Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1300 It’s all Ai’s fault

Chapter 1300 It’s all Ai’s fault ([-])
He hurriedly swallowed the meat, but the burning taste that had accumulated before was still raging on his tongue.

Luo Quan took the cup handed over by the succubus maid and drank it in one gulp, regardless of what was in it.

As if a spring of ice was flowing through his esophagus, Luo Quan couldn't help but groan. This drink was too iced!
However, Luo Quan was surprised to find that after drinking this drink, the burning sensation on his tongue immediately disappeared. This effect was too obvious.

Nova smiled and said: "This is the milk of the Volcano Beast. If you drink it alone, there is nothing particularly praiseworthy. But if you eat a piece of the Volcano Beast's hot barbecue before drinking it, it will become very cool and sweet. , and there are other magical effects.”

"What's the effect?" Luo Quan pursed his lips and felt that the milk tasted good. It had a bit of the sweet taste of the White Rabbit toffee that he ate when he was a child, which made people nostalgic.

Nova shook her head: "The specific effect should be to increase the magic power in the body. After all, only a few demon kings can enjoy such food at will. I haven't eaten it a few times myself, so I'm not particularly sure. "

"Then if it's my current level, how much do I need to eat to advance?"

As Luo Quan spoke, he took a spoonful and drank it with a hiss. The taste was like drinking the freshest soup, and the fragrance overflowed into his nose.

"It won't have much effect." Nova shook her head directly and said: "Relying on external objects to improve your strength will eventually fall behind. With your current strength, Queen, no matter how much volcanic beast milk you eat, it will only It can increase your strength by one to two percent, and then no matter how much you eat, it will have no effect."

"It's only [-]% or [-]%." Luo Quan was a little disappointed, thinking that if the effect was significant, she could easily advance to the next level just by drinking milk. Wouldn't it be wonderful?
Sure enough, such a good thing can only exist in fantasy.

Because of the rush of time, Sebastian only prepared three dishes, and the last dish was a dish similar to deep-fried lobster.

Just because Luo Quan dares to eat lobsters, it doesn't mean that he dares to eat insects from hell.

So even though the fried earthworms in front of him were known as one of the top ten famous dishes in hell, Luo Quan didn't touch it. Instead, he gave it to the two hard-working succubus maids.

As the first and second succubus maids rewarded by His Majesty the Demon King since the new Queen took the throne, the two sisters were so moved that they burst into tears. The worms gnawed it clean.

I don’t know if this dish is delicious or not, but looking at the two succubus girls devouring it, they seem to be enjoying it very much.

Although the delicacies of hell suited Luo Quan's appetite, she still didn't eat too much, perhaps because her body's demand for delicious food was no longer high.

Then Sebastian pushed out most of the remaining two dishes, probably intending to destroy them directly.

"By the way, queen, your virginity should still be there, right?" Nova suddenly asked about this matter.

"Yes, you are, why are you asking this?" Luo Quan was very confused.

Nova said seriously: "There are many techniques in the treasure house that can only be learned by the Succubus Queen. They are mainly divided into two types, one for those who are here and one for those who are not.

As far as I know, the exercises given to virgins who are still practicing are stronger. "

Needless to say, the skills practiced by the Succubus Queen must have a lot of seducing spells. As for who is stronger and who is weaker, we have to understand it carefully before we can make a conclusion.

When this topic was mentioned, gossip inevitably arose in Luo Quan's mind: "Actually, there is something I've always been curious about, that is, you succubi were often mentioned in those fantasy novels I read before. You are very good at playing, isn’t it true?”

"First of all, I am a little succubus." Nova looked serious and helpless, "Secondly, those who know how to play are all cases and have nothing to do with race.

Luo Quan said doubtfully: "But the name Succubus sounds very confusing to people."

"We just like to enchant people's hearts and enjoy the joy of playing with everything." Nova said solemnly: "Your Majesty the Queen, although we succubi have beautiful faces and hot bodies, this does not mean that we have no one to do our best.

On the contrary, we are the most loyal group in the whole hell, and we usually only follow one husband or master in our life.

Therefore, the rumors about big and small succubi are just malicious slanders by humans who have been played with. "

Luo Quan said with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, I took it too much for granted. I apologize to you and your tribe."

Nova shook her head and chuckled: "No need to apologize, you are our master, no matter what you do, you are allowed.

Besides, we succubi do like to seduce males in most cases, but it's just more for fun.

Because we are succubi, it is our gift to charm creatures, and we enjoy it.

Just like vampires naturally like to suck blood, and undead naturally like dark and cold environments, there are very few succubi who are truly promiscuous, and it is these scum that have ruined the reputation of our succubi. "

After hearing Novadu's explanation, Luo Quan could only say that this world is too crazy. The succubus is actually the most chaste demon in hell, and this is despite having so many "bad habits".

This is no less than a statement about a girl who smokes, gets tattoos, fights, and goes to bars, but I am just a good girl.

"By the way, I have something important to ask you." Luo Quan remembered the thoughts that had just occurred in his mind and asked quickly: "I wonder if there is any medicine or food in hell that has a skin care effect? some type of?"

Nova smiled charmingly: "For demons, we can provide most of human needs. Life span, beautiful face, rejuvenation, eternal youth, and healthy body are just the most basic services in the devil's transaction price."

""Is there anything more advanced? "When Luo Quan heard what Nova said, these basic services were already very high-end. I don't know how many women can compete for just a service that lasts forever.

"A higher-level service is to grant extraordinary power to ordinary humans." Nova paused and said, "For example, allowing them to awaken supernatural energy."

Luo Quan's eyes widened: "That's fine. Are there any side effects?"

Nova smiled and shook her head: "It is impossible to gain power as a mortal without paying a price, and the greater the power gained, the greater the price.

When we first established ourselves in the human world, we did many things that only gave ordinary people extraordinary powers.
And almost all of them have promoted those humans to level five or above.

However, these people's bodies are too weak and their potential is not enough. After gaining extraordinary strength, no one can survive for more than half a month. "

Luo Quan frowned and said, "Then what's the point? Spending a lifetime in exchange for half a month of strength. Would anyone really make such a deal?"

Nova said proudly: "Of course there are, and there are quite a few.

These people who find our demons through special channels are basically burdened with blood feuds, but they have no ability to avenge them. When they are desperate, they can only turn to us demons, and only we are willing to give them the power of revenge. Luo Quan said in confusion: "What's the price?"All ordinary people can take out is money, but are you short of money? "

Nova smiled: "Your Majesty the Queen, you are right, we just want money.

When the demons established their base camp in the human world, they were strong but impoverished.

It was difficult to even pay for accommodation and food for our subordinates. At that time, we lacked everything except the money we needed to live legally in the human world.

At first we could barely survive by robbing homes, but soon we were approached by people from the Holy See, and a fierce battle broke out, resulting in a lot of losses.

From then on, we didn't dare to carry out robberies in a big way.

"So you have developed a business that gives extraordinary powers to ordinary people?"

Nova nodded: "Yes, originally we had the mentality of giving it a try, because this method has very serious side effects.

Only a very small number of people do not have their body's potential excessively consumed after gaining extraordinary power, and most ordinary people cannot withstand the power of demons.

But what we didn't expect was that after we put the advertisement out, business would come to us very quickly. These poor people at the end of their rope no longer thought about their future except for revenge.

Some poor ghosts even want to sell their souls to gain the power of revenge, but only devils like to collect human souls. We devils do not have this habit.

In this way, our business gradually developed and grew, and we also established a reputation. Although the money was not as fast as our own killers, it was better than being legal. "

Luo Quan asked in surprise: "Is this considered legal? You are equivalent to injecting them with chronic poison."

"How can it be illegal?" Nova asked back: "Before injecting magic into them, we have informed them of the consequences, and we have also asked a psychologist to conduct a mental evaluation on them, and finally asked them to sign A disclaimer.

After so many procedures, we dared to inject them with potions that diluted the magic power.

Speaking of which, we are already very conscientious. This kind of magic potion is very troublesome to make, and it is far less convenient than directly instilling magic power.

But if you instill magic directly, they will only die faster. With this diluted potion, their lives will be longer. "

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "It seems that you are really a conscientious businessman. Since you even have magic potions, you should also have potions that make skin more delicate and smooth, right?"

Nova shook her head and said: "We only have magic potions, services such as skin improvement and rejuvenation, and we have unified them into the lifestyle category.

That is an additional business that has been expanded after the development of magic potion, and the accuracy required is not as high as magic injection, so we can directly rely on magic spells to complete customer needs. "

Luo Quan was curious: "A magic spell? What kind of magic spell can have such a function?"

Nova shook her finger at Luo Quan and said: "Your Majesty the Queen, don't think that magic spells can only be used in combat. Of all the magic spells known to hell, only half are used in combat, and the rest are all It’s a variety of life-type magic spells with a wide range of uses.”

"That's true!" Luo Quan's eyes lit up, and he only had one thought in his mind, and that was: Coach, I want to learn!

Nova said quietly: "Every devil will use magic spells from birth. Although we have not developed any technology for tens of thousands of years, the field of magic spells is booming, like a towering tree.

Strictly speaking, human magic and devil's sorcery can be regarded as spells, but compared to us devils, their level is like the difference between the sea and the river.

We can do things that humans and devils can do, and we can do things that humans and devils can’t do, and there are many kinds of tricks, and the success rate is extremely stable.

For example, the magic spell that your Majesty the Demon King mentioned can be used for beauty. This is one of the magic spells that our succubus family is best at.

What every succubus needs to learn before reaching adulthood is not how to fight, but how to make themselves more beautiful.

My mother told me that when a succubus is extremely beautiful, no male will have the heart to hurt you, but you can easily conquer him, and then use his hand to conquer the world. "

Luo Quan was sweating profusely and said, "Your mother is really a wise person."

Nova said with admiration: "After the death of the previous queen, she was the most powerful woman in hell before you appeared, and she was also the most beautiful woman.

All the ancestral demons in hell regard her as the lover of their dreams. Sabolomens and Norvalkanster once had a great battle over my mother. "

"And then what?"

Nova smiled and said: "The two ancestral demons fought each other in the end, and there was no winner. My mother married an ordinary Balrog.

My father died not long after my mother was pregnant with me, so I never met my father.

In fact, the little succubus dukes in the past generations have never met their father, because the spouses of the succubus dukes in the past generations generally do not live long. "

"Could it be that..." Luo Quan remembered a four-character word that only appeared in modern times. In the words of a devil, it means death by exhaustion.

Nova's expression became very embarrassed: "I don't know the specific reason yet. After all, I haven't found a spouse yet. I won't know until I find a suitable spouse."

"Then it must be." Luo Quan snickered in his heart, but still asked with his usual expression: "What is the magic spell you mentioned that can make people more beautiful? Are you easy to learn?"

Nova smiled: "There are many kinds of spells that can make people more beautiful, and they target different people. It mainly depends on which kind the client wants."

"Looking at me like this, is there room for improvement?" Luo Quan pointed at the tip of his nose and asked.

When Nova, who was originally full of confidence, heard this, she smiled bitterly and said: "Your Majesty, you are really going to give me a hard time.

(End of this chapter)

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