Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1314 A Sudden Opportunity

Chapter 1314 A Sudden Opportunity

There is an unpredictable situation in the sky, and people will be banished.

The director of "The Wolf of Wall Street" probably never dreamed that he would be hit by a driverless Tesla car and enter the ICU.

At that time, he was walking on the street, watching people coming and going, while looking for inspiration for the work he was about to take.

Unexpectedly, a Tesla car slid down a high slope and fell directly on top of him.

Fortunately, the slope was not very high and the car did not come down too fast, so the unlucky director saved his life.

However, with multiple fractures and ruptured organs all over his body, he would not be able to get out of bed to perform high-intensity work for almost half a year. It would take him a year to fully recover.

But the investors of the film cannot wait for a year. So many actors and equipment are all green money. If we really delay for a year, who knows how much damage will be caused.

At this time, the investors suddenly had an idea.

Since the original director can't shoot it, how about letting Luo Quan do it!
She is the sister of the male protagonist Leon. She would not stand idly by when seeing her brother encounter this situation, right?

So these people immediately found Leon and wanted him to ask.

Leon thinks this is a way, but he has a prerequisite.

After all, Luo Quan is his dearest relative, friend, and sibling, so if he wants her to be a director, he must pay more!

However, since Luo Quan is usually a director that cannot be hired with money, if there is a chance to hire her, the investors are still very willing to invest more, so they agreed to Leon's request.

Then, there was a scene on the phone.

As for Luo Quan, he had nothing to do anyway, and the filming of this movie was not that difficult. It mainly had a lot of literary drama, which would test the actor's acting skills. It didn't take too much time, so he agreed.

It just so happens that I haven't been to the United States for quite some time. I heard that one of my roommates from college went to the United States and I just wanted to go see how she was doing.

Of course, because after changing the director, there are many contract issues that need to be resolved, so the film will have to be delayed for a while before shooting begins, and it is estimated that it will not start until the end of the month.

So the investors first sent over the script and cast list to see what Luo Quan’s opinion was and whether there was anything that needed to be changed.

After getting the script, Luo Quan opened it and started reading it.

But after reading nearly half of it, she realized that this script was completely different from the "Wolf of Wall Street" she knew in her previous life.

In the previous film "The Wolf of Wall Street", the protagonist said many swear words, which can be regarded as one of the movies with the most frequent swear words in the history of film.

The early stage of this movie is completely immersed in the atmosphere of vulgarity, luxury, corruption and promiscuity.

The audience thought they could see how Wall Street elites strategized and controlled the stock market.

However, what the movie really shows is the ugliness of these financial workers, the corruption of people by capital, and the evil of capitalists who are willing to sell their souls for profit.

It can be said that the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" severely satirized the financial elites on Wall Street.

However, there is absolutely no irony in this script on the computer.

The dialogue also lacks excitement and is a bit too polite.

To sum up briefly, it is somewhat like a replica of "When Happiness".

It's just that the protagonist of "The Pursuit of Happiness" initially sold medical equipment.

The male protagonist Leon will play is a stock speculator.

In fact, this script is intended to portray Leon as a stock god-like character, that is, whatever he buys will rise, and he will make big gains with his small things.

This kind of documentary, which has transformed from a satirical film to a stock celebrity, is several levels weaker in its conception, not to mention the fact that the cast is filled with well-connected people, it is simply a bad film at first sight.

I can only say that it's a good thing that the director made a mistake, otherwise this movie would have failed.

"The script needs to be completely revised from beginning to end, and several actors have to be replaced. If that doesn't work, someone else needs to be hired."

Luo Quan typed quickly and stated his demands.

Faced with Luo Quan's request, the investor was of course Bai Yibaishun and did not dare to say no.

Just kidding, this is the director who made the highest-grossing movie this year.

And he is one of the rare super directors who has both box office and reputation.

If she is willing to be a firefighter, it is time for her to burn incense.

Not to mention changing the script and actors, she just had to do it all over again without any problem.

As long as she doesn’t change investors, she can do whatever else she wants!

This is the attitude of Party A, and it was conveyed to Luo Quan very clearly.

Seeing the reply from the other party, Luo Quan immediately felt relieved.

She has a very strong sense of exclusiveness about any work she handles, and she must be completely in control of it in order to feel at ease.

Now that she has [-]% control, she feels much more at ease.

As for the unlucky director, the investors have not yet notified that he will be replaced.

The main reason is that I am worried about making the director anxious. After all, he is still lying in the ICU and is not completely out of danger.

If you suddenly become angry and upset after hearing this, the family of the deceased will definitely file a lawsuit with the company and demand huge compensation.

And there is a high probability that you can get it. After all, there are many litigants in the United States.

Therefore, the investors were prepared to wait until the director's condition stabilized before telling him, and then they would change the contract and let Luo Quan become the director, and then continue filming.

As for now, of course Luo Quan took out the script of "The Wolf of Wall Street" that he was familiar with, completely replaced it, and gave Leon a copy.

"This is "The Wolf of Wall Street" after my revision. Take it and study it carefully. Once you finish it, it may be your breakthrough in acting."

Luo Quan sent his brother a document and added an instruction.

Ten minutes later, Leon made a shocked expression: "No, sister, I just took a quick glance at it. Why are there so many swear words in this movie?"

As an underground rapper, Leon is very familiar with swear words.

Many of the rap albums he listened to before had dirty labels printed on them.

The so-called dirty label is actually a grading system in music albums.

It is said that movies have [-] bans, and a record with a dirty label is equivalent to the [-] bans in the record.

However, he is not surprised that there are so many swear words in rap. After all, this is a culture that originated from the streets. In the beginning, people who played this were mainly low-quality people, and now, most of the groups may not have the same quality. How high.

But the movie...

It can be considered a kind of art after all. If it is art, it shouldn't be so vulgar, right?

This is Leon's idea.

Luo Quan's answer was: "You don't think that the capitalists on Wall Street are all as gentle and elegant as nobles, do they use honorifics with each other?

You yourself also play Tieba, and the ecology there is probably a real corner of society. Anger, rudeness, and indulgence are the reality of a person who has been in a high-pressure environment for a long time.

If you want to survive in a place where people eat people, you can't just be a docile sheep, you have to be a ferocious wolf. "

After reading his sister's answer, Leon immediately felt enlightened.

He said that when he read the script before, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't place it.

Thinking about it now, the previous script was wrong from the beginning.

You already called it The Wolf of Wall Street, but the protagonist in it turns out to be as docile as a gentleman.

Can a handsome gentleman achieve such great success in business?
Anyway, he didn't see any such signs from his grandfather.

When he was a child, he often saw his grandfather quarreling with others.

The most simple business wars often involve the bosses of two rival companies yelling at each other in the street and fighting over a piece of land.

Just like in the movie, the matter is solved by just talking, but it seems a bit unreal.

And my sister gave him this script, which made him feel the reality.

It's just that it's so real that he doesn't know if it can be put on the big screen.

In fact, the mouths of those people in the forum are actually dirtier and smellier than the male protagonist.

But you don’t have to appear on camera to perform, so of course you can say whatever you want.

But if it goes according to the script, the elites on Wall Street will probably become impatient.

However, Leon felt that this role was indeed quite intense, especially the lines that were comparable to MLM brainwashing. His blood boiled just by looking at it, and he couldn't imagine the effect of telling it in a movie.

Churchill's speech in "Darkest Hour" became a classic in the history of film.

Leon felt that if it performed well here, then he could have a place there.

Although he had already had one before, that was Jack standing on the bow of the boat, embracing Ruth in the sea breeze.

But who would dislike having too many famous scenes?

Of course the more of this kind of thing the better.

So, after getting the script, Leon locked himself in the room and began to think about it wholeheartedly.

As for Luo Quan, there will be no further work after the script is revised, and we will wait until the filming of the movie officially starts.

As for the moment, Luo Quan did not mourn for the controversy caused by "Across the Raging Sea" for a moment. The next thing that arrived on the battlefield was the news about the lip-syncing of the band October Earth.

October Earth is one of the most popular bands in China. They have created many popular songs, won many awards, and have countless people’s youthful memories.

But for such a top band with high national popularity, news recently broke that the concert was suspected of lip-synching.

Luo Quan was quite surprised when he saw it. After all, lip-syncing is quite common at gala parties, but there are really not many people who cheat and perform lip-synching at solo concerts.

Mainly, this is completely destroying one's own brand.

If a singer lip-syncs at his concert, what is the difference between asking fans to pay a lot of money to come to the stadium to listen to CDs?
In addition, lip-synching at commercial concerts is illegal. If evidence is obtained, fans can sue based on their ticket stubs.

It's just that so far, October Dadi's lip-synching has not received a solid result.

There is only one appraisal video made by the up owner, and the result is infinitely close to real lip-synching.

If we want to really take action, I'm afraid we can only wait for the court ruling or October Dadi's apology.

But the latter is almost impossible to happen.

After all, lip-synching in concerts is already a self-defeating act. Either it is not discovered and money is wasted all the time, or it is exposed and a good reputation is ruined.

If you still admit it, it will be equivalent to committing fraud. By then, domestic entertainment will probably be completely cool.

So like most celebrities whose houses were collapsed, October Dadi chose to pretend to be dead and resist.

For most situations, cold treatment is the best public relations.

Once the limelight is over and the fans are cleared, they can continue to make money.

After all, the Internet has no memory.

But generally those who choose to play dead will not end well.

Because those who have never done it before are slandered for the first time, they must speak up to clarify, instead of acting like a mute and saying that silence is golden.

Proving one's innocence is really a very simple matter for a person who is already very popular with others.

Because everyone likes you, when they hear this kind of thing, they will immediately think it is a rumor.

As long as you come out and say this is a rumor, many people will definitely follow suit.

There are many reversals on the Internet. Netizens who follow the trend don't care whether they will be slapped in the face. After all, they are not public figures.

But if you don't even dare to speak out to clarify, it's almost the same as acquiescing.

Because whether there is lip-synching or not, the singer knows best.

Now that the matter is so big, you said you didn't do it, but the final investigation result is that you did it, so there is no room to restore the reputation.

Therefore, he was going to be scolded anyway, so October Dadi chose the one who received the lightest scolding.

But perhaps because netizens scolded him too much and too harshly, October Dadi still couldn't stand it after pretending to be dead for a day and posted a poster to promote the concert.

Yes, after the lip-synching was revealed in the back, October Dadi was still promoting the concert a few days later.

I don’t know whether I regard netizens as idiots or my fans as idiots.

What is worth pondering is that there is a slogan in the promotional poster: This time we really sang until dawn.

This meaning is very intriguing.

Is it true that we sang till dawn this time? Were they all fake before?
Or is this just a response, and the specific details will be clarified during the concert, or will it be self-proven through singing performance?
It can only be said that it is possible.

But there is one thing to say: a band held so many concerts in such a short period of time, and the accompanist members played their instruments so hard that their backs were covered with plaster.

The lead singer's voice is still intact, and his singing voice is as accurate as a CD.

It does make people feel more or less suspicious.

Usually if a singer does this three times in a row, he will probably be sent to the hospital to have his vocal cords rescued.

October Dadi has been doing this for seven or eight times in a row, and I don’t know what kind of golden voice it takes to be able to hold on for the fat singer.

It won't be long before there is another concert.

Shun didn't lip-sync, who would believe it?
As usual, Luo Quan was naturally asked by fans about such an incident.

(End of this chapter)

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