Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1301 It’s all the fault of AI

Chapter 1301 It’s all the fault of AI ([-])
"Can't you?" Luo Quan asked when he saw Nova's expression of embarrassment.

Nova immediately shook her head: "If you want to beautify a beauty of your level, you can only use "Barbara's babbling blessing" to be effective.

But with my magic level, if I use this spell on you, it will not only make you beautiful, but may disfigure you. "

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Nova kept sighing: "There is no way, you are too beautiful. There is no way I can think of to make your appearance more beautiful, not even my mother can."

"It seems I don't have much room for improvement." Luo Quan felt a little disappointed.

Although her appearance has exceeded the human limit defined by the beauty world, accountant Luo Quan actually wants to become more beautiful if given the opportunity.

If it was before, she would definitely not have such thoughts.

But now, with the earrings given by Xingwei to hide her true appearance, and at the same time, she has the pupil technique, and her power is linked to her appearance.

So as long as she is more beautiful, the power of the pupil technique will be greater and her strength will be stronger.

It's a pity that I originally wanted to use magic spells as a trick, but now it seems I can only rely on the system's upgrade card.

"Since it doesn't work on my face, what effect does it have on ordinary women's faces?"

Luo Quan didn't worry about whether he could become more beautiful, and started to care about making a lot of money.

Nova replied with a smile: "You are an exception. Most women can use magic spells to beautify themselves. Now my mother has opened a beauty shop in the capital of the empire, specializing in magic beauty services for women.

We have a complete process there that can be maintained from head to toe, inside and out, and the results are very good. "

"Since chain beauty salons are open, there must be no sequelae." Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief.

As a result, Nova's words made her worry again: "If you want to get affirmation, you have to pay. After all, the magic is not a divine magic of the Holy See of Dawn. How can there be no sequelae when released on humans? We are demons, not angels."

"What are the sequelae?" After hearing this, Luo Quan basically gave up the idea of ​​doing business with Magic Beauty.

"Devil's magic is not the magic of human magicians. It was born in hell and has the corrosion and aggression of hell.

The curse is a concrete manifestation of magic power, so humans with weak bodies will be harmed when enduring any kind of curse, but the beauticians in our beauty salon will try their best to minimize these injuries. "

Nova said with a sincere expression, but the content of her words was really disappointing.

"What is the cost of facial skin care?" Luo Quan asked bluntly.

Nova replied: "The skin care spell only lasts for five years at most. Once the time passes, the skin will instantly return to its original state, even older and rougher.

It is possible that a fair and smooth face will directly turn into ancient tree bark, and the pores will become enlarged, the metabolism will be extremely accelerated, dead skin will fall off every day, and it will be accompanied by severe and unbearable pain.

At that time, we will either have to cast the spell again, which will only make the pain worse after five years, or we will have the Vatican perform a divine purification to remove the remaining magic from their bodies. "

"That's it..." Luo Quan fell into silence.

Obviously, the dream of making a fortune from this trick was completely shattered.

"Your Majesty, I have something to give you."

While chatting with Nova, Sebastian knocked on the door outside.

"Bring it in." Luo Quan said.

Sebastian walked in and placed a finely crafted black bell in front of Luo Quan: "This is the Demon Summoning Bell. Only the Queen can use it. Shake it three times and you can call all your subjects to lead the army." Come to King Qin.”

"This is a good thing." Luo Quan picked it up and put it in front of him for a while, and then a bold idea suddenly came to his mind: "Nova, what do you think I shake it and summon those subjects? "

Nova said respectfully: "Of course you are qualified to do this, and you can also inform them that you have succeeded to the throne."

"Try it and see how many demons can come this time." Luo Quan gently rang the bell three times before he finished speaking.

Afterwards, Luo Quan and Nova went downstairs and came to the terrace outside the meeting hall.

There is a very large open space under the terrace, which is probably used for the Queen to overlook her army.

In less than 5 minutes, red dust filled the sky directly opposite the Palace of Madness.

Even though it was more than ten meters above the ground, I could feel my feet shaking slightly.

Countless dense black spots appeared in the sky, and a faint scream floated from a distance, making people's nerves immediately tense.

"Haha, my army is here!" Luo Quan smiled and leaned on the railing of the terrace, wanting to see how many demons came this time.

"Nova, how many demon lords are there in my territory?" Because the army was still far away, Luo Quan didn't see anything for the time being, so he turned around and asked.

"When I left ten years ago, there were 62 of them. I asked again just now. There are still 51 loyal to you. Three of them went to Pazuzu, and the other eight all went to the command of the Grand Duke of Sacasta. "When Nova said this, she gritted her teeth with hatred and wished she could tear up those traitors immediately.

"Haha, sooner or later I will have to settle accounts with these traitors." Luo Quanyun laughed lightly.


While the two were chatting, a huge bull-headed demon had already rushed in front of them.

This is a strong demon with a height of over six meters. His muscles bulge like rocks and the hideous scars all over his body prove his strength.

His two horns are not as round as the horned animals in the human world, but as flat and sharp as a guillotine. Only the mad war demons in hell have this feature, and they are one of the most powerful demon races in Luoquan's direct vassal. .

When the bull-headed demon was about to run in front of Luo Quan, he knelt down on one knee and said with respect: "Your Majesty the Queen, your servant Bamot greets you. I rushed as soon as I heard the news that you returned to hell. Come here, don’t dare to stop for a moment, and finally get there first!”

"Bamot is the lord of the entire mad fighting demon tribe in hell. His strength has reached the top of the seventh level, and he is considered a master among your subjects." Nova whispered in Luo Quan's ear.

"No need to pay tribute." When Luo Quan heard that this was one of his generals, Luo Quan did not dare to neglect, but he still said slowly, and the expression on his face was still very indifferent.This is what Nova told her. No matter how happy she is, she must maintain this Sima face. This is the must-have for a good demon king.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen." As a minister, Bamot certainly couldn't look as impatient as Luo Quan. Instead, he stood up and turned to face the direction he came from, with a look of joy on his face.

He must be very proud at this time, because he became the first subject to respond to the queen's call. Who can match this level of loyalty?
The second one to arrive was a humanoid demon with a pair of giant blood wings.

He was only a little over two meters tall, but the wings on his back were ten meters long, and there was a long arrow-shaped tail behind him. This was the devil Luo Quan had ever seen that looked most like the one described in the books.

"Your Majesty the Queen, I am Hassankes, one of the lords of the Purgatory Blood Demon, your most loyal servant!" Hassankes' greeting is similar to Bamot's, but it is worth noting that he is only one of the lords. , does not dominate the entire race like Mbah a Moute.

Infernal Blood Demons are one of the advanced demon races in Hell, and are born with extremely powerful levels of magic.

Although the population size is not very high, every adult individual is a master, especially lord-level purgatory blood demons like Hassankes, who are the top masters that every demon king desperately needs.

"I'm free of charge." Luo Quan nodded. Nova's comment made her feel even more passionate about Hassankes.

Another seventh-level demon. If this momentum continues, the power of his subordinates may be even greater than that of the Notre Dame's Summer Palace.

The Holy Mother can actually control so many demons. I wonder if Pope Benjamin will be so angry after this incident.

As he was thinking about it, the third demon lord arrived.

It was a demon that looked like a combination of a python and a pangolin. He emerged from the earth without any warning before appearing, just like a ghost.

Even with Luo Quan's determination, he was also startled. His eyelids trembled, but luckily he didn't show it.

"Dear Her Majesty the Queen, I am Nadero, one of the four lords of the Sand Demon. Please allow your humblest servant to kiss the ground under your feet."

With that said, the extended version of the pangolin stretched out its long beak and touched the ground in front of Luo Quan's feet.
This is almost the highest etiquette that the demons of hell can perform, and the highest etiquette that those Dawn believers can perform in front of her, the Holy Mother, is nothing more than this.

It's just that as a dignified lord of the clan, Nadero shouldn't act so humble.

Just when Luo Quan was puzzled, Nova explained to Luo Quan in a low voice: "The sand demon is a low-level demon race in hell, only one level higher than the humblest lemure, so when he faces you That's why he behaved so humbly.

However, his strength is still very outstanding, even among the four sand demon lords, his ranking is relatively high. "

"So that's it." Luo Quan suddenly realized, and then said to Nadero: "Get up."

"Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen." Nadero said with enthusiasm and respect on his face, and his attitude was obviously much more respectful than the previous two.

Then nearly fifty demons came one after another, but their strength was somewhat uneven.
Luo Quan looked carefully and found that except for the first three, there were only about six demon lords who had reached the sixth level of strength.

This amount really disappointed Luo Quan. Her idea of ​​the Burning Legion was already starting to go haywire even before it started.

If that's all the masters have, then just honestly form the Crusader Army yourself.

However, through the attitudes of these lords, Luo Quan discovered that hell is not really about strength.

Although they are both demon lords, the lower their race is, the humbler their attitude toward them is.

This has nothing to do with strength. Two of the nine sixth-level demons are from low-level demon races, but their attitude towards her is still as respectful as if they are worshiping their ancestors.

On the other hand, the other seven were neither humble nor arrogant. Although they were equally respectful, their expressions were calmer.

This is especially true for the other demon lords who only have fifth-level strength. Even if their strength is average, they are of good background. Some of them can even be called nobles among demons. Therefore, their attitude towards Luo Quan is not so humble. On the contrary, they can still I can see some admiration.

Sure enough, no matter where you are, class and origin are unavoidable topics.

51 demon lords have arrived, from all races, and their appearances are all kinds of weird. Only one or two can barely be seen, and most of the rest are like the reincarnation of ugly ghosts.

To describe it as a ferocious spirit is not enough, but fortunately Nova told her that as long as the strength reaches level five or above, the devil can use magic power to reshape the body and condense an additional form.

Therefore, these demon lords in front of us can all become humans through magic power. As for whether their appearance will improve after becoming humans, it is unknown.

These demon lords were not alone when they came. Each of them had an army of varying numbers behind them.

These were the lords' own subordinates. Their total number exceeded [-]. Each one of them was a giant man. There were also a handful of short demons, all four meters away.

Most of the subordinates were here, and Luo Quan knew it was time for him to take the stage.

In order to get closer to his army and to let all his subjects see his appearance, Luo Quan stood on Bamot's shoulder.

The demon army, which had been peaceful at first, immediately became commotion when they saw their king appearing.

Screams and roars came one after another. At first, there was no unified slogan, but in the end everyone shouted in unison:

"Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Her Majesty the Queen!"

The shouts became more uniform and louder, resounding throughout the sky. Luo Quan looked at all this and felt even more excited than when she was standing on the Oscar podium.

These are all genuine subjects who surrender to themselves. Although they are a bit ugly and not human, their loyalty is more reliable than that of humans.

Amidst the deafening howls, Luo Quan raised his right hand and pressed it down to signal everyone to be quiet.

As soon as this action came out, the palace of passion, which was boiling just now, suddenly became silent. This is the power of a demon king!

"My name is Luo Xi." Luo Quan looked at his subjects and tried to speak louder: "You can also call me Queen Luo Xi or Your Majesty.

I am the heir to the former queen, the holder of the Badge of Sin, the Lord of the Hell of Desire, the goddess in charge of desire and life, and one of the supreme rulers of the entire hell..."

(End of this chapter)

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