Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1315 I, Luobao, don’t lip-sync

ps. Thank you to book friend Hazei for the book coins, thank you for your support!


“How do you evaluate the well-known pop band October Earth’s lip-syncing at their concert?”

Because this band is so famous in China and its popularity is basically second to none in the country, it was only after it was revealed that he was suspected of lip-synching at a concert that it caused such a huge public outcry.

Probably no one thought that at the end of this year it would be this band that would bring a shocking ending to the key word house collapse.

As the new year is approaching, someone finally couldn't hold it in any longer and jumped out to do a big job.

Of course, Luo Quan's fans would not miss this opportunity for her to gain popularity and get critical reviews, so as soon as they saw Luo Quan's broadcast, several paid bullet screens popped up.

I guess I was afraid that Luo Quan might not see it if there was only one, so I simply sent a few more.

But in fact, Luo Quan saw it when he posted the first post, and responded immediately: “As a singer, I lip-sync a lot, but at concerts, I don’t lip-synch too much.

To be honest, I have lip-synced at some parties, but I won’t tell you which ones.

There were a few times when I was lip-syncing, something unexpected happened, and I was forced to temporarily switch to real singing. I don’t know if you heard it. "

Hearing Luo Quan's words, fans were immediately shocked:
"I wouldn't even know you lip-synced unless you told me."

"The gala is normal. After all, this is allowed for the performance to be foolproof."

"Did you sing for real or lip-sync at the Bay Area party last time?"

"It must have been real singing that time, you can tell it as soon as you hear it."

"To be honest, do you still need to question Luo Bao's scene? Some people are walking CD players, and she is a walking CD!"


Obviously, fans did not expect that Luo Quan would take the initiative to admit that he lip-synced.

However, when it comes to lip-syncing, you have to consider the circumstances under which it occurs.

If it is for the sake of the perfection of the show and lip-syncing is under the control of force majeure, everyone can understand.

But if it is a profit-making concert, it is completely different.

To put it bluntly, this is called cheating and cheating fans.

At a serious level, this is illegal, and your license will be revoked if it occurs twice!

Of course, there is no concrete evidence yet, so it is difficult for Luo Quan to make a judgment.

Therefore, in the face of the fans’ ardent expectations, her answer was: “First of all, lip-syncing at a concert is absolutely not allowed. The occurrence of this kind of situation can only indicate that there is a problem with one’s character.

Don't use your poor health as an excuse. If you're not feeling well, just take some rest instead of holding eight concerts in ten days to squeeze money from fans.

Secondly, I think as a singer, if you have to fake it even when singing to fans, then you will lose the greatest joy of being a singer.

Anyway, I will never do such stupid things at my own concerts. I didn’t do it before, I don’t do it now, and I definitely won’t do it in the future! "

"Well said, Luobao's three views have always been fine."

"One thing to say, Luo Bao hasn't held many concerts since his debut, so he really doesn't need to lip-sync."

"Hahaha, is this allowed to be said?"

"Now that we've said that, is it not too much to suggest that Luo Bao hold a concert tour next year?"

"If you dare to do it, I dare to buy a ticket!"

"You're overthinking it. If you ask her to hold a concert online, she can do it for you every day. But if it's offline... do you think the nickname Queen Salted Fish is just for fun?"

"Okay, Luo Bao likes to give me another nickname."

"Luo Bao is really not interested in offline concerts. For online concerts, you can make her sing with ten hands shaking every day and she will be happy. But if you ask her to hold an offline concert, it will be as difficult as killing her."

"To sum it up in three words, I'm afraid of trouble."

"Indeed, Luo Bao has a character that is very afraid of trouble. It's not that she doesn't want to do it, but it's too troublesome to do it. If there are conditions to handle all the concert matters in a blink of an eye, she will definitely be willing to hold concerts for everyone every day."

"Tiantian is still an exaggeration, and everyone's wallets may not be able to bear it."

"Indeed, with Luo Bao as a celebrity, the ticket sales are probably three to four hundred."

"Currently, the top veteran players can sell hundreds of millions in box office for a concert. For Luo Bao, doubling that shouldn't be a big problem."

"Is there any point in just analyzing this? Luo Bao doesn't sing!"

"Indeed, she is so lazy!"


Sure enough, fans started to accuse her of being a lazy dog ​​while chatting.

She was quite calm in the face of this situation. After all, this was not the first time that fans complained about her.

As for the concert, she found it boring.

For most singers, the purpose of holding concerts is to make money, and a small number of them want to have close contact with fans.

And for fans from ordinary families, there may not be much opportunity to participate in things like concerts.

So Luo Quan felt that instead of having such a gathering that only a few people could participate, it would be better to sing online.

In this way, as long as you have a mobile phone, you can come and listen.

Although the atmosphere is definitely not as explosive as a concert, the sound quality and listening experience are definitely better than those at a concert.

After all, it is in a huge venue, with tens of thousands of spectators in front of it. I don’t know how much noise there will be, and it will definitely not sound very beautiful.

But because you can get up close and personal with idols, and because everyone around you is very excited, the atmosphere will definitely be explosive.

The reason why many fans like to go to concerts is because of the atmosphere.

"But regardless of whether it's for the sake of atmosphere or not, lip-synching at a concert is totally inappropriate."

Luo Quan said, "In addition, by singing for real in the next concert, you can prove that you didn't lip-sync in the previous concert. What's the difference between this and trying to find a sword?"

She continued to answer the barrage's questions. Although she didn't say it clearly, it was very obvious which side she stood on.

What people didn't expect was that after her critical comments came out, a few up-and-comers who had nothing to do, actually started to analyze some of her live performances.

I don't know if it was out of interest or a deliberate attempt to divert attention, but Luo Quan was also identified.

The identification results surprised many people, that is, the live and studio versions of each of Luo Quan's performances were very close in terms of microscopic data such as audio.

But, it’s not lip syncing! This means that almost every performance performed by Luo Quan on the spot is very similar to that in the recording studio.

The walking CD lives up to its name.

This result immediately aroused heated discussion among netizens:

"According to the theories of those up fans, people shouldn't be able to sing every song exactly the same. So, did Luo Quan also lip-sync at the concert?"

"Are you seriously showing your stupidity, or are you just trying to set the pace? I hope it's the latter, because it's hard for a normal person to be so stupid."

"The basis for October Dadi's lip-syncing is that the frequency of the live recording is exactly the same as that of his previous studio version of the CD, which is equivalent to the original song played, and Luo Quan's is very close, which shows that her singing skills are very stable, and she can't even tell the difference. Once you know it, you come out and set the pace. It’s true that it’s stupid and bad.”

"Luo Bao's voice condition requires lip-syncing? She's not like a certain band who performs eight three-hour shows in ten days. Her voice is almost on fire. She immediately comes to life after a fast song. Even a fool knows there's something wrong."

"Indeed, I saw them jumping higher than rabbits on the stage, but the songs they sang were still very stable. Who would believe this if it wasn't lip-synching?"

"Haha, I didn't think much of it before. I just knew that the atmosphere was pretty good. Now that I think about it, it doesn't really make sense."

"The investigation has begun, and the results should be available soon."

"I think everyone should be optimistic. I guess this matter will be settled in the end. After all, how much economy can a concert drive? In a body like the October Earth, a concert can generate tens of millions of revenue. Eight days in ten days It costs hundreds of millions to sing, and as long as it’s not a matter of principle, it will definitely be protected.”

"When filth becomes the norm, innocence becomes sin."

"Hahaha, so I'm too lazy to deal with these things that are destined to be fruitless. I'd better go watch Luo Quan's live broadcast, family."

"Luo Bao is one of the rare conscientious singers. Knowing that everyone can't afford to attend concerts, he simply stopped doing offline concerts and listened to them online for free."

"It's so righteous to talk about laziness, right? But I can't seem to find the words to refute it."

"Whatever, just watch Luo Bao's live broadcast and that's it."


Unconsciously, Luo Quan created a wave of impressions in the minds of netizens as an invincible singer.

In fact, this impression is mainly due to her relatively small participation in the show.

Other singers, as long as they are a bit popular, will sing on various music programs, and they have left many scenes that can be called gods. This is how the praise for their singing skills started.

As for Luo Quan, he has appeared on two or three seriously influential music variety shows.

One of the more popular ones is "I Am a Singer", and the other one is the self-run B-station Good Voice.

In fact, if she had won the Singer of that year, the public's awareness of her would have definitely improved.

Unfortunately, after participating in only a few episodes, she had a conflict with the program team and she quit the competition directly.

Although the director with whom she had a conflict was fired, the program team warmly invited her to return.

However, Luo Quan was completely out of mood by the dog director at that time, so although he reconciled with the show team, he did not return in the end, and just said that he would come back if he had the opportunity in the future.

As a result, the opportunity did not come, but I waited until I Am a Singer was completed. From then on, there were basically no decent music variety shows in China.

"Summer of the Band" is not bad, but Luoquan's band is in Japan, and those few have their own work and life, and usually spend less time together and more apart. Except for Kumoi Akira who is still persisting in the music path, the others They have all changed their careers. Occasionally, when I have free time, I will sing two songs together or something.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Quan doesn't really want to disturb them. It's enough for everyone to just chat from time to time.

It's no problem for her to be a "social idler" during the summer when she was called to join the band, but she has a serious job, so why are you crazy about asking her to resign?
Luo Quan couldn't do such a thing.

So even though Lexia had extended invitations to her N times, she had always declined them.

As for The Voice of China, this one is even more important.

Not to mention spending money to get promoted, it is a bad thing that everyone knows.

Now he is blatantly interfering with the results of the competition, and even threatening and harming the mentor. He is simply a beast among beasts.

Anyway, the reputation of this show has completely collapsed, and it will only get worse in the future.

Luo Quan never thought about such a music variety show that was all about scripts when it was at its peak, and it is certainly even more impossible now.

As for parties and competitions, she rarely goes to them.

Her performance that night in the Bay Area was quite amazing, but "Qian Qian Que Song" was not a particularly difficult song, so no one praised her singing skills.

Instead, Shen Zhou was blown up to the sky that night. The song "Big Fish" made the whole of China know what it means to have a voice kissed by an angel.

In fact, he was already quite popular before this. What he lacked was a big hit song to increase the popularity.

Then the opportunity came. At the Bay Area Gala, among the big guys, Shen Zhou stood like a minion, but in the end, he gave what could be called the most amazing performance in the audience and became famous immediately.

The only opportunity like this is the Spring Festival Gala at the end of the year.

Luo Quan Luo Quan plans to spend time with his family this year, so he will definitely not be able to participate.

Unable to perform a stunning performance in the most popular party, Luo Quan was destined to be unable to imprint his singing skills into the hearts of the public.

But is this really the case?

Of course not, it’s already 2020, and if you want to be popular all over the Internet, you still need a Spring Festival Gala.

Sometimes a random video shot on Douyin may become popular inexplicably after being posted on it.

For example, the dinosaur carries the wolf, love is like fire, and the scholar.

Luo Quan didn't even know what nutrition these things had, but they were popular, and they were so popular that the entire internet was filled with related content.

Perhaps this is caused by the entertainment-to-death spirit of the Internet era.

Luo Quan couldn't imitate him anyway.

But if Douyin becomes one's own reputation through a explosive song, there is still quite a lot of room for maneuver.

As for which song to choose, Luo Quan has not decided yet.

The main reason is that she herself doesn’t understand what kind of songs can become phenomenal songs nowadays.

Dinosaurs versus wolves? Love is like fire?

She really can't do this. Just hearing it in her ears makes people feel embarrassed, let alone singing it out loud.

"Uneasy" is a good choice, but its too avant-garde style will probably make her fans confused, and the general public may not be able to accept that a singer who only writes beautiful melodies can produce such a work.

Without any plans to transform, I felt that it would be better to put a song like "Uneasy" behind the queen.

I have to change to a song that is nice, popular, and can reflect my singing skills.

Luo Quan began to search in his mind, but for a while he couldn't get any good answers.

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