Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 132 Gangsters

Chapter 132 Gangsters
Looking away, facing Qin Yi's kindness, Luo Quan declined with a smile: "I'm trying to lose weight recently, so I won't eat this."

Qin Yi put down his hands and ate while complaining: "You girls value your figure so important, and so does Zhao Shu, who weighs [-] pounds and still clamors to lose weight all day long."

"Zhao Shu is your girlfriend, right?" Luo Quan had vaguely heard of this female celebrity's name. During the previous period, besides herself, Zhao Shu was the most frequently searched female celebrity on the Internet.

"It won't be soon." Qin Yi sighed.


"She said that I was busy filming all day long and refused to spend more time with her. I had been arguing with me before and wanted to break up.

I didn't agree at first, but after arriving in South Africa, I thought about it a lot, and I felt that separation is not a bad thing, so I broke up with her when I planned to return to China. "

Judging by Qin Yi's understatement, he probably has made up his mind completely and will not change his mind because of other things.

Between male and female friends, if a girl proposes to break up, it is likely to be used as a threat, hoping to make the boy treat her better, not because she really wants to break up.

As for boys, either don't say it, if you say break up, it must be unbearable, and ten cows probably won't be able to pull it back.

According to Qin Yi's description, this Zhao Shu should be pretty good at ordinary times. Both of them are actors, and their usual job is filming. The woman actually asks the man to spend more time with him. This is simply a joke about his profession.

As a result, I was more happy to hear and see, and I lost myself when I wrote and wrote.

"By the way, you know Wen Xia very well, right?" Qin Yi asked suddenly.

Luo Quan nodded: "Wen Xiafa and I have been friends for many years."

Qin Yi lowered his voice: "A friend of mine asked me to ask you something, he wanted to know what Wen Xia usually likes to eat and wear.

Let me declare first, this friend is not me, I still have a girlfriend now, and I can't do things like two boats! "

"Emmmm..." Luo Quan's expression suddenly became ambiguous, and he smiled slightly: "It's okay to tell your friend. But I have to know who your friend is first."

"I can only tell you that he is also an actor, and he is more popular and handsome than me."

"Then how do I guess, Huaxia is more popular than you..." Luo Quan covered his mouth halfway through speaking. It would be too offensive to say these words.

"There are far more people than me, right? These are the facts, and it's okay to say it, but I'm still young, so there's more room for improvement. Maybe after this movie is released, I'll be a hit right away. "Qin Yi made a joke to relieve Luo Quan's embarrassment.

"Does that friend of yours want to chase Wen Xia?" Luo Quan changed the subject.

Qin Yi showed disdain on his face: "He doesn't have the guts. Now he only dares to make friends with Wen Xia. If he really wants to chase Wen Xia, he can't open his mouth."

"So shy." For some reason, Luo Quan thought of Amuro Yu.

Luo Quan lowered his head and recalled: "Wen Xia likes to eat spicy food, and hot pot is her favorite. Every time, the red soup is very spicy, and she can't stop eating until her lips are swollen.

She doesn't have any special hobbies in clothes, she can wear whatever brand is trendy... By the way, she has a collection of limited editions, like Gucci, Chanel, Dior, as long as she likes to collect one piece of limited edition clothes. "

"What about you, what do you like to eat?"

Qin Yi still had a smile on his face, his expression was very natural.

"You wouldn't go around in such a big circle just to ask this?" Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry.

Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders: "The main reason is that I've made friends since I asked this far."

"Let's talk about making friends later. You still have a girlfriend, and I have a bad reputation on Weibo. Don't get you involved."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Director Wu Jin without waiting for Qin Yi to say anything.

Wu Jin saw her and walked over immediately: "Luo Quan, you came just in time, I have something to ask you, can you drive an off-road vehicle?"

"This... a little bit." Originally, Luo Quan wanted to say no, but this kind of skill is worthless, and he can immediately exchange it for driving skills in the mall, instantly becoming a veteran driver.

Wu Jin nodded: "It's fine, there will be a few shots of you driving in the car later, you drive slowly, and we can speed up the process later."

About half an hour later, today's second scene started shooting.

This scene is basically a shot of Wu Jin and Luo Quan, and the other shots of the mercenaries chasing them have been shot before.

The whole process is described as very exciting in the script, but most of them are not thrilling at all, and there is no one in the built house, so there is no psychological burden on the off-road vehicle rampage on the road.

Everything went very smoothly, and soon came the last shot of the scene.

After getting rid of the pursuers, Wu Jin and Luo Quan accidentally drove into the isolation area for Lamanla patients, and even the car overturned into a ditch.

After the two got out of the car, they realized that they were surrounded by dead bodies, and there were yellow blisters all over their bodies.

At the same time, a large group of infected people who were still alive surrounded them, looking at the two of them very unkindly.

At a critical moment, Luo Quan took out food from the trunk of the off-road vehicle and distributed it to these patients. Everyone cheered and took the food, and at the same time helped them lift the car out of the ditch of dead bodies.

Carrying the little black girl entrusted to them by Dr. Chen, Wu Jin and Luo Quan drove off-road vehicles to the grassland in the distance...

Luo Quan's performance was as stable as ever, and he didn't feel nervous when playing with Wu Jin. In the chase scene, he also showed the image of a brave female doctor to the fullest.

At this point, the filming of the Soweto scene is over, everyone can have a good rest tonight, and you can go to Johannesburg to stay in a better hotel tomorrow morning.

After the filming of the scene, the staff of the crew began to pack the props amidst laughter and laughter.

Judging from the current smooth shooting progress, it only takes 20 days at the earliest for them to finish the shooting mission in South Africa, and then return to Hengdian to shoot the climax of the movie.

Just when everyone was a little relaxed, an accident happened suddenly.

Wu Jin was calling a group of actors together to discuss the next shooting plan, but there was a burst of anxious shouts not far away.

"What's going on!" Wu Jin looked up and shouted.

"Director, there are robbers!"

In fact, there was no need to shout anymore, a dozen or so black men with sharp knives had already rushed towards Wu Jin and the others aggressively.

These black people originally just wanted to take advantage of Wu Jin and the others filming, to steal some food from the place where the crew left the food.

In fact, this is not the first time they have done it. The driver girls who were filming here before, they have all been here, but they were not found. I didn't expect this time to end so quickly. These people who were stealing were arrested. is on.

And after their deeds were exposed, these thieves turned into robbers in an open and aboveboard manner, wanting to make a big fortune.

As the saying goes, troublesome people come out of poor mountains and bad waters. Extreme behaviors will always be born in extremely harsh environments. These poor people have done bad things under the pressure of life, but they did not choose to apologize after being discovered, but moved in a worse direction. .

The bodyguards invited by Wu Jin had already spotted these people, picked up their sticks and rushed forward without risking their lives. It can only be said that these people are really dedicated.

Facing the danger, a group of actors retreated quickly. In the movie, they are special forces with one enemy against one hundred. In reality, they are ordinary people. In this situation, they must retreat as far as possible.

However, there were too many robbers this time, and the bodyguards were brave enough to hold down most of them. There were still two escaped fish who rushed towards the actors.

In their eyes, as long as these yellow people are controlled, they can get a lot of food in exchange, and the life of the family will not have to worry.

It's a pity that the strongest actor in the crew who played the mercenary bear is no longer here. With his height of nearly two meters standing here, these gangsters probably wouldn't dare to rush forward.

Now, however, there are only a dozen or so ordinary people here.

At the critical moment, Wu Jin stepped forward and rushed to one of the gangsters.

Before he became a director, he was also a well-known martial arts star in the mainland. This time, all the action scenes of Wolf Warrior 2 were performed in person, without a substitute.

As a martial arts athlete in Huaxia, he still has some fighting power. Although martial arts athletes are not comparable to fighters, he should have no problem dealing with ordinary people. The only thing to pay attention to is to be careful to avoid the sharp weapons in the hands of gangsters.

But Wu Jin can deal with one at a time, and the remaining one is still a huge hidden danger.

What made Wu Jin even more worried was that the gangster went straight to Luo Quan, the only girl among the actors. She was standing very far away from the other actors for some reason, and it seemed that it was too late for several male actors to go up to help.

Thumping the gangster in front of him to the ground, Wu Jin did not feel relaxed at all, because the last gangster had already rushed in front of Luo Quan.

"Something happened now..." In the summer, Wu Jin only felt cold all over.

A shocking scene happened. Facing the gangster wielding a dagger, Luo Quan did not stand still in place like ordinary girls, but calmly avoided the gangster who was grabbing her right hand, and then turned around. Just a beautiful side kick.

Wu Jin generally only used this kind of posture in the action movies he acted in before, and he rarely practiced this kind of relatively difficult movements himself.

However, Luo Quan performed this movement extremely smoothly, and the hitting point and strength were in place, kicking the gangster to the ground with one blow.

All the male actors who reacted also rushed forward at this time, disarmed and held down the gangster who fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

"Luo Quan, are you okay!" Wu Jin trotted all the way over, secretly touching the cold sweat on his forehead.

"I'm fine, but I don't know if the shot will be a little heavier." Luo Quan said worriedly, looking at the not-so-strong gangster on the ground.

Wu Jin was dumbfounded when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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