Chapter 14
"Get up, ancestor, it's breakfast." Luo Quan said when he returned home and put half of the breakfast next to Wen Xia's pillow.

"It's so fragrant..." Wen Xia opened her eyes, reached out and took out a piece of sushi from the bag, and then ate it.

"How's the record selling?" Wen Xia sat up from the tatami after eating a piece of sushi and asked Luo Quan.

Luo Quan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Not bad, at least some people buy it."

Wen Xia laughed: "Your requirements are too low, this is the largest record market in Asia, and you can sell [-] to [-] copies of a record."

Luo Quan said unconvinced: "Then how many copies did you sell in Japan?"

Wen Xia recalled: "In the past two years, we have released two albums and seven singles, and the total sales will be about one million."

"That's not too much." Luo Quan remembered those popular Japanese singers in his previous life, and any album would have sold tens of millions.

Wen Xia said with a smile: "We don't rely on selling records to eat, touring performances are our real business, and a large concert can sell millions of yuan with just tickets, and we have to hold a dozen or two such concerts a year. Ten games!"

Luo Quan counted with his fingers, and said in surprise: "I remember that you have five members in your group, which means that you are all multi-millionaires?"

Wen Xia said with resentment: "The boss is the rich man, and we are a bunch of wage earners. We work hard for a year, and the money we earn is [-]%, and it's only [-]%, and we have to look at other people's faces! "

"Whose face?"

"President of SM Corporation!"

Luo Quan was taken aback: "Aren't you all kneeling and begging for food?"

Wen Xia pouted: "Korean idols are indeed bright and beautiful in front of fans and the camera, but in the eyes of those chaebol bosses, they are kneeling and begging for food, that's all, how many people want to kneel and don't have it!
But I figured it out, as long as you have the ability, you can eat and drink spicy food anywhere! "

Saying that, Wen Xia fiercely bit the rice ball in his hand, it was mustard!
"How can it smell like mustard?!" Wen Xia wrinkled her nose, feeling that she was choked so hard that she couldn't breathe. Although Yuzhou people are good at eating spicy food, mustard is not just spicy.

"I don't know, I asked the proprietress to grab it for me." Luo Quan also didn't like to eat mustard. Hearing Wen Xia saying that the rice balls tasted like mustard, he quickly put the rice balls he was about to eat aside.

"Choke me to death!" Wen Xia drank two mouthfuls of mineral water, and finally suppressed the mustard taste.

The two of them didn't dare to touch the rice balls anymore, so they could only divide the rest of the sushi. Fortunately, they were all girls, and the portion was not large, so this amount of food was enough.

Luo Quan wiped the corner of his mouth with a piece of paper and asked, "By the way, how long are you going to play in Tokyo this time?"

Wen Xia put the pillow behind her, and half-lying said, "Probably take a rest until the end of the year. The Korean agent I used to have terminated the contract with her. I don't have many acquaintances in China, so I can't find any particularly good resources for the time being. Just take some time off."

Luo Quan asked curiously, "Then what route are you going to take in the future, and continue to find a domestic girl group to be an idol?"

Wen Xia stared at the ceiling, and said softly: "I have always had a dream, that is to let us in Huaxia have an idol group that can go to the world. This is my ultimate goal in the next 20 years!"

Luo Quan frowned: "Do you want to be an idol tutor?"

"Although I don't have many works in China, and I'm still so young, but with the overall environment in China, even if I really want to be a tutor, it's more than enough." When he said this, Wen Xia's face was full of expressions. is confidence.

Although it sounds arrogant, what Wen Xia said is indeed the truth.

As one of the most talented trainees in the history of Korean idols, she completed the triple jump from a D-level trainee to an A-level trainee in less than two years.

The second album after her debut swept the major music awards in South Korea. As the captain, Wen Xia not only won the most popular female artist award in South Korea in the first year of her debut, but also was shortlisted for the world's top [-] beautiful faces. straight to the top of his life.

Although the girl group has not been established for a long time, the international popularity is not too high, but only in South Korea, Wen Xia and her girl group Sweet girl are already at the level of a trendy girl group.

If it wasn't for that incident, Wen Xia wouldn't have to terminate the contract with the company even before the contract expires, even if all the income from these years is included.

Originally, SM Company didn't plan to let Wen Xia go just like that, but Wen Xia is very stubborn, and she said that if she doesn't let her go, she will shake everything she saw and heard after meeting the waste official before, and then everyone will come. A fish is dead and the net is broken.

For the image of the company and that official, and for the future development of Sweet girl, the boss of SM company chose to compromise.

If Wen Xia is Korean, maybe these capitalists can start with her family, but Wen Xia's relatives are all in China, no matter how daring these people are, they will not dare to make trouble in China, so they can only hold on to such a situation. Nose recognized.

After leaving the group, although Wen Xia was able to get out of the quagmire, her booming career has also entered a freezing period. If she can't produce any strong works in the next period of time, then the more she became popular at the beginning. , how quickly it will cool down.

But Wen Xia didn't know that there was a human flesh creation machine beside her that could easily produce dozens or hundreds of popular singles.

And this human flesh creation machine is now holding the phone with a dignified expression, swiping Twitter over and over again, and following every tweet related to her record.

In the past few days, Sony has done so much marketing for her, with screen-swiping discussions on Twitter, and even electronic screen advertisements on the building. Only the original Hoshino Sakura has enjoyed this treatment with such a large amount of publicity.

And after Luo Quan persistently swiped on Twitter for half an hour, he finally jumped up excitedly and shouted excitedly: "Boom! Boom!"

"What's going on?" Wen Xia, who was watching idol dramas on a tablet, turned her head and looked over.

"It's my record!" Luo Quan held the phone in front of Wen Xia and said, "Word-of-mouth sales have exploded!"

When Wen Xia saw Twitter, the keyword "spring water" had already rushed to the top of the Twitter hot list, with more than [-] related tweets!
Moreover, "Lemon", "Fireworks", and "I once thought about it for a hundred times" also all appeared on the hot search.

A mini album, three songs, four hot searches, and nearly [-] tweets, this kind of popularity is really explosive.

Click on the hot search of "Spring Water", the most liked is a tweet published by Japan's most authoritative music magazine "Sakura", the title is: The genius girl who was born, the rescue work of the Japanese music market!
Different from the usual evaluation of Japanese artists, "Sakura" has carried out a considerable professional analysis of the melody, arrangement, lyrics and even Luo Quan's singing skills of Luo Quan's three songs this time, and various words of praise. It is also without hesitation, and finally gave a very high evaluation:

The production of this mini-album is very mature in all aspects, and the level has reached the height of a senior musician. It is unbelievable that this is completely made by a young girl!The reason why geniuses are geniuses is because they can always accomplish tasks that ordinary people cannot understand.

The only fly in the ointment is that Quan Shui's singing skills need to be further improved, but her gentle and healing tone and stable and frightening breath are really amazing. As long as she can study hard in vocal music, it is only a matter of time before she catches up with those senior singers. That's it!

This tweet is the first authoritative media organization that has officially commented on Luo Quan. Other magazines and news agencies should also be writing articles. I believe that it will not be long before the first wave of media will reach Luo Quan. attacked.

In addition to these media, the general public also gave wide acclaim to Luo Quan's mini-album.

Quite a few of them bought records after seeing the hot search on Twitter, and immediately after listening to them, they made Amway on various social platforms. This behavior has radiated all online communities in Japan in a very short period of time. This At that time, as long as people were on the Internet, five out of ten could see the news about Luo Quan!
Some are self-published behaviors of fans, some are from the media, and some are simply like Twitter. Because the popularity is too high, the system starts to push it by itself.

From this moment, Luo Quan and his three songs began to swipe the screen in the true sense!

(End of this chapter)

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