Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1297 Am I a succubus?

Luo Quan, whose vanity was greatly satisfied, was in a good mood and had a smile on his face.

However, Nova was obviously very dissatisfied with the few words that Pacquiao choked just now, and said with a cold face: "Your Majesty Roche is about to inherit the position of the Succubus Queen. This is the first time for her to come to her territory. She I want to visit my own capital and palace.

Although your territory is not particularly far from the Demon City of Madness, Her Majesty the Queen is not good at footwork. Now I will give you a chance to show off and send us to the Demon City of Madness. "

"It should be so." Pacquiao replied with a low eyebrow.

"Flying in the sky, is it stable?" Luo Quan saw Pacquiao flap his bat wings and knew how Nova planned to ask her to take him to the capital.

However, she didn't particularly trust any means of transportation other than airplanes, and she always had a shadow in her heart.

Seeing Luo Quan's rejection, Nova whispered in his ear: "Your Majesty, the blood-winged bat demons are one of the most proud demons in hell. Being able to ride on their backs is a symbol of status. , many high-level demons don’t even have such an opportunity in their lifetime, and I haven’t ridden it yet, so it would be a pity to miss such an opportunity.”

Luo Quan said dumbfounded: "No, don't you have some misunderstanding about the symbol of status? Can you become a noble by riding on someone's head and treating them like a cow or a horse?"

Nova nodded: "In our hell, it's like this.

"This is really a joke from hell." Luo Quan shook his head and laughed.

Don't hesitate, Your Majesty, Pacquiao may change his mind after a while. You know, even his master Hassanx may not be able to ride him. "

"Definitely not." Pacquiao said with a sullen face. My master will not talk about this kind of thing like you. If it weren't for Her Majesty the Queen, I would not be a mount for anyone!
"I'm quite proud." Luo Quan said with a silly smile.

"Your Majesty the Queen!" Nova suddenly raised her voice and laughed, Luo Quan jumped.

"What's wrong?" Luo Quan asked, shaking his shoulders.

Nova said solemnly: "Your Majesty, no matter what kind of character you are in the human world, after you come to hell, please don't smile so innocently like you did just now. That will be very disrespectful.

Over time, your subjects will no longer respect you, your rights will be emptied, and orders will not be implemented, with very serious consequences. "

"Is this... so serious?" Luo Quan was stunned.

"It's so serious." Nova nodded heavily, "Hell is a world where the weak eat the strong. Although the devil is the recognized master, there are many devils in hell, and each of them controls a part of the territory. Often wars with other demon kings.

Because many middle- and lower-level demons are not qualified to sign a slave contract with you, it is very easy for these demons to betray you. If you do not behave like a wise king, then many demon families and subjects in your territory will not Betray you with hesitation! "

Pacquiao also nodded and said in agreement: "Ms. Nova is right. During the period after the death of the previous queen, a considerable number of demon lords here have announced that they have broken away from the rule of the Succubus Queen and voted for the Under the command of Grand Duke Hecasta
This powerful demon duke even openly sent troops to occupy part of your territory! "

Nova was absolutely furious when she heard the news, but she soon calmed down and sneered: "It doesn't matter, now that Her Majesty the Queen is back, given time, all the rebels will be put to death!
These rebellious ministers will use the lives of their entire families to pay for the sins they have committed!
Without further ado, Pacquiao, please take the Queen and me to the City of Madness and let the cabinet ministers ring the king’s bell! "

"As you wish." Pacquiao lay on the ground waiting for Luo Quan to sit on him.

Looking at Pacquiao's solid back, Luo Quan seemed to see a real throne. She felt a sense of responsibility, took a deep breath, and stepped on it.

But soon she regretted it.

Luo Quan didn't know why the demons in hell regarded riding a bat demon as a symbol of status. It was not one percent as comfortable as an airplane, not even as good as a helicopter, and it always gave her the feeling that she would fall at any time.

The only thing worthy of praise is probably that Pacquiao's flying state is very stable. Although his wings flapped to a great extent, Luo Quan did not feel awkward or bumpy at all.

After staying on Pacquiao's back for about ten minutes, Luo Quan saw buildings appearing below.

Because she was flying too fast, Luo Quan couldn't see the appearance of these buildings clearly. As soon as she raised her head, a towering and majestic castle burst into her sight.

Pacquiao found an open space, dived down, and when he was about to hit the ground, he flapped his bat wings several times. His whole body immediately slowed down and landed steadily on the ground.

"In the blink of an eye, it has been ten years since I left the Demonic City of Madness, and I don't know if those servants and attendants are still there."

Nova jumped off Pacquiao and reached out to Luoquan.

With her current physical condition, she won't need help on the next "plane".

But just now Nova said that she had to act like a queen. Although her personality is not that aggressive, role-playing is her specialty, so she immediately held Nova's little hand.

Although Nova is small, she is quite strong.

With Nova's support, Luoquan jumped off Pacquiao's back.

"After the death of the previous queen, didn't any demon come to attack this castle?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"That will never happen, Your Majesty."

Pacquiao opened his bloody mouth and replied respectfully: "The status of the Succubus Queen is quite special. She has close relationships with many demon kings from other levels of hell and has also been protected by them.

Under such circumstances, of course no demon would dare to attack the queen's palace, except, of course, those long-lived and powerful ancestor demons.

"It sounds like Xiaomi is being kept." Luo Quan thought in his heart.

Combined with the identity of the Succubus Queen, it is indeed difficult for people not to want to think about it.

"It sounds like I can do whatever I want in hell." Luo Quan suddenly thought of this, and his eyes were as bright as a lighthouse.

Pacquiao nodded: "In the scope of the hell of madness, you can indeed do whatever you want."

Nova said with a smile: "Your Majesty the Queen, when you arrive in your capital, don't have any worries in your heart. You are God here. You have the right to decide everything, and no one dares to disobey you.

However, because the position of queen has been vacant for too long, official positions such as ministers and generals in the palace are still vacant for the time being. There are only a few maids and housekeepers cleaning the palace, so it will be a little deserted. "

Luo Quan said nonchalantly: "It's better to be quiet. I like silence."

Luo Quan was asking Nova about the situation in the Palace of Madness, when several charming and scantily clad succubus maids heard the news and ran over.

They are both serious big succubi, completely different from little succubi like Nova, they are big in all aspects!Luo Quan raised his eyes and thought that he had entered the world of Japanese maid harem anime. She had only seen maids with this kind of dress and figure in those evil comics.

"No...Ms. Nova?!" The succubus maids were very surprised by the sudden appearance of the little succubus noble, and bowed directly to her, ignoring Luo Quan's presence.

"You should salute like Her Majesty the Queen." Nova frowned and corrected, "This is the new Lord of Desire - Luo Xi, you can call her Her Majesty the Queen from now on!"

"..." Luo Quan listened to his nickname of "Breaking Heaven" and had something to say about MMP in his mind. He didn't know whether to say it or not.

Look at the leaders in other levels of hell. Their nicknames are so awesome. They are angry demon kings, bloodthirsty princes, and fallen lords. They all have different names.

Looking at her again, Luo Quan was embarrassed to say it again.

As soon as this nickname was called out, people who didn't know it thought she was some kind of shabby shoe...

"Nova, there is no need to mention my nickname to other people from now on. It will have bad influence if I say it."

Luo Quan had a grimace on her face. She was really afraid that one day Nova would directly call her that in front of many people. If that happened, she would be embarrassed as much as Luo Quan.

However, Nova asked very puzzledly: "Why can't you tell me? This is a unique title in the whole hell!"

Hearing what Nova said, Luo Quan was speechless: "It's very troublesome to explain. Anyway, you just need to call me Luo Xi or Her Majesty the Queen outside. You don't need to talk about the authority I hold.

There is an old saying in our hometown, which is: The law is not spread to the six ears. The more powerful the power, the more it must be kept secret. Do you understand this? "

"Remember." Nova bowed her head obediently. Her Majesty the Queen's order is the rule of heaven, and Nova has no room to refuse.

"Your Majesty the Queen." The succubus maids reacted quickly. Knowing that the beautiful girl in front of them was their new master, they immediately turned around and saluted Luo Quan.

"Hasn't anything happened to the palace these years since I've been away?" Nova and Luo Quan were walking while asking about the situation in the Palace of Craziness.

A succubus maid said: "Sir, nothing happened. Everything is peaceful."

Nova nodded: "That's good. By the way, is Sebastian still alive? Not dead?"

"Although I am very old, I am still far away from death."

An old voice came, and Luo Quan heard the sound and saw a silver-haired old man wearing a black tuxedo.

He is very tall and has a cold expression, very much like the cold old butler who often appears in Europa TV series.

"Your Majesty the Queen, your servant Sebastian Hall Francisco Mad War Demon offers you the highest respect." Sebastian put his right hand on his chest and nodded slightly to Luo Quan.

"You... um."

Luo Quan originally wanted to say hello, but he remembered what Nova said to him before coming here, so he calmed down his expression, responded lightly, and then raised his chin at a thirty-degree angle, as if A proud black swan.

Seeing Luo Quan's expression, Nova nodded with great relief, and then said: "Her Majesty the Queen has just inherited the position of Her Majesty Asmodeus not long ago, and she doesn't know much about the Palace of Madness. If you have any questions later, When asked, you must answer in detail.”

"Sebastian, why are you still in a daze? Do you remember what I just told you?" Nova asked urgently.

Sebastian nodded and replied: "I will tell you everything I know about Her Majesty the Queen."

Nova said: "Take us back to the Demon King's palace first, we are going to get some things."

"Please come with me." Sebastian stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Walking in the spacious Demon King's Palace, Luo Quan had the opportunity to take a good look at this magnificent place.

The entire palace is dark gold in color, and the dome is triangular and very sharp. The interior is not like the Palace of Our Lady. There are no exquisite reliefs or oil paintings. What is there are just pairs of long or short devil horns, and some unknown monsters. Fangs.

Perhaps, the aesthetics of demons are somewhat different from humans.

In Luo Quan's eyes, these decorations are too barbaric, but in the eyes of the devil, these are symbols of strength. She can't accept it anyway. When she is free one day, she must repair the monotonous and primitive interior of the palace. decoration.

Soon Luo Quan and his party came to a room that looked like a meeting hall. This should be the center of the entire palace, and it was also the highest point of the Demon City. When the door was opened, most of the Demon City could be seen.

The meeting hall is very large, equivalent to two basketball courts put together. There are no pillars supporting the hall, and the entire room is like a whole.

The meeting hall is in the shape of a circle. There are seven steps going in. On top of the steps, there is a huge purple throne that seems to be inlaid on the wall of the hall.

This is the only object with relief that Luo Quan has seen in the palace. Its base is carved with various demons, small but with clear patterns.

Looking closer, Luo Quan can even identify which patterns represent which demons. This skill is comparable to the top human sculptors.

This purple throne is about eight meters high. The back of the seat is made of several purple crystals standing tall, blooming with dazzling brilliance under the illumination of countless candles.

Luo Quan fell in love with this luxurious throne at just one glance. She had never been able to resist these shiny things.

"System, can this thing be taken out?"

"Theoretically yes."


Nova saw Luo Quan stop and look at the throne, and said: "That is a throne carved from a rare and huge shadow crystal. It is unknown who carved it, but it has always been the throne for thousands of years." The Demon King's royal throne.

Sitting on the throne can double the speed of spiritual power cultivation. Her former Majesty the Queen often sat on the throne to practice. It is a rare treasure. "

Luo Quan asked calmly: "How many treasures like this are there in my palace?"

Nova smiled slightly: "Countless."

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