Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1274 I won’t watch the golden rooster without you

Chapter 1274 I won’t watch the golden rooster without you

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

Double-yolk eggs are not a rare thing in the history of world cinema. Not long ago, there was a double-yolk egg winner in Cannes.

Although two people won the award, it did not affect the gold content of the two best actors at all.

Even if things are rare, they are more valuable. The double-yolked egg actor is more likely to be remembered by people than the ordinary actor.

If there is another double yolk egg movie queen after the double yolk egg movie king, then this matter will be very topical.

Considering that Luo Quan and Wen Xia both performed very well this time, at the Cannes Film Festival next year, they might actually have such a good performance.

But before that, Luo Quan and the others are about to receive the annual Golden Rooster Award.

As the third major award in Mainland China, the Golden Rooster boasts that it does not recognize any relatives, uses art as the only judging criterion for the awards, and is always on par with the Oscars.

Ever since the Golden Horse Awards, the Golden Rooster Awards have assumed the responsibility of being the authoritative award for Chinese-language films.

Starting from 19, the Golden Rooster Award will be held once every two years instead of once every two years.

When it first started, the reviews were pretty good, but in the past two years, it has received a lot of bad reviews.

Netizens feel that the Golden Rooster Award is too old-fashioned. Many awards can actually be replaced, but they are still retained to give honor to those who are interested.

In addition, the pork is divided seriously, and awards are based on merit rather than level.

To be fair, this can be found in any award in the world, but only one or two in each session will be enough. If there are too many awards, of course netizens will not be happy.

The most important point is that the Golden Rooster Award is too greedy.

It needs artistry, enthusiasm, main melody, and both rain and dew.

I thought I could achieve perfection, but the actual situation was that I didn't get anything I wanted, which actually lowered my value.

The good news is that this time the Golden Rooster Awards have made it clear that they will focus on the artistic field and select the best films.

In addition, there are so many excellent movies this year, which can be called a fight between gods, so this Golden Rooster nomination is still worth looking forward to.

"Winning all the big prizes?"

Luo Quan couldn't help but laugh when he saw the boasts of the fans: "How is it possible? Farewell My Concubine didn't even do it back then. I can only say that I should strive to get all those important awards."

"A director who doesn't want to win awards is not a good anchor."

"Although there are many competitors this year, when "Memories of Murder" and "The Sea" were placed here, I only felt two words - invincible!"

"Really, I can't think of any movie that can compete with these two."

"I have an idea. Let "Memories of Murder" be selected in Cannes and "Sea" be selected in Venice. Can we have a double happiness then?"

"Damn, it sounds really exciting!"

"What a great idea, and I think the probability of winning is really high."

"Just kidding, the technique and acting skills of "Sea" would have been top-notch even more than ten years ago. If you don't win an award, it will definitely be considered a shady act!"

"Indeed, the sense of immersion is so strong that it's hard to imagine that this movie was shot in just one month."

"And every frame of the image is so beautiful, every frame is art."

"This time Luo Bao will have to be soft to win the prize."


Obviously, fans already think that there is no suspense about Luo Quan's victory over the Golden Rooster this time.

In fact, not only fans, but also the trend of public opinion on the entire Internet is like this.

There is "Memories of Murder" at the beginning of the year and "Sea" at the end of the year. Either one is a big winner for awards. If the two films come out together, there is a high probability that they will win any award directly.

Now netizens are just regretting that it would be better if "The Sea" could be released a month or two later, so that Luo Quan could have a bumper harvest of awards for two consecutive years and directly start her era of dominance.

But there is no need to get too entangled, maybe Luo Quan can make a better movie next year and continue to rule.

But Murphy's Law once again proves that some things you think are foolproof, but sometimes it just wants to trick you out.

Within a few days, the nominations for the Golden Rooster Awards came out.

"The Wandering Earth 2", "Memories of Murder", and "The Wilderness" received very high calls. There were only two nominations in total.

"Sea", which was originally predicted to sweep the Golden Rooster, was only nominated for three awards, namely Best Actress, Best Film and Best Supporting Actor.

It's quite heavy, but it's completely inconsistent with what I expected at the beginning.

In the eyes of netizens, it is reasonable for this movie to have at least nine nominations.

As a result, there are only three now, and they may not be available, which is really unacceptable.

Let’s take a look at the other nominations for this Golden Rooster: main theme, niche, literary and artistic, low box office, and traffic star.

A little bit of everything, and finally it looks like four different shapes.

After the nomination came out, netizens immediately went crazy:

"'Little Poshu 2' and 'Prehistoric' are two milestones in the Chinese special effects industry. With just a few nominations, are you sure the jury is not joking?"

"Don't you think that these two movies deserve to win awards because of their high box office? Their high box office shows that they are very popular in the market, but it does not conflict with their artistic achievements!"

"I can't understand how this nomination was proposed. It's really ugly that a popular celebrity can appear."


Netizens are complaining about many movies.

This year can be said to be a year of explosive growth in the Chinese-language film box office market. Every quarter there are several hits, and the box office exceeds previous years.

But these high-grossing movies, without exception, failed to win awards, and received very few nominations.

It is understandable that business and text should be distinguished, but for a movie like "The Sea", just because it has a commercial nature, it cannot be said that it has no connotation.

On the contrary, its story is much better than many art films that people can't understand at all.

As a result, this was the last nomination.

It turns out that what the judges said about not recognizing the six relatives refers specifically to commercial films.

And the literary and artistic films in it, no matter what their level is, as long as they are niche enough and can reflect the excellence of the judges, they will get a nomination.

Commercial blockbusters like "The Wandering Earth 2" and "Prehistoric" are not worthy of competing for awards.

Such a standard is too biased.

"How do you evaluate this nomination for the Golden Rooster Award?"

This is the barrage that countless fans have been reading before Luo Quan started broadcasting in the evening.

Luo Quan took a sip of his first cup of milk tea in winter, exhaled a breath of hot steam, and said: "So I told everyone before, don't be blindly confident in my movies, because you are not the judges and cannot decide who can be nominated.

Look, are they all slapped in the face now? "

"I can't figure out why that popular celebrity can be compared with Teacher Ni Xuejian."

"In comparison, the four-character words in Kong He Lan become more pleasing to the eye." "So people are all judged by comparison. At the beginning of the year, I scolded him for more than half a year, and now I will give you someone who is not as good as him, the four-character reputation It warmed up instantly.”

"Tell me a joke, Brother Bo nominated Golden Rooster for Best Supporting Actor."

"Objectively speaking, Brother Bo has made great progress this time. Although his education level is still not high, he has acted in many more movies than before. However, whether it is worthy of being nominated for a Golden Rooster Award is really open to question."

"Do you still need to discuss it? Isn't it obvious that the organizer only mentioned this name because they want to gain traffic?"

"They also said they would not recognize their relatives, but this time it is full of themes. It doesn't matter how good your filming is, as long as you do it right, you will be nominated."

"I can't stand what Huabiao does. After all, people have always been like this. You, Jinji, do the same thing. All I can say is that I'd rather die together with Jinma."

"Is it possible that Luo Bao's speech at the Huabiao Awards last time offended too many people? Although the scolding was very touching, a lot of people in the audience looked unhappy."

"Luo Bao didn't name him by name, and she wasn't wrong."

"These people can't tolerate Luo Bao, which only means that either their minds are too narrow-minded, or Luo Bao's personality is too great."

"The answer is obvious."

"These films that were not nominated actually no longer need the Golden Rooster to prove themselves. Instead, the Golden Rooster needs them to enhance their credibility."

"It doesn't matter. Let's wait for the three major universities and the Oscars next year. I don't believe I won't meet someone who knows the stuff."

"The only good news is that both Luo Quan and Wen Xia have been nominated for Best Actress this time, so there is a possibility of a double-yolked egg."

"It's best not to give it to him. We can't afford to embarrass that person."

"Ha ha ha ha."


This Golden Rooster nomination has caused great controversy.

But then again, which year’s nomination was less controversial?
No award can be completely objective and fair.

The Nobel Prize, like the Oscar, needs to serve politics, and there will also be times when it causes huge controversy.

Maybe when they look at this nomination many years later, netizens will think that there is a fight between gods and gods, and that it is extremely difficult to choose no matter who the award is given to.

But now, if these awards are not given to the right people, it is a complete shady story.

As for Luo Quan, she already knew this would happen last night.

The specific reason is actually similar to the situation of the girls in the world.

If you take up all the resources, what will other colleagues do?

You are a genius. You make so many movies in a year, and they are all well-received and successful. Douban 8.9 and 9.0 are all good works that can enter the history of film.

According to the rules, of course they are all worthy of nomination and all worthy of winning awards.

But you are happy to have swept the awards alone, but what about other Chinese filmmakers?
They need these authoritative awards to increase their worth, and the younger generations also need these awards as motivation.

And you, Luo Quan, already have this status, why bother competing with these mediocre geniuses?

Therefore, you have to forgive others and forgive others.

Just give you a few important awards and leave those less-attractive awards to others, and everyone will remember you well.

This is what He Ju said when he persuaded her. It sounds very similar to what Huanyu said.

Originally, He Ju was worried that Luo Quan was young and energetic and would not be able to accept such an arrangement, especially after he had just made a masterpiece like "The Sea".

He was one of the first viewers of this movie, much earlier than the theater audience, and he cried much earlier than those audiences.

Emotionally speaking, of course he feels that "The Sea" can win all the awards. After all, the last time he saw such an outstanding movie was when "Farewell My Concubine" was released.

The last time it happened would have been more than ten years ago.

But rationally speaking, this nomination definitely cannot be given like this.

It's all given to Luo Quan, so what else will be judged for this award in the future?

Luo Quan comes here every two or three years just to purchase goods at the award ceremony, so why not just call it Luo Quan Award.

Therefore, whether the operation of dividing pork is fair or unfair depends on the specific situation.

He knew that this was certainly unfair to Luo Quan.

I was also worried that she would not be able to accept it because she was young and energetic, so I thought of a lot of words of advice and ways to compensate.

I just didn't expect Luo Quan to agree to the arrangement as soon as he heard what he said, as if he didn't particularly care.

In fact, I really don't care.

Since you have the ability to win international awards, then you can win these domestic awards if you can. It doesn’t matter if you can’t win them.

Compared with Cannes and Venice, Golden Rooster is still far behind in terms of appearance.

What's more, if those things didn't happen at the Golden Horse Awards, the Golden Rooster's status in the country wouldn't be that high.

To put it bluntly, the Golden Horse is actually still the most valuable award for Chinese-language films.

However, after mainlanders stopped participating, the popularity has become less and less popular. Now basically no one will mention it anymore.

In short, Luo Quan accepted He Bureau's arrangements with a big-picture view and gave up part of the Golden Rooster nomination.

In fact, not only this time, but also the future awards will probably be arranged in this way.

Again and again, and again, and again, as long as this kind of thing is started, there is no need to deliberately notify it again in the future.

Fortunately, she didn't suffer any loss at all. Anyway, she was promised a lot of benefits.

The most important one is to further relax the content review of station B.

This is what Luo Quan attaches most importance to.

The relaxed content standards mean that Station B can attract many users.

In the past, if cosplayers showed a little bit of sex at Station B, their videos would be reviewed and removed from the shelves.

There is no way, the user group of Bilibili decided that it must be so strict, even if it is overcorrection, it must be done.

It’s different now. Through Luo Quan’s efforts, Station B has finally obtained the review environment it should have, and creators no longer need to be so cautious and shackles to create.

If it continues to improve, Station B may become one of the platforms with the most relaxed environment on the entire Internet.

This is the basic condition for attracting a large number of users and creators.

Of course, Luo Quan himself also knows that everything must be done in a mode.

The midnight shows of Douyu and Huya are the best examples.

If you act too unrestrained and arrogant, you will definitely be severely punished.

Therefore, Luo Quan does not intend to turn Station B into a platform with no taboos.

I just want to make it as free as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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