Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1275 Role Playing

Chapter 1275 Role Playing
"I'm not the only one who's not welcome."

Luo Quan smiled at the live broadcast camera and said to the excited fans: "Don't movies such as "The Wandering Earth", "The Lost Wife", "Adventures in Northern Myanmar" and "Empty River Blue" not have any nominations? There is even no harvest.

Although on the whole these movies are not that good, I think at least the performances of many actors in them are very outstanding and they will not even get a nomination. "

Some of the true words were spoken in this eloquent conversation.

Although Luo Quan completely obeyed He Bureau's arrangements, it was really difficult for her not to complain a word.

I've given the prize to you, why don't you let me say a few words?

So Luo Quan still said whatever he wanted during the live broadcast.

"Normally, movies with high box office are not very artistic in the eyes of these academics. Giving you a few technical nominations already looks highly upon you."

"It doesn't matter. We will attack hard at Cannes and Venice next year. When we come back after winning the award, we will slap these academics hard in the face."

"Luo Bao's failure to be nominated is not her damage, but rather the loss of this award."

"By the way, did "The Sea" do well at the box office? It's so unpopular."

"If you make a movie so well, how can you make it worse in the future?"

"Hahaha, that makes sense."


There are some things that are not convenient for her to say, but if she can guide them and let them come out from the fans' mouths, it is actually quite relieving.

But after laughing, there was no need to continue the discussion in depth. After the list came out, everything was a foregone conclusion.

At least "Memories of Murder" was lucky enough to win many honors at the Huabiao Awards.

"Sea" is also good. It has been nominated for major awards, and it seems that none of its competitors pose any threat.

In comparison, "The Wandering Earth 2" is really miserable, and only received a few marginal nominations.

She gave up these honors in exchange for benefits for the sake of the overall situation.

And "The Wandering Earth 2" is probably really unpopular. Not only did it miss out on the Golden Rooster Awards this time, but if it releases 3 or other science fiction masterpieces by the same director in the future, it probably won't win any heavyweight honors at the Golden Rooster Awards.

The good news is that it may be highlighted at the Hundred Flowers Awards.

After all, the Hundred Flowers Awards are more willing to award awards to good movies that are popular and box-office. "The Wandering Earth 2" definitely meets this standard.

"Okay, that's it for now. I will take a long break, and everyone can just wait for the release of "Prehistoric 2"."

Luo Quan stretched out his hand to straighten the camera and adjusted his status to become an entertainment anchor: "I remember that many fans asked me to cosplay the Death God elementary school student yesterday. Everyone knows that I love fans, so I came prepared today."


"Okay, I want to see Luo Bao's Belmode!"

"Let me ask you, what kind of show is Shinigami Elementary School Student?"

"Holy shit, brother, you're a teenager, don't you even know about Detective Conan?"

"It feels like these anime are from decades ago. Are they still being updated?"

"Damn, I suddenly feel like I'm getting older instantly. Is this the generation gap with young people?"

"We are the remnants of the old era. There is no ship that can carry me in the new era."

"As long as it's not cosplaying Conan."


As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Quan took out a small blue suit and black-rimmed glasses without prescription from the closet: "Yes, the person I want to cosplay today is the Shinigami elementary school student, the famous Edogawa Conan!"


"Afraid of what will happen, it belongs to me."

"Cos, I suggest Luo Bao stop talking, it's easy to send everyone away directly."

"As we all know, Conan has the physique of a god of death who can kill people wherever he goes, and Luo Bao has the physique of a koi carp of good luck. Who can be better when they are combined?"

"Hedge, and then lose everyone."

"I suggest that there be a fan drama in the future called Detective Ke Lan, with Luo Baolai starring."

"Haha, this is quite interesting."

"Then the protagonist's popularity hasn't exploded yet?"


For Luo Quan cosplaying Conan himself, the barrage was more or less disappointing.

There are many good-looking mature ladies in this series, and the more well-known ones include Eri Fei, Belmod, Yukiko Kudo, Rena Mizunashi, etc.

Just pick any cosplay, it will definitely be very eye-catching.

Who knew that Luo Quan chose Conan, what was so good about a primary school boy.

In fact, Luo Quan himself felt that Kidd's outfit was more handsome, but because he hadn't bought it before, he couldn't prepare it immediately, so he finally chose Conan to cosplay.

After changing his clothes, Luo Quan sat in front of the computer.

I have to say that Conan's little suit is actually pretty good-looking, and Luo Quan feels very heroic when he wears it.

But today’s topic is not cos, but s11.

In the past few days of filming in Luoquan, the S11 Global Finals has started.

Of the four teams, one died in the group stage and two were eliminated in the quarterfinals.

The top eight will go home to the fourth seed Li Ning and the third seed GNR, while the top [-] will go home to Little Phoenix.

Li Ning's failure to advance to the semi-finals is actually expected. After all, the strength of the players only ends here. Being able to advance from the group stage to the quarter-finals is considered a successful completion of the task. It is normal to be unable to go further.

But Little Phoenix fell in the top [-], which no one could have imagined before the game.

As the champion of S9, Xiaofeng has won two consecutive runner-ups in the division this year. His performance has been very stable. Before the start of the game, he was also considered a strong contender for the S11 championship.

Especially in the first round of the group stage, it won two out of three games, and the one it lost was the third one. After the loss, the team members were very high-spirited, and they all recorded videos to announce that we would be playing next. Don't lose a game and advance to the quarterfinals.

Then, the situation that was supposed to advance after one win ended with no win and was happily sent away by European and American players.

Because the game in the second round was so bad, and the remarks about "not losing a game" before the game were too funny, these words were turned into e-sports bibles by netizens and circulated everywhere.

Facts have once again proved that you should never set a flag for something you are not sure about. Once you set a flag, you will really overturn it.

Although three LPL teams have been eliminated, the good news is that LPL's No. [-] seed EDG passed the test and entered the finals.

What they have to face is last year's defending champion DK.

To be honest, the situation is quite severe.

DK has been strong in the Korean division for a year and is the defending champion again, so the momentum is different.

As for EDG, its best result in the previous S competition was only the top eight, and it has been dubbed by Chinese game fans as an expert in civil war and an outsider in foreign war.

Because EDG always hit their own people hard, they always obeyed when facing foreign teams. In the S game, they left too many famous scenes of humiliation.So even before the war started, countless people had already begun to badmouth lpl.

In fact, it’s quite normal. After all, South Korea won the championship last year, and this year’s finalist is an “experience baby.” Those who often watch the game know that there is a high probability that it will be sent. Many Korean game fans have even begun to discuss how to choose this champion skin. Topic.

On the Chinese side, there are also mourners everywhere.

Luo Quan saw that the atmosphere was not right a few days ago, so he always planned to take some time to cheer everyone up.

To be precise, it is the whole wonderful life to relieve the current tense and pessimistic atmosphere.

"There have been more than ten large-scale battles in the S competition place in the past dynasties. It is difficult to say the right and wrong. However, historians have all noticed that it is in this international competition arena that determines the rise and fall of so many teams. Therefore, there has been a desire to win the S competition since ancient times. Says Sai.

The day after the principal led IG to march north and regain the glory of LPL, SKT saw that the situation was over and announced its abdication.

In the S8 finals, it was on the ancient battlefield of Incheon that I had the honor to personally lead [-] athletes in the live broadcast room to witness the IG team reaching its peak and winning a resounding victory! "

Luo Quan took out a teaching stick from somewhere and waved it towards the camera, his tone extremely serious, as if he was really discussing the arrangements for a battle.

In the live broadcast room, the fans were already laughing so hard.

Most fans know that Leon likes to be abstract, but only a few fans know that Luo Quan is actually more abstract than his brother.

Just like the good job in front of him, Leon would never be able to do it.

Why are classics handed down from generation to generation?Because it can arouse resonance and response from countless people as soon as it is taken out, just like Luo Quan’s changed Bible.

As he spoke, Luo Quan suddenly became louder: "

I don’t understand why everyone is talking about Xiang Yu being trapped in Gaixia, as if the S11 finals are doomed for us.

Two years ago, we embarked on a journey from Busan and began the Northern Expedition, and fans of all LPL teams were unified.

Wherever the IG team members went, the people wholeheartedly welcomed them. It can be said that they took advantage of the right time. The state of vitality and all things happening is still before their eyes.

Just two years later, before the game even started, has it suddenly become our burial place? "

At this point, Luo Quan did not continue speaking, but left a blank space for fans to express themselves freely.

In this case, is there a second barrage that can be posted?

"No matter how you say it, the battle force is 80 vs. 60, and I have the advantage!"

Everyone started copying and pasting, frantically writing this classic line.

It is not uncommon for anchors to do abstract work, but it is very rare for a big star like Luo Quan to also do abstract work, and the key is to do it so well.

Even fans think Luo Quan is too outrageous this time:

"I can't imagine Luo Bao's mental state when he was alive."

"Art can be grounded to the earth, but it cannot be grounded to the underworld."

"You can still live like this, then you are really awesome."

"I would like to call Luo Bao the number one abstract female anchor at Station B."

"Let's just change our name to Luo Shunquan from now on."

"Hahaha, you are trying to laugh me to death by riding on the horse, right?"


I originally thought that the focus of today was to watch Luo Quan’s cosplay, but in the end I witnessed a unique experience.

Now no one was worried about whether EDG could win the championship. The entire LoL crowd came to watch the fun.

After finishing the work, Luo Quan also put down his teaching stick and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, this work was done for the purpose of improving the program effect, and on the other hand, I also wanted to cheer up LPL fans.

Everyone thinks that EDG will definitely lose this time, but I think there is still hope.

After all, DK is not the original team, and the players' condition is not as good as last year. EDG all need to use this championship to prove themselves, and their condition is getting better and better.

So under the circumstances, I even think EDG has a higher chance of winning. "

Luo Quan took a sip of water and continued: "But if you ask me to talk about ten wins and ten losses, then I definitely won't be able to come.

But I am optimistic about EDG winning the championship. Besides, lpl is such a one-man team. If you don’t support it, who else can you support? "

Such a statement was quickly recognized by the players:

"Correct, pertinent, objective..."

"Although Luo Quan doesn't play games much anymore, the king's vision is still there, so I definitely believe in her."

"Come on EDG, Koi has already given you two blessings. Luck is definitely on your side!"

"If EDG can win the championship this time, Guodian's name will be well-deserved, and the youth of many people will be complete."

"But it certainly does not include Huang Za's youth."

"Haha, don't engage in internal fighting at this time."


Some people want to unite, and some want to fight against each other.

Teams are usually at odds with each other, especially those strong teams that often fight for championships.

If EDG really wins the championship, these people don't know how uncomfortable they will be.

So as many people cheer for EDG, there will be as much cynicism as there are people.

But these things are invisible to the EDG players.

The finals will be in three days, and the EDG team leader has already collected their mobile phones.

On the one hand, they are urged to focus all their energy on training, and on the other hand, they do not want outside public opinion to affect them.

We have reached the finals. We have worked hard for a year just for the final Bo5. The whole club attaches great importance to it.

After Luo Quan performed this job, she was also forwarded by the EDG club, thanking her for cheering them before the game was about to start.

With such an effective abstract support video, I gradually changed the direction of the Internet, which originally favored wrestling.

As Luo Quan said, we are all here, what else can you do besides cheering?
From a metaphysical point of view, you have lost so many times in S games before, so you should have accumulated enough character, right?

Therefore, many people secretly feel that EDG is likely to make history this time.

Three days later in the evening, the S11 Global Finals officially began.

Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room early, and together with thousands of fans, waited to watch this world-famous battle.

As the most popular e-sports today, the popularity of the League of Legends global finals championship has soared to 5000 million before it even started.

The exact number of viewers is unknown, but there should be millions of real people.

If the scope is enlarged to the whole world, it is estimated that there are at least 300 million people!

(End of this chapter)

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