Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1290 Please be sure to step up your efforts

Chapter 1290 Please be sure to step up your efforts

This is probably the first time that Kaoru Suzumiya has been treated so tenderly by a colleague.

Suffering from hearing impairment, she was different from the people around her since she was a child. She was often regarded as a freak and bullied arbitrarily.

She believed that it was all her fault that such a thing happened, so she treated everything around her with the greatest kindness, hoping to be treated with the same kindness.

Until Xia Xia appeared and told her the truth.

"The mistake...isn't me?" Suzumiya Kaoru's pupils began to focus, and the light reappeared in her eyes.

Then, she hugged Xia Tian and started crying.

She has not been able to hear clearly since she was a child, and even when she cries, she looks different.

Amid the wails of a baby, Kaoru Suzumiya was reborn.

No wonder they say women are made of water, Xia Tian felt it now.

Although his shoulders were flooded, he still patted Suzumiya Kaoru's back gently and inhaled the fresh and charming fragrance of the girl.

He hugged Kaoru Suzumiya, just to comfort this kind and pitiful girl, and definitely not because he was greedy for her soft body.

After about a minute, Suzumiya Kaoru stopped crying and left Natsuhi's embrace.

Looking at Xia Xia's soaked right shoulder, she suddenly blushed: "Sorry, I have caused trouble to Xia Xia Sang again."

Xia Xia smiled heartily: "If my shoulder can make you feel better, I will be open to you at any time in the future."

"Arigado, Natsuhi-san." Kaoru Suzumiya thanked her with a serious expression.

Although the words were quite sincere, Xia Tian felt a little strange in her ears.

At this time, a panel about the second heroine will also appear:
[Name: Kaoru Suzumiya

Gender: Female
Age: 22 years old

Height: 163cm
Body: B Cup
Raiders progress: 50%
Personality: Suzumiya Kaoru, who suffers from hearing impairment, is a gentle, kind and strong girl. The world kisses her with pain, but she responds with songs.

Food hobbies: Like spicy food
Weaknesses: She lost her father when she was young, and her mother was her only support. The purpose of entering Akamon Private High School was to reduce the burden on her family, so that her mother, who had worked hard for half her life, would no longer be so tired.

Strategy analysis: Players can choose to watch or not watch (not watching is the correct option]

If the player chooses not to watch, the plot will continue:
For a kind-hearted girl like Kaoru Suzumiya, she only needs a little kindness to gain her favor and even make her feel flattered.

However, the people around her only gave her bullying and indifference.

How ironic that people who have been abandoned by the world love the world so hard, but in the end they are persecuted and bruised all over their bodies.

This should not be her fate. Xia Tian decided to protect her and let her feel a little warmth in this cold world.

"If you encounter something like this again in the future, tell me and I will help you solve all your troubles." Xia Tian made the promise with a serious expression, like a loyal knight.

The sunlight shined through the curtains, shining golden light on him. Suzumiya Kaoru looked at him movedly, feeling a huge sense of security in his heart.

After what happened, the two of them were in no mood to attend the after-get off work drinking party. After waving goodbye, they went home.

Summer's home is in Adachi Ward, which is far away from the bustling Shinjuku. It takes four and ten minutes by train. It is one of the most backward and poorest areas in Tokyo.

However, poverty has its advantages: prices in all aspects are cheaper.

After Natsuhi's parents died unexpectedly, the inheritance they left him was a two-bedroom house in Adachi Ward.

It can be said to be quite spacious for a single person, but it is a bit far from the city center.

Suzumiya Kaoru's home is a one-family building located in Bunkyo District.

At this moment, she was lying in front of her desk, writing a line of beautiful words in her diary:
“I was hated by everyone again today, but I got to know Natsuhi-san.

Although they are fierce, I have Natsuhi-san protecting me, so they are not scary at all.

Summer mulberry is the best. "

Just as I was writing this, the door to the room opened.

A woman who looked like Kaoru Suzumiya came in, carrying a plate with peeled apple pieces on it.

"Mom." Suzumiya Kaoru turned his head and smiled happily at the woman.

"Kaoru-chan, how was your day at the company? Did you get along well with your colleagues?" Mrs. Suzumiya gently stroked her daughter's hair, her eyes full of love.

"You know mom, I have always been very popular and loved by everyone." Suzumiya Kaoru smiled sweetly, like an apple on the plate, "And I also made a friend, and he was very kind to me."

"Really?" Mrs. Suzumiya also laughed, "But no matter what happens, remember to tell the teacher and mother."

"I know, mom, you can eat too." Suzumiya Kaoru said, picking up a piece of apple and stuffing it into her mother's mouth.

"Mom has something else to do, so she's going out first. Let's have teriyaki eel and fried pork cutlet for dinner." Mrs. Suzumiya said with a smile.

After leaving her daughter's room and reaching the corner of the stairs, Mrs. Suzumiya finally couldn't bear it anymore and leaned against the wall, covering her mouth and sobbing.

She took a peek at her daughter's diary, and the contents inside made her sad and helpless.

When she walked into the room just now and saw her daughter writing in her diary, she knew that her daughter was being bullied again.

But every time she asked about it, her daughter always reported good news but not bad news in order not to worry her. She even always tried to cover it up by saying she had made new friends.

In fact, she knew that those so-called new friends were the ones bullying her daughter.

"I'm sorry Xiaoxun, it's all my mother's fault."

Mrs. Suzumiya sobbed weakly, tears overflowing from her palms and hitting the floor.

The only thing she can do now is to work hard to make money, and when she has enough money, she will take Xiaoxun to the last doctor to cure her ear.

Only by becoming a healthy person can misfortune end.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Suzumiya quickly wiped away her tears and prepared to go out to work her second job.

The next morning, Xia Xia walked into the company and let out a long yawn.

Although he got off work very early yesterday, he was used to staying up late, so he still played on his mobile phone until after twelve o'clock before going to bed.

It's really not his fault. It's really the variety show that pranked the girl in a swimsuit. It was so exciting that I lost track of time as soon as I watched it.

I checked the cleanliness of the seats. It can be said that they are clean and hygienic. It seems that those guys were quite obedient yesterday.

Just as he was thinking about it, the men entered the office.

When they saw Xia Xia's eyes staring at them maliciously, the men all trembled.

When they saw Xia Xia walking towards them, they immediately trembled even more fiercely.

"The office is so clean. It seems you worked very hard yesterday to clean it." Xia Xia sat on the desk of one of the male colleagues and greeted him with a smile.The male colleague sitting at the table said with a look of fear: "Natsumi-kun, we don't dare to bully you and Suzumiya anymore, please let us go."

"Don't you plan to come back with revenge?" Xia Tian asked with a smile, "I can give you a chance to beat me up, just at noon today, no matter how many helpers you call."

"We really don't dare!" Several men looked at each other and then quickly shook their heads.

"But with you guys like this, I feel very insecure." Xia Tian said with a distressed look, "What if one day you suddenly make a sneak attack, or bully Suzumiya-san while I'm away, that would be too troublesome."

"Absolutely not, please Xiajun, please believe us!"

The eyes of the male colleagues were very sincere, but Xia Tian scoffed at the promises made by these bullies.

"Okay, come with me to the toilet."

Xia Xia left the table, walked to the door and found that several male colleagues hadn't moved. She frowned and asked, "What? Do you want me to beat you up again?"

Facts have proven that hard fists are more convincing than words.

He was so polite that no one made a move, but as soon as he started threatening, these bitches ran away as fast as they could.

Ten minutes later, several people returned to the office from the toilet.

Xia Xia felt refreshed, but the other four male colleagues had strange expressions on their faces.

"Don't worry, if you behave well enough, I will delete the videos after a while. As long as you stop causing trouble, these videos will never be disclosed to anyone." Xia Tian laughed and comforted them.

The male colleagues did not speak, but nodded timidly, and then returned to their respective positions.

"Natsumi-san, what did you do just now?" Suzumiya Kaoru asked curiously.

Xia Tian smiled and replied: "Nothing, I just witnessed a philosophical wrestling."

"Philosophical wrestling?" This was the first time Suzumiya Kaoru heard this term.

"This is a way for men to enhance their relationship, just like girls going shopping." Xia Tian nodded, talking without blushing.

Suzumiya Kaoru had no doubt that he was there. After what happened yesterday, she believed everything Natsuhi-san said now.

After touching the fish for a long time, Xia Tian yawned and lamented that life is really as lonely as snow.

At this time, someone in the company group suddenly sent him a message, signed by Chiba Rinko.

"Come to the president's office and see me!"

Xia Tian was frightened when she saw this name.

In the minds of all employees of the company, Chiba Rinko is a stunning flower on the mountain, a talented business genius, and a queen who makes everyone tremble.

Resolute and resolute, she rules everyone in the company and has made countless contributions to the company's expansion.

And such a strong woman has another look in the systematic description:
[Name: Rinko Chiba
Gender: Female
Age: 26 years old

Height: 171cm
Body: D Cup

The elite education she received since childhood made her tough and strong, full of desire to conquer everything, but the lack of family affection also made her long for the care of others.

Chiba Rinko was not born to be a queen. If she could, she would also like to be a girl who loves little birds, to be conquered by others, held in her arms and loved.

Food hobbies: I hate the bitterness of coffee and like sweet and sour drinks.


Chiba Rinko's feet are her sensitive areas and no one is allowed to touch them.

Once touched, you have a 90.00% chance of being sent to prison, and a [-]% chance of producing special effects.

Strategy analysis: Chiba Rinko is quite interested in the protagonist, so if you have the chance, go ahead bravely, boy, this is your only chance to counterattack the Queen! 】

However, the protagonist himself cannot see the content of these strategies, so Xia Tian feels very uneasy at the moment, not knowing why he was called by Chiba Rinko.

Five minutes later, he arrived outside the closed door of the president's office.

The decoration design of the entire floor here has the feeling of a European palace. The edges of the two doors are filled with golden patterns, which looks very noble.

Xia Tian knocked twice, and a "Please come in" quickly sounded from inside.

Xia Tian walked in and found that the interior decoration of the office was also very luxurious.

There are many pieces of furniture made of cherry wood standing on the luxurious red carpet. There are two exquisite sculptures on both sides of the room, and several abstract oil paintings hang on the wall, adding an artistic atmosphere to this gorgeous room.

Xia Tian had seen this kind of scene before in some not-so-healthy dramas.

But maybe I’ve seen too many, so I can’t remember which one it was.

"Lock the door." Chiba Rinzi said without looking up while looking at the book.

Xia Tian did as he was told, and when the door lock clicked, the place turned into a real secret room.

Being in the same room with President Queen, the sense of déjà vu became even stronger, as if something fascinating was going to happen next.

Smelling the fragrance in the air, Xia Tian was a little fanciful.

"Xia Tianjun, it seems that you have not realized the self-consciousness of being a social animal."

Chiba Rinzi put down the book, her eyes sharp as if looking at a piece of garbage: "Do you still need me to teach you how to pour drinks?"

"I'm sorry, president." Xia Tian immediately walked towards the drink machine in the room.

There are many drinks to choose from on the machine, and in summer, after filling half a cup of hot coffee, add half a cup of hot milk and a spoonful of sugar.

After stirring evenly, Xia Tian placed the milk coffee in front of Rinko Chiba: "Please use it, President."

Chiba Rinzi glanced down, a strange color flashed in her eyes, and then her beautiful eyebrows frowned: "Who asked you to make your own decision and add milk and sugar to the coffee?"

"I'm sorry, President." Xia Tian immediately admitted her mistake, "Actually, I think the coffee is too bitter, so I want to add some milk to neutralize the taste. If you don't like it, I will change it for you immediately."

"Forget it." Chiba Rinzi waved her hand and picked up the cup.

Xia Tian saw Chiba Rinko's soft red lips and gently pressed the rim of the cup.

The black and white mixed coffee rushed back and forth between her lips and teeth, and finally advanced deep into the mouthpiece, pushing her snow-white slender neck into a bulge that slid downwards.

This scene full of sexual tension made Xia Tian lick her upper lips dryly, and then swallowed a big mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

In the end, the bulge disappeared into the collar, and Chiba Rinko also put down the cup and said expressionlessly: "As expected, I still prefer bitter coffee, with sugar and milk, etc. These are childish flavors that only little girls like."

Although his mouth said he hated it, his body drank it down faithfully.

Arrogant women are like this. Their words are tougher than anyone else's, but their actual actions are completely different.

(End of this chapter)

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