Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1307 Good Movies and Bad Movies

With children present, the fans' comments in the live broadcast room were much more restrained than usual, and they were less free-spirited.

Soon Luo Quan also talked about the fact that Leon was about to go to the United States to film a movie and that he would help him take care of his baby for a few days.

Because this was not Luo Quan's first day doing this job, fans were not too surprised, and even changed their minds one by one.

In the past, these fans used to call her Luo Bao and wife in the live broadcast room, but now they call her mom directly. This is probably because Luo Quan's maternal radiance shines as soon as she holds the baby, which makes people want to shout loudly. Luo Quan’s mother.

Of course, this behavior was severely scolded by her. Two words called her decades older for no reason. How could I bear this?

However, the fans who were scolded seemed to enjoy the feeling. The more they were scolded, the more they got more and more enthusiastic, and then the whole screen started to be filled with comments about mom.

For these new-age prostitutes, calling beautiful girls their mothers has evolved into a meme-like behavior and is a routine practice.

Luo Quan couldn't accept it at first, but after staying in Huanyu for a while, he gradually accepted this setting.

After all, there are a large number of people there who really think of themselves as mothers...

"Speaking of which, hasn't Leon been filming "The Great Wall" these days? Why is he suddenly going to the United States?"

Finally, some fans started talking about serious matters.

After Luo Quan saw it, he immediately replied: "The Great Wall temporarily encountered a little trouble in the production. Originally, the director planned to shoot one shot to the end, but later found that it was not possible to shoot, so he had to change back to the normal shooting method. , resulting in the script needing major changes, so the filming may not be completed this year, and the restart date seems to be scheduled for March next year.

I remember that this matter has been officially announced, haven't you seen it? "

As he spoke, Luo Quan opened the hot search on station B and immediately saw the news about the shutdown of "The Great Wall". However, he had to click on the hot search to see all the content. This was mainly because it was not a particularly big news, so he couldn't squeeze in. top ten.

"Is there really anyone who clicks on all the content after reading the hot searches on station B?"

"I always only look at the content under the search bar."

"Lao Zhang has taken too big a step. He tried to fix his problems but failed."

"There are still one-shot movies, and the quality is pretty good. But if it were made into a fantasy movie, I can't imagine what it would look like. There would be quite a few restrictions."

"A failed attempt, but one worthy of praise."

"The idea is good, but I read the synopsis of The Great Wall and felt that it was a really bad movie."

"You still need to read the script? Just by looking at the few fresh actors, you can tell that this movie is terrible."

"I don't know why, but Lao Zhang seems to like to use popular celebrities. In the movies he made in recent years, he always stuffs a few into them. The impression is really bad."

"It's normal. It's the investor's requirement. In the past, coal bosses used to stuff actresses. Now, it's capital that stuffs traffic. It's just the same thing."

"Lyon is a great actor. It's too late to star in a movie like this. His reputation will collapse soon."

"The same goes for you, Luo Bao. You knew it was a pit but you didn't try to dissuade him. You just watched your brother jump into the pit."


Fans can be said to be quite confused about Lyon's filming of the Great Wall.

As soon as "Prehistoric" became popular, a large number of follow-up movies immediately appeared. Among them, The Great Wall was the most popular and the most disgusting among fans.

Because its script is to let foreigners be the saviors.

Since Wolf Warrior 2 became popular, this kind of plot has no market in China, and it has even been scolded.

Netizens felt that this was just a YY work purely to please Hollywood. They honestly didn’t expect Lao Zhang to do such a thing.

Because of this, even though Leon had a pretty good life in China, the movie still received a lot of attacks.

I can only say that if something is fundamentally wrong, then no matter how gorgeous it is to decorate, it will not be welcomed by others.

As for why fans asked why they didn't persuade Leon, Luo Quan's answer was: "What actor hasn't made a few bad movies? Besides, this movie hasn't been made yet. How do you know it's a bad movie? I'll wait until it's released." I’ll evaluate it later. Maybe it turned out pretty good in the end?
Besides, when Leon was filming, Hollywood had not yet recovered. He wanted to find a movie to play the leading role when he had nothing to do. It happened that Great Wall found him. He was a famous director, a big producer, and there were so many big names. Leon was definitely I am willing to take pictures.

Finally, don’t worry about Lyon’s reputation collapsing or anything like that. His The Wolf of Wall Street felt pretty good and the reviews should not be low after it’s released.

Besides, I have a movie waiting for him here. If you don’t trust others, can you still doubt me? "

After hearing this, the fans in the live broadcast room immediately felt relieved.

This is indeed the case. Luo Quan has now become a professional in good films, and none of the films he has produced are crotch-flattening.

And if it's a movie she made with Leon, it would be an even stronger alliance, and the probability of making a classic would skyrocket.

"By the way, Leon also asked me to compose a theme song for the Great Wall. It is a duet between me and him. It will be released in a while. Everyone should look forward to it."

After Luo Quan finished the preview, he started today's game journey.

Since the appearance of the Succubus Queen, the world boss, players have been divided into two camps.

One is to conquer her physically, that is, defeat her and receive rewards.

But so far, no team has succeeded, and they can't even cause effective damage. Instead, they died countless times at the feet of the Succubus Queen.

As for the other camp, they just fell in love with one of the succubus queen's sexy dresses and became her dog.

To be precise, you need to accept missions, gain favorability, and conquer the game as if you were the main character.

This way, not only do you not have to die, you can also get a lot of experience, which is the choice of most players.

Unfortunately, so far, this favorability level is just like a decoration. I don’t know how much it will take to achieve a qualitative change.

What's interesting is that the Succubus Queen is probably tired of killing those who provoke her, so she simply issues tasks to players who are loyal to her and asks them to deal with these annoying flies.

Then, the players who chose the queen felt that this job was pretty good. Anyway, killing monsters is killing, and killing players is killing. Is there any difference?Those players who keep provoking the queen to death are lagging behind the first echelon in terms of level and equipment, and it is even easier to kill than wild monsters in dynamic difficulty. It is really a good thing to say.

And by doing this, the Succubus Queen successfully transferred the conflict to the players, and the worries completely disappeared.

As for the Succubus Queen's true form, Luo Quan, she certainly did not accept the fans' instigation and teleported to hell to fight a boss who looked very much like herself.

She was still working on the main line seriously as before, and then remembered every useful detail.

They played like this until the evening. Luo Quan pretended to be sleepy, yawned and played, and then he couldn't wait to enter the fantasy world.
Vivian originally wanted to invite everyone to have dinner together last night, but when she knocked on the door, there was no response.

When I opened Kavna's room, I found that she was not in the room. She had probably gone out to play.

Lilith and Luo Xi were probably still sleeping after the long journey, so Vivian had no choice but to go to dinner alone.

The college's cafeteria is not particularly far from the dormitory, and since it's only six o'clock now, there aren't many students coming for dinner. Vivian's dinner order didn't keep her waiting too long.

A piece of pork chop, two slices of bread, a few broccoli flowers, and a bowl of steaming broth, this is Vivian's dinner tonight.

Normally Vivian would not spend two extra copper coins to order this expensive bowl of broth, but today is her first day at Turandot Academy and she has made two more friends, so Vivian Planning to order some broth to celebrate.

The dinner tasted great. She didn't feel anything about it before. But now it seems that the food in Daoxiang Village is only worthy of being fed to pigs compared to the food in the school cafeteria. No wonder her mother always likes to eat in the city.

However, although the dinner in the college cafeteria tastes great, she doesn't eat it very often. It seems that she will have to order two portions next time.

After eating and drinking, she went back home, but Kaifna still didn't come back, and she didn't know where she went to go crazy.

Vivian was too lazy to worry so much. After washing, she sat on the bed, took out a book "The Magician's Self-cultivation" and started to study it.

This is a book she must read before going to bed every night. She reads for an hour, meditates for an hour, and then goes to sleep. This has been the case for the past year...

The next day, as soon as the sun shone through the window lattice into the room, Vivian's biological clock woke her up on time. Even without looking at the clock, Vivian knew what time it was now. At seven o'clock, the error would not exceed 1 minute!

Today was the day when freshmen reported to class. The letter stated that it was before 08:30. As soon as she went out, she saw Luo Xi washing up, Lilith eating breakfast, and Kaifna hurriedly leaving the room and running out.

Vivian stopped her and asked why she was in such a hurry. Kafna's answer was: their classes were different. The teacher in her class was very strict. If she was late on the first day, she would not be able to attend school for the entire semester. It will be better.

After saying that, he ran away in a panic.

And Vivian couldn't help but speed up her movements.

After washing up, Vivian put on the school uniform in the closet and tidied it up in the mirror.

Well, beautiful as usual, Vivian thought narcissistically.

After getting her bank card and admission letter, Vivian went to the cafeteria to have breakfast. This time, there were not as few people in the cafeteria as there were last night. Vivian was not the only one who got up diligently and early.

After breakfast, Vivian and two other girls found her class according to the instructions on the admission letter.

The teaching area of ​​Turandot College is quite large, and Vivian almost got lost when there was a letter giving directions.

This is everything that happened after Luo Quan left last night.

When she woke up, she found that she was already sitting in the classroom, with everything that happened last night flashing before her eyes.

In fact, there is no content. After all, she went to bed very early last night and basically stayed in the room and never went out.

Looking around, I saw that there were already more than ten students in the first grade class.

There were about the same number of boys and girls, chatting and laughing around. The arrival of three beautiful girls immediately attracted the attention of many people. The boys and girls all looked over, with different looks in their eyes.

Although the three of them had already walked in from the back door of the classroom very low-key and found a seat near the corner to sit down, this situation still happened in the end.

None of the three girls like being the target of public criticism, but for now, it seems that they can't escape.

The classroom is very large. It looks like a staircase going down from far to near. There are about twelve levels. Each level is nearly ten meters long. There is a two-meter wide aisle in the middle that runs through the entire classroom.

A classroom can seat about a hundred people. The desks and stools are made of stone. Luo Quan feels cool when he sits on them. If it is winter, it will definitely be very refreshing.

Time passed little by little, and the students came to the first grade class one after another to report. When the time reached 08:30, the teacher also walked into the classroom.

This is a female teacher about 30 years old, tall and plump, with a beautiful face and gold-rimmed glasses, which makes her look full of intellectual beauty.

According to Luo Quan's eyes, if the perfect score is 85, this is a beautiful royal sister who can score at least [-]!

After the teacher came in, the students who were chatting happily immediately calmed down, sat down, and looked at the teacher on the podium.

"We are all good students with excellent grades and outstanding talents. I don't need to say anything more about classroom discipline. I hope that during the year I teach, no one will be given a demerit for not observing classroom discipline."

Teacher Yu Jie's tone was a little stiff, and her expression was cold, which established an image for everyone that she was not easy to talk to.

"First of all, let me introduce myself to everyone. My name is Elizabeth. You can usually call me Teacher Elizabeth. I major in the arcane department of time and space magic, and minor in the plasticity department of frost magic. My union title is a magician. "

As soon as Elizabeth finished speaking, the students in the audience immediately started talking.

You know, the level of magician is already a very high-end existence for most magicians. There seem to be less than 45 people in the entire empire, and the average age is above [-].

If this teacher is not bragging, then she can definitely be regarded as a genius among geniuses!
Especially her major in time and space magic, which is known as the most magical magic in the arcane department. Very few people have the talent to practice this kind of magic, let alone successfully master it.

He is worthy of being the teacher of Class [-], Grade [-], and his abilities are truly extraordinary.

"Okay, now that I've finished my introduction, it's the students' turn. Please come up and introduce yourself in order of your student number. Tell us about your hometown, hobbies, specialties, motto, etc., so that everyone can get to know you."

After saying that, Elizabeth stood aside, holding a piece of paper in her hand, and shouted: "First one, Oliver!"

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