Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1299 It’s all Ai’s fault

Treasures, countless shining treasures.

Vessels inlaid with various gemstones, statues carved with pure gemstones, jewelry made of various precious metals, and magical weapons and even epic weapons that are gorgeous in shape and exude powerful fluctuations!
There should be artifacts deeper down, but Luo Quan no longer wanted to go any further. Just the things in front of her made her very satisfied.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the queen's treasure house, which is much richer than her own Notre Dame Summer Palace.

Of course, the main reason is that they are not willing to ask believers to pay indulgences.

The so-called indulgences are an ancient way of making money in the Holy See of Dawn. It is said that as long as believers pay more money to purchase indulgences, the merciful Heavenly Father will forgive you for the crimes you have committed.

This kind of behavior was very common a long time ago, but now few people fall for it.

But Our Lady is an exception.

Because people believe that the pure Virgin Mary really represents the will of the Heavenly Father, and the indulgences handed over to her are designated for use.

So as long as Luo Quan is willing to speak, there will definitely be many people who have done bad things to give her money.

It's just that Luo Quan never opened this mouth.

After all, a gentleman loves money and gets it wisely. She doesn't want this kind of money that is contaminated with who knows how much filth.

As for the Queen's treasury, it is a windfall.

As the saying goes, if you don't take what God gives you, you will be blamed for it. If you still shirk it, you will be really sorry for God's love for you.

"System, can I take all these things with me?"

"Yes, this treasure house is equivalent to your storage space. You can come here and take it away at any time, but the amount you carry at a time cannot exceed a certain energy level.

If it is a magical or powerful epic weapon, it will need to cool down for a certain period of time before it can be brought out again. "

"Is there any carrying limit?" Luo Quan's expression suddenly became a little disappointed when he heard the system's answer.

It would be great if she could carry unlimited amounts. She would be able to empty this place sooner or later at one o'clock every day, which would be a pity.

After withdrawing her thoughts, she unknowingly walked to a cabinet.

There was a pair of extremely exquisite crystal shoes placed on the cabinet, which looked extremely dazzling under the light, just like the camera flash at the press conference.

Luo Quan picked it up and shook it, and found that the texture of the glass slipper was very pure, with a translucent feel similar to glass.

She remembered that if a gem like this was definitely real, the more it looked like glass, the more precious it was.

The pair of crystal slippers in front of me, which look like they are made of glass, are priceless.

"This is a quasi-artifact collected by Her Majesty the Queen. It has not been named yet." Nova came over at this time. "This is a powerful but useless quasi-artifact. It does not have much attack power, but it can save lives at critical moments. ."

"Saving lives?" Luo Quan's eyes lit up, "I really like life-saving props. Tell me what their effects are."

Nova replied respectfully: "After putting on the shoes, the user can gain an ability. When turned on, the user can enter an invincible state!"

The word "invincible" actually has many interpretations. The first one is the literal meaning, invincible. There is no opponent. The world is so big but no one can beat this person, then he can be called invincible.

However, people who can be called invincible are too rare. Even a master like Empress Ye does not dare to call herself invincible. This shows how high the threshold is to have this title.

As for the second type of invincibility, it is much more common than the previous one. It means that one cannot be harmed and blocks all attacks from the outside world.

It's just that this kind of invincibility is quite limited. 99% of the time, you are shielded from damage from the outside world, but it also blocks your output to the outside world.

It's like being beaten without fighting back.

However, if it can be confirmed that it is in an invincible state, it can be regarded as a good life-saving treasure.

"If it is just invincible, then it is not worthy of the level of a quasi-artifact." Nova continued, "After performing the endless dance, not only the user himself will enter the invincible state and start a long dance.

At the same time, it will also control the nearby people to dance with you. The higher your charm value, the longer the dancing time will be.

The former queen once used these shoes to make many devils dance with her for a day and a night. If it were you, it would probably be at least three days and three nights! "

"Forced to dance?!" Luo Quan was shocked when he heard this, "This is not equivalent to a large-scale field control skill!"

"You can say that." Nova nodded, "But what's a pity is that this treasure cannot distinguish between friend and foe. As long as it enters the lead dance of the endless dance, it will inevitably be affected and dance with you.

And during this period, you can't do anything except dance, so this is an artifact that has more than enough defense but not enough offense. "

Luo Quan kept nodding his head when he heard these words.

It feels really awesome and looks pretty good. I took it out this time and will try it on red carpets in the future. I just don’t know how it feels when I wear it.

Thinking like this, Luo Quan put the crystal slipper into the storage ring.

The system reminded her that because this glass slipper was of a high level, after putting it on, there would not be much carrying space left, so she should consider it carefully.

This time I came to hell, the harvest can be said to be quite great!
Not only did he gain powerful divine power, he also controlled such a large area.

After understanding the general shape of this place, she felt that it was necessary to develop the rich products of hell.

Apart from anything else, along the way from the palace, Luo Quan saw so many crystals that he lost count.

Moreover, they are all relatively precious colored crystals, such as amethyst, red crystal, and green crystal. Just using them as jewelry can fetch sky-high prices.

Moreover, these crystals are not ordinary gems, most of them are extraordinary items.

Some have the function of storing extraordinary power, and some can produce effects comparable to magic weapons when stimulated by extraordinary power.

For example, the red crystal was used by the former queen to lay floor tiles and make furniture.

As long as any kind of energy is input into it, heat can be released.

And it’s very mild heat, one as big as your fist can warm the entire room.

Even with one AA battery, it can last for a full two weeks without any pollution emissions. It simply takes the keyword of energy saving and environmental protection to the extreme.In addition, as long as the input energy level is higher, the heat released by the red crystal will increase to a higher level, which means the temperature will increase.

In other words, this is a very versatile gem that can be used as a heating stove or an air conditioner.

When there is an opportunity in the future, Luo Quan feels that if this kind of crystal can be transported to the human world in large quantities, there will definitely be many people rushing to buy it.

This is just a kind of crystal. According to Nova, there are many kinds of colored extraordinary crystals available in hell.

Some colors are not very pure and even no demons would pick them up. The ones that can be collected in the Demon King's Palace are the purest and most advanced crystals, and there are many, many crystals that are just one grade behind.

With Nova's words, Luo Quan felt relieved. Anyway, this crystal is not as important to the devil as trees and water sources. It can be mined at will without fear of damaging the environment.

And she has countless demons under her command. As long as she orders to collect these crystals, all the demon lords in her territory will probably let their subordinates mine them, even without asking for anything in return. .

This was simply a no-profit deal, and Luo Quan felt that he was so lucky.

After walking around for a while, Luo Quan's stomach began to growl.

"Do you have any special dishes here? Bring them over and let me try them."

Luo Quan gave the order, and the kitchen in the Demon Palace immediately began to stir.

There is no distinction between day and night in hell, because the demon moon will always hang in the sky, making it look drowsy every moment.

Demons don't have the habit of eating three meals a day. When they are hungry, they go hunting by themselves. If they are lucky enough to hunt the big guys, they can take care of them for a day. Those with higher status don't have to do it themselves. They have their own men who go out to hunt and then deliver the food to them. Around the mouth.

As the queen, Luo Quan was even more powerful. Even if she didn't open her mouth to give orders, there would still be hundreds of servants working on her three meals a day without her knowing.

After tossing around in the bedroom for a long time, Luo Quan just felt a little hungry and asked Nova to prepare dinner, when Sebastian walked in pushing a small dining cart.

Behind him were two sweet-looking succubus maids, holding a pile of black clothes in their hands.

"What is this for?" Luo Quan did not look at the dining car, but was a little curious about the clothes in the hands of the two succubus maids.

"This is a battle costume specially made for the queen. Every devil has one. However, the previous queen is not as tall as you and does not fit you well.

So we rushed to make one according to Lady Nova's request. It is said that the humans in your world like this style very much. "

"Really?" Luo Quan picked up the black dress doubtfully and found that it was a skirt, or armor with a hem, and it looked very sexy.

It's not that a lot of flesh is exposed, but some parts are really weirdly done.

For example, there are two ring-shaped funnel-shaped iron pieces on the breastplate. What the hell is this, an outer-wear underwear? It is made so conspicuous, for fear that others will not hit it, right?

There is also a triangular iron piece between the legs, which is basically a steel diaper. If Superman had this thing, it would probably be harmless.

But she is not a superman, so there is no need to wear underwear outside!
Also, what's going on with the two pantyhose under the skirt? Does the battle suit also have a black stocking temptation?

Luo Quan said that she really didn't understand. She felt that if this war skirt was really worn in battle, she didn't know whether it would be easy or not to fight with others, but it would definitely cause "riots" easily.

"Why do these clothes look like this? I can't wear them." Luo Quan shook his head like a rattle and refused without thinking.

This thing looks like a showgirl when you put it on. It's a piece of sexy armor that can't be worn out.

"I thought Her Majesty the Queen would like this kind of clothes very much." Nova was a little disappointed. What a beautiful picture it would be if she could see Her Majesty the Queen wearing this carefully designed battle dress.

"Remove the funnel and the iron briefs. It's not that there are no protective measures. There is no need for such things." Luo Quan had a serious expression and refused without hesitation.

During the conversation, the dinner had been arranged by the considerate devil butler.

"Let me see what the staple food is today." Luo Quan smiled expectantly, opened the largest lid on the dining table, and found a pile of black meat cut into bread-like shapes inside.

"What is this dark meat?" Luo Quan stabbed the first dish she saw with a fork. The dish looked very much like Beef Wellington, but Luo Quan knew that this piece of meat was definitely not beef.

Nova introduced: "This is a domestic animal that belongs exclusively to hell - a volcanic beast. A mature individual is about the size of a rhinoceros in the human world.

The meat of male volcano beasts is very tender and is the favorite of noble demons. The milk of female volcano beasts is one of the most popular drinks in hell. It is equivalent to milk in the human world, but the nutritional value and taste of the former are much stronger. too much.

"So it's the cow from hell." Luo Quan knew what kind of species it was. As long as it wasn't some weird bug or something like that, she could still accept ordinary food.

Luo Quan cut off a piece of the volcano beast's meat with a knife and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It smells very good." Luo Quan couldn't help but admire.

This was the most fragrant piece of meat she had tasted in a while, as if it had been cooked over a slow fire to absorb all the flavors of the spices into the meat.

But after the aroma, there is the spiciness that stimulates the entire taste buds.

"It's so spicy. Why is it so spicy?"

Luo Quan stuck out his tongue. The meat was obviously not spicy when he first tasted it, but why did the tip of his tongue start to feel extremely spicy after eating it.

Sebastian explained: "The meat of the volcano beast is like this. After chewing, a chemical reaction will occur with the saliva in the mouth, which will produce a very spicy taste after a few seconds.

Therefore, chili peppers are never added to the dish of Volcano Beast Steak. In most cases, there is no need to even add seasonings. The spiciness alone is delicious enough. "

"It's so spicy that my tongue hurts." Luo Quan took a breath of air and said.

Because it was the first time she had eaten something so spicy, Luo Quan was still a little uncomfortable, but the bursts of pain on the tip of her tongue kept stimulating her nerves, making her want to experience such a feeling again. This kind of pain did not make her happy. The feeling is really amazing.

In fact, spicy is not a taste, but a feeling. It will only make your tongue and even your mouth feel painful and stimulate your taste buds.

But it is this just-right stimulation that will make people’s nerves more and more excited, which is why many people can’t stop eating after eating spicy food.

So Luo Quan ate another piece this time, a big piece. He chewed it only a few times before he didn't dare to chew it anymore. The more he chewed the meat of the volcano beast, the spicier it became. No wonder it was called the volcano beast.

If she chews this for a few minutes, I'm afraid her mouth will perform a "volcano eruption".

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