Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 13 Release

Chapter 13 Release
The album officially went on sale, and Luo Quan immediately tweeted "an announcement to the world" to inform fans that the album was ready to be purchased.

At present, her Twitter account has [-] followers, but the popularity value returned to her is only [-], which means that true fans will not exceed [-] at most, and most of them are middle school students. These people listen to songs Generally, mobile phones are used, and record players are rarely used. There are probably very few people who are willing to buy records.

However, there are still many people who are willing to join her on Twitter. Within 10 minutes of tweeting, there are thousands of likes and more than [-] comments. Among them, about a dozen of them said that they have bought the record, but more Both buy virtual records on itunes.

The data of virtual albums is not included in the Oricon list. If you want to be on the list, you have to sell physical albums. However, Luo Quan is embarrassed to remind fans to buy physical albums.

What's even more uncomfortable is that after the official release of the album, she can't even see the sales data, and she can't find her name on the Oricon list at all.

"Hey..." Luo Quan put down his phone, worrying about gains and losses.

Wen Xia, who was wearing a blindfold and was ready to rest, heard Luo Quan's sigh, and comforted: "Go to sleep, it's useless for you to be in a hurry now, go to the record store tomorrow and ask, won't you know how it's selling?"

Hearing this, Luo Quan could only temporarily relax, got up and turned off the light, and slept with Wen Xia on the tatami with his back to him.

The uneasy breathing gradually lingered in the room, and the two of them were full of thoughts, and the dream of this night would definitely not be easy...

When Luo Quan woke up, it was already nine o'clock in the morning. He glanced at Wen Xia next to him, his body spread out in a big shape, his right leg was on her stomach, his mouth was slightly open, and he could vaguely see the sparkling saliva.

Luo Quan shook his head and laughed, gently moved Wen Xia's legs away, then walked into the bathroom and started to wash.

The sound of the shower head spraying water woke Wen Xia, but she didn't plan to get up, she just wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and shouted into the bathroom, "Lolo, I'm hungry..."

"There is bread in the refrigerator!" Luo Quan said while wiping the shower gel.

"I want to eat hot~~" Wen Xia acted coquettishly without saying a word.

"Wait until I finish the bath!" Luo Quan gritted his teeth in the bathroom, what an ancestor!
After Luo Quan cleaned up and came out of the bathroom, Wen Xia changed her sleeping position, lying face down on the pillow, her butt arched high.

One thing to say, it is round and upturned. If you kick it up, you should bounce up. It is indeed worthy of being born in a girl group, and the figure is really good.

"I went out to buy breakfast, by the way to see how my records are selling." Luo Quan said to him while putting on his shoes.

"Well..." Wen Xia responded lazily.

Japanese people are used to eating hot rice for breakfast. There is a restaurant with good craftsmanship near the apartment. A shadow was left in my heart, and I didn't eat any other fish except canned tempeh and dace.

Besides, she and Wen Xia are both Chinese, and they don't have the habit of eating in the morning. Fortunately, in addition to teriyaki silver cod, this restaurant also prepares some rice balls and sushi. The quantity is sufficient and the taste is good.

It's a pity that although it is a restaurant opened by Chinese people, it can't buy domestic breakfast such as steamed buns and steamed buns, and most Japanese people basically don't buy breakfast outside, so the breakfast in this restaurant is generally sold to Chinese people who live nearby. Yes, the funny thing is that they only do Japanese food again. …

When Luo Quan passed by, she bought four of each, which cost her more than 300 yen.

After buying breakfast, Luo Quan continued to walk down the street. There was a record store not far away. She wanted to go in and see how her record was sold.

After walking for 2 minutes, Luo Quan came to the door of this store named Chuanmu Record Store. The owner squatted at the door and fanned his fan leisurely to dissipate the heat brought by the morning sun. Standing up, he just said: "The store just bought a batch of new records from Sony yesterday, and they are all the ones you young people like to listen to."

Luo Quan asked, "Is there any spring water?"

The old man lowered his head and pondered: "Spring Water... It seems that there is such an album." Then he pointed to the store: "Go to the innermost shelf to have a look, it should be there."

Speaking in the direction of the old man's finger, Luo Quan walked into the store.

This store is not large, only about [-] square meters. When I was a child, the toy store near the school was almost the same size. There was always a plump aunt standing at the door and gave a very seductive shout to the passing elementary school students. It is a whisper from the devil, the terror of the power is enough to harvest the pocket money of every elementary school student.

In that small store, every corner contains unexpected products, and to find truly valuable treasures, you need to find the deepest and most inconspicuous places in the entire store.

Luo Quan is now struggling to reach the deepest part of the record store. Although she has already entered her body sideways, the narrow and crowded shelves make her slender figure unable to exert much advantage, mainly because the width of her upper and lower body is not balanced. , the well-developed peaks made her pull a record or two every time she moved.

After a lot of hard work, Luo Quan finally came to the last row of the shelf, with a row of brand new records on it.

Judging from the placement of the records on the shelf, the old people seem to prefer to put the classic old records at the front, while the records released by these young singers are placed at the end, which has little to do with the young people in the street. , Usually people who come here to buy records are middle-aged people in their 40s.

At the bottom of these records, Luo Quan found a record with her name on it. The cover was the photo of her holding a lemon. In terms of production, it was more refined than other records released by Sony.

After careful counting, there were only twenty of her records on the shelf, and the amount of purchases was a bit pitiful, but considering that the store here was too small, Luo Quan didn't particularly care.

After sorting out his own records, Luo Quan took one out, and then took the rest outside and placed them in the most conspicuous position.

The old man didn't see all this, he still turned his back to the shop and looked at the street, slowly fanning the fan in his hand.

"Old man, how do you sell this record?" Luo Quan asked politely, holding his record.

The old man looked up and said, "This one, this one is only 2800 yen."

"So cheap?" Luo Quan was a little surprised. The online pre-sale price is 2500 yen, and the purchase price should be similar. Generally speaking, it is very normal for such a physical retail store to add 700 to 800 yen to the purchase price. But this old man only added 300 yen, which is too conscientious.

Who knew that the old man turned his head and complained: "It's all my fault, I got the wrong record when I bought the goods. I thought I got Hoshino Sakura's record, but when I went back to the store and took a closer look, it turned out to be an [-]th named spring water. I’ve never heard of female singers, but fortunately I didn’t take too much, so now I can only set the price lower.”

"So... so it is." Luo Quan's face was embarrassed.

With a lonely sigh, Luo Quan took out three thousand-yuan bills from his pocket and handed them to the old man.

The old man held up the banknotes and placed them in the sunlight. After seeing the portrait of Hideyo Noguchi appearing in the white oval blank, he turned around and opened the drawer on the left hand side, and carefully placed the thousand-yuan bill at the bottom of the stack of banknotes in the drawer. Then he picked up 4 coins with a face value of 50 yen from it and handed them to Luo Quan.

Luo Quan, who suffered a huge setback, was about to leave this sad place. Just as he turned around, he saw two young people about fifteen or sixteen years old walking towards him.

The two boys were dressed in T-shirts, shorts and a baseball cap. They looked very similar. They were probably twins. They saw Luo Quan as soon as they arrived at the door of the store.

"Ah, is it Sister Quan Shui!" One of the taller boys exclaimed, his face full of surprise and joy.

"My stage name is Spring Water." Luo Quan smiled and nodded.

"It's true, I didn't expect to see you here!" The short boy said and saw Luo Quan holding a record, and said curiously, "Sister Quan Shui is holding your new album. album?"

Luo Quan nodded lightly: "Yes, I passed this record store and wanted to see how my records were selling, but it didn't seem to be ideal."

"How come!" The tall boy looked a little excited, "Our entire class is discussing your album, and everyone said they want to buy one and listen to it!"

"Really?" Luo Quan finally showed a smile: "That means my album is quite popular with students?"

The short boy nodded vigorously: "Of course, many of my friends tweeted that Lemon was set as the ringtone, but my brother and I prefer your song with fireworks!

By the way, Sister Quan Shui, can we take a picture with you? "

The boy's eyes were full of expectations. Luo Quan had no reason to refuse such a request, and nodded happily, "Of course."

Because she was a little tall, Luo Quan could only crouch on the side of the road with the two boys and take a group photo. Luo Quan held up the breakfast and record in his hand and made a Yes gesture.

The two boys looked very excited, their faces flushed, the brothers took a picture with their mobile phones, and then said goodbye to Luo Quan contentedly and entered the record store.

Luo Quan saw from a distance that the two of them soon found their own record on the outermost shelf, and showed a treasured smile.

And Luo Quan also showed a bright smile in the gentle sunshine, and the blonde hair behind him became more and more shiny.

(End of this chapter)

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