Be a goddess from Tokyo

Fans of Huanyu also want to read Chapter 1267

Fans of Huanyu also want to read Chapter 1267
ps. Thanks to book friend mfq for the book coins, thank you for your support!


Flying from Shanghai to Hailan at this time is equivalent to changing from a coat to a T-shirt.

Although winter is approaching, the temperature on Hailan Island is still around [-] degrees. Apart from thin clothes like a beach shirt, I can't wear anything else.

Of course, in order to avoid affecting the work of the crew, Luo Quan prepared a T-shirt and relatively long sports shorts for himself.

But soon she thought of another problem, that is, most of her looks in the movie were strapless long skirts. If it were worn by Wen Xia, there would be no problem, but if it were her, it might be a little too big.

This is a point that needs to be addressed.

Fortunately, it would take two or three days for the staff to arrive, so she still had time to think of a solution.

After arriving at Hailan, Lyon's family of three went on a trip to the island.

Because he has relatively few roles and is scheduled to appear later, there is no need to worry at all.

Other girls, those who had scenes to film stayed in their rooms and studied the scripts, while those who didn’t have scenes to film went directly to the sea to have fun.

After Luo Quan put away his luggage, he opened the live broadcast room without any filming, and changed the title to: "I have nothing to do, let's play a small broadcast."

The fans here just received the push from station B and immediately clicked in, for fear of missing a little bit of content:
"Has it been officially announced yesterday that Hailan will arrive today? Is it so fast?"

"I thought I would have to wait more than 20 days to see you. I am trying my best to squeeze in time to see you all."

"This should be the busiest period of the year. It will be great if we get through this busy month."

"Horror story, Luo Bao said before that there will be an album this year."

“Small album issues can be solved by sitting in front of the computer.”



Comments from fans were pouring in, and Luo Quan, as the title said, chatted with fans for a few words about family issues and then went off the air at the speed of light.

It was indeed a short broadcast, but fans didn't expect it to be so short, not even an hour.

However, after Luo Quan ended the broadcast, he did not go to the beach to play, but opened the Huanyu live broadcast room.

Due to filming, there has been no live broadcast in Huanyu for a long time. Although there is a new issue of "Huanyu Girls" to watch, she still feels that she cannot be too partial to one.

So while I have free time today, I will turn on the camera and play it for a while.

Compared to the enthusiasm on the Huaxia side, fans here on the Huanyu side are indeed much slower to gather.

On the one hand, her popularity in the world has not yet reached a unique level. She has only just entered the first line, not even the top, so the enthusiasm of fans is not as high as here on Earth.

On the other hand, it has not been live broadcast for a long time, and it was suddenly launched, so not many people probably saw it.

After waiting for about 3 minutes, there were finally more barrages in the live broadcast room.

The population base is there, even if it has not reached the top level, the number of people watching it has easily reached hundreds of millions.

"Good evening. It's been a long time since I've broadcast live to everyone. Did you miss me?" Luo Quan sat down in front of the camera and said hello with a smile.

"You finally remembered your live broadcast room account."

"I thought Luo Bao would kick us poor guys away when he got the Huanyu household registration. It seems I was overthinking it."

"Now Luo Bao is a senior citizen of the world. Is Our Lady of the Dawn kidding you?"

"I haven't seen you since I released my new album. I miss you a little after not seeing you for a while."

"People are like this. When you have something, you feel confident. Only when you lose it do you know how to miss it."

"You've started sending out quotes, right?"

"Luo Bao Luo Bao, I remember that a new movie was filmed a while ago. Can you show it?"

"Released directly to Huanyu, there is still quite a market for old-fashioned movies."


Seeing all the fans making suggestions, Luo Quan, who had never thought about having the movie released worldwide, suddenly became excited.

"Is there really anyone in the world who watches movies like this?" Luo Quan hasn't investigated the market conditions in this area yet, so he doesn't understand the situation in this industry at all.

However, as far as he knows, even games can use brain-computer interfaces to directly give players an immersive experience, while movies can do it.

In fact, there is no difference in many aspects between games and movies.

They just construct a world and then tell a story that takes place in this world.

It's just that in comparison, gamers usually experience it personally, while movie audiences have a God's perspective.

It’s hard to say which of the two modes of experience is better than the other, but the perspective of the game is undoubtedly much freer.

Since Huanyu developed brain-computer virtualization technology, there is basically no boundary between games and movies.

Users can completely experience the stories in the script and the stories that do not exist in the script in a virtual world.

You can play any character and experience his life.

You can also play yourself and create a legend of your own.

This unparalleled sense of immersion is much better than conventional movies and games.

So in Luo Quan's understanding, there should be little market for this kind of old movies.

However, an explanation sent by fans immediately left her doubtless: "People are always nostalgic. Even if there are new things, they will occasionally want to see those old guys. There are so many people in the world. How can we feed an old-fashioned person?" There is nothing wrong with the film market.”

"The main thing is to see who the person is." Luo Quan chuckled and shook his head: "As the saying goes, the white rabbit wanders here and there. The clothes are not as good as new, and the people are not as good as before."

A poem that had never been seen before in the world made fans wide-eyed:
"Where did this short poem come from? It's quite charming."

"Clothes are not as good as new, and people are not as good as old. This is a wonderful saying."

"Did Luo Bao write this himself?"

"You're so talented, Luo Bao. I suggest you play a few more songs to see if you can come up with the whole style."

"Haha, you really think that Luo Quan is omnipotent. Music, martial arts, faith, and singing are all already Taoist. How about Confucianism and Taoism?"

"What's impossible? Maybe Luo Quan is a once-in-a-century literary giant?"

"Singing and praying to gods and Buddhas cannot save the world. I suggest Our Lady to give up music and study literature."


Seeing these people discussing so intensely, Luo Quan remembered the four lines of Hengqu that he had written to Ye Zhining before, the one about inheriting the secret knowledge of the Saint and creating peace for all generations.

After writing those four sentences at that time, she was not only literary and bold, but also a literary mind and a dragon. With her luck, her cultivation level increased a lot.

If it weren't for this, she might not have broken through to the mortal realm so quickly.

The only pity is that after that luck came, there was no movement anymore.Wen Dan said it could improve defense, but Luo Quan didn't feel any obvious difference from before.

So I didn't take it too seriously.

However, now that he heard fans suddenly mention this matter, Luo Quan certainly would not let go of this opportunity to show off. He directly spread his hands and said, "Is this the literary courage you are talking about?"

The fans who were still arguing heard the sound and immediately turned their heads.

He discovered that a shimmering black and white original bead actually appeared in Luo Quan's hand, like two Tai Chi fish holding each other's heads and tails.

"Damn, you are so brave!"

"The clown is actually me. I am really ignorant."

"It turns out that the great writer is right in front of us."

"Aren't you talking about literary courage? Why do you look so round? How does a person's courage look like this?"

"Stupid, wendan is just a description. It can also be called wendan. It looks like the golden elixir formed by Xuanmen practitioners."

"Yes, but the elixir is golden and the bile is black and white, symbolizing white paper and black ink."

"The Buddhism side is the relic, the magician is the magic pattern, and the Vatican is the holy seal. But anyone who has the posture to enter the Tao can produce this extraordinary thing."

"I used to have kidney stones and pass out a lot of stuff. Am I about to become a Taoist?"

"Hahaha, that's a disease, it needs to be cured."


Many people were making jokes, but most of them were stunned by the literary courage that Luo Quan suddenly took out.

It doesn’t matter that a person is so talented in martial arts, sings so well, and looks so beautiful, but he is also so accomplished in literature.

With so many advantages concentrated in one person, fans suspect that Luo Quan's true identity should not be the Virgin Mary, but the biological daughter of the Heavenly Father.

If she is not the daughter of Heavenly Father, how can she be so outstanding?
However, they had been shocked by Luo Quan N times, and they no longer knew what jealousy was.

There are some people and things that you really can't even be jealous of, because you know that such good luck will never be your turn, and it feels like you have resigned to your fate.

"Actually, I have other skills that I'm good at, but everyone seems to be having a hard time, so I won't use them to stimulate everyone."

Luo Quan suppressed her desire to continue to show off. This was the last mercy she left to fans all over the world.

"What, you still have skills that you haven't shown yet?"

"Great Immortal Luoquan, you'd better quickly collect your magical powers!"

"This is enough for now. There is no need to continue hurting me."

"Luo Quan showed us what is meant by the differences in the world."

"That's it for today's live broadcast. I'd better go back to my virtual world and continue to dominate. The real world is not interesting at all."

"While this form of escapism is cowardly and shameful, it can be incredibly useful."

"I'm going to create a character in a love game and see if I can create Luo Bao's face."

Bold, what a blasphemy! (I'm going to give it a try too)
"You can't reproduce it. You can't reproduce the unique appearance in the world, just the nose."

"What a pity, what a pity."


Fans' discussion gave Luo Quan an idea.

Is it possible to develop a game about pinching your girlfriend on Earth?
The plot of this game focuses on the harem and Shura field. The heroine's design is determined by the manufacturer, but the figure and appearance of the heroines can be arranged by the player.

Coupled with the AI ​​voice that can be almost fake and real, it can completely achieve the effect of raising a girlfriend in the cloud.

Of course, it's definitely not possible to be quiet, but like most short videos, it can be done on the edge.

To be honest, those paper-man reverse harem games for women are so popular, but the production is so average.

Then if she upgrades all the picture quality and experience, and then changes the audience to men, the success should be even greater.

I don’t know if it will achieve the desired effect after it is made.

But Luo Quan plans to give it a try. Anyway, the company now has enough money and money to spend on trial and error.

If it succeeds, Luo Quan feels that this should be a work that can trigger a revolution in the gaming industry.

Raise girlfriends on the Internet, and all of them will treat you as their main focus, and they will never betray you, and they will not accept gifts from you. Put yourself into the perspective of a boy, and you can be happy however you want.

Of course, the disadvantage is that it cannot continue the family line, which cannot be solved with current technology.

But maybe in another 100 years, when brain-computer interfaces are available, asexual reproduction is available, and real artificial intelligence is available, all the things we have today may become ordinary things.

I just don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for humans.

After being stunned for a while, Luo Quan turned his attention back to the camera in the live broadcast room: "Then listen to everyone, I will take "The Great Desolate" to Huanyu for review in two days. Speaking of which, the standards of Huanyu Films are strictly controlled. Strict? Are there any taboos?"

Fans responded immediately:

"There is no taboo at all, just take the uncut version."

"Movies are art, and being naked for the sake of art is the most noble and sacred thing."

"Don't worry Luo Bao, even if the scale of the movie you make is really big, just put an 18+ label when the time comes and it will still be released."

"Haha, how could Luo Quan make that kind of movie?"

"By the way, what is the theme of "Prehistoric"?"


"It's a story we got after China's own mythological transformation. Everyone can just look at the picture and enjoy it. There is no particularly strict logic."

Before the movie was released, Luo Quan had vaccinated fans in advance.

This is called lowering expectations. After all, Huanyu movie fans must be well-informed and their requirements will be higher in comparison.

The popularity of Prehistoric on earth is due to its unique special effects, but in the universe, this special effect may not be that advantageous, so it may appear a bit mediocre.

Let’s lower everyone’s expectations now so that the gap between movie fans will not be too big and the mentality when scoring will be affected.

"By the way, Luo Bao, are you at the beach now?"

Some sharp-eyed fans saw the sea and beach outside the window behind Luo Quan, so they asked her questions.

"You guys have good eyesight, I did come to the beach." Luo Quan responded with a smile, "But this time I came to the beach not mainly to take swimsuit photos, but to shoot a movie.

So fans who want to see me in swimwear may be disappointed. This time I will definitely not go to the beach every day like last time. "

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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