Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1273 A leap recorded in history

Xia Qing got the news from her grandfather when she was almost about to collapse, and took a car to the Zhao Group building.

Ma Weiguo did not tell her the specific situation, but said that her grandfather had been found.

When Xia Qing saw the dense crowd of onlookers surrounding her, she immediately understood that something was wrong.

At this time, Lin Sheng came over and stopped her.

What happened? "Xia Qing had tears in her eyes, and her body was gasping for air due to extreme sadness and panic.

"Grandpa stabbed Zhao Yongfa to death and then jumped down from the building..."

Before Lin Sheng finished speaking, Xia Qing had already pushed him away and rushed into the scene crying.

The grandfather who was fine just now, who was talking to her just now, was lying coldly in a pool of blood.

Xia Qing threw herself on her grandfather's body and kept crying, but this time she didn't get any response.

After crying for an unknown amount of time, all her tears were probably gone. Xia Qing became dull and took care of her grandfather's funeral affairs in a state of confusion.

Lin Sheng was worried about her and said a lot of comforting words to her, and vowed to take care of her for the rest of his life.

It was probably Xia Qing's sincere feelings that moved her, and like a zombie she finally responded and promised to be with Lin Sheng forever.

Three days later, Xia Qing attended Zhao Yunjie's first trial as a victim representative and stated the crimes Zhao Yunjie had committed to the judge.

Since Zhao Yongfa died, other senior executives of the company quickly divided up the property of the Zhao Group, making it impossible to provide sufficient compensation to other victims as originally planned.

Everyone testified in court and completed their revenge against Zhao Yunjie.

When she heard that the judge sentenced Zhao Yunjie to death, Xia Qing's face showed no trace of happiness, only relief.

Zhao Yunjie cried bitterly and expressed his dissatisfaction and proposed the above, but with the gathering of witnesses and material evidence, it is unlikely that anything will change.

After the trial, Xia Qing left the court alone. Lin Sheng did not wait for his girl in the huge crowd.

At first, he thought he had some information to disclose to the court, but Lin Sheng did not become suspicious.

But when he saw that no one came out of the court, Lin Sheng became anxious and frantically called Xia Qing, but all the replies he received were missed.

Lin Sheng got on his bicycle and started looking for people everywhere.

When the camera turned, Xia Qing had already returned home by car, and then walked towards the mountain.

"I'm sorry Lin Sheng. Forgive me for not being able to fulfill the promise I made to you. I'm too tired..."

These were the last words Xia Qing left to Lin Sheng. She was ready to jump into the ocean and let all the suffering and sadness end.

"How is it, have you found it?"

On the other side, Ma Weiguo mobilized all his colleagues and Xia Qing's classmates to find her.

However, nothing has been found so far.

"Think of where she's most likely to be right now!"

His father's shout made Lin Sheng, who was in chaos, wake up from a dream. He thought of the forest near the sea, where he and Xia Qing confirmed their feelings for each other.

Lin Sheng immediately turned the car around, stepped on the pedal vigorously, and sped down the road in the seaside town.

His short hair and T-shirt were wet with sweat, and even the ones on his feet were kicked out as he felt they were in the way.

"Hurry, Lin Sheng, faster!"

This is his heartfelt voice, and it is also what countless viewers are whispering.

Soon, Lin Sheng arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the steps, he threw away his bicycle and continued running up without any rest.

Xia Qing had already reached the edge of the cliff. She took off her shoes, looked at the undulating sea in the distance, and took a step forward without saying a word.

However, the moment she stepped forward, Lin Sheng's voice sounded from behind.

He was like a stabbed beast, letting out a heart-rending wail.

Xia Qing turned around in surprise, but her whole body had fallen irreversibly off the cliff.

Lin Sheng didn't hesitate at all and jumped off the cliff with her.

The scene slowed down at this moment, the two of them looked at each other in the air, tears in their eyes kept flying out.

Xia Qing, whose heart was filled with despair, finally regained her hope of living, and she reached out to Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng tried his best to grab Xia Qing's hand, but the two men, who were falling at the same speed, failed to hold each other in the end.

In the end, the two fell into the sea one after another.

Lin Sheng, whose physical strength was almost exhausted, barely struggled in the sea and sank straight down like a stone.

He looked up at the sunlight getting farther and farther above his head, and saw a beautiful school of fish, which was very similar to the forest of fireflies he and Xia Qing had seen that day.

The same grandeur, the same beauty. Unfortunately, such a beautiful scene happened at the last moment of his life. How regrettable.

Just when everyone thought the tragedy was inevitable, Xia Qing emerged from below, grabbed Lin Sheng's hand, and dragged him to the surface.

After breathing in the fresh air, Lin Sheng calmed down for a long time, and then yelled at Xia Qing, asking her why she abandoned him.

Xia Qing lowered her head and said sorry.

Lin Sheng touched Xia Qing's face and told her that if she still wanted to die in the future, then tell him and they would dance together.

Xia Qing did not answer, but kissed Lin Sheng passionately.

This was probably the longest kiss scene Luo Quan had ever filmed, lasting more than ten seconds.

She also proved to the world that as long as her acting skills are explosive enough, even a kiss can contain so many emotional changes, it seems like it has a thousand words.

The camera gradually pulls up, and in the distance is the undulating sea. It has always been like this, as if it has not changed in any way due to the joys, sorrows and joys of this world.

And the movie ends with the kiss where the two finally achieved success after going through all kinds of hardships.

The theater lights were on, some were calling, some were sobbing, and no one had two tears hanging from the corners of their eyes.

Aqiang and Azhen hugged each other tightly, and Azhen kept wiping her nose with a tissue.

Aqiang looked at the audience who were still crying around him and wondered.

Then he pulled it out again and wiped his eyes.

"Husband... will you be like Lin Sheng in the future, love me and protect me forever?"

With tears in her eyes, A-Zhen proposed a proposal to A-Qiang.

You risk your life, but only [-]% of the weirdos will give the wrong answer.

A Qiang is certainly not a weirdo. He holds A Zhen in his arms and swears to her that he will always love her and protect her.The movie lasts two hours, and there are still a large number of fans and reporters waiting to watch the premiere outside the cinema.

After seeing that the first screening had ended, the reporters immediately raised their equipment and prepared to record the audience's impressions of the film.

When the results came out, the audience's eyes were all red, and they were all wiping their tears with tissues, and some were even sobbing.

What's going on?Tear gas was thrown in the middle of the movie?

Not only the reporters, but also the fans nearby were very surprised.

They had heard from Luo Quan that this movie was very touching, but they didn't expect it to be to this extent.

"Hello, sir, are you and the audience who just cried because they watched Luo Quan's "The Sea"?"

The reporter stopped caring about the audience's emotions and stepped forward to start the interview.

Aqiang cleared his throat and replied: "Yes, most of them have just finished watching "The Sea". This movie is really good, but it's just a bit of a waste of tissues."

The reporter asked: "Can you tell me specifically your evaluation of it?"

"It's a tear-jerking masterpiece. The acting skills of Luo Quan and Wen Xia are really amazing, especially their crying scenes. It makes me cry every time I do it."

Having said this, Aqiang waved his hand, indicating that he was in a mood and wanted to find a place to have some quiet time with his girlfriend.

Similar conversations occurred at the entrance to movie theaters across the country.

After watching the movie, all the fans' comments can be summed up as: "A blast!"

Around three o'clock, netizens' movie "Sea" topped the list of hot searches:

"This is definitely the best movie I have seen this year. Luo Quan and Wen Xia used their flawless acting skills to explain to us what the great love of life and death means."

"This is a sad story, but everything in it is so beautiful. The scenery of the town, Xia Qing and Lin Sheng, the firefly forest, and the fish in the sea are as beautiful as a dream. Just looking at these makes people feel... My nose is sore."

"This is not a simple story of love and redemption, it integrates and satirizes many real problems in society, and shows it to everyone from the most naked perspective.

This is not adapted from any real case, but it always gives people a sense of déjà vu, which is the most creepy thing. "

“It’s the most cheerful movie I’ve ever seen, with no big picture and no regrets.

Evil people will eventually be punished, and good people will finally get a gratifying ending.

The protagonist is not the Virgin, I just can't forgive you for everything you did to me, I just want to send you to prison with my own hands.

The same goes for Mr. Zhao. If you dare to touch my granddaughter, I will trade it with you.

Luo Quan also fulfilled her promise and finally gave the male and female protagonists a happy ending, instead of letting the movie end in tragedy in a bloody or literary way. For this reason, I am willing to be her fan for the rest of my life. "

"If, I mean if, there was no scene of the two kissing at the end of the movie, but two black and white photos of the protagonists, would it be more unforgettable?"

"Damn it, you are tattooed on the King of Hell, right? How can you be so cruel?"

"People still need some hope and sunshine. Luo Quan implements two words throughout the movie, that is redemption. It seems that you have not felt her painstaking efforts."

"Life is already very depressing. There is no need to hurt myself with utter sadness. I think this ending is very good. There is no need to make me sad with so-called unforgettable moments."


Clearly, the climate of the Internet has changed.

When "Farewell My Concubine" came out, everyone thought the ending was pretty good, and it was so sad that everyone remembered it.

But now, no one would say such a thing anymore.

Because life is already very hard, why do we need to spend money to add to it?

However, despite everyone's debate about the ending, there is no doubt about one thing, that is, this movie is definitely a masterpiece.

It has been a long, long time since the audience has experienced this kind of touching experience in the cinema that can make their souls tremble.

It was not as if they had watched a movie, but as if they had experienced Xia Qing's life, experiencing her pain and grief as if they were there, and experiencing her inner torment and torture.

But fortunately, her life is not entirely dark. At least her grandfather, Lin Sheng and many well-wishers are like stars in the night, leading her forward.

And this is also the reason why she was finally able to rekindle her desire to survive from having no love for life.

As for Lin Sheng, some netizens called him an angel, the brightest light in Xia Qing's life, who saved Xia Qing's life that should have been shattered. Even though he was living a very hard life and struggled, in the face of Xia Qing who shared the same illness, He never hesitated to express his kindness and sympathy.

This is a collection of all the truth, goodness and beauty in the world. It is really difficult to see such a person in reality.

In addition to the two protagonists, the other supporting characters are also portrayed with flesh and blood.

Especially Xia Qing's grandfather, that knife not only penetrated Zhao Yongfa's chest, but also penetrated into the hearts of countless viewers, helping them vent their anger and depression that had accumulated for more than an hour.

Some netizens commented: "The reason Lin Sheng was able to run up the mountain in time was thanks to the roads built by Mr. Xia.

So Xia Qing, have you seen that even if grandpa is dead, he is still protecting you. "

And then the two protagonists jumped and held hands in the air, which is even more comparable to the famous "you jump, I jump" scene in Titanic.

With love transcending life and death, this leap is definitely worthy of these two words.

However, even this famous scene, which can be called a classic, can only be ranked second in popularity online.

The most popular one is the kiss scene between Luo Quan and Wen Xia.

In the movie, the two kissed in the water for more than ten seconds, and it didn't look like they were borrowing a shot, but a real sword and a real gun.

Then netizens will ask, does Luo Quan use a substitute or PS technology this time?

Some netizens replied:
"Luo Quan and Wen Xia are both extremely dedicated actors, and they are so familiar with each other. If they sacrifice themselves for art and shoot a kiss scene, they won't suffer from each other, and the fans won't be jealous."

"Who says they're not jealous? I'm very dissatisfied. They didn't notify me when they were filming a kissing scene. Let's see how I punish Luo Quan and Wen Xia when I get home!"

"Drinking too much industrial alcohol? Talking such nonsense."

"It's true that the kiss scene was shot without any problems. I even want to watch the sex scene."

"Haha, how could Luo Quan have the courage?"

"Let me tell you, Wen Xia's short hair style is really cool and cool. When I saw it, it was hello, my husband."

"To be honest, I didn't expect that two 25-year-old girls could act with such a sense of youthfulness. It's like going back eight years and returning to the best years."

So here comes the question, Wen Xia plays the male lead in the opposite role, but she is a girl, so when it comes to awards, should she be the Best Actor or Best Actress? "

"This is based on the gender of the actor. If you are a male, even if you play a woman, you will still win the Best Actor Award."

"Then what should we do now? One prize is not enough."

"What else can I do, Queen of Double Shadows?"

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