Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1305: Fierce Rain Burns Love

What is a handed down classic?

I believe that when fans see such a question, they will instantly come up with the answer in their minds.

"My Heart Will Go On", "Farewell Time", "River Flows", "Nine Children".

Accompanying this kind of song are Luo Quan's superb high notes that are so loud that they seem to wake up the night.

She often tells her fans that high notes are not necessarily required to embody singing skills.

But the high notes can indeed shock the audience in the first place, which is often more effective than other singing methods.

Luo Quan has never been an either-or person. She has no prejudice against high notes. Instead, because she is good at high notes, she often uses this technique flawlessly in songs that require the use of high notes.

So when a song that was supposed to become a masterpiece was perfectly performed by her, the song became a work of art among works of art.

"Fire Rain Burns Love" is another ultimate expression of Luo Quan's singing skills. The ultra-fast transformation of chest and throat sounds, and the majestic sound pressure. When the climax comes, all the fans seem to feel her strength through the screen. The sound of flames also ignited the torrential rain.

"But I set fire to the rain
I ignite the fire of love in the rain
Watched it pour as I touched your face
Watch it flow down like me touching your face
Well it burned while I cried
What follows are the tears that I can’t stop.

'Cause I heard it screaming out your name your name
Just because I heard it shouting your name your name

The song does not have particularly high notes like "Eternal Love", but the emotion poured into it makes people feel more intense inside.

This is a song with great staying power, and of course, being addictive is also one of its attributes.

While Luo Quan was singing, the rain suddenly fell from the sky, pushing this MV directly to the pinnacle of being called a work of art.

Luo Quan's singing voice remained undiminished in the rain, and the music even penetrated the rain curtain, adding a different artistic conception to the scene.

From this song, fans seem to have seen a touching opera scene.

The final ending is just like Luo Quan's ending, the story has no ending, and the ending of this song still needs the audience to continue.

"What kind of song is this?"

"Fierce Rain Burns Love, the translation is so good. If it were translated directly into "I lit a fire in the rain," there would be no such feeling at all.

"The song is so good, and the MV pictures are so beautiful. Luo Bao's ability to create an atmosphere is really getting better and better."

"Damn it, this woman always tries to make me fall in love with her more. She must be interested in me."

"Just listen to music, why are you drunk now?"

"Hahaha, everyone starts dreaming collectively when they get excited, right?"

"This is scheduled for next year's Grammy Awards. Best Song and Best Music Video. Then we will perform in the rain at the Grammy Ceremony, and we will directly win the Best Live Performance."

"Not necessarily. Maybe Luo Bao will come up with a better one in two days?"

"Haha, that's really exciting, but it's probably impossible."


After the song was played, just by looking at the discussion among the fans, you can tell how much this song speaks to their hearts.

This year-end final chapter brings a successful end to this year's music work. Except for the slightly smaller number, they are very satisfied with this mini album.

At the same time, everyone is beginning to look forward to the New Year, because as soon as the New Year arrives, the countdown to the release of Luo Quan's new album will begin again, and by then everyone can legitimately rush to update it.

When it comes to the New Year, we have to mention the Spring Festival Gala.

Although it is only November and Double Eleven has just passed, netizens have already started discussing the Spring Festival Gala.

But the content of the discussion is which old jokes will be actively used this year, or will they insist on divorce?

These are the contents that have been played over and over again in previous years. Not to mention watching them, netizens are tired of making complaints about them.

Originally, Luo Quan had no interest in discussing these matters. The Spring Festival Gala was just a diversion and background for the family reunion on New Year's Eve.

Is content that important?The key is to have the New Year atmosphere.

Anyway, as long as Luo Quan sees his parents, sisters, and friends, he feels that the atmosphere is enough. As for what is performed in the show and whether it is performed well or not, it no longer matters.

Of course, last year she acted as a foreign wife and urged netizens to get married, which also aroused a lot of discussion.

If someone else is urging someone to get married, then that's fine if the sketch is funny. If it's not funny, I don't know how they will be complained about.

Fortunately, netizens are still very tolerant of Luo Quan. After all, they all think that if Luo Baola comes to them to urge marriage and children, then they are still very willing.

It’s Chinese New Year, why don’t you have a sweet dream?
Therefore, Luo Quan did not receive many complaints during the Spring Festival Gala last year, but more compliments on her beauty.

I haven't received a notification so far this year, so I guess she doesn't have a share.

After all, it is enough for a foreign daughter-in-law to play the role once, and she cannot play this character every year.

And even if she is called, she is ready to refuse.

Because this year she wanted to spend New Year's Eve with her family.

But what Luo Quan didn't expect was that before the time when his seventh aunt and eighth aunt were urging him to get married during the Chinese New Year, his parents would start to make trouble.

Early in the morning, Luo Quan woke up to the beeping of the alarm clock. After washing, she simply ate a few steamed buns, and then drove to pick up her parents with her brother.

It is said that the shipping company in the United States has been busy this year, and the remaining remote conference work can be done, so my father plans to take my mother back to China to visit relatives and celebrate the New Year here.

I got on the plane yesterday afternoon. Luo Quan will go over now and wait for an hour or two to pick him up.

This time, we definitely couldn't go out as casually as before, so Luo Quan and his brother Leon were well protected. They covered their heads tightly with sunglasses, scarves and hats.

But when mom and dad come out later, these protections will be meaningless.

Mom and Dad are also quite famous online, and there are already many paparazzi reporters at Shanghai Airport, so they will be recognized quickly.

Then the couple got off the plane, and there were two children, a boy and a girl, standing next to them. Who else could it be if it wasn't Luo Quan and Li?

However, considering that Luo Quan’s fans don’t know her whereabouts at all, even if they want to come over to watch the fun, it’s probably too late, so there’s no need to worry about traffic jams later.

"Sister, I guess it will take a while before I can shoot that Manchester by the Sea scene." In the cafe, Leon took a sip of Maotai-flavored hot coffee and said to Luo Quan in a deep voice: "The strike in Hollywood has stopped, and the major film crews have I’m getting ready to continue working on my film The Wolf of Wall Street.”

"This is a good thing." Luo Quan took a sip of boiled water, "And Manchester by the Sea was originally planned to be filmed next year, and it is still in the preparation stage." "That's good." Leon nodded lightly, "Besides, I I have to trouble you with one more thing, and that is to take care of little Arthur."

"Why, you don't want this son anymore?" Luo Quan laughed, "Are you two planning to run to the United States together to live a life of two, and then leave the baby to follow me?"

"There's nothing we can do about it." Leon chuckled, "Mia's family has been having a lot of quarrels about the heir recently. Wouldn't taking Arthur back now add to the trouble?

Moreover, Mia's grandfather said that the family already has a lot of money, and there is no need to mix in the family's things to avoid adding more worries.

So simply don't let Arthur go back to avoid this fight. It's not too late to go back after the inheritance rights are determined. "

"It seems that every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite." When Luo Quan heard Leon's words, he immediately thought of the relationship between his father and his second uncle.

Brothers are definitely still brothers, but because of the control of the company, there are indeed some rifts in the relationship between the two brothers, and they will never be as pure as they were when they were nine years old.

"If I have more children in the future, I will make a will before I die, donate half of the family property, and give the remaining half to them to share equally, so that I won't have to fight over it after I die and hurt my brothers and sisters. The peace of time.”

Leon took a deep sip of coffee as he spoke. Judging from his tone and expression, he seemed to be very disdainful of the bad things happening at Mia's house.

In fact, it's normal. Neither Leon nor Mia are the kind of people who value money particularly. They both think that as long as it is enough, it will be enough.

Therefore, he rarely participates in the struggle for power within the family.

As parents, they certainly don’t want their children to experience this. The most important thing is to always be happy.

"With your current life span, it's too early to make a will." Luo Quan joked with a smile, "Okay, just leave Arthur and I will take care of him. It will happen that after my parents come back, they will probably He also threw Luoxi to me.

Anyway, you are raising one baby and you are raising two babies, there is no difference. "

"Then you are so lucky. You can experience the feeling of being a mother without giving birth to a baby." Leon gave his elder sister a thumbs up.

"That's right. Money is from other people's family, but your son must be from your own family." Luo Quan rolled his eyes, thinking that Leon was completely joking.

While chatting like this, the plane the two of them were waiting for arrived.

Among the crowd, Luo Quan quickly found his parents and Luo Xi, who was held in their arms.

The little guy can actually go to the ground to make soy sauce, but maybe he is worried about safety in the crowd, so he is still held in his arms by his father.

The combination of handsome boys and beautiful girls attracted a lot of attention. My mother was wearing sunglasses after all, while my father was only wearing a scarf.

Soon someone recognized them, including the paparazzi and reporters who were waiting for the news.

In China, the airports in Jingcheng and Shanghai are the most important places to meet celebrities, because many important activities in the entertainment industry are concentrated in these two cities, and celebrities often come and go between the two cities.

So as long as you have a pair of sharp eyes and guard the exit day and night, you will always gain something.

Of course, those were all stupid methods adopted by the entertainment industry more than ten years ago.

Why do we need to wait so long now?Just go directly to the celebrity's agent to purchase the itinerary.

Nowadays, in order to build popularity, celebrities will reveal when and where they will go, and then their support clubs will organize fans to pick them up at the airport.

When the time comes, reporters will take another photo, and their names will soon appear on hot searches.

Netizens will definitely criticize, but this is all about discussion. If there is discussion, there will be traffic, and if there is traffic, you will have everything.

So even though the celebrities in the hot searches showed how impatient they were when facing the camera, most of them leaked their whereabouts themselves and it was just acting.

Therefore, many netizens said that if these acting skills were used in filming, everyone would not be called Xiaoxianrou.

The paparazzi reporters at the scene were originally here to take pictures of another female celebrity who was going to Shanghai today, and did not know the schedule of Luo Quan's parents in advance.

But since we have bumped into each other, there is no reason to just let it go.

What's more, Luo Quan and Leon are around. This is big news. Once it is filmed and released, it will attract a lot of traffic.

So a group of reporters raised their cameras and planned to take a close-up photo.

Before leaving, Luo Quan had already planned to go directly to chase them away. After all, she was very famous in the entertainment industry for her gentleness and toughness.

But these were all within the reporters' plans, because the news about Luo Quan's beating would definitely be more explosive than a few ordinary walking pictures.

"Luo Quan's family appeared at Shanghai Airport" was only in the top ten hot searches at most.

But if it was "Luo Quan beating someone", it would have to be at the top of the hot search list for at least a day.

This was the plan they had in mind. Luo Quan didn't dare to be cruel in public anyway. It's hard to say whether being slapped twice by such a beautiful woman would be considered a disadvantage.

But Leon is here today, so of course it is up to him, a man, to resolve this matter.

She took out the black umbrella she had prepared and opened it to block all the family members around her.

Because these reporters were basically gathered on one side, Lyon blocked all the shots as soon as he opened his umbrella.

There was only a little time to take pictures. Leon walked with an umbrella for half a minute, and the group left the airport hall and got into the car that had been parked on the roadside.

"Oh, it's like a spy connection, so mobilize the troops."

Luo Ni said with a smile after sitting down.

"Our family is now considered a celebrity, so it will be easy to recruit reporters."

Eric didn't have any objection to this. After all, he had been in the news frequently before and had many encounters with paparazzi.

"Dad, how long do you plan to stay when you come back this time?"

Leon asked while fastening his seat belt after closing the car door.

"I have to celebrate the New Year no matter what, what's wrong?" Eric hugged Luo Xi and asked curiously.

Leon replied: "Mia and I may have to return to the United States before the end of the month. We have to finish filming the movie there before we can come back. It will probably take a month or two."

Luo Ni smiled and said, "Let's go. If everything goes well, you two might be able to come back for the Spring Festival."

(End of this chapter)

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