Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1304: Fierce Rain Burns Love

Chapter 1304: Fierce Rain Burns Love
Human desire is like rolling stones on a high mountain, once it starts, it can never be stopped.

This sentence can be said to be extremely appropriate for fans in the live broadcast room.

After Luo Quan rejected everyone's request for cosplay, he immediately came to the commonplace topic of when the new song will be released.

Seeing that this year is coming to an end, and there are only about forty days left, it’s no wonder that everyone is anxious.

Of course, Luo Quan was not helpless. After all, he had just said a few days ago that a new album was in preparation. However, seeing fans urging him every day sometimes makes people feel a little tired.

In the final analysis, her character image was too rigid when she first debuted.

Others debut with one album a year, and if it's slower, even one album every three years is very normal.

It's better for her, just three albums a year, plus the usual scattered singles, which is equivalent to listening to new songs every week.

This can certainly make her gain huge popularity in a short period of time, but the consequence is that it raises the threshold of fans.

Originally, everyone's threshold was that an album plus some singles in two or three years was acceptable.

But now it's gotten to the point where if she doesn't hear new songs within a month, she'll feel like she's being lazy.

The requirements for albums are even higher. Three albums a year is a hard standard, and the quality of each album must be guaranteed, otherwise the talent will be exhausted.

Although Luo Quan is used to fans being greedy and demanding, he still feels a little tired every time he is urged.

She knows this is a sign that fans like her, but showing it too much is not good.

The good news is that she can still satisfy the endless demands of fans. At least her music library is still in a very abundant state so far, and she doesn't have to worry about running out of talent.

In addition, what I will be doing this time is also a mini album, with only about three to four songs, so the workload will be much smaller.

"To be honest, the final song that I sang for Giant before could actually be included in the mini-album. Don't you think the quality of that song is very good?"

As soon as these words came out, fans immediately went crazy:
"Luo Bao, what do you mean?"

"This idea you have is very dangerous."

"Woman, it seems that the recent pampering has made you a little drifting, and I am about to start punishing you."

"Hahaha, Luo Bao is always looking for ways to be lazy."

"It's okay to include it, but it doesn't mean you can skip one song from your mini-album. It should be as many as you want."


The fans' strict defense made Luo Quan smile evilly. Sometimes it's actually quite interesting to tease them in this way.

Obviously, she said this just to tease her fans and see if they would be nervous about her decision to be lazy.

The actual situation was very much in line with her expectations.

Of course, if she did this too much, it would be bad to offend the fans. She didn't want the live broadcast room to be full of bad names like Abyss Mouth and Overlord Flower.

Usually, if you occasionally brush these one or two, you can directly block them. If there are too many people making noises, it will not be easy to deal with. After all, the law does not punish the crowd.

"Okay, I'm just joking with you. You still don't know what my personality is like? Will there be times when I break my promises?"

Luo Quan said as he clicked on the folder named "Year-End Chapter" on the computer screen.

There are five songs lying quietly inside, three of which are songs that have been released before, namely "Poignantly" and "What Can I Use to Keep You?"

These two songs were sung because of feelings during the live broadcast. However, because the quality was quite good, they were included in this album by Luo Quan.

Of course, this kind of behavior does not give them a second life. After all, these two songs are very popular on all major platforms.

Like Poignantly, it often appears in major emotional video sections. As soon as the long moan in the climax comes out, people can't help but feel their scalp numb and goosebumps keep popping up.

Such good songs can always bring people an irresistible touch, and paired with some regretful emotional stories, it can easily bring tears to people's eyes.

The same goes for "What Can I Do to Keep You"? Its power in making people cry is simply unmatched, so its popularity has never dropped since its release.

Now that old songs are being revived, they may become even more hits.

These are two old songs among the five songs in the new album, and the other three new songs are very catchy from the song titles.

First is the Chinese song "Cage", then the Japanese song "Suzuki", and finally the English song "Set fire to the rain". The translated song title is quite honest and elegant, called "Fire Rain Burns Love".

“Then the question is, which of these three songs do you want to listen to first?

As a friendly reminder, one of these songs has a MV. "

Luo Quan said in a seductive tone.

Opening blind boxes has always been a favorite among young fans. From playing cards to station B’s figurine mall, this gambling-like behavior can always bring them great pleasure when they succeed in making big gains with small things.

However, most people bought something worth 150 yuan at a price of 100 yuan. It is already very good to get back the money.

But even so, there are still many people flocking to it, believing that they will be the lucky one among a hundred.

This is the same mentality that many people have when buying lottery tickets. Someone is always going to win. Why can't that person be me?

But now this lottery cannot continue due to dishonesty.

In comparison, drawing cards in the game is relatively reliable, at least there is a guarantee, and there is a limit no matter how dark your face is.

As for the blind box mall at Station B, it was actually quite a scam in the past. Anyone who placed an order would immediately become a victim.

Fortunately, after Luo Quan took over, he immediately ordered the mall to make rectifications.

With appropriate adjustments to the probability of the blind box, the value of the prizes inside can also be more affordable.

You can make money, but you can't cheat money.

The effect of this move is that the number of users buying blind boxes at Station B immediately increased by several percent. Although the net profit dropped a lot, small profits but quick turnover is still a way out.

After all, the old way of doing things was just fishing in the lake, and it looked like you would immediately take your money and run away after selling out the products.

Blind boxes that require money to open are so popular, but now that blind boxes are available for free, fans are certainly more enthusiastic.

Luo Quan initiated a vote, and tens of thousands of people participated in the blink of an eye.

The song that finally won No. 1 was "Suzha". Everyone thought that this song had a MV, so they wanted to listen to it first.

"Unfortunately, this is not the correct answer." Luo Quan shook his head regretfully, and then clicked play.


At the beginning of the song, there was a series of humming with a very nice melody, which immediately captured the ears of all fans.

"As expected of Luo Bao's Japanese song, the melody is directly absorbed into the soul."

"Japanese songs are often known for their beautiful melodies, and Luo Bao's is particularly outstanding in this aspect."

"It feels like a very fresh song. It should be very happy."

"To be happy, it has to be Luo Bao's Song of Raindrops, but I guess not many people remember it."

"How could there not be more? That's a classic." "The beginnings of both songs are quite similar, they are both humming without lyrics."

"But the style of Raindrop Song is a little happier and brighter."


Amid the fans' thoughts, "Suzuki" went through the main song, chorus and final climax.

Originally everyone thought this was a song with a cheerful and warm theme, but unexpectedly the final effect was quite heavy.

Search, destiny, bond, redemption, as well as the encounter and companionship of life and death.

A song can be small or big, as small as discussing the feelings of two people, or as big as using the entire universe to carry this destined romance.

However, the only drawback is that the sweet love song was written in a slightly depressing way, which made fans purse their lips in dissatisfaction:
"It sounds good, but it seems to be a little sad."

"Listen to that song "Cage". According to Luo Quan's liking, the title of the song contains a cage, and the lyrics must be about breaking the cage."

"It's just like "Sea", right?"

"But I always have a bad feeling that this song will be more depressing."

"Never mind it, just listen."


Soon, the second song that fans chose to listen to was released, and it was this song "Cage".

Unfortunately, there is still no MV for this song, and the cover of the song shows Luo Quan soaking in the deep sea, with a little light illuminating her body, but the overall appearance is that it is falling.

Compared to Suzuya, this is downright depressing, and the lyrics can be said to fit this theme perfectly.

After singing the song, it was like finishing a suspenseful movie, a love-and-death movie, full of betrayal and conspiracy. For those who didn’t know, they thought they had watched a dark version of Conan theatrical version.

"This song is quite graphic. If a movie is made based on this theme, it will definitely be a hit at the box office."

"The song is indeed good, but it's almost the Chinese New Year, so why do you still have to deal with such depressing things? Is there anything that makes people feel more relaxed?"

"There is a feeling of being blocked in my heart. This cage song makes me have a bad impression of my boyfriend, and I am afraid that I will be killed by him."

"Are you really lying? Don't be too outrageous. If you have a sense of empathy, it means the song is good. If you have a deeper sense of empathy, it means your ability to brainstorm is too strong."

"Please tell me why my girlfriend suddenly broke up with me after listening to a song."

"Hahaha, Luo Bao, you are really doing all kinds of bad things."

"My condolences to this man I have never met."

"It seems that the theme of this album is emo. The remaining song even burns out emotions. It is probably more emo."

"Good news, this song definitely has a MV."

"Nonsense, this is the only one left."

"It's been a long time since I saw Luo Bao shoot a music video. Will it be a short film, just like the ugly girl's transformation before?"

“That Maria song is really unbeatable and beautiful.”

"Hurry up, hurry up!"


Amidst the endless calls, Luo Quan clicked on the last song, which was the folder of Lieyu Fenqing.

The other folders contain music in the format of mp3, while the format of this folder is mp4.

Of course, this didn't make everyone feel happy.

It's just that the file is not particularly large, which means that the length of this MV is only four to five minutes. It is estimated that nothing can be shot with this content.

Click play to expand the full screen, and then the live broadcast room fell into darkness for five or six seconds.

"Look, who is the handsome guy who appears in front of the camera?"

"I thought there was something wrong with my phone, but I finally felt relieved when I saw that the barrage was still being posted."

"This beginning feels very unusual. It feels like something terrible is about to come out."

"Is 5 minutes really enough time to shock people?"

"Everyone be quiet, the song is coming."


Barrage scrolled across the dark screen, then everything lit up.

The scene of the MV is in an open-air theater. Luo Quan is wearing a dark red evening dress. Under the outline of satin, his figure looks plump and slender, reaching an incomparable perfect balance, blooming as gorgeous as a rose.

Under the theater, there were people of all ages, men, women, and children. They were all dressed in different styles, but they were all casual and casual. They didn't look like they were attending some important occasion.

Their eyes looked at Luo Quan, full of respect and admiration, as if they were staring at their own gods.

Even B Xian's fans who love Luo Quan the most cannot show such a look.

It makes people curious as to what kind of mood these listeners felt after listening to this song.

The prelude of the song started, with very rhythmic percussion, accompanied by some kind of string instrument, plus the spotlight-focused stage where Luo Quan was standing, making people feel like they were watching Broadway.

It's like a Broadway musical, but with only Luo Quan as the actor, but it's enough.

"I let it fall my heart
I have chosen to let my heart fall freely
And as it fell you rose to claim it
But you pulled it out of the abyss

It was dark and I was over
The world is so dark and I have no hope
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me
Until you kissed my lips and saved my soul


Luo Quan's voice was completely different from the usual sweet, glutinous and refreshing voice. It was lazily laced with a strong chest voice, and some of the enunciation could even hear a throat sound that made Tianling Gai tremble.

This feature made almost all the old fans sit up straight, invariably amplified their voices, and listened with rapt attention.

For most songs, Luo Quan generally uses two completely different singing methods.

One is more catchy. In order to spread the singing, she will deliberately reduce the difficulty of singing. The voice is also easier for everyone to accept the little girl style, which is very approachable.

"Nuan Nuan" is the most typical embodiment.

The other way of singing is the one in front of you. The opening is a powerful mix that no singer can imitate.

This is Luo Quan’s signature style, and it is also the singing style that is most likely to hit the audience’s soul.

This kind of singing method is often used in classic songs handed down from generation to generation.

(End of this chapter)

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