Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1298 I became a succubus

Chapter 1298 I became a succubus ([-])
ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

"Oh." After hearing Nova's answer, Luo Quan's expression remained calm, but his heart was already filled with waves. He only had one thought left, that is, he had broken into a treasure mountain!

Such a crystal throne is a rare treasure both in terms of ornamental value and practicality.

However, in her bedroom, Nova calls such treasures countless!
Luo Quan knew that countless numbers must be an exaggeration, but no matter how much he said, the number would not be too small.

When he thought that he had inherited such a treasure trove, Luo Quan couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and laugh three times.

Sure enough, no matter which world it is, it is so superficial and people are judged entirely by their appearance. As long as you are good-looking enough, you can get such an adventure.

Luo Quan was not a superficial person before, but now she just wants to say that it is good to judge people by their appearance.

But acting too complacent was not in line with her status at this time.

As a demon king, you must always pay attention to your manners. The cold eyes and contemptuous expression are the main themes on her face.

Just like this, they walked through the meeting hall in silence, and Luo Quan and his group walked into a relatively narrow corridor.

Although it is said to be small, it is actually more than three meters wide, five meters high, and very long. Luo Quan can't see the edge at a glance.

Both sides of the corridor were filled with candles. Except for the dancing flames, the lower parts of these candles were all wrapped in brown metal. It was unknown what kind of grease they were wrapped in.

In addition to candlelight, there are many doors on both sides of the corridor, some are closed, and some are directly open without doors.

For Luo Quan, who has some mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, this irregular and asymmetrical layout makes her look a little uncomfortable.

It's just that she doesn't have time to manage these details now. She will wait until she gets the queen's magical power.

After walking in the long and narrow corridor for more than a minute, Sebastian brought the two of them to a large spiral staircase.

Sebastian told them that there are only two parts of the entire castle, one is upstairs and the other is downstairs.

The corridor downstairs is where the servants live, and the center is where the devil and his subjects discuss matters. At the end of the corridor is the back garden of the castle, where there are all kinds of hell flowers.

Upstairs, it is completely the world of the Demon King alone. There are two largest rooms, one is the Demon King's bedroom and the other is the library.

In addition, there is another room. This room is small but very mysterious. Even Sebastian doesn't know what it is for because no one is allowed to enter that place.

Luo Quan glanced at Nova, who blinked and signaled her not to speak.

She immediately understood that this room should be the room where the Queen's power was stored, and it was also their destination later.

The stairs are not too high, only about seventy or eighty steps, spiraling up, with black walls on both sides.

When he walked out of the stairs, Luo Quan found that he was still in the corridor. However, there were only about a dozen doors in this corridor, not as many as those downstairs. The length of the corridor was also very short, and the ends could be seen on both sides. The arrangement is also very symmetrical.

This made her feel like she had returned to her grandfather's house. The castle where her grandfather lived had a similar layout.

Behind the black door on the left is the library, and behind the dark red door on the right is his bedroom.

Under the leadership of Sebastian, Luo Quan and Nova walked to the right together.

The bedroom is very large, almost the same size as the large bedroom in Notre Dame Palace, and is so spacious that you can hide and seek in it.

However, unlike the bright and warm style of the Notre Dame Palace, the color of the Succubus Queen's palace is dark red. The room is filled with translucent red furniture, and when the candlelight shines on it, it emits a coquettish red light.

The largest object in the palace is a large bed placed against the wall. The foot of the bed alone is half a meter high. There is also a stepped bed next to it.

There was no bedding on the bed, only a layer of jelly that looked like it had been frozen, red and shiny.

Luo Quan stepped forward and pressed it. It was surprisingly soft, and his whole hand immediately sank halfway in. Luo Quan thought that if she lay directly on it, her waist would definitely be very comfortable.

But such a soft bed would probably not look good if you lay on it for too long.

Seeing Luo Quan having a great time, Nova smiled and said: "This is a mattress made of the softest skin woven from the abdomens of dozens of hell female worms. It is very soft. It is considered the top mattress in hell." ”

"Hell mother worm?" Luo Quan thought of those disgusting worms that were densely packed together, and his hands jumped up as if he was electrocuted.

Upon seeing this, Nova enlightened Luo Quan and said: "Your Majesty the Queen, there is no need for you to be so disgusted.

Just like you humans like to use animal furs to make clothes, hell female worms are just like the animals in our hell.

They may look ugly and disgusting, but their value is similar to the value of livestock in the human world. "

"I'm a little insensitive, but you have to give me some time to get used to it."

Luo Quan smiled awkwardly, then put his hand up and kneaded it.

There is a saying that the abdominal skin of this hell female insect is really soft and firm. No matter how you rub it, it will deform, and when you let go, it will immediately spring back to its original shape.

You can use it to make a round ball later. It will definitely relieve stress when you squeeze it.

"Then I'll take my leave first. Call me if you need anything." Seeing that he had nothing to do, Sebastian bowed to Luo Quan and Nova, then turned around and left. When he walked out of the room, he also brought Got to the door.

"Nova, do you know where those treasures are?"

Luo Quan looked at the furnishings in the room and didn't see any particularly large treasure chest-like furniture. There were only a few wardrobes, and there was nothing that could be hidden at first glance.

"Of course, that's why I brought you here."

Nova said as she came to the wall facing the big bed, stretched out her hand and injected magic into it.

Soon, red light began to appear on the wall, gradually outlining a charming rose with numerous petals.

After the roses bloomed, the door Nova talked about appeared in front of Luo Quan.

Nova raised her hand and touched it, and her whole body turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the wall.

Luo Quan followed suit and reached out to touch her gently.

Then her eyes flashed and she came to a world full of storage shelves.

These shelves for placing items are all made of gold, and they stretch into the distance in rows with no end in sight.

"This is too much!" Even though Luo Quan was well-informed, he had never seen so many treasures.

She didn't know what those things on the shelf were, she just knew that there were lots and lots of shiny things.

"This is the Queen's treasury. The richness and preciousness of the collection are among the best in the whole hell!" Nova said proudly, then stretched out her hand to wave.

A few seconds later, a badge shaped like a flattened rose flew over.

Nova said excitedly: "Your Majesty, this is the Badge of Sin. The power of the previous queen is basically in it. If you inherit it, you will be the new succubus queen!"

"Badge of Bad Sins?" Luo Quan looked curious.Nova replied respectfully: "This is a symbol of the power of the Demon King. Only one who is recognized by the Bad Sin Badge can become a real Demon King. The history of the badge is as long as hell, and each one represents a piece of authority.

For example, this one represents the power of desire and charm. As long as you master the badge, your strength will advance by leaps and bounds and you will become a god overlooking all mortals. "

"It sounds like some kind of cheating device, but it's a little worse than Fengling Yueying." Luo Quan muttered, "How do you use this thing?"

"You just put your consciousness into the badge."

Luo Quan followed Nova's instructions, and after a few seconds, a reply came from the system: "It has been detected that a powerful force is trying to enter, do you want to accept this force?
Tip: This power has recognized you as its master and will not cause negative effects. "

"Then what else is there to say? Accept it!" Luo Quan chose to accept it without hesitation.

In an instant, scarlet light overflowed from Luo Quan's body, and finally gathered and closed into a cocoon glowing with red light.

Luo Quan was wrapped in this cocoon. Although she could not be seen, the whole cocoon was beating vigorously like a heart.

This lasted for 99 seconds, and the red cocoon burst.

Her original clothes were shattered by the powerful magic power inside the red cocoon. Fortunately, before coming out, she quickly put on a bathrobe to avoid being exposed.

But there was only one girl in the room, Nova, and it didn't seem to matter whether she was exposed or not.

"The long-lost sense of strength, my strength seems to be back." Luo Quan clenched his fists, with an expression of joy on his face.

I originally thought that inheriting the power of the Bad Sin Badge would require some kind of test.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she came into contact with it, this power couldn't wait to swear allegiance to her, as if she was the destined girl it had been waiting for for a long time.

Now that she has received the power, she has returned directly to her heyday, and has finally established a foothold in this world.

Only then did Luo Quan realize that Nova was looking at her as if she were petrified, her eyes filled with disbelief.

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Quan waved his hand in front of Nova.

"You are so beautiful!" Nova suddenly raised her voice and cheered, "Your Majesty, you are the most beautiful female I have ever seen in my life. Even the previous queen cannot compare to you!"

"Ah?" Luo Quan was stunned, and then quickly pulled the mirror.

Looking in the mirror, she saw that her ordinary appearance had changed into what she looked like before she entered the fantasy world.

If that's the case, it's no surprise that Nova reacted so strongly.

"It's just a joke, don't get too excited." Luo Quan waved his hand boldly, signaling Nova to calm down.

At the same time, players who were playing in the fantasy world received a world message:
On the 5th floor of the Bottomless Abyss (also known as Hell) [-], a Bad Badge of Sin found its owner, and the new Succubus Queen was born!
She is the most beautiful creature under the starry sky, the mother goddess of desire and life. Whether you conquer her or be loyal to her is all in your mind.

"Holy shit, the most beautiful creatures are here, and they don't sound like human beings."

"What kind of shape can the Demon King of Hell have? He's probably a monster like a black goat."

"Okay, I like this kind of hardcore Fury!"

"Brother, if this is really the case with you, then I respect you as a man."

"Haha, I happen to be in hell. I belong to the demon race. Let me go and see what this queen looks like."

"Remember to take a video. If it's really beautiful, the brothers will form a team to defeat this boss. Maybe they can even drop the queen's mount."

"Great idea, count me in!"


The game's world channel was chatting quickly, and Luo Quan was a little confused.

"The system only has two powers: desire and charm. Where does the Mother Goddess of Life come from?"

"It should be combined with the power of your Holy Mother. After the devil and the Holy Light are neutralized, it becomes the purest life force. You are a mother... No, you are a woman. You are still the Mother Goddess of Life."

Listening to the system's answer, Luo Quan didn't quite understand it, but he was greatly shocked.

Generally speaking, as a demon king, of course, the more authority the better, so that the faith that can be developed will be wider, making it easier to receive more believers.

"Your Majesty the Queen, from today on you are the true mistress of the Hell of Desire, and everything in this plane will be under your control."

Nova knelt down respectfully in front of Luo Quan and offered her her loyalty.

"No gift." Luo Quan smiled and waved his hand, "By the way, honey, these collections in front of me don't look very valuable."

From now on, her eyes have been looking for something shiny.

But when you look at it from a distance, everything seems to be shining.

But when I got closer, I realized that it was the reflection of these gold shelves. As for the collections on them, most of them were gadgets of different shapes.

There were utensils, instruments of torture, and toys, but there was none of the sparkle that she longed for.

"Your Majesty, these things are not worth mentioning." Nova stood up and said with a smile: "Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, these are high-quality treasures, but they are just mundane things.

The real treasure is this! "

Following the direction of Nova's finger, Luo Quan saw a whip.

She stretched out her hand and thought, and the whip immediately flew into her hand.

"What is this?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Nova replied excitedly: "This whip is called [Lover's Whip]. It is your Queen's royal weapon. It has a powerful effect of making people fall in love with it the more it is beaten.

As long as you are hit by the whip, the enemy will fall in love with being attacked by you, and the effect will be deepened according to your charm, up to a level of Ignorance and irresistibility! "

"Damn, why doesn't that sound serious?" Luo Quan's face became a little weird.

This whip sounds powerful, but the more it is whipped, the more people fall in love with it. It feels like it is artificially created.

"This artifact, like the throne, can be taken out."

The system will sound a reminder at this time.

"Then take it first, this is a good thing!" Luo Quan nodded with satisfaction, and then began to collect it in the treasure house.

(End of this chapter)

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