Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1295 Am I a succubus?

Chapter 1295 Am I a succubus?
"Are you talking about me?"

Lilith greeted Vivian with a smile.

Vivian blushed. She thought her voice was not loud, but she didn't expect that it could be heard. In order to ease the embarrassment, she could only find something to say: "Are you here to report too?"

After saying this, Vivian's ten toes were digging into the ground.

What are you queuing up here for, if not reporting on it?It's so outrageous.

"Yes, I came here to report with my friend. She went to the bathroom and will come over later." Lilith nodded, her tone was very kind.

Vivian was about to say something when she suddenly felt an attack on her buttocks and her body was shaken. She thought to herself: Could it be a hot woman?
"Wow, Vivian, I didn't expect it to be you. It turns out that you also got admitted to Turandot Academy!"

A familiar voice came from behind, and Vivian let out a long sigh, turned her head and looked at the fat girl behind her, and said: "I should be the one to say this. I never thought you would be admitted to this school, you three fat girl. "

The fat girl in front of her is one of Vivian's few friends in Daoxiang Village. Her name is Kavna. Her hometown is Caven West in Yorkshire, one of the top five wealthy places in the empire.

The reason why Kafuna's father sent Kafuna to the village to study was simply to let her stay away from the intrigues in the family and have a happy childhood.

Because Kaifna is the third eldest child in the family and has a somewhat plump body shape, she is nicknamed the third fat girl by Vivian.

Kavna actually didn't like such a nickname, and once tried to use force to force Vivian to stop calling her that.

However, Kafna, who looked down on her but was useless, was no match for Vivian, who was obviously smaller than him. She couldn't defeat Vivian in either magic or physical combat, so she had to accept this nickname in humiliation.

"We are all here in the imperial capital. Can you save face for your old friend and stop calling me Fatty?" Kavna quickly wanted to cover Vivian when she heard this nickname that had given her a headache for many years. Q.

"That won't work. I've already given your nickname Shunzui, and I can't change it if I change it." Vivian said with a chuckle, but she was just joking with Kavna.

"By the way, how did you get into Turandot College? I remember you were sleeping the whole time during the joint entrance exam."

As she spoke, Vivian approached Kavna and asked softly: "Could it be that you have some relatives in the college who came in through the back door?"

"How is it possible! Am I this kind of person? Miss, I got in with my extraordinary talent!"

Kafna seemed to have been greatly wronged and defended herself loudly, but quickly added: "Of course, my father donated some money to the college through connections, which made my examination process much simpler than others. , Hehehe..."

"I knew it." Vivian rolled her eyes. Sure enough, in this world, having money and power is the most important thing.

As diligent as she was, it took her five years to get such a recommended spot, but Kaifna's father only had to dig deep into his pocket to get it.

Vivian felt very unbalanced and asked: "How much money did your father give to the first school in the empire to accept an ignorant guy like you?"

"Here, this is the statue."

Kavna raised her index finger, pointed to the golden statue of Javier, and said: "A few months ago, a huge piece of pure gold was dug out in my family's mine. It happened that my dad heard that Turandot Academy was collecting gold and wanted to cast it. A statue, I sent this piece of gold right away, and the next thing...hehe, you know."

"I knew your father was very rich before. It turns out that his family owns a mine." Vivian smiled, not wanting to hurt Kaifna, but just a little envious.

"Don't mention it anymore, let's report quickly. I heard that there are so many students admitted to Turandot College this year. If you go late, you will have to squeeze into a four-person room with others." Kavna crossed her hands in her pockets and stepped forward.

"Why didn't you bring any luggage?" Vivian called Kaifna. Although she only brought a few changes of clothes, that was because the school would allocate free dormitory supplies to her.

After all, her family's conditions did not allow her to have beautiful clothes that filled an entire wardrobe.

But Kavna knew that her family had a mine, so why didn’t she bring any luggage?

"Whatever luggage you bring, you can just buy it at the academy. Servants are not allowed here. I don't want to be as exhausted as moving."

Without looking back, Kafna took out a golden card from her pocket, held it up and shook it.

The sunlight reflected from the gold card made Vivian's eyes hurt. After squinting and taking a closer look, Vivian recognized that it was the VIP card of Turinhan Royal Bank.

"What a silly son of a landlord..." Vivian shook her head and laughed.

After the two talked for a while, they remembered that there was no one next to them.

"This is Lilith, she is also a recommended student like us." Although Vivian was not very familiar with this very beautiful girl, she still introduced her to her friend.

As soon as she finished speaking, another figure broke into her eyes.

She is still a girl, and her figure is quite strong. She feels like a female warrior, and her appearance is a little more common.

"This is my friend. I came to school with her." Lilith walked to Luo Quan and said with a smile.

At this time, both of them had taken off their armor and put on girls' regular clothes.

The reason why she came here to enroll was because the Holy See had encountered some changes. Lilith's teacher sent a message asking her not to go back for the time being.

Just when Luo Quan suggested finding a place with many young people, Lilith took her directly to the Imperial School.

There are the most young people here, and they can also provide the best education to the savior, so that she can grow up quickly so that she can save the world.

When Luo Quan came back from going to the toilet, the system suddenly sent her a reminder, saying that the girl in front of her was very special. She could touch her bottom and she would definitely gain something.

Luo Quan is still very good at finding out the truth. Seeing that Vivian and Lilith were also chatting, they were obviously very easy to get along with, so he went up and said hello to Vivian and her good friend Kafna: "Hello, my name is Luo Xi."

Her current appearance is indeed a bit ordinary. After all, she is a random character. It is good to be born in a safe place. There is no way to control her appearance, as long as she is a human being.

Fortunately, neither Vivian nor Kafna judge people by their appearance. When they saw Luo Quan being so enthusiastic, they both responded with a smile.

After getting to know each other for a while, the four of them walked into the freshman reporting office together.

"Is this the freshman reporting office?" Vivian asked knowingly, looking a little reserved. "Yes, senior sister, please show your admission letter and citizenship certificate." The person who received Vivian was a straight black senior student with a very sweet smile, and there was a boy sitting next to her.

The boy only glanced at Vivian and Lilith, and could no longer look away.

"This is my admission letter." Vivian carefully took out the admission letter with her portrait on it from the gray cloth bag. The cover was stamped with the unique seal of Turandot Academy.

Senior Sister Hei Changzhi took the letter and scanned the seal with a black disk-shaped instrument, and then the instrument made a crisp sound.

Vivian quickly handed her her citizenship certificate, and Senior Sister Hei Naganao began to compare the two certificates carefully.

About ten seconds later, Senior Sister Hei Naganao pressed the black disk hard on the surface of the admission letter, leaving a tulip-shaped pattern.

Then he returned the two certificates to Vivian and said enthusiastically: "Welcome to Turandot Royal Academy of Magic. I hope your academy life will be fulfilling and enjoyable."

"Thank you, senior sister." Vivian took the certificate and thanked her.

When he turned his head, he saw that the senior was holding his cheeks and having an infatuation there, and because he looked a bit delicate, his friend Kavna was also staring at him and having an infatuation.

Vivian held back her laughter and patted her friend's waist: "It's your turn!"

"What! Oh...oh..." Kavna woke up from a dream and saw senior Hei Changzhi looking at Kavna with a half-smile but didn't say anything.

However, as a freshman, Vivian easily went through the admission procedures, but Kaifna was not so lucky.

After checking Kavna's ID, Senior Sister Hei Changzhi frowned slightly and said: "Your admission letter is just an ordinary freshman admission, not a recommendation. You cannot go through the admission procedures here. You have to go over there and click There is a requirement to queue up.”

Kavna wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked a little embarrassed: "But my dad donated such a big gold statue to the college, which can be regarded as making some contribution. Senior sister, for the sake of that gold statue , can you just help me do it?"

"The statue at the school gate was donated by your father!" Senior Sister Hei Changzhi said in surprise.

However, as a student of the highest university in the empire, her thoughts will definitely not be so superficial. Even if the junior in front of her is a rich man, she must still carry out her responsibilities:
"I'm sorry, junior. It's really not the senior who's breathing that's making it difficult for you. The school's policy is that only recommended students can go through the admission procedures here."

Vivian couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene. It seems that money is not useful all the time.

"Senior sister, rules are dead and people are alive. Anyway, we are the only ones who have to go through the admission procedures now. You have nothing to do if you have nothing to do. Just stamp it."

Vivian hugged Kavna and said with a smile: "Please leave a class for us later. In a few days, Sanpang and I will treat you to a meal and let's make friends, okay?"

Compared with Kavna's chubby appearance, Vivian's appearance is undoubtedly much higher. Her long pure golden curly hair and her exquisite facial features make her smile extremely charming.

Kavna's money failed to knock down Senior Black Naganao, but she finally fell to Vivian's beauty.

"Well, I won't do it next time." Senior Sister Hei Changzhi raised the black compass, pressed it on Kafna's admission letter, and then said: "My name is Haliya, I am in the second class of the Magic Branch of the Department of Plasticity. Remember Come to me."

"Okay, Senior Sister Haliya." Vivian nodded and thanked her, finding that Kafna seemed unwilling to leave just like that.

This fat girl must have been eyeing the senior, so Vivian immediately dragged Kaifna away to save her from being embarrassed here.

I don’t know if it was fate, but the four of them went through the procedures together and were eventually assigned to the same dormitory.

But this played into Luo Quan's plan. She just wanted to get on well with Vivian and see what she could come up with.

On the way to the dormitory, the succubus paladin Lilith kept talking to her about how beautiful senior Haliya was and how well-shaped her figure was, and she was simply her ideal type.

Luo Quan was shocked by these words, and just as he was about to ask, Lilith quickly added that this ideal type is a good best friend.

Coincidentally, Kavna also seemed to have some thoughts about the senior who received them together.

But she didn't want to find a male best friend for herself, but she seriously wanted to fall in love.

Vivian laughed it off when she heard this. With a body like Sanpang's, your arms are thicker than other people's thighs. It would be crazy for people to take a liking to you.

However, as a good friend, Vivian still gave Kavna a piece of advice: "If you really want to fall in love with that senior, lose your weight first.

She is 1.6 meters tall and weighs almost 150 kilograms. Her figure is like a scalene polyhedron. Girls like this are not very popular. "

Kafna also knows that she is indeed very fat, but losing weight cannot be accomplished overnight, especially since she usually loves to eat high-calorie foods, so she must make a lot of determination to lose weight.

But now, Kavna is obviously not ready yet.

When I came to the dormitory building, because there were three recommended students there, even the four-person dormitory was a very luxurious suite.

They were fortunate enough to be assigned to a spacious dormitory suite with four separate bedrooms and a common living room. This kind of supreme treatment could only be enjoyed by the top three in each county.

The bedrooms were arranged in a row from right to left, and Luo Quan chose the one on the far right because it faced the direction of the rising sun and would have more light.

After entering the room, Luo Quan hung the cloth bag on the hanger and first checked his bedding.

There are a lot of pillows, sheets, and bedding. I tried the feel and found it was soft and comfortable. This is the best cotton.

Next, I opened the closet and saw three sets of school uniforms neatly stacked inside. At the bottom was a pair of brown boots and a pair of black round-toe shoes. This is standard equipment for freshmen. It looks quite Japanese-style. .

Looking at the big bed in front of him, Luo Quan began to think seriously about a question.

That is the fantasy world she has entered through sleep. So when she sleeps in a dream, does she enter the second stage?
But as soon as the idea came to his mind, Luo Quan started laughing because the idea was too ridiculous.

Rather than spending energy on these whimsical thoughts, it is better to post with Vivian later so that she can find out her background as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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