnable theme song for all previous S-games, because the S-game is the highest honor in LoL and is also a hall where the strongest players compete on the same stage. They must fight with all their strength from the beginning to the end.

So the theme song needs a war song, and it must be a war song.

At the beginning of "Lonely Warrior", the rhythm was quite slow, which was very different from the previous theme songs. Many fans were worried that this song would not have that taste.

But judging from the results, they obviously worried too much.

This song is not burning in the ordinary sense, it is burning from the inside out and lasts for a long time!

After listening to this song, many fans couldn't help but feel itchy and couldn't wait to play League of Legends and kill the opponent with their best heroes.

Unfortunately, when countless players poured into Ionia, the most crowded place, they found that the number of people waiting in line had accumulated to more than 100 million, and it took more than half an hour to enter at the fastest time.

But it doesn’t matter, I’ll indulge you just once tonight, wait as long as you want!

When the song finally ended, Luo Quan held his hands up to the sky and smiled with an effortless smile.

The applause from the audience was like a mountain falling apart, and it lasted for more than a minute before gradually extinguishing.

How long the applause lasted, how long Luo Quan stood like this, it seems that I will stand as long as you take pictures.

The audience was also very cooperative. They filmed as long as Luo Quan stood there, competing with each other.

The program team had time tonight, so they were not in a hurry. They just let Luo Quan and the audience immerse themselves in the warm atmosphere, which lasted for nearly 2 minutes before finally stopping.

This is the aura and confidence that a true top superstar possesses, and it also requires a huge base of popularity.If it were another popular player, I'm afraid this poss would be placed within ten seconds before the barrage would start chasing people away.

There is no doubt that Luo Quan's long standing in the applause became a famous scene at the speed of a rocket taking off. As soon as the poss was finished, relevant news appeared on the hot search.

Of course, she can't see these yet.

"I thought you were going to keep filming for five minutes. I also thought that if you kept filming, wouldn't everyone lose money on the tickets they bought tonight?"

After Luo Quan put down his hand, he joked with the audience.

It was obviously the anniversary of the League of Legends, but she acted as if she were at home.

Facts have proved that people who are popular can really do whatever they want, and they can always take other people's stage as their own after appearing.

Luo Quan's joke caused laughter, and she continued: "The way I look today, players who don't know the truth may think I'm poisoned. In fact, I cosplayed a League of Legends hero, and some players can guess it. ?"

The name of the void burrowing beast Rek'Sai soon rang out, and more and more people started shouting it too, until Luo Quan also heard it.

"Rexai? Isn't this nonsense? The one I cosplay is a girly version of Dr. Mundo. Haven't you seen my props?"

Luo Quan said, taking out the virus butcher knife he had prepared from under the piano.

A large knife that was not much shorter than her was held on her shoulder, which immediately caused the audience to burst into laughter.

The two hosts immediately came on stage and began to interact with Luo Quan.

The content of the chat was basically related to League of Legends.

For example, when did she join the league, which position she likes to play the most, and which hero she likes to play.

However, compared to the sterile interaction between the three, the audience obviously wanted to see Luo Quan's one-man show.

So the barrage was full of people scolding the host, despising these two guys who were causing trouble, and they just wanted to watch Luo Quan.

Of course, this kind of irritable behavior is also the normal behavior of most alliance players. Compared with greeting other people's families when they disagree with each other in the game, they are now very qualified.

After talking nonsense for a while, the main show tonight finally started, the 5v5 entertainment mode.

But every year we say it’s entertainment, but every year we say it, it becomes very serious.

Besides, this year they are all very capable players, so the battle is expected to be even more intense.

Tonight's competition format is best-of-five games. There is no BP stage. Players can choose heroes to fight at will.

Luo Quan was assigned to the blue team's top lane position, and he was about to face off against S8's mid-season champion top laner - Rang Di, who claims that all beings are equal, which means he can force a [-]-[-] split with any opponent.

Of course, it must be pulled now. Let alone a [-]-[-] split, if the coating can be preserved, it is considered a success.

Of course, this is when the opponent is a professional player, so there is no problem in dealing with those king anchors.

Perhaps out of concern for the female guest Luo Quan, Rang Di took out his favorite hero Ornn, a tank hero who is weak in the lane but strong in teamwork, and is also his signature.

The "sheep coming to open the gate of heaven" back then also left immortal memories for countless alliance players.

Because the laning is slightly weaker, Luo Quan will not be killed online. At the same time, it is also useful for team fights in the later stage, and the team effect is considered to be full.

If nothing else happens, the entire bo5 will follow this model.

Luo Quan said not to be merciful and to fight like a competition.

But if he really beats someone to tears, Luo Quan's fans won't be outraged, so Rang Di chose a high EQ style of play.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, chose the Sword Demon with great confidence.

As soon as this hero was selected, the entire audience suddenly burst into exclamations, and the barrage went crazy:

"Damn, are you so confident?"

"Are you trying to recreate a provocative person who was born in the world?"

"Okay, Luo Bao, can you play Sword Demon?"

"Okay, Luo Bao Sword Demon only needs two words in the battle, killing indiscriminately!"

"You can even brag about it in a big fight. Don't let the emperor kill you later so you can burn the incense."

"Impossible, unless Emperor Rang doesn't want the genealogy anymore."

"Hahaha, that's true."


The audience was still discussing, and Luo Quan had already entered the game.

Because it is a self-selected hero and it is in the entertainment industry, everyone can basically play whatever they want.

Luo Quan's lineup consists of top laner Sword Demon, jungler Juggernaut, mid laner Zed, and bottom lane Yasuo and Stoneman. The main focus is to rush forward like a mad dog. Whoever rushes slower will be in the back row.

On the opposite side, there is also Ornn in the top lane, jungle poodle, Victor in the mid lane, and Lucian and Nami in the bottom lane.

Except for the jungle, which is a bit rare, they are all heroes that often appear in competitions. Their main focus is on being able to fight in the early, middle and late stages.

"Damn it, Emperor Rang has never won before. Why is it so official to choose 9?"

"It's a bit shameless, so I am."

"It's okay, at least Lucian on the other side won't be able to survive in a group fight."

"I have a feeling that Luo Bao's game experience will be very bad this time. I picked out the poodle on the opposite side and probably rushed to catch him crying."

"Let's see how Luo Bao plays. Sword Demon has the ability to kill two or two."

"I feel like Luo Bao is going to suffer a lot this time."


Fans were worried that Luo Quan would not hear. Luo Quan just told Printing Spicy Hotpot (hereinafter referred to as Xiangguo): "You brush from bottom to top. I will press the line with this one, and the poodle on the other side will definitely target it."

"OK!" Xiangguo responded excitedly.

After entering the game interface, when the camera focused on the sword demon controlled by Luo Quan, the audience immediately couldn't hold back:

"Haha, Luo Bao's nickname in the game is actually Director of the Headwind Bureau. This is too ridiculous."

"He is indeed a core player. Everyone knows this joke. It happened several years ago."

"Luo Bao has something to say, go to the river to guard the buff at level one, and play like a game."

"Look at the opponent's hand-to-hand fight. Logically speaking, Sword Demon should be pretty easy to beat against Ornn."

"Sword Demon is easy to beat any tank, but if it's Ornn, you have to look at some techniques in the early stage. If your techniques are not good, it will be easy to reverse."

"Here we go, let's see how Luo Bao is dealt with at level one."


After waiting for a minute and a half, no first-level team battle broke out in the early stage. In order to avoid being cheated, Luo Quan followed the troops to the line.

At this time, Aoun emerged from the grass on the top road again and crossed the line directly to exchange blood with Luo Quan.

If you are a player in the silver tier and encounter this situation, you will definitely not care whether his hero is strong or not. He will play a set first and be confident that he can get first blood through operation.

However, when Luo Quan saw Aoun coming so menacingly, he turned around and left.

"Damn, there's something!" Rang Di was stunned, realizing that his opponent this time was a little different from the female anchors he met in Huya.

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