Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1302 It’s all Ai’s fault

Chapter 1302 It’s all Ai’s fault ([-])
ps. It’s uncomfortable. I was defeated by T1, and three LPLs in the semi-finals didn’t win the championship...


This is what Luo Quan was inspired by in Game of Thrones. He uses extremely lengthy descriptions to show his prominent status. Anyway, he can add any name he can think of.

Compared to the hundreds of words of nicknames in TV dramas, this one is relatively short.

Luo Quan impassionedly spoke out each of his titles in demonic language, and the effect was very remarkable. All the demons' blood was mobilized by Luo Quan.

To deal with ethnic groups with different cultures, different forms of countermeasures are required.

If what Luo Quan had just shouted was a series of four-character words, like "Qi Yue Wu Yi", "Yu Zi Tong Pao", etc., there probably wouldn't be so many demons excited along with her.

"Before I take the throne, I believe everyone has had enough without the Queen's leadership."

Luo Quan shouted loudly and got to the point: "But starting from today, your good days are coming.

The endless bloody battle is about to begin, and both the upper and lower hells will become your killing battlefields. May your blood be completely burned in this battle! "

Luo Quan, who has made mistakes in fantasy world settings, certainly knows what demons like most.

As a race of mostly chaotic and evil people, demons love killing and war. Whether with humans or with their own kind, as long as they can taste blood and fear, they will never tire of it even if they pay for it with their lives.

Therefore, the best way to gain the loyalty of these demons is to start a war and let them kill them.

Of course Luo Quan couldn't bear to let these demons attack the human world, so he could only let them fight among themselves.

Anyway, the demons in other levels of hell are not her subordinates, so he won't feel bad if he kills her directly.

After all, after the demons die, they will directly enter the blood pool of hell and be reincarnated into worms. This can be regarded as helping the cycle of hell's ecosystem.

Nova obviously didn't notice this news, and then looked at Luo Quan with extremely admiring eyes, thinking that she was worthy of being a queen. She started an endless bloody battle as soon as she took the throne. It was really too domineering.

No one knows how much war and violence attract demons. This is a hobby imprinted deep in the souls of all demons, and its yearning is even stronger than the desire to go to the human world.

The air in the main world is purer than that in hell. The moist air can make demons feel like they have a filter installed in their lungs. Just breathing is a pleasure.

The air quality in most areas of Hell is very poor, as if countless chemical factories have opened in the sky. Taking a breath is as uncomfortable as a human being taking a breath of second-hand smoke. The air quality is only better near the capitals of various demon kings.

The reason for this is that when Hell was born, there were hundreds of years of volcanic eruptions, and no one knows how much volcanic ash was sprayed into the sky.

So much time has passed that the dust has not dissipated. In many areas, the clouds in the sky are black and gray. You can imagine how bad the air quality in hell is.

The trees that are almost everywhere in the human world and the oxygen that fills the sky and the earth are simply a paradise for demons.

There are also water sources. There are almost no pure water sources in hell, which can be found everywhere in the human world.

Just these two factors make it impossible for any demon to refuse the human world, let alone the scenery of the human world that is far more beautiful than hell.

Whether it is the flowers that exude a refreshing fragrance, or the rainbow bridges that are erected in the sky after every rain, these are all beautiful scenery in the eyes of demons, and these are almost non-existent in hell. .

The sky in hell is always so gray. There is no rain or sunshine. It is true that ashes fall from the sky from time to time, and they fall into a large area.

If you encounter a relatively large gray cloud falling from the sky, you will most likely be killed on the spot.

As for flowers, except for the flower on the other side, which is more beautiful, the other flowers in Hell are half-animal, half-plant mutants.

Some are fragrant, but most of them are very smelly, very much like the pitcher plants in the main world. If you get too close, these three-meter-high "flowers" will even take you off in one bite.

This is the scenery of hell. Compared with the human world, it is so beautiful that it cannot be described in words.

It has always been every demon's dream to travel to the main world and enjoy these beautiful scenery as his own.

However, even so, it still ranks behind the war. One can imagine how abundant the devil's martial virtue is.

It was precisely because of the desire for war that the tens of thousands of demon army in Luoquan immediately calmed down from the initial ecstasy and enthusiasm.

Any war requires a vanguard force to take the lead. If nothing else happens, the quota for the vanguard force should be divided among everyone present.

Just now, everyone was loyal to Her Majesty the Queen, but now, they are opponents. According to the oldest rules of hell, whoever is stronger can have everything!
Seeing that his armies were becoming more and more dissatisfied with each other and were about to mutiny, Luo Quan immediately said: "Don't fight for the quota of vanguard troops. Although you can only choose five lords to go first in the first wave of offensive, But there will be a second wave of offensive soon, so there is no need to rush this moment.”

Luo Quan explained the matter very clearly, but unfortunately her army no longer obeyed the command. After all, the demons were more animalistic than rational. Since there were only a few lords, the tens of thousands of troops would definitely not be enough at the moment.

You must know that these tens of thousands of demons are not big soldiers. They are vassals of Luoquan's vassal, and they are also powerful. Who among them is not a group of good men who are eager for war?
The vanguard team chooses five lords, which is about five hundred powerful demons.

There are tens of thousands here, which is definitely not enough.

If this is the case, then kill them until there are only five hundred left.

The demon's brain circuit is so simple and violent. Without the restraint of the demon lord, they will fight in less than a minute.
The devil doesn't know what it means to hold back. Once he takes action, he is calling for death.

But now the dozens of demon lords around Luo Quan are keeping silent. They want to see if Luo Quan's skills can control the army of [-]. Only by suppressing the army of [-] demons can this demon king be defeated. Everyone was convinced.

Facts have proved that Luo Quan is still a little too young now. Although she has been very busy and worked hard to play a cold, arrogant and majestic devil according to Nova's instructions, she cannot really act as cold-blooded as a devil.

At this time, as long as she proposes one or two typical ones and kills them directly, she can easily shake up the scene. If she dares to disobey the command, she will continue to kill them. With her strength, it is very easy to deal with these fourth- and fifth-level demons.

But Luo Quan was obviously still hesitant. After all, the biggest creature she had ever killed in her life was an old hen in the countryside.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Luo Quan sighed and planned to let Bamot and others take control of the situation.

It would be better to be embarrassed than to actually have her army fight among themselves.

However, a group of demons suddenly appeared and helped her a lot.

Your Majesty, please forgive us for being a little late. "A dark shadow suddenly jumped up from the ground, and quickly condensed into a human shape. Then, three more shadows stood up behind him.

The tallest of these shadows is only a little over two meters tall, and their bodies are also very thin. In a hell where muscle is justice, such a figure can almost be said to be a second-class disability.However, as soon as they appeared, the demon lords around them looked in fear, as if these inconspicuous demons lurked a huge threat!
Nova introduced: "This is the Shadow Demon Lord - Kallen, your personal guard captain."

"Captain of the bodyguards?" Luo Quan looked at Kallen and the three members of his clan behind him, thinking that he was a demon king after all, but only had four bodyguards. Isn't it a bit unfair?

"Are there just the four of you?" Luo Quan asked bluntly. The implication was that he felt that his protective power was too little.

"Of course there are more." Kallen lowered his head, looked at the countless demon shadows on the ground, and said: "In every shadow on the ground, there is one of your guards. From the moment I appeared, the environment around you has changed." We started to closely monitor them.”

"I see. I asked why I always feel like there's something extra around me. It turns out it's you."

Luo Quan's senses were still very keen. She had noticed this just now, but she didn't know exactly what was going on. Now that she heard what Karen said, she understood it immediately.

It's just that this explanation made the other demon lords look unhappy.

Although they immediately looked at their own shadows, they did not see any clues, but they believed that this Kaleon would not talk nonsense.

That means there is indeed an extra demon in their shadow, and it may come out of the shadow and attack their back at any time.

The feeling of having your life in someone else's hands is really uncomfortable.

And it's not just the demon lords who feel this way, the demon tyrants also don't like the feeling of dying at any time.

Luo Quan saw this and showed a satisfied smile and said: "Karen, let your people disperse. The people who can come here are all my trustworthy subjects. There is no need to monitor them."

"Yes!" Kallen waved his right hand, and a black ball separated from the shadows of the demons on the ground, and seemed to escape into the distance.

These should also be members of the same race as Kallen.Originally, Luo Quan thought that he had to persuade Kallen again, but he didn't expect that Kallen would be so obedient and wouldn't even say a word in reply to whatever he was asked to do. Such a minister is the king's favorite.

After the Shadow Demon left, the demon lord became a powerful man, and he was obviously relieved.

In hell, the shadow demon can be said to be the most hated and feared demon by everyone.

Although they are only mid-level demons, their special ability to travel through shadows allows them to appear almost anywhere, and it is difficult to detect them through conventional means.

In addition, their speed is extremely fast. Once the Shadow Demon attacks you at close range, it is very difficult to dodge.

If you want to choose the number one killer in hell, Shadow Demon definitely deserves it.

Most of the shadow demons in Hell live in the Hell of Madness and are born to be the servants of the Succubus Queen. Therefore, almost all adult demons in the clan are proud to serve as the Queen's personal guards.

The shadow demons who came today are the elites of the entire shadow demon clan. Except for the two chief and deputy leaders who are at level six, the rest are all at level four or above.

In other words, this is a group of demons who are absolutely loyal to the Queen.

Moreover, he is so powerful that he can emerge from the shadows at any time and take the lives of those who disobey.

Under the threat of the Shadow Demon, Luo Quan's demon army instantly fell silent.

Because no one knows if they will be executed directly by Her Majesty the Queen, who is obviously getting impatient if she continues to make a fuss.

Seeing that the roar of the camp subsided, Luo Quan was of course overjoyed. He was about to arrange an attack plan for the lords when he heard Kareen running out of the shadows.

"Reporting to the Queen, my men have discovered that a large number of human extraordinary people have appeared nearby and are heading towards the palace!"

Fortunately, Kallen's voice was not loud. If the demons below heard the incoming humans, they would not lose control directly.

"Those are my men. No matter what happens later, you can just watch from the side. Don't do anything."

Luo Quan jumped up excitedly and flew in the direction of the player.

After waiting for so long, it’s finally here!
She also heard the server-wide announcement just now.

The first world boss after the server was launched, Luo Quan didn't believe it would not attract players.

Upgrades, equipment, rare drops, achievements, first kills, these temptations are completely irresistible to the players, so as soon as they found the portal to hell, they formed a team to kill it non-stop, wanting to be like this charm. The beauty of the Demon Queen.

And it was them who Luo Quan was waiting for.

Because of the game system, no matter how powerful the demon army is, the benefits it brings are far less than those of these players. They are their greatest wealth.

But the prerequisite is that they must be conquered, otherwise these fourth natural disasters will be obsessed with making her explode gold coins.

Soon, an army of thousands of players rushed outside the Palace of Madness.

Along the way, they had been fascinated by the fantasy architectural style of this magical city. However, when the Succubus Queen appeared, this surprise directly turned into fright.

"Lololololoquan! How could it be her?!"

"Damn, this game production team can do it. They made the model of their boss into a succubus queen. They are really not afraid of death!"

"Yes, in the setting, the Succubus Queen is the most beautiful in all worlds. Apart from Luo Bao's appearance, there is indeed no one else who can bear this title."

"Let me try how charming this version of Luo Bao is."

"Hahaha, Luo Bao, stand still, I'm here!"

"Wait a minute, Luo Bao is mine!"

“Let’s all join together, everyone has a share!”


Amidst the noisy sounds and strange laughter, the players rushed towards Luo Quan with great excitement, who had already shown his health bar.

(End of this chapter)

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