Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1306: Unmarried with 2 children

“Luoquan Lyon’s family suddenly showed up at Shanghai Airport!”

Sure enough, after the photos taken by the reporters were posted, they quickly became a hot search topic.

And Lyon’s operation of holding an umbrella to block the camera!It has also been praised by netizens. They think this method is quite good and solves the problem of being photographed. At the same time, it does not affect other passers-by. It is much more qualified than those celebrities who ask their assistants to directly hit reporters.

It is considered to be the ultimate in the mildest category.

Of course, there are still many fans in the comment area scolding these reporters. Even if someone else's brother and sister came to pick up their parents at the airport, it's not just gossip. It's really rude for you to stick together and follow them all the way.

Although this is what paparazzi reporters do, why not just take a few photos from a distance? Why bother being so close and arousing other people's disgust?

This means that Luo Quan's family has a good temper, but if someone else is a bit more irritable, they might just take action, and then they will say that so-and-so is a top-notch person.

There are many such questions. It can be seen that most netizens still have a relatively upright view of right and wrong, but the reporters who can take these photos must not think so.

How much does quality cost per pound?They only knew that the photos taken of the Luoquan family were very popular, and if they didn't take them, others would take them first.

So even though many netizens are scolding, these paparazzi will still dare to do it next time if they encounter an opportunity.

But I guess I’ll have to wait a long, long time next time.

After returning home, Luo Quan took his parents directly to the house next door.

The house she lives in now has too many people, so she can no longer live in it. Anyway, she bought the room next door at 9. It has all the furniture, water, electricity and everything, so she lets her parents live there during the day. You can also come and visit us sometimes.

"Arthur, come and see who this is."

Mia carried her son to her parents-in-law, and Eric immediately reached out and hugged his eldest grandson, and then swung Arthur around like a cradle.

Although Arthur couldn't speak yet, he seemed to enjoy the game very much and couldn't stop giggling.

Luo Xi had been sleeping before, but now when she woke up, she found that she had arrived at her sister's house. She immediately searched for Luo Quan's location in the crowd, and then rushed directly towards Luo Quan.

Of course, Luo Quan reached out and pulled his sister into his arms, pinching her tender little face lovingly.

When Arthur saw this, he immediately became unhappy. He opened his hands to Luo Quan and shouted for a hug.

Luo Quan only froze for a few seconds and did not hug the little boy immediately. Then he started to cry, which scared Eric and quickly put his eldest grandson into his aunt's arms.

"I can't tell, my sister is quite popular with children." Leon said with a smile as he put his hands in his pocket.

"I'm just kidding. I've been feeding these two milk powder for several months, so they must kiss me." Luo Quan held Arthur in one hand and Luo Xi in the other, with a very proud expression.

When Luo Xi saw that one of her own arms was separated, she immediately closed her eyes and began to drop small pearls, as if to say that it was me who came first...

Arthur was not to be outdone, just like a child who is born with the knowledge that a child who cries will get milk. As soon as Luo Xi started to wipe his tears in order to compete for favor, he started to cry loudly, as if he was competing to see who had the bigger battle.

"Don't cry!"

Luo Quan frowned and scolded the two babies.

I don’t know if it was the first time I saw my sister/aunt being so strict. As soon as the two babies started crying, they were so frightened that they immediately shrank back.

"This is the right thing to do. Why cry when you are doing well? This is how you behave, baby." Luo Quan also smiled when he saw the two little guys being so cooperative: "If you are naughty in the future, you will have to be spanked from behind. .”

Of course, the threat here is just to amuse children.

She always believed in the simple philosophy of the Chinese nation that good people come out of a golden stick. If children were taught only with gentle words, they would not be called children.

No one is born sensible. As long as you know that doing something will cause physical pain, you will know that you will never dare to do it again next time.

Therefore, Luo Quan has never rejected stick education. As long as it is used appropriately, the effect will be immediate.

However, there is no need to use sticks to educate children who are one or two years old. If you do it at such a young age, how much psychological trauma will it cause? No matter what, you have to wait until they are four, five or six years old before taking it seriously.

This age group should also be one of the most naughty age groups for a child. It is also a critical period for the initial shaping of character and outlook, and needs to be focused on shaping.

It's just that this kind of thinking is limited to the country in the end, because in the United States, Luo Quan's thinking is a very serious crime.

Not to mention parents using corporal punishment on their children, even if you express such thoughts, it is enough for the relevant association to take special care of her.

Therefore, the education of these two little guys can only be hoped for by relatively mild means. It will depend on the level of their parents.

However, I don’t know if Luo Quan’s good looks lead to a higher natural affinity. Luo Xi and Arthur are very attached to her and refuse to let go once they hug her. It seems that they will have to sleep together tonight.

"I found that my sister is quite suitable for raising children. If Mia and I have another son or daughter in the future, I will leave it to you." Leon had a whim and planned to give Luo Quan strength.

"You can even say this." Luo Quan rolled his eyes helplessly: "How do you manage to be so naturally generous to others?
It used to make me noisy when I brought one, but now two more are not enough? "

"This is not a discussion." Leon smiled sheepishly.

"Speaking of children, Quanquan, when are you going to have children?"

Just when the topic came up, Luo Ni asked her daughter about it directly: "Look at your brother, your son is almost one year old, and there is still no movement from your side. Are you really not in a hurry?

Even if you are not in a hurry, don't you have a little envy in your heart? "

"I can't do this alone if I'm anxious." Luo Quan answered confidently.

Luo Ni said sternly: "So it's still the same question, when will the major events in life be dealt with? You are almost 25. In my era, people who were 25 were basically married and had children. It's good for you, you don't see any signs of it... …”

"Stop it!" Luo Quan interrupted his mother, "You haven't prepared a lot of rhetoric specifically for me. If so, then just save it. I don't have that idea right now.

Besides, if you really have a baby of your own, what will you do with these two little guys? "

Luo Quan lowered his head and asked his sister and nephew.

The two little ones didn't know whether they understood or not, so they kept giggling and hugged her tightly like koalas and refused to let go.

Luo Ni sighed and finally did not press any further.

In fact, as a mother, it is understandable for her to worry about these things.

After all, Luo Quan is almost 25 years old. Even in today's society, it is relatively late to get married and have children. It is relatively fast to get these things done before the age of 25, so there is no need to be too hasty.

But Luo Quan's situation is slightly different. Not to mention getting married and having children, she has never been in a serious relationship.

What’s the point of creating so many great love stories of life and death in music?
In reality, the boy's hand has not even signed, and it is worse than just talking on paper.

Talking on paper, people still have to carry out practical operations after talking about it. Luo Quan is left with theoretical knowledge that he can make up on his own.

So Luo Ni is anxious, but her daughter herself doesn't care about these things at all, which really makes it difficult for a parent to rest assured.

"Okay, you like to think about these things all day long, are you still worried that I can't find a partner?" Luo Quan said, hugging the two little guys, and said: "As long as I want to, there is no such thing as not being able to get married. concept.

Besides, you can give birth to Luoxi at the age of 40, and it’s not too late for me to have a baby at the age of 40. If you have the leisure, you’d better take care of your skin more. I have a few boxes of new products here that I’ll give to you later. "After saying that, Luo Quan took the two babies upstairs directly.

Her parents were left looking at her, angry and funny.

After Luo Quan returned to his room, he also breathed a long sigh of relief.

This happens every time I reunite with my parents after a long separation.

In addition, the Chinese New Year will be here soon, and when the atmosphere comes, it will probably promote marriage. She can even predict what her mother will say:

"Quanquan, you are already quite old. My aunt next door's nephew's classmate is only 22 years old. He is still in college, but he is already married. Now he is pregnant and studying in graduate school. Look at how awesome he is..."

She would be speechless every time she heard such words, as if someone else had done something and she had to follow up immediately.

The key is that her father occasionally helps out, which makes her very helpless.

Therefore, it is better to keep it in her own cabin. Once the door is locked, no one can disturb her.

Thinking like this, Luo Quan kicked the big black butt lying on the ground: "Go and take out the crib from the cabinet."

Luo Quan now had both hands free, so he could only direct Dahei to help.

Dahei didn't feel aggrieved at all about his master's rough behavior. Instead, he barked twice happily, and then took out the stroller placed on the balcony with his paws.

Luo Xi no longer needs this thing, this is for Arthur.

"Come on, Auntie will give you a toy."

After Luo Quan put Arthur into the stroller, he took out a fist-sized bell and hung it on the stroller.

Arthur can reach out and touch it, and it will make a crisp sound when he touches it. It is said that this thing is very popular in the world, and it has the effect of attracting the attention of children and giving adults some rest time.

And the more children touch it, the quieter they will be, and they will fall asleep on their own. It is really a magical tool for raising children.

Luo Quan asked Bai Xingwei to buy a few, just to see if they were so useful.

After finishing Arthur, Luo Quan put Luo Xi on his lap and turned on the computer.

She glanced at her phone when she was in the living room just now. There was a lot of noise on Weibo about taking photos at the airport, and she didn't know what the situation was like at the moment.

While the computer was still starting up, Luo Quan checked Weibo.

The ranking of hot searches has dropped, and the number of comments is not increasing as fast as before.

But this is normal. After all, it was just an ordinary airport pick-up. Leon was holding an umbrella and did not hit anyone, so naturally it would not become any big news.

When the live broadcast was turned on, the faces of the two sisters Luo Quan and Luo Xi immediately appeared on the screen.

Luo Xi lowered her head to look at Rua Dahei's head, very focused.

In fact, she originally wanted to rob Xiaoyu's head, but Xiaoyu was too arrogant and hid on the balcony as soon as she saw Luo Xi, not giving Luo Xi a chance to meet him.

Dahei has always enjoyed this kind of treatment, so he took the initiative to come over and let Luo Xi play with it.

In the live broadcast room, fans also started to organize their activities:

"Oh my god, we haven't seen each other for just a few hours, why does Luo Baolian have a baby?!"

"Look at the stroller at the back, there should be another one lying in it."

"A married anchor, unmarried and raising two children, making money from milk powder through live streaming."

"Okay, I'm very eager to take over after hearing it."

"Hahaha, I look like a single mother, now I have to buy gifts."

"Luobao, let me take over. My last name is the same as the child's."

"Damn, isn't the trend nowadays to despise the Boiling Sheep? Why are you all vying to be the Boiling Sheep?!"

"Nonsense, if the target is Luo Bao, no matter how hard it is, it is acceptable, because Luo Bao is worth it."

"Say it as if it's your turn, Luo Bao is mine, okay?"

"Everyone stayed up late last night and didn't wake up, right? Luo Bao is obviously mine!"

"By the way, have Luo Xi and Arthur been weaned?"


"Luoxi stopped drinking a long time ago. Arthur still drinks a little from time to time. It's the brand of spring water produced by our company. It keeps him strong and healthy."

There are so many barrage posts out there that are worth replying to.

After hearing this, fans began to speak enthusiastically:

"Who asked you this?"

"Fa is very cooperative. Is this Luo Bao's request to advertise his own milk powder?"

"Finally, Luobao has embarked on the road of live streaming to bring goods."

"Make money, it's not shabby."

"Speaking of which, is there still a future for live-streaming goods? Isn't it almost cool?"

“I don’t know if live streaming is going to be popular. I’m afraid a big live streaming platform is going to be popular.”

"It's better not to discuss this matter. It's not really cool yet."

"It's better to live broadcast at Station B. Although it's a little less popular, at least it's not so disgusting."

"So this is why you have collected so many borderline Two-dimensional leather anchors?"

"Who said I only look at the people in the sidelines? I'm good at watching the real people in the sidelines!"

"It's a leniency for confessing."

"Brothers nowadays are so real and unabashed at all."

"You can't say that. I just saw how pitiful that anchor was, so I paid attention to her. I just wanted her to feel a little warmth in this cold society."

"Police: Keep talking, I'm listening."

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