Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 131 Unexpected Performance

Chapter 131 Unexpected Performance

Luo Quan's first scene was in the hospital, the script was very simple, the bad guy came to the hospital to find Dr. Chen, and she took the initiative to stand up and impersonate Dr. Chen in order to protect Dr. Chen.

"Luo Quan, when you come out, you should be brave in your anger, but don't show your anger too obviously. Do you understand when I say this?" Before the filming started, Wu Jin explained to Luo Quan How to act.

"Understood." Luo Quan nodded.

"Then let's try it first. If it doesn't work, come again. We have plenty of time today, so don't be nervous." Wu Jin took good care of Luo Quan, a newcomer, and kept telling her not to be nervous.

Luo Quan took a deep breath and stood in his place.

"Attention all units!" Wu Jin clapped his hands, indicating that today's work is ready to start.

The field worker brother wearing a blue peaked cap walked to the camera with a black and white slate.

"Wolf Warrior 2 No.60 five games, No.13 mirror for the first time, action!"

"Are you Dr. Chen?!" The mercenary pointed his gun at the little black girl and let out a roar. The frightened little girl shrank in Dr. Chen's arms, screaming helplessly.

"She's just a child." Dr. Chen protected the little girl and quickly explained.

"I am!" Luo Quan suddenly stood up from the squatting crowd, a patient beside her held her hand to tell her not to be impulsive, Luo Quan just gave her a smile of "don't worry about me", Then he walked through the hostage-removal crowd with his head in his hands, and came to the mercenary, "I am Dr. Chen."

"You are Dr. Chen? How come Dr. Chen has no balls?" The mercenary has a very strong physique. Luo Quan, who is about 1.7 meters tall, is as fragile as a rabbit in front of a grizzly bear in front of him, but her eyes are not. Showing no trace of fear.

"What do you want? I'm just..." Luo Quan's voice was resounding, expressing what director Wu Jin asked for, the anger revealing brave emotions very well.

"Doctor Rachel, don't!"

A worried cry came from behind the mercenary, the rebel army of the country who was with the mercenary.

"Crack!" Director Wu Jin shouted, excited and relaxed.

"Director, is this look okay?" After all, it was the first performance, Luo Quan was still a little nervous.

Wu Jin smiled and said, "This shot is over."

"Luo Quan, are you really a newcomer? You are even better than that girl before!" The one who spoke was Wu Hang, another important male supporting role in this movie.

Mr. Wu Hang has worked in the film and television industry for decades, and he is recognized as an old actor. It is not easy to get his praise.

"Haven't you acted in any stage play before, or have learned relevant knowledge?" Qin Yi was also surprised by Luo Quan's performance.

Although he came from a serious major, his acting skills can only be regarded as middle-class among the students in the same class, and his acting skills have been criticized the most since his debut.

If you only consider the performance in this scene, Luo Quan's acting skills are even more natural than his acting skills!
Luo Quan smiled modestly: "This is really the first time I have come into contact with acting. Before, I just sang and wrote songs."

Everyone sighed for a while, if what Luo Quan said was true, it could only be said that she was a gift from God, and she was born to be an actress!

Wu Jin almost had his pride written all over his face, he laughed and said, "Keep going like this, and try to shoot all the shots of the hospital in the morning!"

The second scene is that the red scarf rebel who was worried about Dr. Rachel just now had been treated by her, and she exposed her true identity out of gratitude, but was shot to death by the mercenary Daxiong.

The gunshots rang out, and the hostages screamed, while Luo Quan, with a face full of shock and anger, rushed forward to fight him desperately, but was shot in the head by the big bear.

The tension and control of Luo Quan's emotions are very high here. From shock to anger, to the daring to speak up after being pointed at by a gun, the changes are fast and large.

Actors with poor acting skills are prone to excessive force during this process, and even worse, they directly express emotions such as shock and anger with wide-eyed eyes, commonly known as staring performances.

At the beginning, Wu Jin was a little worried about whether Luo Quan would be able to control it, and even made preparations for many NGs. Unexpectedly, Luo Quan's emotional transformation was very natural, and the expression, eyes and even the movement of the body were just right, which made people have a feeling. An immersive feeling.

Letting the audience into the play shows that the actor himself has already immersed himself in the role. This is a skill that many young actors cannot master, but Luo Quan, a newcomer in the industry, can use it so proficiently. This is not God's reward for eating, it should be called feeding food!

The second scene was still replayed, and the crew showed joy from top to bottom.

The heroine suddenly ran away in the middle of filming, which is a blow to any crew, especially a crew like Wolf Warrior 2 that doesn't have enough money and time.

After learning that the temporarily replaced heroine has no acting experience, everyone is more pessimistic and ready to spend the whole day with her NG.

And you can't complain, you're here to save the day, and you're a singer by profession, so it's understandable if you don't have good acting skills.

But who would have thought that this girl's acting skills are as beautiful as hers, it is simply impeccable!
Luo Quan basically went through the dozens of reshoots of the heroine in the hospital. Even if there were NGs, it was because of other actors. Luo Quan's performance was unbelievably stable.

"Call work!" Wu Jin shouted overjoyed, causing the entire crew to cheer.

The hospital scene is over, and the car chase is done next, so we can leave Soweto.

"You are really the timely rain for our crew, Luo Quan!" Assistant Director Song said to Luo Quan excitedly.

"It's all thanks to everyone." Luo Quan's answer was also very modest.

After the hospital scene was filmed, everyone began to arrange the scene for the second slum chase scene.

Both scenes are actually carried out in the slums, but the tents outside are props of the crew, not real residences.

As for the extras, of course they were found in the slums. The people here are very poor. There was a film crew who was willing to ask them to make a movie. They didn't even need to pay, and they could just replace them with some necessities of life.

Among the most popular rewards in the slums, one is Huaxia's cigarettes, and the other is medicine.

Cold medicine, anti-inflammatory medicine, and even deworming medicine, as long as the medicine is very valuable.

At noon, while the film crew was setting up the filming location outside, Luo Quan also followed everyone around the slums. Of course, it was only in some areas, and he didn't dare to go to farther places.

In the slums where the crew is located, the air is filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant. In the morning, the crew sent a special person to spray a lot of disinfectant on the ground.

There are quite a lot of viruses in Africa, especially in the slums. In the setting of Wolf Warrior 2, there are many patients in this slum who are infected with a severe virus called Lamanla, and this virus is real in reality. Portrayal.

And this portrayal is one of the deadliest viruses in the world - Ebola virus, which first appeared in Sudan and Congo, with a fatality rate ranging from 50% to 90%. classified as a high-risk virus.

Of course, Soweto has never been reported to have found the Ebola virus, otherwise Wu Jin would not have dared to come to this place to film.

But the absence of Ebola does not mean that there are no other germs. After all, the sanitation conditions here are very poor, which is comparable to that of the Ganges in India. If you get sick, it will be quite troublesome.

Therefore, disinfection measures are very necessary.

In addition to the smell of disinfectant, Luo Quan could also smell a sour smell. Combined with the garbage everywhere in the distance, she probably knew where the smell came from.

Few people in the slums speak of public morality, and the garbage is basically thrown directly on the street in front of their houses, and the smaller ones are directly trampled into the mud and crushed into dust by thousands of bare feet.

The larger ones are like stubborn stones, waiting for the wind and sand to wear them away.

It's a pity that a lot of this kind of garbage is non-degradable and basically won't disappear with time, but it's true that it stinks with time.

There are not many adults in the nearby slums. It is said that they all go out to make a living, and the means of making a living is picking up garbage.

Johannesburg is South Africa's largest city, and the city's daily waste is bread and butter for residents of nearby slums.

It may sound unbelievable, but this is indeed a portrayal of many poor people in the slums.

The government will distribute free food to some people, but it is definitely unrealistic to feed so many poor people in Soweto. The young and strong will go to Johannesburg to work and do coolies, while the old and frail have no choice but to pick up garbage .

As for children, those who are a little more sensible will go to the nearby wilderness to graze sheep. The sheep are as skinny as these children. The land heavily polluted by garbage can't grow too many weeds. Bitterness, the life of the sheep is as bitter as it is.

And the younger children, most of them don't need to go to school, run barefoot on the road full of red dust every day. For them who don't have any entertainment activities, the sudden arrival of the crew seems to have endless attraction force.

When Luo Quan was wandering with everyone, he saw many children from the slums staring at them not far away, with curiosity, exploration, and perhaps yearning in their eyes.

Bored, Qin Yi tore open a bag of potato chips, ate a few pieces, walked to Luo Quan, held it up and asked, "Do you want it?"

Luo Quan didn't speak, she just looked at the children beside her.

Even though it was a few meters away, the children still swallowed as if they smelled the fragrance. They probably knew that this food was delicious just by seeing the package.

Perhaps, in the bag of potato chips that their adults picked up from the garbage dump, there will be leftovers left over from other people's food?
(End of this chapter)

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