Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1270 Who is Calling Invincible?

Chapter 1270 Who is Calling Invincible?
One thing that is better about online articles than movies is that you can read the first 10,000+ words for free and have enough understanding of the book to decide whether to pay to continue reading.

Not so with movies. This is a one-time deal. If you want to watch it, you have to pay for it. If you watch it for a few minutes and find that it’s not your thing, you can’t get a refund. So this also makes movie fans need to be more cautious when choosing movies.

But online articles are different. The first part is free anyway. As long as the title or introduction of the book seems interesting, you can just add it to your collection.

In addition, online articles can be read at any time, and you can start reading them with just a swipe of your phone. As long as the quality is good enough, you can attract a large number of people to pay.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Dingmin Literature Network is willing to expose it. With exposure, more people will read the book. After all, the fragrance of wine is afraid of the depth of the alley.

The good news is that Luo Quan's fame helped her a lot.

After the book was uploaded, it not only passed the review in seconds, but also sent an invitation to sign a contract.

Once you sign the contract, the website can legitimately provide you with traffic, allowing you to immediately appear in the most eye-catching position and attract a large number of readers.

The main reason why he was able to make a decision so quickly was because of Luo Quan's reputation.

The Holy Mother writes online articles, this gimmick is interesting, and some people will definitely be willing to read it.

When the website vigorously promotes the work, as long as the work is not particularly flattering, it can usually become popular.

However, this time the operation of the website obviously underestimated Luo Quan. "Zhaotian" not only did not stretch the crotch, it was even extremely good.

Even if there are only 80.00 words, the reader retention rate has reached an astonishing [-]%!
This means that eight out of ten people who clicked into the book have read the latest chapter.

Even with such achievements, even compared with those veteran Internet literature greats, it is quite explosive.

In the beginning, it was only her fans who cheered. As the exposure increased, more and more passers-by came in.

After seeing the latest chapter, they all asked in surprise: "Which old eunuch's trumpet is this? His writing skills are so good, he doesn't look like a newcomer at all."

Obviously, the content of this book does not look like it can be written by a novice. It is no wonder that book friends ask this question.

Seeing that there were so many people asking, Luo Quan posted a separate chapter to explain: "The author is indeed a newcomer, not an old eunuch."

Later, book friends gathered around and commented:
"Holy crap, why are you still wearing the image and nickname of the Holy Mother? Are you me?"

"Don't be ridiculous, the Holy Mother can also write novels?"

"Can I understand that you look down on the Madonna's cultural attainments?"

"Luo Quan's fans have come forward to say that this is indeed a book written by her. If you don't believe it, just go to her live broadcast room and take a look."

"Holy shit, it's really her. I regret what I just said."

“The writing style is nothing to brag about, but I think it’s quite impressive in online writing.”

"It's already number one on the new book list. I'm optimistic that the first order will exceed RMB [-] trillion. The book will be a hit once it's finished!"


This last sentence is probably the greatest blessing for an online writer.

But what Luo Quan wants is not just financial success, she hopes that this book can lead to Taoism and then enter it.

She didn't dare to think about attaining enlightenment and becoming an emperor, but it would still be very good if she could get some elixirs or elixirs.

If it doesn't work, just settle for the next best thing. Anyway, there are good things everywhere in it, and any gain can bring improvement.

However, I have just published [-] words, and the popularity and reviews are pretty good, but there is no movement in terms of entering the Tao.

I guess the word count is too small now, so I’ll take a look at it after it’s released.

After experiencing the failure of "Prehistoric", Luo Quan did not put all his chips on "Zhetian" this time. The fantasy world has been tested for some time, and it can also be taken to Huanyu and directly launched as a server.

Whether or not there are people to play with is not the point. The point is that we can have one more experimental subject.

There are quite a lot of treasures in this game, and they will definitely come in handy a lot.

Now that she has two preparations, she can succeed no matter what. If both of them fail, her luck will be too bad.

With this in mind, Luo Quan did not spend any more energy on Huanyu. In addition to uploading [-] words of updates on time every day, he devoted himself to filming new movies.

The days of twenty days are neither long nor short.

The movie has been shot, "Shading the Sky" has been released, and "Fantasy World" has also been released into public beta.

However, there has been no movement on the latter two works until now. Luo Quan once wondered whether they had failed like "The Prehistoric".

However, in terms of completeness, there is still a considerable amount of content in the later works that has not been released, so it is worth waiting and watching.

Of course, even if she didn't join the Tao, she was not completely without gains.

At least "Shading the Sky" has gained a lot of fans on the Internet and created many hot memes.

"Who is claiming to be invincible?" is a phrase that fans like to use very much, and it seems to be very appropriate in many places, and it is also quite magical.

At first, it was only used by book fans, but later because I could see this passage everywhere, other people gradually attracted me to use it, and then it became everywhere.

Although this meme has the tendency to develop into a bad meme, for "Shading the Sky" itself, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As long as it can attract more readers, even if it bears some infamy, it is acceptable.

After all, in today's Internet, is there any popular person or thing that doesn't get scolded?

Some people will scold you for your positive energy, and some will scold you for your negative energy. If it appears too often, someone will scold you.

You're going to be scolded anyway, so there's no need to worry so much. Let's get the heat up first.

Zhetian has successfully become popular. Although the first subscription did not reach the master-level trillions of subscriptions, the subscriptions of more than 3000 billion are already very good.

Even for the current Luo Quan, this is a huge wealth, and with the update, subsequent subscriptions will definitely become higher and higher.

If you can enter Taoism when you have one million words, it will be the most perfect script.

However, Luo Quan no longer has the energy to care about these things. After the production of "Sea" is completed, Luo Quan has already submitted it for review. At the same time, he also mentioned that he will take the film to participate in competitions. Maybe it will win Cannes or other awards. Venice Film Awards or something.

This means that the scale of the movie will be a bit large, so please be kind to the reviewer.

There is such a relationship here, I believe that there won’t be too much trouble in the review... I hope not.

While it was being submitted for review, Luo Quan and I cut the film’s promotional video.

The BGM is the emo version of "Under the Sea". As soon as the poignant singing comes out, paired with the dark tones of the movie, the atmosphere instantly becomes gloomy.

As the movie clips flashed one after another, everyone knew what kind of story this was.

XQ, campus violence, class oppression, indifference of bystanders, uncompromising attitude in the face of power, the final enforcer of justice, unyielding and resistance to fate...

Although it only lasts for just over two minutes, it embodies so many elements. It makes a literary tragedy look like an action blockbuster.

At the end of the trailer, there are a few lines of red text on a black background:
"The tear-jerking masterpiece of the year, "Sea", so stay tuned!" As soon as the trailer came out, it became a hot search within a few minutes. Comments increased by hundreds every second. The enthusiasm of netizens for discussion seemed very intense:
"These themes all feel so sharp, and the scale of each one seems so large. Now they are all blended together. Can this really be released?"

"Anyway, Luo Quan deserves praise for his willingness to try such a subject. After all, directors nowadays are basically resting on their laurels, and few are willing to innovate."

"Actually, there is no need to be so sensitive. "Manslaughter" and "Memories of Murder" are also quite big in scale. Will they be released differently? Just add an imaginary world at the beginning of the film."

"Haha, you feel even more sarcastic after saying this."

"Has anyone noticed that Luo Quan has black hair this time? It seems that with her black hair, she looks a bit like a classical beauty. If you didn't pay attention, you would think she has a Chinese face."

"Maybe it's because his eyes are black. Luo Quan used to have blond hair and black eyes, but now he has black hair. Except for his nose being a little more upturned, he is really not that different from the Chinese."

"If you look closely, there is a difference. It's probably because of the special makeup."

"The look is beautiful, but when I watch the plot of the movie, I feel so miserable."

"The movie introduction says that the protagonist encounters XQ..."

"Holy shit, my mentality is so bad, I'll feel uncomfortable for a whole year."

"This is not a tragedy, it is simply the end of the world!"

"My feelings now are the same as when I watched The Legend of the Condor Heroes and saw the little dragon girl being scorned by the dragon knight."

"My heart was already hurting a lot, but now that you say that, my heart hurts even more. It's doubled."

"What should I do? I can't bear to see it."

"Why don't you watch it? Luo Bao just made a movie like this. The character is just miserable. You won't really take the role, right?"

"I feel uncomfortable, and I can't accept it."

"Look at the plot, Luo Bao said it was a happy ending."

"This is the beginning, is there really a happy reunion?"

"She said there must be one."


A literary film has aroused such a huge discussion even before it was released. The last one to do this was "Farewell My Concubine".

This movie is said to have made half of China's movie fans cry after watching it. Moreover, the tragic film was a big hit at the box office during the Spring Festival, which is also the first of its kind in the industry.

If the movie hadn't been so excellent, it would have been scolded by netizens long ago.

The release time of "Sea" this time is very good. At the end of the year, the moment when everyone's pressure is at its greatest.

We just need a tear-jerking blockbuster to release the stress in our hearts, and then welcome the new year and the long Spring Festival with a relaxed mood.

No one can guarantee whether it can relax your mind or not, but this is how the navy promotes it.

Luo Quan felt that this kind of promotional rhetoric was much better than those who filmed passers-by's reactions to the movie.

How can anyone film their reactions while others are watching? And with such a big camera stuck on their faces, these passers-by are still making so many exaggerated expressions without being affected. Isn’t this just treating passers-by as fools?

Luo Quan has watched several similar promotional videos and found them awkward and awkward. He felt that they would only have negative effects on people under the age of 40.

Therefore, her publicity strategy mainly starts with the atmosphere of the movie, clarifying from the beginning what type of movie it is, what will happen after watching it, and what benefits will be obtained.

What is the biggest problem for people today?
It’s the ubiquitous anxiety that fills life.

Body anxiety, emotional anxiety, health anxiety, appearance anxiety, learning anxiety, etc.

And Luo Quan tells everyone that when you come to the cinema, you can cry loudly if you want to, because the movie is very touching, and you will definitely not be the only one crying by then.

And such a place where many people can cry with you and vent together will definitely be a place that many people who feel stressed in life would choose to go.

Go watch an excellent movie and release some energy, then have a hearty dinner, take a nice hot bath, and have a good night's sleep.

Just thinking about the arrangements for this day makes people smile.

As for whether the movie will be too heavy, causing the mood to get worse the more you watch it, Luo Quan emphasized it many times before filming started.

This is a movie that starts with tragedy and ends with comedy.

It will be sad, but the end result must be good.

You can't disbelieve what the director says, so you don't have to worry about looking depressed.

Of course, if your mental endurance is really too poor and you can't survive the sadistic part, then that's a different matter.

In short, Luo Quan planned to let everyone cry in the cinema. During the live broadcast, he answered the same question when faced with countless fans' inquiries about the plot.

"There's no way I can spoil it, but it's definitely very interesting. At least the pictures are very beautiful."

Luo Quan just described such a paragraph about the movie, and stopped mentioning related topics. Instead, he opened the folder, which was full of beautiful legs and waistcoat lines.

"Holy shit, what's blinding me!"

"It's so bright."

"Luo Bao's skin is really good. He looks like cold jade when exposed to the sun."

"I took a lot of good photos on Hailan Island this time. This one was very interesting picking coconuts from the trees."

"I've done sexy photos too many times, so this time I'm going to take a funny route, right?"

"It's really not bad."


As fans said, because the sexy style of beach bikini has been seen too many times, she took a different approach this time and adopted a funny style.

In addition to picking coconuts from trees, you can also split durians with bare hands, catch crabs in the sea, and play beach volleyball...

The last beach volleyball was originally intended to give her a sporty look and show off her waistcoat line.

But probably because the range of motion is too large, it looks very sexy when smashing.

And this sexy style, which is far more intense than walking on the beach before, has been well received by fans.

He also said that next time he would try to do a slam dunk on the beach, the bigger the better.

This made Luo Quan really dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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