Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1313 Save some face for your peers

Chapter 1313: Save some face for your peers ([-])
Luo Quan's evaluation was very pertinent and did not involve too much personal emotion. It was purely based on the facts.

However, it is precisely because it is so impressive that it is considered not radical enough by radicals, and is considered too conservative by conservatives.

To sum it up in one sentence, the aggression was too weak, and the scolding made everyone feel that it was not enough to relieve their anger.

The reason for this is mainly because this movie has been very successful in demonizing Two-dimensional.

It is said to show Two-dimensional in the movie, build a communication bridge between children and adults, and let adults understand what children like.

But the actual effect produced was completely counterproductive.

What kind of good impression can it bring to parents by photographing Two-dimensional Comic Exhibition like an exorcism?

How many people can understand children and Two-dimensional as the director hopes?

Most of them just think that Two-dimensional is really a bunch of monsters and monsters, and children are not doing their jobs by playing with it.

This is a relatively marginalized subcultural group in itself, and it suffers a lot of discrimination.

Now that the film has made it so complete, the outside world's stereotype of Two-dimensional has deepened.

Therefore, many Two-dimensional fans at Station B are very angry about this movie, and they wish that the cartoonist who used anime characters in the movie would sue the movie directly to be removed from the shelves.

As for fans of Death, they may even want to kill the director.

So what fans want to hear is that Luo Quan cursed the film and even the director like other uploaders, belittling it as worthless.

But after Luo Quan actually finished his review, fans found that it was really uncomfortable.

It's not that he didn't criticize severely, but it was probably because Luo Quan didn't use many vulgar words, which made people feel that it was not enjoyable enough.

However, because its influence is too strong, even criticisms that are not considered offensive by Station B fans still arouse heated discussions online.

After all, at least it was ordinary viewers and some bloggers who were complaining, and now that a heavyweight in the industry was speaking out, the rest immediately took her words as standard.

The general meaning is that if you look at the Oscar-winning best director and say that this movie is not good, is this a big bad movie?

Of course, Luo Quan had long anticipated the emergence of such rhythmic public opinion, so he quickly posted a Weibo post:
"First of all, I didn't say this movie was a bad movie, and I should definitely acknowledge its many positive qualities.

However, no movie can be perfect, so the advantages must be affirmed, and of course the shortcomings must also be pointed out.

The movie is intended to be anti-patriarchal, but the image of the father is too well created and the daughter is too unreasonable, making it appear that the father is too innocent and the daughter is too ungrateful. This is a flaw in the plot.

If the father's domineering character could be described more deeply, the overall plot would appear more reasonable.

Secondly, the negative impact this movie has on Two-dimensional is real. I believe that most young people cannot empathize with the characters in the movie. Instead, they will feel angry because something they like is offended.

These are things that have been said by many people. I said it once on live broadcast and posted it on Weibo again. I will not talk about it again. I hope everyone will not take it out of context. "

After Luo Quan's explanation, the influence of this news that might have caused a storm of public opinion was finally slightly reduced.

Fans also gathered in the comment area and started making jokes:

"It can be seen that Luo Bao is much more refined and easy-going than before. She never used to use armor as a prerequisite for attacking others."

"Indeed, I can scold you if I want to. Do I still need to choose a day? What's more, everything I scold is right, so I should scold you!"

"It's taken out of context. It's an excerpt from "Don't take it out of context." Even if Luo Bao said this, there will probably still be problems."

"Although it's not as harsh as I expected, it probably stated most of the problems. It's just that the language was a bit too civilized. I'll leave the rest of the rudeness to the netizens."

"At least the movie has been a hit at the box office. It was so well-hyped before it was released, but in the end it was around the passing mark. This result shows that the audience is not blind."

"My evaluation is not as good as "The Sea"."

"To tell you a ghost story, today the box office of "The Sea" has reversed its decline. It has been nearly a month since its release."

""The Sea" is a true classic. It uses the most beautiful images to capture the most sadistic story, but in the end it gives everyone a happy ending."

"The scene where Luo Bao and Wen Xia were kissing in the sea was so beautiful that it made me cry."

"There is an ambiguity in what you said. They should be two characters in the movie. (Dog Head.jpg)"

"There must be ambiguity. I just want to see beautiful girls posting."

"Two-dimensional is like this."

"Two-dimensional is here to clarify, this is what we do."

"You are quite proud."


After the gags, fans' anger towards the movie dissipated a lot.

However, the box office of "The Furious Sea" has really hit the street. It was less than [-] million two days after its release, and the decline was very obvious. Looking at the trend, it is almost an impossible task to break through [-] million in one week.

Its final box office estimate is between [-] million and [-] million.

For a movie that has been in preparation for so long, two top names, and finally achieved such results, the investors will definitely suffer a huge loss.

And this loss is not easy to blame on Luo Quan. After all, before she made the critical review, the movie had already shown a trend of being hit by the public.

For a movie that sells well at the box office, even if it does not accumulate much box office in the first two days, the public opinion of the movie must be positive, and many passers-by are talking about it.

After the word-of-mouth fermentation, it was only a matter of time before the box office surged.

As for "The Furious Sea", before it was released, the entire Internet was looking forward to it, saying that China finally had a large-scale revenge movie.

After watching the film, it turned out to be a complete fraud. There was no revenge at all, not even a sense of satisfaction. All that was left was aggrieved.

Because they are unable to empathize with their children, most people automatically assume the role of father, and then feel the aggrieved feeling that a good person should be pointed at a gun.

This aspect plays a huge role in the film's reputation for falling so quickly, like a landslide.

As for Luo Quan's critical review, it was the straw that broke the camel's back and completely sentenced the film to death.

In fact, Luo Quan has already saved face for his colleagues. Considering the impact, he did not directly scold him. If he had a bad temper, this movie would have been criticized by him at least until it was posted on the hot search for a day.

As for now, it is better to let it cool quietly, lest some good-hearted people use it to make a fuss about Two-dimensional.

Of course, when she criticizes others harshly, others will also criticize her harshly.

Since she belittled Nu Hai, fans of Nu Hai's director or actors immediately launched a counterattack against her.

This is completely normal. If someone takes the initiative to spray Luo Quan, no matter whether the spray is right or wrong, Luo Quan's fans will definitely fight back.

After all, the essence of human nature is to have double standards and guard against shortcomings. It is easier to be strict with others and to be lenient with yourself, but only a handful of people can do the opposite.

There are not many such realms on the Internet. And their attack on Luo Quan's film is also very simple. It is that the actor's performance is too smooth and silent. To put it bluntly, it is a little bit girly, not explosive enough, not explosive enough.

So they think that the acting skills of the actors in "The Sea" are not as good as they are praised, and the plot is not as good as they are praised for.

This is the same reason that people think that being able to sing high notes equals good singing skills.

Songs with particularly high notes can always easily gain more praise.

The same goes for movies. Roaring, roaring, and vein-protruding performances can easily be regarded as acting explosions.

Of course, there is a word called too much force, which sometimes alternates with lack of force.

For example, if you play a calm scene, they will say you lack strength; if you play an angry scene, they will say you use too much force. Anyway, nothing is right.

Regarding this situation, Luo Quan’s response in the live broadcast was:
"The plot and focus of each movie are different, and in "The Sea" it's more about the waves surging like a gentle ocean tide.

Each blow is not strong, but it continues continuously, and finally the person is held in the water, swaying with the waves.

That kind of stormy tide is not what this movie wants to express, but if you want to see it, I can show it to you in future movies.

As for how long this will take, I don’t know. If nothing else happens, my next film will still be this kind of moist and silent sadness, very soft and very long. "

As soon as he said this, Heizi had not yet replied, and the fans couldn't sit still:

"Luo Bao, you have already said this, don't you want to express it?"

"That's right, the atmosphere is in place. Why don't you promise something?"

"Haha, you really seize every opportunity to increase Luo Bao's workload."

"It won't work otherwise. Luo Bao is like a toad. If you poke her, she will jump. If you don't poke her, she will keep squatting in place and pretending to be cute."

"What a strange metaphor, but surprisingly apt."

"I admit that Luo Bao is cute, but if you want to say that toad is cute, I can't understand it."

"So what will Luo Bao's next movie be about? I heard you talk about it a long time ago, but you haven't revealed much useful information until now."

"I feel like I will be able to see this movie in the first half of next year. Leon is the starring role. He will go to the United States to film soon. When he comes back, he will film The Great Wall. The schedule will be directly postponed to the second half of next year."

"It's hard to resist. If you're unlucky, you may not be able to see it next year."

"That's not the case. You can always trust Luo Bao's filming speed. One film a month is no joke."

"That's true. It was shot much faster than a bad movie, and it turned out so well. It's really rare."


Luo Quan smiled a little while being praised by the fans.

She originally thought that it would really take a long time for the new movie to start shooting, but now it seems that it is not impossible to reveal a little bit of news to the fans.

Keep it hot.

However, just as she was about to speak, a Penguin call came over.

When I picked it up and looked at it, I found that it was actually a video application sent by Leon.

"What's the matter, my brother?"

Luo Quan connected to the video and saw Leon lying on the sofa, his expression indescribable.

"Sister, I've encountered a situation here. I want to ask you for help, but I don't know whether to ask."

Luo Quan laughed: "What's wrong with saying this? Just say it."

"As you know, the movie I'm going to shoot next, "The Wolf of Wall Street," I just received news that the director of the movie suffered a serious car accident and will be in bed for half a year conservatively, so the movie can't be shot.

However, the film had been delayed for a long time due to the general strike, and if it continued to be delayed, the investors would be unable to bear it.

So they plan to find another director, and they also said that if you are willing to shoot Hahua, they can give you a share. "

Leon slowly told Luo Quan what happened, and then remained silent, listening to what she said.

"The director of "The Wolf of Wall Street" was in a car accident. How can such a thing happen?!"

When Luo Quan heard what Leon said, he felt it was a bit outrageous, and then he became excited.

She originally liked the movie quite a bit, but she had previously considered filming it.

But I heard that someone had made this movie, so I didn’t do any more research.

However, after a while, such "bad news" came unexpectedly. This was because God was asking her to take over.

"Well..." However, Luo Quan still had to show hesitation on the surface, so as not to make investors think that he was a bad person.

However, fans were not happy with her pretentiousness here:

"Holy shit, there's nothing to hesitate about, just take it!"

"If you don't take what God gives you, you will suffer the consequences, my dear."

"It's been a long time since I've seen the cooperation between Luo Bao and Leon. Isn't this an excellent opportunity?!"

"But having said that, what's the script of "The Wolf of Wall Street" like? It's not like "Tiny Times", which tells the story of the rich and luxurious."

"As soon as the word Wall Street comes out, the smell of money hits my face. It's hard not to talk about money and wealth."

"Damn it, I don't want to read the same script a second time."

"No, with Luo Bao taking action, no matter how bad the plot is, she can save it."

"Yes, I believe in Luo Bao, so hurry up and take it. I hope the style will be more ruthless this time."


Wanting to hesitate but not being able to, Luo Quan shook his head helplessly and said to Leon: "It's okay to shoot, since I have nothing to do at home anyway, but I want to have [-]% rights to modify the movie script. Is this okay? ?”

"It should be possible. In order to... recover losses, the investors said that as long as you are willing to film, they can agree to any conditions. Not to mention changing the script, he probably won't have any objection if you just change his name.

In addition, he is going to give you the director's share of this movie, and we can discuss the specific amount in detail. "

"Hey, if you don't need that little money, just pay according to the market price. It's enough if you can change the script." Luo Quan waved his hand and hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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