Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1266 Another chapter on Hailan Island

No one knew how the two of them ended up spending the night together. The next morning, Luo Quan only saw Wen Xia's red eyes and looking at her complaining from time to time. It seemed that she had cried a lot last night.

Leon didn't seem to be in any mood, sitting there eating breakfast as if nothing had happened.

Boys are actually like this. They may feel sad and cry when they see touching stories, but they will get better after a while.

Unlike girls, the stamina will be so great.

"How about it? Let me just say it's a happy ending in the end, right?" Luo Quan approached Wen Xia and asked with a smile.

"There's no happy ending, it's just that the male and female protagonists are getting along, and the plot in the middle is too sad." Wen Xia mentioned this and started to sniff again.

Luo Quan curled his lips and said, "That's right. How about the whole family being destroyed like Farewell My Concubine?"

"Then you are so disrespectful." Wen Xia wiped his nose with paper: "By the way, when will this movie be shot?"

"In the past few days, I am going to take everyone to Hailan Island for vacation and shoot a movie there." Luo Quan said and sent a message to "Love each other as a family" to tell him the next plan.

This chat group is built for the girls who live in the house, so that she can directly call out if she has anything to do.

Just like the vacation at the beginning of the year, the team building location Luo Quan prepared for the sisters this time was still at the beach.

But last time it was in Hawaii, this time it was on Hailan Island.

Mainly because I have to film a movie and it's not easy to go abroad with all my troops.

The girls in the group were so happy when they heard that they were going to the beach for vacation again.

Li Xiaomiao and Fang Mo, who only joined the company in the summer, are also looking forward to the beach vacation. In other words, they are very interested in such gatherings where everyone can participate together.

Not to mention being at the beach, having a pool party is just as fun.

After Luo Quan confirmed the casting for the new movie, he also announced the matter on Weibo:

"The actors for the movie "Sea" have basically been found. Next, I will take everyone to Hailan Island to start shooting. There are no special effects and no big scenes. It will be done in about 20 days. I will follow up with you after the movie is finished. Break the news in depth.”

This is not a discussion, but a notification to fans.

In the past, after filming a movie, Luo Quan would give himself some time off and then start a live broadcast to interact with fans.

This time she is obviously more diligent, but there are more fans complaining in the comment area than before:
"If I had known you were so diligent, I wouldn't have urged you to continue making movies. Now you won't even be able to do live broadcasts."

"How can I survive the days when I can't see Luo Bao? Seeing that this year is almost over, should I spend the remaining days alone?"

"Originally, after the National Day holiday, there will be no traditional holidays this year. Now there is not even Luobao's live broadcast. What's the point of being in this class?"

"Indeed, I couldn't hear Luo Quan's voice at noon, and my meal no longer tasted good."

"Fortunately, it's only 20 days, and I should be able to see Luo Bao's swimsuit again when I go to the beach this time."

"This time I suggest some seaside-style cosplay. Every time it's a bikini. To be honest, no matter how beautiful it is, I'm a little tired of it."

"Hey, you still picked it up, be careful next time Luo Bao goes skiing in the north, he won't even show you his face."

"Haha, it would actually be fun to see Luo Bao skiing, but I prefer her wearing a swimsuit. I will never get tired of it."


As long as a person disappears for a long enough time, fans will miss him more intensely. Just like now, half of the comments section are shouting, Luobao, come back soon. Even experienced drivers who drive have become very rare.

In addition, fans are not as looking forward to Luo Quan's trip to the sea this time as they were before.

After all, she had already been there once at the beginning of the year. She took hundreds of photos and dozens of videos. Many people estimate that they have not seen even a tenth of it.

Some people probably watch the video by scrolling quickly on the fast-forward bar, watching it for a while and then turning off the video, but not many of them watch it carefully.

So I haven’t finished watching the inventory at the beginning of the year. Is it necessary to look forward to the new videos at the end of the year?

They're all swimsuits anyway, so what's the difference?
What's more, Luo Quan had serious business going to the beach this time. He had to shoot a movie, so he didn't have much time to begin with, and he probably had even less time to shoot a swimsuit video.

So Luo Quan's trip to Hailan Island this time was probably just a formality, and he wouldn't have to deal with as much material as he did at the beginning of the year.

As for this movie, quite a lot of people are looking forward to it.

Because of the foundation of the previous works, everyone really hopes that Luo Quan can make another classic work such as "Silence of the Lambs" and "Joker".

Of course, since the subject is love, it is more appropriate to use "Farewell My Concubine" as an analogy.

But for a movie like "Farewell My Concubine", some people may have such a sudden inspiration in their lifetime. No matter how hard they put in decades of efforts, they may never be able to make a movie of the same level again.

Therefore, it is already very rare to have such a film. It is rare but rare to find. It is even more difficult to reproduce it.

Therefore, fans feel that even with Luo Quan's talent, it is very difficult to continue to reproduce.

Of course, it is just very difficult, not almost impossible. The difference here may be a probability of more than [-]% to [-]%.

From a probability perspective, there is almost no big difference between 40.00% and [-]%.

If you're lucky, you'll win every time.

In other words, Luo Quan has the ability to perform exceedingly well every time and produce masterpieces that will be remembered for generations to come.

After all, she has proven herself many times in a row, and "The Sea" is her return after more than a year away from the big screen. It can be regarded as a very important work, and the quality will definitely not be bad.

If it weren't for the fact that the subject matter was a little too tight, fans would even be willing to increase the probability of a masterpiece by another [-] to [-] percent.

"There is nothing to say, just look forward to it. I have a strong feeling that Luo Bao will be able to produce another masterpiece this time."

"Tragedies often lead to classics. I unconditionally believe in Luo Quan's craftsmanship."

"The cast of this movie is quite good. Luo Quan, Leon, Wen Xia, and Jiang Wen are all a feast of acting skills."

"How is Wen Xia's acting skills? Is it reliable?"

"I don't deny Wen Xia's strength and status as an idol, but if it's filming..."

"Nu Wa's acting sounds good, but maybe because of the role, I can't see her acting."

"Everyone has an impression. Wen Xia's acting skills have been polished for many years, and Luo Quan has taught her through words and deeds. Her level is actually very good."

"Let's take a look first. Just don't play the one with the biggest crotch."

"She acted very well in Farewell My Concubine. Although she didn't have many roles, once you've seen it, you won't question her."

"One thing to say, indeed."

…………Because it stars Luo Quan, who has not been seen for a long time, the attention from both fans and passers-by is very high.

However, Luo Quan was really unsure about everyone's expectations.

After all, the movie she wants to make this time has no comparison with her previous life. It is completely a movie she wanted to make on a whim, and it is an original script.

Maybe she is already a master in terms of technique and production.

But Luo Quan himself doesn't know whether the original script can be recognized by everyone like those successful films.

After all, the movies she has made have all won awards or performed very well at the box office.

And she just moved it, so success was completely foreseeable.

Of course, she has been trying originality since "Prehistoric".

However, "Prehistoric" is not a complete original. After all, it uses the background setting of a certain novel category in the previous life. It can be said to be an adaptation of the novel, but the final success was completely beyond her expectations.

This time, "The Sea" is a completely original script, a tragic story constructed by herself.

This story may be very good, become a classic in the eyes of movie fans, and be talked about all the time.

It may also be very crotchless, mediocre, and become one of the few Luo Quan's overturning works in the fans' mouth.

If the latter situation really happens, it means that she can only be a perfect copyist and cannot become a true creator.

In other words, a creative master.

After all, she can still produce original works that are rated [-], [-] or [-] points, but what everyone definitely wants to see is works that are rated [-] or even [-] points.

The expectations of both sides are different, and the final evaluation will definitely be different.

If he fails this time, it will allow him to clearly see the upper limit of his talent and make further arrangements for the next work.

So Luo Quan himself was mentally prepared for a rollover, but fans obviously didn't think that there would be a rollover.

Because she is Luo Quan, she can only be perfect or have her faults not concealed?
Roll over?That doesn't exist in Luo Quan's script at all.

"Speaking of Wen Xia, what do you think of this script?" Luo Quan asked his friend tentatively, wanting to hear her evaluation.

"The heroine's life is too miserable. Fortunately, the hero brings light to her life."

After saying this, Wen Xia lowered his head and thought for a while, then replied: "If compared with Farewell My Concubine, it lacks some historical weight, and it is definitely incomparable in terms of layout.

But it reflects many social realities and is extremely ironic. I think it is definitely an excellent script. "

"But!" Leon suddenly said after finishing breakfast: "But is it really possible to survive such a plot?

Those scenes and dialogues mentioned in the script, can they really be released after being filmed?
Although this kind of scale is nothing abroad, but if it were here..."

Leon didn't finish his words, but everyone is in this industry and knows what it's like.

Including Lyon himself, he has lived in China for so long, broadcasted live for so long, participated in many programs and film and television works, and has a deep understanding of the scale here.

So if the movie is shot according to the script, he feels that there will be a lot of things that need to be deleted.

It remains to be seen whether the movie can fully express what Luo Quan wants by then.

But no matter what, let’s film it first and talk about it later. Luo Quan got the scale right, so wouldn’t there be no need to delete it?

This was just Leon's wishful thinking, and Luo Quan himself felt a little uneasy.

Although she has special privileges, she cannot exercise this power under all circumstances.

In fact, the subject matter of this movie is somewhat sensitive, and there are quite a lot of large-scale shots and dialogues that others would probably not be able to film.

Just because she can get some preferential treatment, she plans to try this subject.

Another reason is mainly that the background setting of the story is fictional.

This means that no matter where you look, it feels like it is somewhere in the country, but the setting is an imaginary country, or a foreign country.

Anyway, it can be anywhere, but it just won't happen in China.

With this premise, some originally sensitive topics have become touchable, and the scale will be relaxed accordingly.

This is also the reason why Luo Quan dared to choose to make this movie.

In addition, when the time comes, I can brag to He Bureau and say that these movie tickets are for winning prizes.

"Farewell My Concubine" received a lot of preferential treatment because of this goal. It was given the green light all the way through review and basically did not suffer any cuts.

I believe that if "Hai" also uses this purpose as an excuse, there is a high probability that it will also receive preferential treatment.

Regardless of whether it is specifically for winning prizes, at least the bullshit must be blown away.

Besides, aren’t there just two things in making movies, one is the box office and the other is awards, and very few people do it to realize their dreams.

So as an excuse to win an award, you don’t have to feel guilty at all when using it.

In short, a director who doesn't want to win awards is not a good singer.

"By the way, sister, I see my name is included in the official announcement of your movie, but I still don't know which role I want to play?"

Leon thought of this incident: "I definitely don't have a role in the main role. How about assigning me a passerby who can show his face, such as a foreign tourist or something."

"Hey, that's what I planned." Luo Quan gave Leon an approving look: "Actually, you don't need to prepare at all. You are just a character who will leave the country for a few seconds. The main reason for your trip to Hailan Island this time is The purpose is to have fun with Mia."

"It seems that's all we can do now." Leon nodded helplessly.

After resting for so long, he actually wanted to find something to do for himself.

It's a pity that Hollywood is still on strike and protesting, so there is no filming at all.

As for China, there are some, but the role is not very important.

There is no way, his image is destined to be unsuitable for male protagonists in Chinese film and television works.

Even in idol dramas, his appearance would make people feel out of place.

So Lyon is currently stuck here, quite unable to advance or retreat.

"You're right, sister, you really should take Mia to a place with beautiful scenery." Leon nodded lightly, feeling that he needed to relax a bit.

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