Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1268 A bold idea

"The main focus of our live broadcast room is green, healthy and positive energy." Luo Quan reminded everyone helplessly: "Although looking at swimsuits can indeed make people happy, watching too much is not good for your body.

Have you forgotten the last photo containment incident?Everyone said how good they were and insisted that I take out the unphotographed photos. As a result, within half an hour, Huanyu's hospital resources were stretched thin.

So everything must be done within one's ability. What if you see something good or bad again at that time? "

The more Luo Quan talked, the more confident she became, because the photos of her true appearance were indeed so powerful that not a single one of them was left behind by the network security management department.

This thing is not a computer virus, it is better than a computer virus.

At most, computer viruses will crash your computer and delete your D drive. They will not cause any harm to the user.

But if you look at these photos of her and her health is not good enough, she will probably die, or at least she will inevitably bleed from her mouth and nose.

Therefore, Luo Quan rejected their request for the sake of the fans.

After being clearly rejected, fans also knew that Luo Quan was right to do what he did, and that it was really not appropriate to chase the Virgin for swimsuit photos, so he finally gave up the option of putting his body through the challenge.

"That's right, this is what makes a good boy for mother." Luo Quan blurted out such a sentence by some strange combination of circumstances.

After saying this, she regretted it. Wouldn't it be too old-fashioned for a girl in her early twenties to say this?
Although she does have the title of Holy Mother, it seems that except for the very devout Dawn believers, no one in the live broadcast takes this title seriously.

If you go to the Holy City or the Summer Palace of Our Lady, of course you want to listen to the mother's voice.

But this is a live broadcast room. There are a lot of people calling their wives Luobao, but there seem to be only a few people calling her mother.

But as soon as she said "This is my mother's good boy", there was a break in the barrage, and then there was an overwhelming number of "mom" or "Luoquan mother".

Another fan said:
"Okay, okay, Luo Bao, you like to play like this, right?"

"I announce that this will be Mama Luo's live broadcast room from now on. Everyone should pay attention to their dignity and don't mess up the seniority."

"It's better if you know how to play."

"It's okay to call me mother, but it's different for me. I'm the father of all of you."

"Is it the Crusaders? There is a blasphemer here who is disrespectful to Mother. He should be captured immediately and sent to the stake!"

"Burn me hard enough for 180 days!"

"Hey, hey, Holy Mother, my Holy Mother."

"The holy army of the Holy See, please come to the live broadcast room from time to time to take a look. I advise you to be careful in your words and deeds and not to be too outrageous."


Looking at the increasingly outrageous barrage, Luo Quan helplessly covered his forehead: "If I said that this was an accident, would you believe it?

Maybe I have written too many scripts recently and my mind is not very clear. I mean, if you do this, you are the good children of your respective mothers. This mother is not referring to me. "

The barrage suddenly became a success:
"There is no need to explain, the explanation is the cover-up, and the cover-up is the truth."

"It's normal to be pregnant for three years."

"Pfft! Are you planning to make me laugh to death in the live broadcast room?"

"Since you can blurt out such words, it means that you really want to be a mother subconsciously. Otherwise, why would you say such a thing suddenly?"

"Indeed, this is a manifestation of your growing maternal instinct. There is no need to hide Luo Bao anymore, this is the real you."

"How many times have I told you, from now on, I will change my name to Luo Quan's mother."


Then there are the different mothers from various galaxies and civilizations.

What’s interesting is that the pronunciation of these mothers is very similar to Earth languages.

This shows that the entire universe has roughly the same pronunciation for this word, which can be called a beautiful and warm coincidence.

However, Luo Quan felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles and had a lump in his throat.

Is there any justice for a young girl in her early twenties who is called mother by so many people?

And it was exactly what she said. She had written too many scripts recently, and her mind couldn't process it all at once, so she blurted out this sentence.

Of course, the words came from his own mouth after all, and it was impossible to pass the responsibility to others, so Luo Quan could only try his best to explain and stop everyone from using this title indiscriminately.

But it didn't seem to have any effect. After watching it for a while, Luo Quan chose to give up: "Okay, you can scream if you want, but you have to pay attention to the occasion."

After receiving Luo Quan's approval, fans who were a little embarrassed at first joined in happily, and the live broadcast room was completely occupied by "Mom".

In fact, not only the universe, but also the earth is like this.

Take station B as an example. A slightly more mature up owner used to be called Yujie or Pretty Sister, and she sounded younger.

As a result, we still don’t know who caused this bad idea, and fans all call her mom.

I don’t know what kind of benefits this can bring, but these up owners don’t seem to refuse much, so it has become a customary behavior.

In other words, when you see a beautiful girl, you call her mom, regardless of whether she is still in high school.

But Luo Quan didn't expect that this matter would happen to him one day.

When I was at Station B, there were still many people who called themselves aunties or webmasters. This was a special title brought by their status.

But when he arrived at Huanyu, his status was on a higher level, and the names he was being called by his fans were even more outrageous, and they didn't even know what to say.

But what else can be done?

This kind of thing is almost like Pandora's box. If you don't open it, then everything will be fine. Even if someone suddenly says this, you won't get much response.

But once it's opened, it's out of control, and it's almost impossible to cover it.

What's more, Luo Quan opened this box himself.

In short, you have to bear the consequences of your own mistakes. Luo Quan gained countless good sons overnight.

"Speaking of which, what will be the performance of these movies and games after they become Taoists?" Luo Quan began to use his best topic-changing technique, preparing to divert everyone's attention to other things.

There is no doubt that this is a very correct choice.

Although this question can be found by searching on the Internet, since Luo’s mother asked the question, how can everyone not respond?
So everyone quickly started posting barrages, explaining to her the effects of these two professions after joining the Tao.

Luo Quan looked at it carefully and found that whether it was a movie or a game, after entering the Tao, it was beyond imagination.

The state of entering the Tao is actually, in earth terms, a certain immortal.

For example, if you cook fried rice well, you will be a fried rice fairy; if you cook twice-cooked pork well, you will be a fried rice fairy.

Of course, movies and games can also be called immortals.However, unlike "literary courage" and "gold elixir" which are embodied in reality, the entry point for movies and games is to create a virtual world.

You can enter it and explore the world created by you. Most of the items you get and your increased cultivation can be brought out.

If the background of the story is set in a very high-level world, then anything you pick up randomly in it may turn into something very powerful after you take it out.

However, you cannot choose your identity and situation after entering this world. It is completely random, so you may die as soon as you enter.

Of course, you cannot die in the virtual world you create. You will only be forced to exit, and then you need to wait a week or two for the world to reset before you can enter again.

First of all, the plot of this new world will continue as set at the beginning.

But if someone from outside the world enters, then certain changes will occur.

This change is unknown, but because the creator has the ability to predict the future, he still has an advantage over the natives.

It is worth mentioning that after the creator enters, his original abilities will disappear instantly, which is equivalent to starting from scratch.

There will be golden fingers, but you can't customize them yourself.

Therefore, even creators must be extremely careful when entering a self-created world, otherwise there is a high probability that the game will crash at the beginning, leaving no game experience and no gains.

If you want to pass the level in one life, you must not be reckless.

And as long as you can stay in the world long enough, getting a good baby is almost [-]% guaranteed.

Therefore, although entry into games and movies is an ability with a very high upper limit and a very low lower limit, it does not involve any risks and is well worth exploring.

But the bad news is that Luo Quan currently doesn't have any movies or games that can lead to success.

Moreover, the movies she made before were all set in modern times, and the most destructive weapon available was the atomic bomb, which was of no use to her at all, so there was no need to explore even if she became a Taoist.

The good news is that she recently starred in "The Great Desolation".

If this movie can lead to Taoism, then she can enter the prehistoric world.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but become extremely excited.

The combat power of the prehistoric era was so high. Those saints could be said to have destroyed the world and created all things with just one thought. Their strength was so high that they didn't know where they were.

If she could go in and grow up, wouldn't she be able to thrive if she knew the plot well?
Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help but tremble with excitement. She even couldn't help but want to enter the ancient world and collect the heavenly materials and earthly treasures there.

But before that, there is one more problem that needs to be solved.

That is "Prehistoric", can you become a Taoist in the world?
Even though it has achieved such great success in China, with a box office of over [-] billion, the box office is just the box office, and whether it can become a Taoist are two different concepts.

And when it comes to Huanyu, it is still unknown whether the audience will accept this story.

Moreover, the conditions for entering the Tao are very metaphysical and hazy. Everyone knows that one needs good works to be able to enter the Tao. However, no one can tell clearly how good they need to be, or there is a quantifiable standard. It can only be based on feelings.

Therefore, it is a very important issue for "Prehistoric" to be recognized in the world and incorporated into Taoism.

If there is still no movement after the final release, then all her previous fantasies will basically become a joke.

So Luo Quan suddenly became worried about gains and losses.

The key to getting into movies depends entirely on the level of the director.

If the standards are not met, no matter how much money you spend on marketing, it will be of no use.

Therefore, Luo Quan couldn't even find Ye Zhining for help and could only rely on himself.

"Honghuang will be submitted for review within a week to see if he can enter Taoism after this release." Luo Quan looked at the camera and said, "I hope I can meet the standard, but I think it is quite difficult to meet this standard. Honghuang is very good Maybe he’s not that good yet.”

Luo Quan wanted it in his heart, but he was denying it.

It can be regarded as a reverse way of milking yourself and building up your character.

In fact, her character is already good enough, but if she can accumulate more, she should accumulate more. Who would want to hide this kind of attribute?
"That's all for today, good night everyone." Luo Quan looked at the time and saw that it was already late, so he waved and started to say goodbye.

"Goodbye Mom."

"Mom, remember to live broadcast more."

"When the movie is released, I will notify my mother. I will definitely cheer for it."

"Mom Luo Quan, I will miss you."


Amidst shouts of shame, Luo Quan burst into laughter and tears.

She thought these people were normal, but she didn't expect them all to be here waiting for her.

Alas, it seems that this title will always accompany her in the future.

Luo Quan shook his head helplessly and turned off the interstellar live broadcast device.

Turning to look out the window, the sun was still warm.

From time to time, the crashing waves and the playful laughter of girls could be heard outside.

Luo Quan stretched out his neck and saw that it was Fang Mo, Xiao Miao and the others chasing each other on the beach.

I had never noticed before that these sisters have such great figures after putting on swimsuits.

Especially Xiaomei, since she successfully lost weight, she has the figure of a Korean comic heroine. She is not as bloated as a Korean comic heroine. She is between plump and voluptuous, and she has that very rare gourd bottle figure.

Just looking at it is pleasing to the eye. When it moves, the white flesh bounces gently, giving people an indescribable sexiness and cuteness.

It's no wonder that Li Xiaomiao is so popular in the world now. Such an inspiring, good-looking, and good-looking girl has such a lovable personality, so it's strange that she is not popular.

On the side, Chu Yueyan was still holding on to her when she first came home and couldn't let go.

At first, everyone thought she was a cold-blooded beauty who seemed to be the type who was not easy to get along with.

Unexpectedly, after being together for a long time, everyone discovered that this was actually a hidden funny old driver.

Normally, when Xu Yanqing tells some restricted jokes, others would have to think about it for a long time, but Chu Yueyan instantly understood and added a wicked smile, once again vividly explaining what it means to look beyond the appearance of a person.

Now that they are familiar with each other, Chu Yueyan is no longer as reserved as before, and talks several times more than before. She is almost one of the most talkative people in the room.

As for Fang Mo, she didn't pretend at all, she was just a joke.

In other words, these girls are all funny.

I don’t know what’s going on. She is obviously a very serious boss, so why are the people below her so crooked?

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