Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1294 I just like spectacles

Chapter 1294 I just like spectacles
"Don't you think of me enough?
Don't you think that's enough for me?
I've been burning my heart out
I'm heartbroken
Got to face, need to tell you
I have chosen to face
I won't run cause I'm reticent
I won't run away anymore just because I should be silent


As soon as he opened his mouth, it was still Luo Quan's soothing rhythm.

The song is like a murmur in a dream, bringing a sense of tranquility to the world.

The feeling was like lying on my back on the grass on a midsummer night.

Above the head is the bright and dazzling galaxy, and in the ears are the croaking frogs and the singing of cicadas. It is obviously so noisy, but it seems so quiet.

At this moment, it was as if time had stood still, as evidenced by the sparse barrage.

However, after a short period of preparation, the climax suddenly came:
"You will know you're reborn tonight
You will know that you will be reborn tonight.

Must be ragged but I stay by your side
No matter how hard it is, I will stay by your side


This song, like a call, directly hit everyone's soul, causing their tear ducts to burst out of control.

Some people and songs are like this, even if they have a very cheerful personality, they can't help but burst into tears when they hear it.

What's more, Luo Quan's song itself is a tear-jerking piece that can easily make people's noses sore. Coupled with her extremely tender voice, no one can resist this magic.

The song is not long, only less than 3 minutes.

But after Luo Quan finished singing, the barrage was already filled with tears:
"You may have a hard time imagining what it would be like for a 1.8-meter tall man to burst into tears."

"It's really regrettable. Obviously the giant brought so much emotion, and everyone deserves a happy ending, but in the end it turned out like this."

"Originally, the ending of Giant made me laugh, but after listening to Luo Bao's song, I really wanted to cry."

"Perhaps this is youth. There are always so many regrets and dissatisfactions, but when youth is over, the rest of life is the highlight. Don't wallow in it all the time, be brave and move on!"

"Well said, but I choose to lie flat."

"Indeed, it's so comfortable to lie flat. I no longer have the energy to fight."

"Just watching the live broadcast and listening to Luo Bao's songs is very satisfying. When you don't expect more, you will find that life is actually quite easy."

"Everything in society creates pressure, but you have to learn to relieve yourself."

"Luobao's songs are my stress relief tool."

"I'm different. I like to see Luo Bao's swimsuit photos to relieve stress."

"You boy."


Originally, the painting style at the beginning was quite normal. Everyone was talking about comics and life. The topics were quite in-depth and educational.

Who would have thought that while they were chatting and driving, Luo Quan was unexpectedly changed by such a sudden change.

"Don't be too outrageous. Is it possible to drive on this broken road?" Luo Quan was completely dumbfounded now, "My singing is so touching, so it's fine if you don't say I'll give it to you or drop some pearls." , you are actually doing these things with me here, can you be normal?"

Fans replied without blushing or heartbeat:

"Is driving our normal form?"

"Indeed, if you can't stand this, do you still want to see our perverted looks?"

"Haha, my reputation as the number one experienced driver in the Southern Region is not deserved."


Luo Quan's fans are always like this. They always like to use inappropriate remarks to ignite the atmosphere when things are serious, but this also makes the live broadcast room always full of laughter.

Luo Quan shook his head and sighed, not bothering to talk to them about this anymore, lest it get darker and darker.

"By the way, I have good news for everyone."

Luo Quan suddenly changed the topic and opened a picture on the table: "A piece of land was recently approved to build a building for the company. The current plan is to build a 33-story building. Try to build it as big as possible and improve the working environment. .”

Luo Quan faced the empty space and outlined a beautiful vision for the future to his fans.

Fans were immediately shocked when they heard that Luo Quan actually approved a piece of land to build a building:
"Damn it, you got such a big piece of land in Shanghai and you don't want to engage in real estate?"

"Haha, this kind of land grant is not something you can build whatever you want. Don't talk nonsense in the future, so as not to be exposed."

"I'm afraid it will cost billions to complete this project. Is Luo Bao so rich now?"

"I'm just kidding. The monthly turnover of Luobao's games is nearly 100 billion. You can't imagine how rich Luobao is now."

"Trivia, Luo Quan is the richest woman in China this year and is on the list."

"No wonder Bilibili bought so many copyrights after chasing it. It's good to have money. It's not like before, Kuankuansou Sosou was like a poor guy."

"Hahaha, uncle will drop the little pearl if you say that again."

"Okay, the more I earn, the closer I will be to my own theme park. I look forward to the early completion of the Bilibili theme park."

"It's a pity that the land allocated this time is a little smaller. Next time we will get a bigger one. We usually build buildings, and the remaining half will be directly built for playgrounds."

"Two-dimensional theme park, right? You really dare to think about it."

"This could really work."

"Speaking of which, Luobao is not going to design the building this time. The rectangular building is too old and low, right?"

"The plainness is the truth. Spectacles harm the country, my lord!"


After talking nonsense for so long, fans finally got to the point of talking about flowers.

How should an office building be built to reflect corporate culture and be highly artistic?

The same rectangular shape is indeed a bit boring. Besides, it’s already 2020. If it doesn’t reflect some trendy style, how can you have the nerve to say that you are a new human being?
Therefore, Luo Quan planned to be completely creative in the design of the building.

Of course, this time the adjustment must be done in a positive direction.

It must be good-looking and practical, and most importantly, it must be accessible to the general public.

A negative example is the newly built building of a certain TV station. Because of its strange shape, it was nicknamed "Pants-in-Pants".

It is true that it is memorable, and it is also true that it is ugly.

Luo Quan would definitely not allow his company building to become like that in the future.

She hopes to design the building to be more cyberpunk. After all, Unreal Games, a subsidiary of Quanshui Entertainment, is destined to become a Chinese gaming giant in the future.

If an industry leader does not distinguish itself from its peers, it will look too mediocre.

Others Penguin just built a city on an island. Since she can have a Goose City, then it’s not too much for her to build a Luo City, right?

Of course, just keep these words to yourself for the time being. At present, we have only approved the land for building a building. We are far from building a city, and we still need a lot of hard work.As for the design of this building, Luo Quan currently has no idea.

But anyway, building a building cannot be done in a year or two, and building a building cannot be done quickly, so you can study it slowly.

Then Luo Quan added: "If fans have any good ideas, they can also actively participate. If they are chosen in the end, they will be directly rewarded with a lifetime membership of Station B. As long as Station B is there, your membership will be there."

"Damn it, if you're going to do this, I won't be sleepy anymore!"

"Can lifetime members have special effects or something to distinguish them from other ordinary members?"

"Good guy, I haven't even chosen this yet and I'm already fantasizing about the treatment."

"Lifelong membership must be the same as ordinary membership."

"It's a good idea, but it would be nice if we could add Unreal's point-and-click game for free."



Seeing the fans' suggestions, Luo Quan nodded without hesitation: "Okay, if everyone's submissions are really adopted, then not only will you get a lifetime membership of Station B, but you will also get a lifetime membership of Unreal Games.

From now on, you can purchase a copy of all stand-alone games developed by Unreal for free. In addition, you can play point card games for free, and the recharge of in-app purchases for online games will always be doubled!
In addition, you can also enjoy the benefits of the lifelong employee canteen, and the company will provide you with three meals a day! "

As soon as this benefit was announced, fans immediately became excited:
"Damn it, Luo Bao is so grand?"

"I don't know, Luo Bao has always been very generous, right?"

"The richest woman in China is joking with you?"

"That's what it means to make a fortune and establish a good reputation."

"If this continues, Luo Bao will soon become the richest woman in the world, right?"

"If Nikola Motors continues to rise, it will take at most two years to achieve this achievement."

"I have nothing to say, Luo Bao is awesome!"


There was a burst of cheers in the barrage, as if they had already received these rewards.

In fact, the design of a building is never so easy to complete. If non-professionals want to be selected based on their imagination, it is completely whimsical.

And if you are a professional and a designer whose aesthetics and creativity meet Luo Quan's requirements, you will probably be worthy of the reward she promised.

The lifelong free package of music may sound like a lot, but when converted, it’s actually just that.

Even if this person lives for 100 years, how many games can a company produce in 100 years?

There are only 300 units with two free copies, and each unit sells for 5000 yuan, which is only [-] yuan.

As for other point cards, premium memberships, etc., they are just data, and modifications will not cause much loss at all.

The real big deal is three meals a day, but it actually doesn’t cost much.

So Luo Quan didn't feel any distress when he promised, and the fans probably didn't carefully calculate how much it was worth, so they were so excited.

However, Luo Quan’s original intention of asking everyone to contribute was just to liven up the atmosphere. Can such an important task of building design be left to passers-by?
Fans also know that she is making a living, so each submission will definitely be more outrageous than the last. Funny is the key point. Whether it can be created and whether it looks good, few people will probably care.

Of course, what if someone blindly drew a design that happened to match Luo Quan's brainwaves?

There are no absolutes in the world, so people with dreams or people who have nothing to do are willing to contribute materials to her.

"It is said that the sales of Luobao brand milk powder are getting better and better recently, with sales hitting new highs. Do you have any thoughts on developing further into the food industry?"

A paid barrage suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Luo Quan's eyes immediately darkened when he saw it, and he said angrily: "What is Luobao brand milk powder! That is called Quan Shui brand. The spring water is the company's trademark, not named in my name!"

Fans were happy when they heard this:

"Ah, so it's not the Luoquan brand? I always thought it was called this name."

"Haha, me too, I thought Luo Bao was following Wang Shouyi's Thirteen Incense routine and named it after himself."

"I don't know if you did it unintentionally or on purpose to make Luo Bao angry."

"Can any parents who have bought this milk powder tell me whether it works or not?"

"I've had it before and it tastes very good. It also enhances immunity and makes me stronger."

"Don't do it. That's Dali Pill you're talking about. How can milk powder have these effects?"

"It is indeed a good milk powder. My son cries less at night after drinking this milk powder."

"So magical? No wonder it sells so well."

"To be honest, this may not be a good sign."

"how do I say this?"

"After the concubines of the Qing Dynasty gave birth to princes and princesses, in order to keep them from making trouble, the imperial doctor asked the imperial doctor to prescribe a soothing soup. One of the ingredients in the soothing soup was mercury, which indeed had the effect of making people comatose, and the effect of the medicine was far more than just coma.

Therefore, the princes and princesses stopped making troubles after drinking the soothing soup, and the average life span of the princes and princesses of the Qing Dynasty was not even as good as that of the Tang Dynasty more than 1000 years ago. "

"Hahahaha, what a joke from hell."

"It's best to stop making jokes like this. Luobao's milk powder is a serious and harmless product. It is of good quality and affordable. Where can I buy such good milk powder now?"

"Indeed, if someone deliberately takes it out of context and spreads rumors, it will be very troublesome if the reputation of milk powder is tarnished."

"Don't worry, someone can definitely do this kind of thing. Now that Luobao's milk powder is selling so well, [-]% of his colleagues will be jealous. It's something you can guess without even thinking about it."

"But even though my colleagues hate it so much, I know that no problems have been detected in the milk powder, which shows that Luobao's milk powder is indeed safe and high-quality."

"It's a pity that there is no Luobao endorsement on the milk powder can, otherwise I would buy a box and put it at home to drink for myself."

"Hahahaha, that's a bit outrageous."

"Actually, I think if Luo Bao were to do the live streaming, I would still be willing to buy things from her, because I believe she would not cheat us."

"Indeed, unlike other anchors who bring goods, they call everyone family, but privately treat them as enemies."

"I suggest Luobao transform into a product anchor. He will definitely make money faster than selling milk powder."


Fans discussed it enthusiastically, but Luo Quan could only smile helplessly and shake his head when he saw the end: "How can the anchor who leads the goods not cheat people?

There used to be a saying that middlemen make the difference. The essence of the anchor who brings goods is equivalent to a middleman. How much he earns or how little he earns depends on his mood.

You think you are getting a big deal, but in fact it is not much better than buying on Taobao, and it is even easier to buy fake and shoddy products. "

(End of this chapter)

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