Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1260 Luo Quan, I am your fan

Chapter 1260 Luo Quan, I am your fan ([-])
The ecological environment of the top laner in League of Legends is very similar to the food chain. It has an absolute restraint relationship. As long as the rank gap is not extremely huge, otherwise it is impossible to win the lane.

Against most of the tank top laners in the league, Sword Demon is basically in a position where it is almost impossible to lose.

However, the specific situation requires detailed analysis. If it is Thain, it cannot be as mindless as fighting other tanks.

Although Thain is not that strong in the lane, after six, he is one of the tanks with the highest damage burst and has a very strong killing ability.

The Sword Demon is actually relatively weak before the third level. When encountering Ornn with a Q point at level one, he will definitely not be Ornn's opponent if he fights to the death.

So when he saw Rang Dixiang relying on his first-level strength to cross the military line to kill someone, Luo Quan directly controlled the sword demon to turn around.

This signal basically directly avoided the design of Rang Di level one.

When Luo Quan came to a position where he could advance, attack, retreat and defend, he turned around and saw a dark descendant blade.

This is the Q skill of Sword Demon. It is expressed by raising the weapon and slamming it forward. There are three stages in total, each stage has a different form. If the enemy is hit by the end of the weapon, he will receive additional damage and hits. fly.

Whether a Sword Demon plays well or not depends on whether the controller can hit the enemy with the end of the Q skill.

When Emperor Rang saw Luo Quan wanting to consume, he consciously tried to move to avoid it, but Luo Quan predicted his prediction and Q's position was slightly lower.

Successful hit!

Ornn's health dropped by one level and he was knocked away by the sword at the same time.

Seeing this, Luo Quan pressed forward without hesitation, pretending to pursue the victory, and then his body suddenly turned down.

At this time, Aoun's Q skill had just been released, and a pillar of magma spread like a snake broke out from Luo Quan's side.

"Damn, I can hide here!"

"Is this a script?"

"It's just a cheat when you play well?"

"Every thought of Emperor Rang was pinched, and now the most likely opportunity to gain an advantage is gone.
. "

"It becomes difficult to fight the Sword Demon once it reaches a higher level."


With his skills empty, he still crossed the line of soldiers. If the emperor dared to fight back, he would be attacked by the minions. There was no chance of winning, so he turned around and left.

However, because he had released the skill before, he was delayed a little in retreating, and Luo Quan, who came over, hit him again with his second stage Q.

The first-level processing has reached this point, and Rang Di has lost all his pants. One word to describe it is "Send!".

If the tank at level [-] cannot gain enough advantage during the period when the Sword Demon is at its weakest, then from level [-] onwards it will basically be suppressed all the time, and if you are not careful in your positioning, you may be single-killed.

But after all, he is also a veteran champion top laner. Although this championship is not the S championship, it is definitely the best honor among domestic top laners.

After knowing his disadvantages, Rangdi started the equality mode of all beings. He did not forcefully repair the swords that could not be repaired. He used the W skill with a relatively long range to attack important sports cars. The main thing was to not make mistakes and not get ahead.

Faced with this turtle style of play, Luo Quan really didn't have any good ideas.

As long as Ornn is not suppressed too much, he will definitely be useful in the mid-to-late game.

But if Sword Demon can't get the advantage, how can he take over the team in the mid-term?

Therefore, this situation is definitely unacceptable to Luo Quan.

The good news is, there's someone on the other side who can help.

Just as she had predicted from the beginning, Emperor's teammates knew that Ornn was not easy to fight against the Sword Demon, and the Sword Demon was more controlled by Luo Quan, so they would definitely take more care of him.

In 4 minutes, any jungle hero has basically cleared the jungle area by this time.

The Lord of Shadow Stream on our side was pinned under the tower by Victor, and Yasuoga Stoneman on the bottom lane was even more pushed out of the lane.

Both lanes are pressing the line, so besides invading the wild area, where else can the poodle come from?

Of course it was Luo Quan who was crazily suppressing Ornn in front of the tower.

And in order to attract Gank, she didn't even put eyes in the grass, looking like she was still young and not afraid of you catching her.

This information can be known by looking at her jewelry status bar.

So after the poodle finished swiping the stone man, he walked directly towards Luo Quan.

This behavior immediately aroused ridicule from the audience:
"Come on, come on, call me daddy!"

"I admit that your Luo Quan Sword Demon does have something, but if I sacrifice Father and Son, how will you respond?"

"If the top laner is defeated, then it must be a problem with the jungler. You are so pressed and you still don't come to catch him. Isn't there something wrong with your head?"

"For men at this age, career and love can come later, but playing in the field cannot."

"It's over, Luo Bao still doesn't know, I'm afraid this first blood will be taken from behind."

"Haha, tell me more about the first blood."

"Driving, right?"


In order to remind Luo Quan, the audience at the scene shouted loudly and started reporting the points without any competitive spirit.

But because the fight was in a soundproof room, Luo Quan didn't notice anything.

In fact, there was no need to report the crime, because she had already guessed that she would be arrested.

After seeing Ornn start to move boldly, Luo Quan immediately realized that someone was coming.

Orn Tower didn't even send troops to replace them but kept pressing forward. What if this wasn't someone coming?
So Luo Quan immediately pulled back. At the same time, the sword master had already communicated with him and had arrived at his tower.

"If the lion dog comes out, focus on him first." Luo Quan said to Xiang Guo, who controlled the sword master, unusually calmly.

Although the poodle's W skill can restore a large amount of blood, it must be an enhanced version with 5 points of brutality.

When the poodle comes over after beating the stone man, it will have no brutality points. After beating a set of skills, it can only save four points at most. As long as it focuses the fire at the first time, it will definitely be better than a tank like Ornn, which is fleshy and has its own displacement. kill.

As soon as she finished speaking, the poodle with the red buff came out of the river.

In order to keep Luo Quan, Aoun flashed a Q skill called Volcanic Chasm, slowed down and created terrain, and then timed a blazing charge with an E skill, hoping to use the terrain created by the Q skill to push Luo Quan up.

As a result, Luo Quan once again showed off her script-level positioning. One second before Ornn pushed forward, he retreated in the opposite direction. He only took damage, but was not knocked away. He missed at least two points. Normal Attack!
Then she completely ignored Ornn, turned her head and tied up Ornn with a W Evil Fire Chain, and then followed up with a textbook three-stage Q. Each time, she hit the poodle with the end of the skill, and in one set, she directly beat it to a residual health. .

At this time, the Sword Master also rushed over. While Alpha attacked, he activated Wuji Kendo to increase damage. After landing, AWA performed a set of small combos smoothly, and the poodle's health instantly bottomed out.

The frightened poodle quickly released the ordinary W skill to restore a little blood, and then hurriedly flashed to escape under the tower.

However, Luo Quan caught up with Flash in time and was killed by A all the way.After Ornn released a set of skills, he was no different from a super soldier. After being chased all the way by the Juggernaut, he flashed back under the tower.

As a result, Luo Quan was already pushing the lane, and with the help of the lane, she and the Sword Demon overran Ornn.

"Holy shit, Luo Bao's operation is so awesome, it's perfect!"

"There was an explosion on the road. It gave the Sword Demon two heads, and he couldn't even stay under the Orn Tower."

"It's better to be reasonable to the sword master. This dog hero is really unstoppable when he gets up."

"Luo Bao is quite good. I used to think that being the king in solo queue was bragging, but now it seems that he is several levels better than the average king."

"Calm, quick to respond, decisive and fierce, why don't you go into a career if you are so good, and just stay at home and become a small anchor?"

"The Sword Demon is having a good time. Let's get ready to watch the gods descend to earth later."


In a high-end game like this, if the opponent's top laner gets two kills and double buffs, all fools know the consequences.

Luo Quan had the financial resources of two heads, so he went home and took out a jagged dagger and shoes, intending to carry out the suppression to the end.

The Sword Master, who gained the advantage, also began to frequently take care of the top lane. If he had the chance, he would cross the tower. If he didn't have the chance, he would invade the opposite poodle wild area with the Sword Demon.

Because Luo Quan's advantage was too great, the opposing vanguard group didn't dare to come to pick him up. Then Luo Quan took the vanguard himself, eating all the wild monsters, tower skins, and heads, and knocked down the top tower in less than twelve minutes.

After making his first mythical costume, Star Eclipse, Luo Quan bought another red crystal to support his body, and then went directly to the bottom lane to feed his teammates.

Originally, the stone man Yasuoga was severely suppressed by the opponent, but the sword demon immediately reversed the situation.

With the extended control of the stone man's unbreakable striker Gaiasuo, Luo Quan could easily take the head of the opponent's shooter even with one hand.

When the Sword Demon's equipment is in the lead, he can't kill him even if he highlights a weapon that does exaggerated damage.

In the 10-minute Xiaolong Group, Luo Quan faced five enemies. With the huge advantage of his three-piece suit, he directly started the group alone, killing seven in and seven out of the crowd, replicating the provoking Sword Demon's Avatar.

Although she only got one triple kill in the end and not five kills, the visual shock she created was enough to keep her boasting for several years.

You must know that the players in the game are basically retired professional players. Several of them have won LPL championships and even MSI championships. Even if their strength has declined now, they are not something that anchors can touch.

As a result, Luo Quan led his teammates to beat him up, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"I think Luo Bao really has the strength of a professional player and can definitely play LPL."

"It's quite interesting. If she plays, she will become the first female player in the history of LPL."

"Awesome Luo Quan, I never knew she was so strong before."

"I only remember that she was killed more than twenty times by a poodle once. Every time she was killed, the opponent would say "Luo Quan, I am your fan."

"Haha, I also remember that game was so hilarious that Luo Bao was so angry that he almost broke his defense."

"This time the poodle wanted to recreate the famous scene, but Luo Quan beat him to the punch."

"If you steal the chicken but lose the rice, it's a yes. If you can't beat the girls in the lane, you will be nagged for the rest of your life."

"Are all living beings equal? ​​To put it nicely, it's called [-]-[-], but to put it worse, it's to beat the mixed teammate C. This trick won't work if you encounter a strong opponent."


Before the first blow was finished, the audience had already begun to torture Emperor Rang.

If it were against other champions or retired players, it wouldn't be like this. The key point is to let a girl fight like this. It is really ridiculous.

As we all know, girls are synonymous with noobs in League of Legends. Even if they are at a higher level, they will be considered as hired power coaches.

If you are beaten like this by a girl, you will be laughed at for the rest of your life.

However, Luo Quan can be regarded as a well-known anchor, so Rang Di did not really get scolded to death. The audience mainly made fun of him.

Soon, the blue side where Luo Quan was located took down the big dragon under her leadership, and then bulldozed the base in one wave.

With a pseudo-super-god record of 8-2, she undisputedly won the MVP of this game.

The previous hot search on Weibo has not yet come down, but now new hot search materials have appeared again.

As far as the country is concerned, the popularity of League of Legends is really high.

Regardless of the LPL playoffs or the regular season, it will be on the hot searches steadily after the game. If there is any exciting game or focus game, it will not be difficult to get into the top five of the hot searches.

As for winning the championship, it was a definite "explosion".

It is precisely because the popularity is so high that many celebrities in the entertainment industry like to ride on the popularity of League of Legends.

Of course, there are also many who want to play Honor of Kings. Since they are all Tencent games anyway, there is no shortage of traffic at all.

However, although there are many people who like the League of Legends, there are very few people like Luo Quan who want the League of Legends to come over.

Generally speaking, after the first round of the game, you need to pause for a while to adjust your tactics.

But since it is an exhibition match, there is no need for this.

After changing the red and blue venues, the game continued.

This time Luo Quan was targeted in terms of BP. The opponent directly banned Sword Demon and Sword Queen, and directly took down these two top laners who were difficult to deal with when they developed.

It's a pity that Luoquan's hero pool is unfathomable. Even if he encounters such a target, and he is still the fifth player, he still takes out a weapon master to fight against Rang Di's promise.

This player was chosen just to gain an online advantage and to fight his way through the level with the help of his hero's stats.

And Luo Quan's choice was not afraid at all, using the weapons master to go head-to-head with Noxus.

These two heroes generally have a slight advantage in weapons, but their error tolerance is low and they must not make mistakes.

Once a mistake is made, it is easy for Noshou to seize the opportunity and kill him.

And if the weapon is used for a single kill, it will basically be difficult to play online.

Especially when he entered the game, Rang Di had a murderous look on his face, obviously trying to get back all the face he had lost due to being beaten up just now.

This scene made Dou Weiluoquan, a fan watching the game, break into a cold sweat.

However, it turns out that there is not much relationship between a person's strength and whether his expression is fierce.

After entering the game, Luo Quan used his magical operations to once again prove that his laning strength was far superior to Rang Di.

In less than 4 minutes, there was news of a solo kill on the top lane. Luo Quan's weapon master killed Rang Di's Nuoshou with his remaining health, and she even flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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