Chapter 1271 The sound of rain at night is annoying ([-])

ps. For more information, please read the remarks in the previous chapter.

"Why? I've already swallowed my anger so much, why don't you let me go!"

Xia Qing's hysterical roar lingered in Lin Sheng's mind.

He had never seen such eyes before, like a beast forced into a desperate situation, full of despair, madness, grief and anger, which was shocking.

Lin Sheng eagerly learned about Xia Qing from his classmates, and finally found out what happened to her two months ago.

It turns out that the person sitting in his current seat is a beast named Zhao Yunjie. He started pestering Xia Qing half a year ago, but has been rejected.

However, on the day the summer vacation began, this beast succeeded.

The classmate didn't say anything about what happened next, and Lin Sheng had already guessed the answer.

The beast is still being imprisoned, but it is said that there is insufficient evidence and he will be released soon.

Not enough evidence?When Lin Sheng heard this familiar word, he felt an indescribable sadness in his heart. At this moment, he and Xia Qing felt sympathy for each other.

"What should I do..."

Lin Sheng said in his heart.

When he returned home in the evening, this time he did not shut himself in directly as usual, but sat in the living room.

When his adoptive mother saw him, she looked surprised and came over to greet him.

Lin Sheng has lost his parents since he was a child. It was his adoptive father Ma Weiguo and his adoptive mother Li Mei who raised him.

Like many families in the world, the mother is gentle and loving, and she is more or less doting on her children.

The father, on the other hand, has a bad temper and is not good at communicating, but he is very good at educating with sticks, so the relationship with his rebellious son is very tense.

Not long ago, Lin Sheng was ordered to drop out of school because of a group fight, and Ma Weiguo was tied to a coconut tree outside the door and smoked all afternoon.

After that, Lin Sheng never refused to say a word to his adoptive father. As soon as Ma Weiguo came home, Lin Sheng immediately locked himself in the room and refused to come out even if he was hungry.

Li Mei was caught in the middle and was too worried to think about food and drinks. She even asked her husband to say a few soft words.

Ma Weiguo's answer was: If he doesn't eat, let him starve, and he will starve to death!

The house was only a small place, so of course Lin Sheng could hear these angry words clearly, so the father and son started to compete.

But today, Lin Sheng suddenly stopped going to the room. Li Mei thought that her son was enlightened, and she burst into tears with joy. She also said that she would go out to buy meat and cook a big meal tonight.

Not long after Li Mei left, Ma Weiguo came home from get off work.

Compared with when Zhao Yunjie was arrested two months ago, Ma Weiguo's image was much worse.

The stubble on his face is thick, the dark circles under his eyes are large and deep, and his eyebrows are filled with sadness.

But his eyes were still firm and bright, he knew clearly what he wanted to do and how he should do it, and he would not compromise due to any pressure.

After entering the house, Ma Weiguo was obviously stunned when he saw his son sitting on the sofa.

Then he pretended not to care and changed his shoes, and asked in a deep voice: "Aren't you going to go into your doghouse to hide from me?"

"I have something to ask you." Lin Sheng's tone was also very harsh. Although father and son were not related by blood, they had the same bad temper.

"Do you know Xia Qing?" Lin Sheng continued to ask.

Ma Weiguo frowned: "Why do you ask this?"

"She is my deskmate. She was beaten by Zhao Yongjie's girlfriend today. She is currently reflecting at home."

"She is a very nice person. She has been bullied before and no one helped her. This time she resisted but was punished and sent home to reflect."

Lin Sheng was talking to himself, his voice sounded very deep.

"Then can you help?" Ma Weiguo asked.

Lin Sheng immediately replied: "Yes, but as soon as I walked over, Xia Qing had already solved it by herself. The woman who bullied her was disfigured and was sent to the hospital."

Ma Weiguo was silent for a while and said, "If this is the case, then letting her go home and reflect is actually to protect her."

Lin Sheng shouted angrily: "But it was obviously Li Wei and the others who were at fault first, Xia Qing just resisted."

"Do you have evidence?" Ma Weiguo asked in an equally loud voice.

"So those people beat me, and I still have to be beaten without fighting back in order to have evidence?" Lin Sheng was obviously not talking about Xia Qing this time, but the grievances he had suffered.

As a police officer, Ma Weiguo cannot act on impulse. Of course, everything must be done rationally and with evidence.

And this is where the conflict between father and son lies.

Lin Sheng did not get the answer he wanted from Ma Weiguo during this communication, so he decided to go find Xia Qing himself.

Before Xia Qing's accident, she had several good friends in the class, and they all knew where she lived, so Lin Sheng found out Xia Qing's address without much effort.

Xia Qing's home is located near a mountain. On the back of the mountain is the sea, on the left side of the mountain is the sea, and on the right side of the mountain is the sea. Walking in the woods, you can even hear the sound of breaking waves.

Lin Sheng came outside Xia Qing's house and gently pressed the doorbell.

But the person who opened the door was a thin old man. He looked at Lin Sheng with a cold face and said in a wary tone: "Who are you looking for?"

"I am Xia Qing's deskmate." Lin Sheng said, taking out a book from his schoolbag. "The teacher was worried that Xia Qing would lose some knowledge, so she asked me to send her notes and explain to her the knowledge she didn't understand. Give an explanation.”

In order to make this lie come true, Lin Sheng listened to the class and took notes more carefully than anyone else today.

When Grandpa Xia Qing heard that Lin Sheng was here for this matter, his expression became friendly. He invited Lin Sheng into the yard, and then turned to call Xia Qing.

After about half a minute, Xia Qing came.

She was wearing a white pleated skirt at home, as white as a lily. The fragrance wafting in the air, Lin Sheng couldn't tell whether it came from the orchids in the yard or from Xia Qing.

He was stunned, and his heartbeat even skipped a beat.

The young man's heart had never been beating like this before, and many indescribable words appeared in his mind.

Lin Sheng wanted to tell these things, but found that he could not organize them at all, let alone speak them out.

The two looked at each other in silence for a few seconds. Lin Sheng raised the notebook in his hand and said, "These are the notes I took today, but the writing is a bit ugly."

"Thank you." Xia Qing took the notebook as gently as the summer wind.

Then, Lin Sheng naturally stayed and explained to Xia Qing using the knowledge he had only learned for one day.

During this period, the secret was almost exposed several times, but fortunately, he was able to get over it with his quick wit.

In the next half month, Lin Sheng would come every day to deliver notes to Xia Qing.

At first, the only topic they talked about was study, but as they got to know each other better, they started chatting about other things.

However, Lin Sheng never mentioned a word about Xia Qing's past.

During this period, Lin Sheng also got along very well with Xia Qing's grandfather, Xia An.

This skinny old man is as gentle and kind as his granddaughter Xia Qing, and he is also timid. He will make the chicken fly even if he kills it.

Xia An asked Lin Sheng to help hold him down, but Lin Sheng had never killed a chicken before, and he was so scared that his hands were shaking.

As a result, Mr. Xia gritted his teeth and stabbed the chicken. The chicken immediately broke free from the pain and began to fly up and down. Blood spattered all over the yard. Some people who didn't know it thought it was a murder scene.

Xia Qing looked at the two living treasures, one old and one young, laughing so hard that she almost burst into tears.In addition to cooking for Xia Qing, Mr. Xia basically stays in the mountains building roads.

There was originally no road from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and few people usually went there. However, Mr. Xia started building the road many years ago, and now it is only a short distance from the top of the mountain.

Lin Sheng was puzzled and asked Xia Qing the reason.

Xia Qing told him that her grandma disappeared on this mountain many years ago.

Grandpa was afraid that if grandma came back one day, she would not be able to find her way home on the mountain, so she built such a path.

Xia Qing also said that the place where her grandparents fell in love was also at the top of this mountain.

There is a forest full of fireflies. At night, the stars in the sky and the fireflies on the ground are very beautiful.

However, Lin Sheng and Xia Qing once stayed in the forest until midnight and did not see the so-called fireflies.

Half a month later, Xia Qing was notified to go back to school because there was an exam.

Lin Sheng is full of confidence for this exam, because he has studied hardest in recent days in his life, and his grades will definitely improve.

After taking the exam, I looked at it and found that I had indeed made great progress.

Then he happily ran to ask Xia Qing how she did in the exam, and was told by Xia Qing with a smile that she got first place in the class this time.

Then Lin Sheng blushed and was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a hole and crawl into it.

It's a big joke for a scumbag to be a teacher for a top student for half a month without any hesitation.

"So why don't you expose me?"

Lin Sheng lowered his head and asked.

"That day, didn't you come to the bathroom to see my joke?" Xia Qing asked quietly.

Lin Sheng quickly replied: "Of course not, I want to help you!"

Xia Qing smiled brightly: "Among so many classmates, you are the only one who wants to help me. Everyone else avoids me."

Some things can be determined with just one look and one move.

No need to say anything more, Lin Sheng already understood everything.

But the happy days only lasted so long, and sadness was the main theme for them.

After school, Lin Sheng said goodbye to Xia Qing as usual and prepared to go home for dinner.

However, they were suddenly attacked by a group of people.

Lin Sheng immediately recognized the identities of these people.

As mentioned before, Lin Sheng's father was a murderer and he killed a foreman.

And the son of the contractor was among the group of people who besieged him.

Before he transferred to another school, this person had been causing trouble for him. Unexpectedly, after he transferred to another school, he would come to find him again.

Of course Lin Sheng started to fight with it, but it was difficult for him to fight with two fists.

While other students were watching, a girl came to him and it was Xia Qing who came back.

She waved a wooden stick and beat those who besieged Lin Sheng hard.

But she was no match for these people and was quickly pushed to the ground.

Xia Qing originally wanted to get up and fight again, but she found her stomach cramping and blood flowing from between her legs.

Now everyone looked at her with expressions of confusion.

Xia Qing was quickly sent to the hospital. The doctor told her that the baby could not be saved and could only undergo surgery to induce labor. He also asked Lin Sheng if he was the father of the baby.

Xia Qing shook her head in denial, but Lin Sheng answered yes.

This made Xia Qing very angry and asked him why he had to admit something that he did not do at all.

Lin Sheng did not answer, but asked the doctor to quickly operate on Xia Qing.

Soon Xia Qing came out of the operating room, and Lin Sheng followed her into the ward.

The two sat opposite each other, saying nothing.

After a while, Xia Qing broke the silence: "Aren't you curious where this child came from?"

Lin Sheng smiled softly and said, "Actually, I knew it a long time ago, but I don't care about your past."

"No, I care." Xia Qing squeezed the sheets tightly, "I will never forget those days. It was like a bone-deep wound, with blood oozing out as you breathed. It was and will be in the future. It keeps torturing you and never heals you for the rest of your life.”

Lin Sheng clenched his fists, his eyes showing infinite loneliness, and he didn't even know how to speak to comfort him.

"I used to think so." Xia Qing suddenly added, "It wasn't until I met you that I saw hope of wound healing, so I really thank you."

After the conversation started, Lin Sheng told Xia Qing his story.

When he was young, his parents were construction site workers.

After working for a year, the contractor refused to pay me.

Lin Sheng's mother went to ask for wages, but was beaten to death by the foreman's men.

In the end, due to lack of evidence, only a few of his subordinates were punished, and the contractor only lost some money.

In order to retaliate, Lin Sheng's father directly stabbed the contractor and one of his men to death, and he was also sentenced to death.

After losing his parents, Lin Sheng was adopted by Ma Weiguo, who was responsible for handling the case.

He grew up with the reputation of being the son of a murderer and was often bullied, especially the son of the contractor.

The beatings that happened today happened often in the past.

This is also the reason why Lin Sheng lives on the streets.

In a sense, Lin Sheng and Xia Qing both share the same fate and experience the same pain.

Therefore, two injured souls can trust each other as if they fell in love at first sight and join forces to keep each other warm.

Not long after, Xia Qing was discharged from the hospital.

Even though she didn't want the baby, those who caused her to miscarry were serious crimes, each of whom would go to jail.

But if you can get her forgiveness, you might be able to get a suspended sentence.

When faced with the pleas of these people and their families, Xia Qing said that she could understand, but the premise is that you don't cause trouble to Lin Sheng in the future. He has never hurt you.

Of course, these people agreed to Xia Qing's request, and their grudge against Lin Sheng was wiped out.

But on the other hand, Li Wei publicized Xia Qing's miscarriage and maliciously slandered her, just to discredit her.

At the same time, Zhao Yunjie is about to come out due to insufficient evidence.

Blows hit Xia Qing one after another. The strange looks and gossip from people around her made it almost impossible for her to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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