Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1265 Tragedy is always more unforgettable

Thank you all for your hard work. We hope we can work together again in the future!

After Luo Quan settled the bill for everyone, he sent a text message of thanks to the group, and then received many thanks and blessings for a box office success.

After the film is shot, the next step is to wait for the company to complete the special effects, editing, and dubbing, and then it can be submitted for review.

However, since "Prehistoric 2" is scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival, there are still several months to go, so there is no need to rush.

But as I promised my fans before, I need to pay more attention to the movies I star in.

Although Luo Quan said early on that this would be a somewhat sadistic movie, fans didn't care at all when they heard that Luo Quan was the starring role.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her play a leading role. It would be great if she can be photographed for everyone. Why should I be so picky?

In fact, at the beginning of the year, she filmed a film called Buried Alive. Although it was a little short, she did star in it.

However, in the eyes of most fans, Buried Alive is not very different from the short film. It is good-looking, but not enjoyable enough.

What they want to watch is a good movie that is exciting enough and reflects Luo Quan's acting skills.

Whether or not you can win an award is secondary. It would be great if it was like Alice in Resident Evil. It would be great to see her fighting scenes, high heels, cheongsam, and long legs. It would be really cool.

It is a pity that Resident Evil [-] has been delayed for a long time, and what is being filmed this time is not a masterpiece that will open up a certain movie universe.

But again, considering that Luo Quan has not been in a starring role for a long time, no matter what she shoots, everyone is willing to watch it.

After finishing the filming of "The Wilderness II", Luo Quan didn't stop for a moment and directly posted the actor recruitment on Weibo.

"The next step is to shoot a movie on Hailan Island. The theme is youth, sadness, redemption, and love. If you are interested, you can send the interview video to my email. After passing, there will be further auditions."

If such a recruitment advertisement had been posted at the beginning of the year, I’m afraid not many big names would have responded.

But the situation is different now. In less than a year, "Memories of Murder" has swept domestic and foreign awards, and "Prehistoric" has become the annual box office champion.

Luo Quan achieved a win-win situation when it came to being both popular and popular, that is, winning twice.

If anyone is still indifferent to her recruitment now, they are either too busy to take the job, or they are more self-aware and know that their acting skills cannot meet Luo Quan's requirements.

Anyway, no actor in their right mind would want to miss the opportunity to film her scene, even if they know that the competition is extremely fierce, they still want to give it a try.

The only uncomfortable thing is that the recruitment for this movie did not mention the male and female protagonists. There is a high probability that these two candidates have been assigned by Luo Quan, so only supporting roles and extras are left.

But a supporting role is a supporting role, as long as it shows up, it's better than nothing.

This is a movie starring Luo Quan herself. There is no need to elaborate on the level of the previous movies she starred in, whether it was "Joker" or "Silence of the Lambs".

Being able to appear in a movie of this level, for most actors, adds gold to their resume, and it is impossible to dislike it.

As for the male and female protagonists of the new movie, the female protagonist must be Luo Quan, and the choice of the male protagonist has become a topic of gossip for everyone.

Among the themes of the new movie, there is the label of love.

To be honest, this should be the first time Luo Quan has made a serious movie with love elements since his debut.

Although the first kiss on screen was dedicated to Aragorn, it was a borrowed time and the real person did not actually kiss.

In addition, she didn't have many scenes in Lord of the Rings, so she wasn't taken seriously by fans.

As for other movies, they are basically related to the Ministry of Love.

In fact, fans are also looking forward to what Luo Quan will be like in a romantic movie. At the same time, they are also envious of the male protagonist and envious of this guy for being able to be a couple with Luo Quan, even if it is just in the movie.

Although kissing is not allowed, there will always be hugging, holding hands, and head-to-head contact. These can be considered relatively restrained behaviors between couples.

But fans still felt that it was too much, and they were so jealous that they almost went crazy, so much so that the words "Luo Quan is about to fall in love" were trending searches.

Male fans who didn't know the truth were in mourning. After watching the news, they realized that this was going to be a movie, and it was just a false alarm.

After paying attention to Luo Quan's new breakthroughs in movies, the movie labels of youth and love also make fans very concerned.

In their perception, these words are synonymous with bad movies in a sense.

What xxx lost youth, my youth xxx, those years xxx, gives people a very bloody sense of deja vu.

Because this kind of literature about youth pain is either about boys and girls who don’t study well and then they have sex with each other, or it’s about high school students falling in love early.

Of course, this does not mean that falling in love early is necessarily bad, but in today’s open environment, everyone knows what falling in love early means.

After all, not every couple knows when to indulge and when to restrain.

Once the hormones caused by love start to take effect, there may not be much reason left in the person's mind.

Therefore, there is a certain reason why my hometown is so resistant to puppy love.

But these youth movies seem to like to shoot this, as if it would be wrong not to have some vigorous love between male and female classmates.

But where can there be so much vigorous love in the world, and how many lovers in their student days make it to the end. In the final analysis, it is just the result of the energy that has nowhere to release and the depression caused by study.

There are already too many movies like this. At the beginning, everyone still missed them after watching them. They missed the campus, the playground, the classroom, and you at the same table.

But if you watch too many movies like this, it won’t be interesting, especially since such movies often end in tragedy, which makes people feel even more uncomfortable.

In this world, after all, more people prefer happy endings. Although tragedies can be more unforgettable, they can also be more fearful.

After all, we cannot choose tragedies in life, but we can still choose to watch or not watch tragic movies.

So since the youth pain movies of the past few years were criticized badly by netizens and not many people watched them, few investors are willing to invest in this type of movie.

Now Luo Quan suddenly wants to shoot such an unpopular subject, and he doesn't know whether to call her bold or confident.

According to netizens, this is definitely not the best choice.It would be great to make crime movies like "Silence of the Lambs" and "Memories of Murder", which not only have the tension of solving crimes and pursuing the truth, but also reflect social reality and have depth.

This is what Luo Quan is best at, and what the audience loves to watch most.

Of course, her current choice can also be seen as stepping out of her comfort zone to pursue breakthroughs.

If it is too static, netizens will feel bored.

Therefore, we still have to see how Luo Quan's movie will look like this time, and only after watching it can we evaluate whether her choice is good or bad.

"So, you plan to let me play the male lead?" Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan with a slightly surprised expression: "But how can I, a girl, play the male lead, and I have never acted like this before, and I have no experience at all."

In order to perfect the script of "Into the Dust" that Luo Quan gave her, Wen Xia read countless books and videos, and even went to work in the fields. She even dreamed that she had become a farmer, because she wanted to play this role. Well done,
As a result, she is now told that she no longer needs to play the role of a farmer, but will play the male lead in a youth romance film. Is this nonsense?

Although the fact that the heroine is Luo Quan is quite interesting to her, can a love story between two women really pass censorship and be released?
Even in Farewell My Concubine, the emotions between the two male protagonists are very restrained and subtle. If Luo Quan does it again, will he dare to blatantly do it?

Or should it be handled like Farewell My Concubine?

"Do you understand cross-dressing? Cross-dressing." Seeing that Wen Xia seemed a little hesitant, Luo Quan explained directly: "Such a role is not uncommon, it's just a woman disguised as a man, like Xu Xian in The Legend of White Snake, Jia Jia in Dream of Red Mansions Aren’t Baoyu always cheating?
And the recent protagonist played by Lin Mo is also a villain. Have you forgotten all this? "

"I haven't forgotten, but can it really be done?" Wen Xia lowered her head and looked at her breasts, "After all, she is still a girl, will there be any drama?"

"With your scale, you don't need to worry about this matter at all." Luo Quan leaned his head on the sofa and said with a smile.

Since Wen Xia hasn't been given Huanyu's potion yet, her figure can only be pretty good, while Luo Quan'ai must be several levels behind.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Quan asked her to play the male lead and he played the female lead.

When Wen Xia heard this, although she knew that Luo Quanshun was reasonable, she still felt very angry.

"What an amazing figure?" Wen Xia glared at her friend, stretched out her hand and said angrily: "Take out the script and let me see what the story is."

"Oh my god, I seem to hear that someone is going to make a new movie!" Suddenly, Leon walked in from the yard and said excitedly: "What kind of movie is it? Do I have a chance to act in it?

Sister, do you know how long it has been since I played a serious role? If you don’t give me a chance, I will almost forget how to act! "

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "It seems that the remaining roles in my play are not suitable for you."

"How is it possible!" Leon said with a smile: "I am the actor, what kind of role can't I portray?"

"Wen Xia's script is for the male lead. I'm the female lead. I'm going to fall in love. Are you going to play the role?" After Luo Quan finished speaking, he took a sip of boiled water leisurely.

Leon and Wen Xia looked at each other, and their expressions became complicated.

He imagined the possible consequences of playing this role, one in a German orthopedics department and the other in a British court.

It doesn't sound like a very good ending.

"It seems that I really can't play this male lead. Are there any other roles?" Leon refused to give up and continued to ask.

Luo Quan replied: "There is also a QJ criminal role, but you are not suitable for it either."

"Why?!" Leon was puzzled, but he soon thought of something, "You're not going to tell me that the victim is you, are you?"

"What else?" Luo Quan spread his hands with a helpless expression.

"That's really troublesome." Leon scratched his head, thinking that this matter was probably out of reach.

"Luo Bao, what kind of plot are you talking about? Why does it sound so cruel?" Wen Xia said, turning over the script, "I remember you hate tragedies, don't you? Why are your words and deeds inconsistent?"

"Because tragedies tend to be more unforgettable." Luo Quan replied, "The more unforgettable something is, the easier it is to become a classic. Many comedies will be forgotten after everyone laughs, but if it is a tragedy, then maybe it has passed. It can make people feel unhappy for a long time and become the source of grief for countless people."

"You do have some ideas." Wen Xia chuckled and began to read the background of the movie script.

"The story takes place in a seaside town. The protagonist is Xia Qing. He is a good student with excellent academic performance, but he has a tragic fate..."

Wen Xia was entranced as she watched it, and soon her eyes even turned red. She was obviously hurt by this heart-wrenching story, and she began to cry uncontrollably.

"Is it so cruel?" Leon asked curiously, then turned to look at Luo Quan: "Sister, give me a copy of the script."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Xia handed the script to Leon.

She wiped her tears and said, "No, this script is too miserable. I couldn't stand it until I read half of it. Let me adjust my mood before talking."

Leon blinked and his expression became cautious. Before opening the script, he specially pulled out two pieces of paper just in case.

However, less than 10 minutes had passed, and tears had already begun to gather in Leon's eyes.

As the embodiment of the American dream and the tough guy in the eyes of thousands of girls, Leon Albert actually cried.

Probably to maintain his dignity as a man, he resisted wiping away his tears.

"Okay, you can cry if you want. What should you pretend to be in front of your sister?" Luo Quan handed the tissue to Leon.

"I am a 20-year-old man, and this is the first time I cried like this." Leon took a tissue, quickly wiped away his tears, and then continued to read the script.

After reading the second half, he couldn't stand it anymore. He put down the script and took a deep breath: "Let's go here first, let me slow down."

"Why don't you read it all in one sitting?" Luo Quan laughed.

"You can still laugh after writing such a script?" Leon was surprised. "Sister, you are so hard-hearted. No wonder you can write such a cruel story."

Wen Xiachong, who had already recovered, asked his friend: "Luo Bao, I remember you said that this story would have a happy ending, but why can't I see such a sign at all?"

"There is a happy ending in the end. You haven't seen it yet." Luo Quan said, taking out another script from his backpack: "Each of you has a copy. Take it back and read it slowly. Friendly reminder, be prepared. Tissues."

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