Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1296 Am I a succubus?

Finding out is much easier than Luo Quan imagined.

Although Vivian seems to be a very precocious child, her experience of growing up in a single-parent family has made her more understanding of the world and stronger.

However, compared with a real adult, he still seemed inexperienced in the world. Luo Quan gained her trust without much effort.

The so-called bottoming out is actually just a simple hug.

After a night of long talks, Luo Quan succeeded in making Vivian almost take off all her guard in the way of a close big sister.

The system also took the opportunity to figure out the secret hidden in her body, and even caught the secret directly.

"What is this little thing?" Luo Quan poked the unconscious guy in front of him and asked curiously.

This little thing has a furry appearance and looks like a raccoon with wings.

"This is the little succubus." The system replied.

"Little succubus?" Luo Quan was shocked, "Does this thing have anything to do with succubi? Although it looks quite cute, it can only attract Furui at most!"

"What's the relationship between pandas and red pandas?"

The system's rhetorical question silenced Luo Quan, and finally she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll accept this setting for the time being."

As Luo Quan said this, he took a basin of cold water and poured it on the little thing's head.

I saw it tremble and wake up from the coma.

The first thing it saw when it saw Luo Quan was that it was ready to let out a shrill scream to shock the human in front of it.

However, Luo Quan quickly covered its mouth with quick eyes and hands, and then warned: "If you dare to make any sound, I will twist your neck off, do you understand?"

The little succubus nodded with frightened eyes and closed her mouth tightly.

When Luo Quan saw this, he let go of his hand with relief.

At this time, the two sides finally began to look at each other carefully.

When Luo Quan was about to ask the little succubus about its origins, it suddenly laughed excitedly: "Her Majesty the Queen! Her Majesty the Queen!"

"What Queen?" Luo Quan felt a little confused, "Do you think I look like a little succubus?"

"You can definitely inherit the power of desire left by the previous succubus queen!" The little thing replied excitedly and quickly, "I feel from you the huge temptation that only succubi have, which is irresistible to all creatures in the world. lure!"

Hearing this, Luo Quan felt a little complicated.

Her star-level appearance does have such an effect, but I didn't expect that this thing could be brought into the game.

Afterwards, she asked the system for its opinion, wondering if she wanted to try the succubus queen's power.

"Why don't you try? The Succubus Queen is one of the seven demon kings of hell. Her power can be compared to that of human gods. If you inherit her power, even a small amount, it will be enough for you to walk sideways in the fantasy world.

Besides, there must be a lot of players in hell. If you go there, you might gain experience points faster. "

After some analysis, it was reasonable and well-founded, and Luo Quan thought he could give it a try.

Then she grabbed the little succubus by the back of her neck and asked, "Answer me a question first, how did you appear on Vivian?"

"I was summoned by her father through a contract, and I am responsible for protecting her safety." The little succubus replied respectfully, "By the way, your majesty, my name is Nova, and I am the daughter of the little succubus patriarch.

As long as you ask, I can now take you to inherit the power left by the previous queen! "

"In that case, then lead the way!" Luo Quan laughed and gave the order.

It's really thanks to a system that can be called a treasure hunt map, otherwise there would be no way to get such adventures.

She had felt that she was so lucky before, but it didn't seem to be reflected in the fantasy world.

Now, her adventure has finally come, and it's such a big deal.

As for Nova, who had received the approval of Her Majesty the Queen, she excitedly chanted a spell and finally summoned a portal to hell.

Luo Quan, who had unlimited chances of resurrection, had no fear of these dangerous places and walked directly in, followed closely by Nova.

It was different from what she had imagined. Hell was not a place filled with flames and an extremely harsh environment. On the contrary, in Luo Quan's opinion, it was quite beautiful and uniquely beautiful.

There are three moons in the sky of hell, one red and two yellow.Maybe it shouldn't be called the moon. According to Noah, it is three huge stones that can shine by themselves. The devil calls it the devil moon.

In the Bible of the Holy See of Dawn, hell is burning with fire all the time, torturing every soul and life that reaches here.

After Luo Quan arrived, he discovered that not all of the Dawn Bible was correct, at least the description of hell was biased.

The earth of hell is fiery red, as if the whole earth is burning with blazing fire. This may be the reason for people's misunderstanding.

Luo Quan bent down and touched the ground, but he didn't feel any temperature. He just felt a little moist, as if it had just rained.

But what surprised Luo Quan was that when she looked at her hand again, she found that the tips of her fingers were stained with bright red.

"What's going on?" Luo Quan looked at Nova in surprise.

Nova replied: "Your Majesty, the ground of hell is covered with a sponge-like substance. It is hard but has a strong ability to absorb liquids. Liquids spilled on the ground will not evaporate and will only remain on the ground. You It will stain your hands if you touch it.

The liquid on your hand should be the blood of demons. The blood of our demons is the same as humans, it is red. "

"Huh?" Luo Quan was surprised and disgusted. He took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped his blood-stained hands clean.

Okay, she took back her previous thoughts, this was indeed not a nice place, and the stereotypes were correct.

After wiping her hands, Luo Quan looked around. Everywhere she looked was bright red. She asked, "Nova, are these red floors soaked in the blood of demons?" Nova nodded. : "Yes, the entire ground of hell is this color. In the center of the territory of His Majesty the Angry Demon King Angel, the ground is even dark red. Your Majesty the Queen's territory is the lightest place."

Luo Quan sighed: "With so much blood shed, how many demons must have died."

Nova chuckled and said: "Your Majesty, you may not know that the most worthless thing in hell is the life of the devil. The number of lemures transformed from the worm devils produced by the hell mother worm is very large, which is roughly equivalent to Locusts in the human world, and they are not the most numerous group in hell.”

"Hell mother worm?" Luo Quan heard such a term for the first time.

Nova explained: "It is the lowest form of all middle and low-level demons, equivalent to human babies. Each demon lord will control three to five hell mother worms. This insect-shaped demon is synonymous with wealth in hell. .

Well, there is a large group of hell worms there. With such a large number, there must be a hell mother worm nearby, and it should be in its prime. "

Following the direction of Nova's finger, Luo Quan looked over and discovered a group of disgusting creatures that looked like brown caterpillars.

However, they are more than a hundred times larger than caterpillars. Their size is almost the same as that of a newborn baby. They are densely tangled together and crawl forward at a speed as slow as a snail.

Luo Quan only took one look and didn't want to look at it again. The hairs all over her body stood up and her scalp felt numb. This was the most disgusting scene she had ever seen!

"Who's there!" Several sharp shouts came from behind Luo Quan and Nova. Luo Quan turned his head and saw several "goblins".

In fact, Luo Quan didn't know if it was a goblin, but he looked very similar, with green skin, a dwarf-like figure, pointed and curved nose and ears, sharp teeth and sharp mouth, and an ugly appearance.

"This is the lemure, the lowest and most common demon in hell." Nova ignored the questions of these "goblins" and concentrated on introducing Luo Quan.

The lemures were not angry because of Nova's ignorance. They all knelt on the ground, trembling.

This is a normal behavior when a low-level demon encounters a high-level demon. Suddenly he encounters a little succubus with strong bloodline. If he is not frightened to death on the spot, he is already mentally strong.

"Whose territory is this?" Nova stepped forward and asked in an arrogant tone.

The green-skinned lemure trembled like a rabbit in a lion's mouth, and replied extremely respectfully: "Return to your lord, this is the territory of the powerful Lord Talork Pato Twisello. He He is a vassal of Lord Pacquiao.”

"Pacquiao?" Nova showed a hint of joy. Since she was in Pacquiao's territory, she was not far from the Demon City of Desire, which saved a lot of trouble.

"Are all devils' names this long?" Luo Quan rubbed his eyebrows.

If every demon had such a long name, she really admired Nova for remembering each name so clearly.

Nova smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you don't know something. The more powerful the devil and the longer the family history, the longer the name.

The name of Ta'Tork is considered short among demon lords. There are some extremely ancient demon families, and each clan member's name has hundreds of words!
According to the habits of demons, they have the right to put the names of powerful demons that appeared in their ancestors between their first and last names. "

"What about you? How long is your name?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Nova proudly said: "I come from a great and long-standing succubus family. Our family is famous in hell for serving the succubus queen for generations. Our ancestors have produced several powerful little succubi grand dukes and dozens of little succubi." A strong succubus, so my name has more than 200 words."

"Awesome." Luo Quan gave a thumbs up. She felt that this devil's custom gave each individual a unique code name.

In the human world, I don’t know how many people with the same name exist, but such a situation probably won’t exist in hell.

Each demon family has its own powerful ancestor, and the names must be different. It is almost impossible for people with the same name and surname to exist.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, I will notify Pacquiao to come over and ask him to send us to the city of madness." Nova said with a smile, then opened her mouth and let out a scream that resounded through the sky. .

The harshness of the scream reminded Luo Quan of the violent friction between the tip of the chalk and the blackboard when the class teacher was writing on the blackboard, and it was so close to his ears.

Fortunately, the scream did not last long, only lasted for a few seconds, and it did not reach the point of being unbearable.

However, the few lemure demons nearby couldn't bear it. They bleed from their orifices one after another and fell to the ground. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

The hell worms they grazed also stopped squirming, and milky white foam was spitting out of their open mouthparts. They were probably either fainted or dead.

"What a pitiful creature." Luo Quan mentally mourned for these guys for a second, then turned his head and stopped looking at them.

Nova's scream should be some kind of communication method. According to Luo Quan's estimation, if Pacquiao was nearby, he would arrive soon after hearing the scream.

Sure enough, in less than 3 minutes, several black spots appeared in the distant sky.

When Luo Quan took a closer look, he discovered that they were actually several demons that looked like bats.

These bat demons are very large, the shortest one is three meters long, and the tallest one is even more than five meters long. Their two upper canine teeth are sharp and long, extending directly from their lips.Quite a bit like a walrus.

"Lord Nova, I didn't expect you to appear here." The tallest bat demon fell from the sky and landed in front of Luo Quan and Nova with a bang, his eyes very indifferent.

"Pacquiao, kneel down." Nova sneered.

Pacquiao's eyes narrowed, but he was not angry. He said in a deep voice: "Ms. Nova, I call you "sir" because you are at the same level as Master Hassanx, but you are not my lord, and you are not qualified. Order me to kneel down!"

"Bold!" Nova was furious and scolded: "Take a good look at who is standing in front of you!"

"She is..." Pacquiao looked at Lai Luoquan, frowned, and then used his magic to sense it. Then, his indifferent expression suddenly changed dramatically, "It's... it's actually Her Majesty the Queen!"

Before Nova could say anything, Pacquiao fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, splattering a few streaks of bright red. It was unclear whether it was earth or blood.

Pacquiao said with sincerity: "Your Majesty, your humble servant Pacquiao welcomes you. Please forgive me for my disrespect just now."

"I forgive you." Luo Quan waved his hand, still feeling a little happy.

On Earth, although fans all say he is her dog, online everyone likes to persecute her.

Anyway, she does not enjoy any emperor or queen-level treatment, and she is not even among those traffic stars who are good at pua fans.

However, it was different in hell. She became the queen directly, and all the demons in the territory bowed to her when they saw her. They were as docile as a sheep, which made her so happy.

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