Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1264 Tragedy is always more unforgettable

You have to eat food one bite at a time and do things one by one. Things at Station B cannot be rushed. Holding a large gathering is not something that can be done on the fly.

Stage construction, security, reporting, purchasing of various peripherals, and publicity all require careful arrangements.

If something goes wrong, I don't know how long I will be laughed at.

Therefore, Luo Quan, who always likes to cut through the mess quickly, chose to work slowly and carefully this time.

Of course, on the other hand, it’s because I promised fans a lot of things.

It can be regarded as feedback. After all, everyone has contributed a lot to help "Prehistoric" break the record this time. That's why Luo Quan said during the live broadcast that he would make a new movie and release a new album.

Now that there is only the last quarter of this year left, Luo Quan plans to pay off all the debts he owed at the beginning of the year, and then continue to draw the pie and start reincarnation at the beginning of next year.

Regarding the new album, you can take your time, there is no need to rush.

The new movie, the second part of "Fengshen" has been completed in Luoquan. Taking advantage of the great success of the first step, we can directly recruit actors online. I believe that the people who self-recommend this time will be more enthusiastic than before.

Why so enthusiastic?Because the first film of Fengshen became famous this time, several [-]th-tier actors and actresses became famous.

A movie, except for a few special ones that can assemble a full star cast, most of them are a few veteran actors paired with big names and some senior green leaves.

And because Luo Quan has a lot of money this time, he invited a lot of first- and second-tier stars, which attracted a lot of attention even before it was released.

In addition, she also boldly adopted quite a few newcomers.

Of course, these newcomers don't have many scenes, but under her guidance, the audience can always see some of their shining points.

In addition, "Feng Shen" is so popular. It has become popular at home and abroad, and then back home. Countless media are rushing to report on it. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching this myth that has conquered audiences in the East and the West. .

Therefore, even if it is just a small supporting role with little role, it still gets huge popularity.

As long as his image and temperament are outstanding, he has already gained hundreds of thousands of fans.

If you can sign with a good company and follow up with a few high-quality dramas that are more topical, it will not be difficult to become a second- or third-tier star.

In the entertainment industry, small success depends on support, and big success depends on life.

There was nothing Luo Quan could do to make the person designated by Mei Niang popular, but if he wanted to make someone less popular, it could be said to be easy.

A movie, a song, or even just a live broadcast can achieve this effect.

This is the advantage of China's No. [-] traffic. As long as a little light shines from the body, the people around him can be illuminated extremely brightly.

Unfortunately, Luo Quan's light seems to only take special care of people in her company, and occasionally shines through to some people she likes. Other than that, basically no one can get any benefits from her.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the idea that the wealth should not flow to outsiders. This is what everyone does.

However, her behavior of only accepting female artists, and her own words that she would not consider dating in recent years, actually caused a lot of criticism.

In the entertainment industry, Luo Quan is not the only one who behaves like this. There are many celebrities who are single all year round and have no scandals.

And the public's reasons for their behavior are also very consistent, that is, Tong.

To be honest, there are actually quite a lot of people with this orientation in the domestic and foreign entertainment circles.

However, once it is exposed, it will usually cause varying degrees of impact on the career, so there are actually relatively few celebrities who dare to admit that they have come out.

It is precisely because most people choose to conceal it that netizens will make wild speculations about those celebrities who seem suspicious, thinking that these celebrities have this orientation, but they just dare not say it.

There have been many rumors about this in Luo Quan's past, and there were even clear-cut rumors at one time.

There is no way, after all, her behavior is indeed quite suspicious.

Fortunately, the male artist whom she had previously invited to sign a contract came forward in time and defended her, so the rumors did not continue to spread.

But the hole has been opened. In the future, if there is any unfounded incident, it will be extended to Luo Quan.

Just like the recent Johnny & Associates incident.

This is a Japanese firm, that is, a brokerage company.

He is not well-known in China, but in Japan he is almost the leader in the industry.

More than [-]% of Japan's male idols are basically from Johnny's Agency.

Their boss, Jenny Kitagawa, started cultivating male idols as early as the 60s. He can be called the originator of the Asian idol idol industry. He has collaborated with countless programs and crews. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is half the emperor of the Japanese entertainment industry. .

Over the past few decades, he has helped thousands of male idols debut.

When he passed away, countless male artists in Japan came to the mourning hall to express condolences and shed tears for him.

Facing the reporters' cameras, the male artists called Jenny Kitagawa their father, believing that without him they would not be where they are now.

When he first passed away, the media called him the godfather of Japanese entertainment.

But who would have thought that with the continuous reports by the British BBC and Weekly Wenchun, the true face of this entertainment godfather would be exposed.

It turns out that Kitagawa is the ultimate pervert who loves little boys.

Since the establishment of Johnny & Associates, trainees who are about to debut have been sent to spend the night at their own homes on the pretext of mentoring work.

If they don't agree, these boys will not get the chance to debut.

At present, the number of victim artists who have spoken out in the media has reached more than 400.

This is just someone who has the courage to speak out. I believe that those victims who are too ashamed to confess should have a page more.

According to the current situation analysis, almost all artists who debuted in Johnny & Associates have suffered from Kitagawa's murderous hands.

Nearly 1000 people, what an appalling number.

Moreover, these victims are all glamorous idols in the eyes of fans.

They all look so handsome and cheerful, but who knew they had such a sad past behind them.

What is even more infuriating is that the behavior of Kitagawa WW’s artists has been exposed as early as the last century.

Shukan Bunshun immediately reported it, but apart from it, the rest of the Japanese media chose to remain silent. At the same time, Johnny & Associates also sued Shukan Bunshun in court.

Even though Weekly Wenchun won the lawsuit in the end, there was still no media coverage, so the incident was quickly forgotten.

If the BBC hadn't accidentally obtained this shocking information, I'm afraid Kitagawa would still be the adoptive father who is revered and thanked by all male idols until now.

No one knows how much energy Kitagawa possesses, but it is certainly not something he, the boss of an entertainment industry agency, can do to silence so many media outlets.

So who can do such a thing? There are only three parties in Japan.Big money, officials, nobles.

Or maybe all three parties were involved.

He must have enough value to allow the people above to exert so much energy to cover the media's mouth.

As for what benefits were delivered to obtain such value, that is very fascinating.

Thousands of idols were brutally murdered by one person, which sounds a bit unreliable. Kitagawa was almost 90 years old when he died. Going forward 20 years, he was still nearly [-] years old. How could he be in such good health?
So everyone can see the trick here, but the implications are too great, so no one dares to point it out.

Fortunately, the BBC is a British media, and Japan will definitely not be able to cover its mouth.

So this matter was exposed, and it immediately caused an uproar in Japan and the Internet.

No Johnny & Associates fan could have guessed that the boss of their favorite idol would do such a thing.

It felt like the world was shaking and falling apart.

Thousands of fans are currently in an uproar, scolding Johnny and demanding an explanation from the company.

The current intention of Johnny & Associates is to allow all artists to choose whether to stay or terminate their contracts. Then the company will be canceled and fans will choose a new name for reconstruction.

It means that we have completely abandoned the bad guy name Kitagawa. Next is the company in the new area. Everything has turned over and we have to start over.

Fans certainly don't approve of this kind of behavior of changing the soup without changing the medicine. Now they are pointing at the company's senior management and insulting them on the official website every day.

That is to say, Jenny Kitagawa is dead now, otherwise the fanatical fans would go to his house with kitchen knives to fight.

Because the matter was so over-the-top, it also caused some discussion in China, but it was not very intense.

In comparison, Korean idols are more popular than Japanese idols. They don’t have many fans, so naturally they don’t have much popularity.

However, because of Kitagawa, many people also included Luo Quan, saying that she looked suspicious, and asked Wen Xia and the others to be more careful and not to be taken advantage of by her.

I don't know if this kind of comment is just a joke, or if it's really to blackmail her.

With her looks, does she need to unspoken rules for others?
It should be her who is trying every possible means to unspoken rules, and she should be the one who needs to protect herself.

If her and Jenny Kitagawa's positions were swapped, this incident probably wouldn't have such a huge negative impact.

It is not even expected that any victim will reveal the truth.

After all, no matter how you look at this matter, Luo Quan seems to be the one who suffers.

Of course, she didn't think this was the right thing to do.

As a person with normal views, she hated Jenny Kitagawa's behavior extremely, and at the same time she felt sympathy and pity for the victims.

As for how to solve this matter later, it is probably necessary to pay compensation, but it is probably impossible to hear an apology. After all, Kitagawa, the bastard, has been dead for some years.

This is probably the thing that makes all righteous netizens feel the most angry and powerless.

Justice finally arrived after decades of delay, but the actual situation was not as beautiful as people imagined.

The murderer showed no remorse and even died amidst praise and reverence. It would be an exaggeration to say that he was extremely sad and honorable.

This is undoubtedly the greatest travesty of justice.

And there is no doubt about one thing, that is, Kitagawa is definitely not the only murderer.

There must be many perpetrators behind him, but no one dares to break the news.

So is late justice and incomplete justice still justice?

It is really a tragedy to be unable to punish any murderer, but to allow those scars that have already scabbed to tear, bleed, and suffer.

But if the news had not been revealed, then Kitagawa, a heinous person, could continue to gain fame and reputation after his death and maintain that great and upright image. This is also a tragedy.

Between the two situations, we can’t say who is better than the other. It’s just that a media that wants to eat traffic has made a choice that is more beneficial to itself.

Of course, if we can force out the remaining murderers in this way, it will definitely be a great achievement.

However, judging from the current media trend, Kitagawa has become the only perpetrator. All the blame has been thrown on him, the dead man, and the potential murderer has been cleared of all ties at once.

Unless something unexpected happens, it is unlikely that this situation will change.

Unless someone can continue to break the news, but in that case, you have to worry about your own personal safety.

It is said that the suicide and suicide rates of Korean artists are very high. They are oppressed by the chaebol and their lives are not as good as animals.

But in fact, Japanese stars are in a similar situation, and may even be worse than Korean stars.

When it comes to the status of artists, Japanese artists are definitely the lowest among the three East Asian countries.

In front of the plutocrats, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are like lambs to be slaughtered.

Therefore, the treatment that Korean artists have received is probably not much different from that of Japanese artists.

It's just that the Japanese side has dealt with it more cleanly from beginning to end. So far, I haven't seen much news, or because of its popularity, it doesn't attract much attention at all.

In short, it is estimated that it will be difficult to fully reveal the truth about Kitagawa.

Have similar incidents occurred in other companies?

The situation of male artists is so bad, what about female artists?
No one knows, not many people are even talking about it.

Not only those with a guilty conscience are afraid, but also the fans below.

They are afraid that one day they will suddenly see their idol in the news, and it will be revealed that they have experienced such a dark experience in the past, which will make people feel sad that their dreams will be shattered in an instant.

The good news is that in this wave of insecurity, Luoquan is probably the only pure land.

After all, she is the boss now, and she doesn't look like she can do these things.

Coupled with her usual positive dialect, her already very good reputation suddenly turned into a saint-like existence.

Many netizens called her Luo San, and even called on her to sign all the male idols, so that she might be able to dominate the Japanese entertainment industry.

It sounds very tempting, but if you think about it carefully, isn't it completely nonsense? She doesn't have as many connections as Kitagawa.

So faced with these whimsical suggestions, Luo Quan chose to ignore them.

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