Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1312 Save some face for your peers

"I have always believed that "The Sea" is the best Chinese-language film this year and even in recent years. One of them does not even need to be added."

"Everyone says that "The Sea" lacks combat power, but I think it uses the calmest and most beautiful shots to create many shocking scenes. It doesn't have to be roaring until veins pop out to express hysteria, nor does it have to be shouting. Only then can you impress people.”

"Yes, Luo Quan's performance in "Sea" has always been very calm, but her perseverance and bravery are like the thunder heard in the silence. One look can make you moved."

"When grandpa killed the dog boss, it was actually very explosive. The man was so angry that he bled for five steps and laid two corpses on his body. But it completely expressed the bloody nature of a man."

"The final shot of Wen Xia jumping off the cliff can easily compete for the best jump of the 21st century. It was so burning that I almost jumped in the cinema."

"Indeed, there are so many tense scenes, but it turns out that there is no tension. I don't know how these people watch the movie."

"It's very simple. Another seafood movie is smeared. After all, the two movies are so similar from their names to their themes, so they will always be compared together."

"In terms of plot, isn't Luo Bao going to kill the sea?"

"If nothing else, the content in it that vilifies Two-dimensional and the God of Death, no matter how good your movie is, I will only give you a zero score. We at Two-dimensional have not offended any of you!"

"Indeed, the director also said that through this content, adults can understand the world of children, but filming this kind of content will only deepen adults' misunderstandings."

"A pure stranger, can you tell me how the director discredited Two-dimensional?"

"He made Comic Exhibition look like the underworld in the eyes of the male protagonist, like a meeting of the King of Hell. None of the characters you cosplay are normal, and some are even more explosive. Death fans will vomit blood after seeing them."

"I haven't seen Death, can you tell me what this director did?"

"Have you seen Detective Conan?"

"I've seen it, it's my favorite anime."

"Mao Lilan, the cosplayer of the protagonist's daughter, was violated by three Japanese boys cosplaying with gin, vodka and tequila. Then her boyfriend was also a cosplayer himself and acted like a perverted lunatic in the plot."

"Damn, your blood pressure went up when you described it like that!"

"More than that, the cosplay characters used by Nuhai are not unique. Replacing them with characters from any other anime will not have much impact on the plot. It can be said that this is done subjectively."

"Imagine how you would feel if Mikasa, Nezuko, Hinata, Artoria, and Misaka Mikoto were treated like this and violated by the villain cosplayers in their respective works."

"And the makeup is quite ugly. It completely ruined the character from the inside out."

"Damn, it's really shocking to think about it like this. It's absolutely unacceptable for Saber or Sister Pao to be insulted like this."

"In other words, Bullying Death is not as popular as other anime in China. This movie just happened to gain a little popularity without worrying about being criticized. But if it were a popular anime like Detective Conan or One Piece, you can see that this crew would not be scolded. The spiral is so weird.”

"So this is what Two-dimensional people find disgusting about the movie. I will definitely not watch it anyway."

"This is just a small problem. The big problem is that there are a lot of logical loopholes in the movie, which can almost be regarded as bugs. In short, it is extremely unreasonable."

"It's okay, the navy will wash it off. This is surreal. Please enjoy the picture and ignore the unreasonable parts of the plot."

"Damn, what's a movie to watch without the plot? This isn't some special effects or action blockbuster, this is suspense, bro!"

"I didn't feel there was any suspense. The biggest twist in the whole movie could actually be revealed at the beginning, but the director just left it until the last minute."

"It's hard to imagine that a movie like this would dare to touch "The Sea". Isn't this a joke?"

"Wait until Luo Quan comes out of the cinema and complain about this movie."


The above discussion mainly took place on Weibo, which is the last place where the movie Nu Hai has received relatively good reviews.

As for other platforms, most of them are criticized.

What’s interesting is that this movie’s Douban score is quite high, with a score of 7.8 at the beginning, which is already considered a masterpiece.

However, only one day has passed, and the score has dropped from 7.8 to 7.7. And judging from the growth rate of negative reviews, it is estimated that there is still room for this score to decrease.

Of course, Luo Quan didn't deliberately search for relevant content or movie reviews before coming here.

She always felt that it would be difficult to obtain truly objective and neutral content when examining a matter from an established standpoint.

Therefore, she cannot be affected by other people's subjective thoughts now. She must accept this information after watching the movie.

With this understanding in mind, Luo Quan bought a movie ticket and walked into the cinema.

Then, she experienced a rather long two and a half hours in a person's life.

When the plot was halfway through, she became restless and felt that some parts of the movie simply annoyed her.

And while watching, many viewers around him even smiled from time to time.

It's the kind of smile that makes me suddenly feel relieved.

This is not the same as being laughed at by a comedy movie, but more like being made angry by the mentally retarded operation in the movie.

After watching it in the cinema, she bought a cup of milk tea to calm her shock.

Finding that milk tea alone was not enough, I ordered the fragrant braised pork rice one night, and added a grilled sausage and a braised egg for a total of 23 yuan.

"Fuck, show me you're hungry."

Luo Quan still wore sunglasses in the store and put food into his mouth with a spoon.

After eating and drinking, she returned home and turned on the live broadcast, looking at the camera with a faint smile.

As soon as this expression was revealed, fans immediately burst into laughter:

"Hahaha, Luo Bao is trying to hold on, but is he about to lose his hold?"

"I was sweating out of embarrassment, like a soybean that couldn't hold back."

"Obviously, after watching the movie, Luobao has a new perspective on life. She will think about the shortness of life and lament the waste of time by humans. At the same time, she will also reflect on why she spent her short time on such a bad movie. On top of the film.”

"Reporter: Luo Quan, do you have anything to say to us now?

Luo Quan: Can I swear?
Reporter: No. Luo Quan: Then I have nothing to say. "

"Okay, this description is very appropriate."

"It's all your fault for making Luo Bao suffer like this. Why don't you just stay at home and chat with everyone?"

"Luo Bao shouldn't be allowed to watch this bad movie!"


Seeing this, Luo Quan finally stopped being silent and said: "First of all, I have to correct everyone, this movie is not called a bad movie.

In my opinion, a movie can only be considered a bad movie if it has absolutely no redeeming qualities.

In fact, this movie has many merits. The acting skills, visual tension, and attention to the mental health of teenagers are all remarkable.

At least I can see that the director wants to express some good things, and these things are quite precious in the current environment. "

In this paragraph, Luo Quan is completely praising the movie Nu Hai, but it sounds different to fans:
"I understand, except for what Luo Bao said, the rest of the movie is garbage."

"Save money: Shit-flavored chocolate won't affect your health if you eat it, but the taste is really bad."

"Damn it, then how do I calculate the dozens of dollars worth of movie tickets I bought?!"

"It's rare to hate a movie so much. The Dream Show is just bad, but it doesn't make people angry after watching it. However, Nu Hai succeeded in doing that."

"Listen to what Luo Bao says about the next part, but the previous words are just for stacking armor and don't have much meaning."


It is indeed as the barrage said, but what I said before does not make much sense.

"But!" Luo Quan successfully said this turning point, "But the plot of this movie is really outrageous.

Let’s talk about the trailer first. It looks like the father went to seek revenge on the murderer, right? He also acted with the murderer’s mother, obviously intending to punish the murderer in front of the mother.

Judging from the clips, the two will have a lot of rivalry scenes, and it should be a very exciting confrontation.

But none of what you wanted to see happened because it was fundamentally wrong.

The protagonist's daughter bleeds to death after being stabbed seventeen times, but the truth is that she stabbed herself seventeen times and committed suicide, which has nothing to do with the murderer in the trailer.

And this father who went to Japan to chase the murderer actually became the real murderer of his daughter, because he often went out to sea to fish, lacked care for his daughter, and his education method was too rough, which hurt his daughter's young and fragile mind, resulting in This girl did a series of unreasonable things.

What did you do? That is, although I am promiscuous, go out in bars, bully honest people, fall in love with scum, and commit suicide, it is all the fault of my irresponsible father, which makes me like this. In fact, I am a good person. girl.

As for the girl’s father, the male protagonist, he is probably like the fathers of thousands of left-behind children in China. He is not good at speaking and educating, and he works away from home for a long time.

It is such a group that became the culprit of my daughter's death. "

When Luo Quan said this, he took a deep breath.

After calming down, Luo Quan continued: "Actually, there is no need to go on talking about it at this point. The core of this point is already completely wrong. Do we need to study the others in depth? It's just that the more mistakes we make, the worse many.

I think the crew is too far away from the masses. A family like the heroine's is already a very good one in China.

Although the heroine's parents are divorced, her father does his best to make money and provide the heroine with the best living conditions and educational resources.

A fisherman can allow his daughter to study in Japan. You can imagine how hard this fisherman works.

And a girl is at home alone all year round with no adults at home, but in her memory, she has a warm relationship with her father, but there is no scene of being illegally violated, which shows that her father is very prestigious and can still protect her even if he is not at home. His own daughter.

So I saw someone interpreting my father's words and thinking that he was a selfish man.

Why do I think so? It's because after my daughter died, my father said that these bastards dared to kill my daughter, Lao Jin, and now everyone on the island knows that my daughter was raped by someone else.

Based on this analysis, Lao Jin does not love his daughter at all, he just cares more about his own face.

But I think this is the madness displayed by a father after his only hope was shattered.

My daughter is dead, my most cherished baby is gone, these bastards killed my most precious daughter, how dare they, where did they get the courage!
So he was filled with anger, traveled across the ocean, and committed crimes along the way, just to seek justice for his daughter.

But in the end, the movie comes to the conclusion that such a man who abandons everything to avenge his daughter does not love her.

Doesn’t this actual performance conflict with the conclusion?
The script has huge problems with character creation, which I think is the worst part of the filming.

In my opinion, if the movie is really made into a revenge story of a father, it would be more educational.

That is, all young people should not act recklessly just because they are young. If you do something wrong, you must pay the price.

Even if the law doesn't punish you, there will still be people like this father who travel across the ocean to kill you.

As far as I know, in the original version of this movie, the murderer is the daughter's boyfriend. There is no Two-dimensional, no cosplay, and no discussion of the harm caused to the children by the original family. It is just a simple story of the daughter being killed and the father taking revenge.

If that's the case, then the logic makes sense. It's a pity that the movie "The Furious Sea" changed the script beyond recognition and added so many contents of unclear meaning.

Does Two-dimensional offend you? Do you want to assign such a disgusting role to Two-dimensional?

Audiences under the age of 18 are not allowed to watch the movie. The scale of this movie is not as big as "The Sea" I shot. At least the violent scenes in "The Sea" are not blurred or switched at all.

It is to show the audience clearly what the consequences will be if one commits many evil deeds. It is to show the audience clearly what it means that evil will be rewarded with evil.

As a result, the trailer boasted so much that it was delayed for many years and it was a limited masterpiece with custom ratings. In the end, it looked like this with the crotch stretched out. It can be called a publicity fraud.

Anyway, if you want to watch a revenge movie, then this movie will definitely not satisfy you.

If you have experienced misfortune in childhood and want to seek healing in movies, my suggestion is to go directly to a psychiatrist. The first hour or so of this movie will not have any effect on relieving your condition.

And the last bit of content can only be useful to a very small group of people. Most people will think it is complete nonsense after reading it. "

After speaking, Luo Quan took a sip of water and said he was not ready to comment any further.

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