Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1308 Good News Bad News

The person who was called was a very tall and handsome boy. He was very generous. When he heard his name, he immediately stood up and strode to the podium. He said loudly to everyone:
"Hello, classmates, my name is Oliver Constantine, and I come from the Constantine family in the Rose Queen neighborhood of the imperial capital.

I am a natural leader. I have held the position of monitor in school since I was a child. I have very rich experience. So if I run for monitor next time, I hope everyone can vote for me.

I have many hobbies, but my favorite is making friends. My father often teaches me that a good leader does not need to have outstanding abilities, but he must have excellent interpersonal skills. This sentence has always been my motto.

From today on, we are classmates. I hope that one year from now, I can become friends with everyone here! "

After finishing speaking, Oliver left the stage amidst warm applause.

Although a few students felt a little unhappy with this "leader" who seemed to be a little overconfident, they still raised their hands to show off and patted him a few times.

The girls here in Luo Quan are definitely not one of these "several classmates", and they don't have any other special feelings for Oliver.

After Vivian's introduction, Luo Quan learned that the Constantine family was one of the famous families in the Turinhan Empire.

The fact that Oliver speaks so confidently is probably related to the environment he is in. If nothing else happens, when he chooses class president later, there should be a lot of people voting.

The self-introduction continued, and the students in the classroom came on stage one after another, but it was obvious that these people were much more reserved than Oliver, and they did not speak particularly fluently.

But one characteristic of these people is that they all seem to come from the imperial capital.

Could it be that they are the only three foreigners in the first grade class?Vivian was beating her drum in her heart.


Elizabeth called out a girl's name who was very famous in the entire Turinhan Empire. Even a nerd like Vivian who rarely watches TV or newspapers has heard of her name.

The interesting thing is that Alice is sitting in front of Vivian, but Vivian never recognized her.

Vivian is taller in real life than she looks on TV, almost as tall as Teacher Elizabeth wearing high heels.

Although the figure is not as plump as Teacher Yujie, this youthful and innocent feeling is more attractive to teenagers of the same age.

After walking onto the podium and turning around, everyone was able to see Vivian's angelic and beautiful face.

This is an almost impeccable face. If her expression were not so cold and arrogant, she would definitely be more likable.

"My name is Alice Merlin. I come from the Merlin family in the Queen of Thorns neighborhood of the imperial capital. I am a junior magician who majors in plastic fire magic. I have no other minors in magic yet.

My hobby is also my dream, which is to study the nature of magic and explore its ultimate mystery.

My motto is a famous saying once said by Javier, the first principal of the college: Any kind of magic practiced to the extreme will lead to the same destination, but if you want to prove this, you must first practice it to the extreme! "

After saying that, Alice walked off the stage and returned to her seat. Her expression remained unchanged from beginning to end. She was the same type as Teacher Yujie, commonly known as Iceberg Beauty.

It can be said that Vivian is quite concerned about this Alice.

He has been staring at her since she walked on stage, with very complicated eyes.

It wasn't that she fell in love with this beautiful girl at first sight or was jealous, but because her last name was Merlin.

The family her mother belonged to when she was a maid was the Merlin family. Maybe she and this Vivian are related by blood.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but after Alice passed, it was Vivian’s turn.

Vivian was stunned for a few seconds after hearing her name, thinking she heard it wrong. When she saw that no one stood up, she immediately stood up and walked to the podium.

"My name is Vivian Kate, I come from an ordinary family in Daoxiang Village, Yorkshire..."

Vivian paused for a moment when she said this. She saw that several students' mouths bulged after hearing her self-introduction, obviously wanting to laugh.

But this was nothing new to her, so she wouldn't be affected by it.

The reason she stopped was that she seemed to have no hobbies to speak of. In the past five years, she had done almost nothing else except reading.

But now on the podium, it was too late to think more carefully. Vivian thought for a moment and continued: "My hobby is reading books. When I encounter any problems, I will go to books to seek answers. I don't usually do much Likes to talk.

As for specialties, I probably don’t have any. If I have any, I just read more books and know more unpopular knowledge. Well... that’s about it. By the way, my motto is: Knowledge is power! "

Amidst not very warm applause, Vivian ended her bland self-introduction and returned to her seat.

At first, the boys were all interested in this outstanding-looking girl, but when Vivian finished introducing herself, the charm that had just arisen in their hearts was immediately dispelled.

In this world, class is the most difficult gap to cross.

It may not appear in front of you all the time to show its existence, but it is everywhere like air, giving people an invisible and strong perception.

Just like the student introduced himself just now, he introduced his origins as a certain family in the imperial capital.

As soon as I arrived at Vivian's place, my painting style immediately changed dramatically.

This is the difference brought about by class, which allows people to complete classification in the blink of an eye.

And not only Vivian, but also the two people sitting next to her were immediately classified.

However, Lilith's identity has not been exposed. If she really revealed her identity as a high-ranking Templar Knight of the Holy See, a lot of students would immediately come over to make friends with her.

As for Luo Quan...

It's better not to show off her identity as the savior and make people laugh in person.

Because they came to school in secret, Luo Quan and Lilith introduced themselves in a relatively ordinary way, using the address of the small village where they came, which was even more remote than Vivian from a geographical point of view.If Vivian's hometown was a suburb, then they would probably call it a mountainous area.

Although the three girls are all good-looking, if their beauty can only go alone, not only is it not a blessing, but it may bring big trouble.

If you are too beautiful but do not have the strength or background to protect this beauty, the probability of becoming a plaything will directly increase in a straight line.

Of course, this is all wishful thinking on the part of those boys.

At this moment, the three girls were thinking about other things.

Vivian was thinking about whether she and this iceberg beauty Alice were related by blood. There seemed to be some similarities between her eyebrows.

But she was too embarrassed to ask directly. If there was really a blood relationship, the situation would be too complicated.

As for Lilith, she yawned while her heart was beating.

As the only succubus paladin in the entire Holy See, she has a very keen sense of her own kind.

For some reason, she actually noticed a familiar aura from the savior Sama.

It was very similar to a succubus, but had a more noble and majestic aura, which made her have the urge to kneel down.

Lilith didn't know the reason for this. Maybe she didn't sleep well last night and had hallucinations.

As for Luo Quan, he finally started to reap the rewards.

Publish tasks to the player. After the player completes the task, not only can she receive experience in return, but she also has a chance to gain lottery draws.

What's a pity is that this lottery is a prize in the lottery game and is not on the same level as the lottery in the external system mall. Otherwise, she would have really made a lot of money this time.

Taking advantage of the self-study time during the class teacher's meeting, Luo Quan entered the spiritual world and started to draw the lottery directly.

I just managed to get ten draws in a row, and my luck was very good. I got the gold on the first draw of ten draws in a row.

It is a golden seed with many question marks, and its name is the Seed of Elements.

Luo Quan thought about it for himself and found that he only needed to instill spiritual power into it to get feedback. The more he instilled, the more feedback he would get.

After trying for a while, Luo Quan discovered that instilling spiritual power was like watering a seed. As long as he kept watering it, it would eventually take root and sprout.

And as her mental power was poured into it bit by bit, the seed had completely changed from golden to green.

Luo Quan had a hunch that if he poured it in for a while, the seed might be about to sprout.

Finally, after about 10 minutes of continuous infusion, the seeds cracked open with a loud click!
A green seedling quickly poked its head out of the crack and grew vigorously at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, it grew into a sapling as tall as a person!
Next to the sapling, a white page appeared, and Luo Quan couldn't help but feel a little excited. This should be her second golden finger in the Fantasy Century!
Soon, a voice like this sounded in her ears:
"The magic talent tree was activated successfully!
The host can freely choose to upgrade his magic talent. Every time he achieves an achievement, he will receive a miracle treasure chest and an unlimited amount of talent points! "

This was a concise and clear introduction to his golden finger. After listening to it, Luo Quan turned his attention to the white system page:
Host name: Roxie Lovelia
Level: An ordinary person with extremely strong mental power and pretty good physique. Excellent basic theory of magic, but has no ability to release magic. A standard king with a strong mouth.

(Closed ability: Succubus Queen, after opening, you will gain the power of the Mother Goddess of Desire and Life)

Talent points: 10 points

Completable achievements: Activate your first talent. This is a small step towards becoming a truly strong person, but it is a big step in your life! (Completion reward: 2 talent points)
Miracle Chest:0
Talents to be activated:
Elemental Invocation(Level 1:0/2)
Call of the Wild(Level 1:0/2)
Arcane Specialization (needs to meet prerequisite: Mage)
Dragon Language Secret Technique (need to meet the prerequisite: dragon bloodline)
Forbidden Spell (requires prerequisite: Master of Spells)
Notice!Only one original talent can be activated before each advancement, so the host should choose carefully!

The pile of elements was so dazzling that it made Luo Quan feel dizzy. He could only examine the more critical ones, which was talent, for research.

There are five options to choose from in the talent column, but only two can be activated, and those three prerequisites are too far away for her now, so she doesn't think much about it.

As for the Call of the Elements and the Call of the Wild, Luo Quan plans to light up the Call of the Elements first.

In the magician world, magic is generally divided into four major categories, namely, the evocation system, the summoning system, the arcane system, and the spiritual system.
The Call of the Elements corresponds to the evocation magic, and the Call of the Wild corresponds to the summoning magic.

Before reaching high-level magicians, the combat effectiveness of plastic magicians is far greater than that of plastic magicians, and the danger faced by plastic magicians after the magic release fails is much less than that of summoning magicians.

Of course, the above reasons are not the main point. The main reason is that practicing summoning magic is too expensive. Relatively speaking, plastic magic is more of a civilian profession. It depends on talent and is suitable for her current poor situation.

So without any other choice, Luo Quan turned on the talent of "Elemental Invocation" without hesitation.

The two talent points turned into light groups and separated from the system interface, then flew into the seedlings with a whoosh.

It was as if Jinkela chemical fertilizer had been applied to the branches of the saplings that had stopped growing. A dozen new shoots appeared on the branches.

Luo Quan took a closer look and found that each sprout represented a specialty and required talent points to be lit.

In addition to the four specialties that require prerequisites and cannot be lit, there are eight remaining feats that can be lit, namely:
Smart Tongue(0/3)
Keen Eyes(0/3)
Swift Fingers(0/3)
Strong legs(0/3)
Detailed sense of smell(0/3)
Elemental Affinity(0/3)
Meditation Strengthening(0/3)
Firm will(0/3)
Basically, they are all specialties that strengthen the body's functions. They cannot bring any qualitative changes to oneself, but there are still a few more important talents that must be illuminated.

For example, elemental affinity and meditation enhancement are two major guarantees for her to continue moving forward on the path of evocation magician in the future.

With elemental affinity, she can more easily establish communication with various elements in nature when she releases magic of the evocation system, so that she can release magic more quickly and become more powerful.

Strengthening through meditation is a top priority. If any magician wants to improve and restore magic power, in addition to taking certain magic foods, he can only do it through meditation. This is the most basic skill that every magician must master.

The efficiency of a magician in accumulating magic power through meditation depends on his or her own mental power. The stronger the mental power, the higher the efficiency of meditation, and the more magic power can be accumulated per unit time.

Meditation strengthening is to strengthen the host's mental power, and the improvement value even reaches an astonishing 30.00%!

No need to think too much, this meditation strengthening specialty is a magical skill for her now, and she must light it up immediately.

But after seeing the subsequent evolved forms of these specialties, she suddenly had a better idea.

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