Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1316 Still popular and popular

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After thinking for a long time, she finally gave up.

In order to highlight her singing skills, she deliberately chooses high-pitched songs. Doesn't this conflict with the concept that she has always emphasized before that singing skills are not necessarily tied to high notes?
Luo Quan can't do anything to slap himself in the face, so if he is questioned, he should be questioned immediately. Anyway, it's just a little black guy who is setting the pace, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

But Luo Quan didn't expect that if he ignored the rhythm, the rhythm would find its way to him.

The reason is still the lip-syncing incident of October Dadi.

After this incident became a hot topic on the Internet, there was a lot of discussion, and even some people in the industry came out to make more explosive revelations.

That is, October Earth is not the only one who lip-syncs at concerts, many well-known singers also lip-sync.

It's just that their lip-syncing methods are much better than October Earth's, which cannot be analyzed by ordinary software analysis.

Moreover, lip-synching has almost become an industry chain in the industry, just to facilitate singers who have stretched their hips or have serious throat problems.

Nowadays, holding concerts can make more money than releasing a new album. For any first-line singer, holding a concert will cost tens of millions.

For top players like October Dadi, the income per opening is estimated to be more than 5000 million, and some can even approach [-] million.

Now besides Top Fresh Meat and that man, whose album can sell for such a price?

But you can do it with a concert.

Moreover, these singers are not Luo Quan, and they do not have the ability to release several albums a year, but they can still manage to hold several concerts a month.

But singing requires strength. Your singing skills are not as good as those of KTV Maiba. If you sing on the platform in front of tens of thousands of people, I'm afraid you will be ridiculed and trending before the concert is over. If you do it a few more times, the commercial value will be Big fall.

As for those singers who have lost their voice, not to mention, their filters can be shattered on the ground as soon as they open their mouths.

Therefore, in order to continue to make money, lip-synching is their only means, and the company they work for is also very willing to let them lip-sync, because only in this way can they hold concerts and make money for the company.

So lip-synching during concerts, no matter how shocking and ruinous the current revelations are, is actually nothing new in the industry. Many well-known singers have done this.

It's just that the earth was dug out in October, and they didn't have anyone to dig it out.

In fact, some singers in China have initiated a boycott of lip-synching in the past, wanting to tighten up the industry's ethos and rectify the quality of practitioners.

Unfortunately, there were very few responders, and in the end it had to be settled.

Now that the old thing is being brought up again, fans, as potential victims, of course do not want to see lip-syncing happen anyway, especially at a concert where they have spent a lot of money to buy tickets.

So after they learned the truth, they excitedly expressed that the singer who lip-synced at the concert should be banned!

No, the money should be refunded first and then banned!

At the same time, they also felt that Luo Quan, as the leader of the younger generation in the Chinese music scene, should play a leading role in this situation.

Seeing such remarks, Luo Quan felt very baffled.

Why should she set an example when others lip-sync?
When did she become the moral standard in this industry?
Usually when I release an album, I get complained about that it doesn’t give my colleagues a way to survive.

Now when something goes wrong, she has to speak out again.

This trick of using people to face forward rather than using people to face backward is quite smooth.

However, as a singer, Luo Quan is still very willing to express his inner likes and dislikes.

So after seeing these barrages, she said seriously: "I don't dare to take the lead in this kind of thing. After all, I am not qualified due to my seniority and age. Some things are better left to respected seniors.

But I personally feel that as a singer, it is a great happiness to dedicate your true singing voice to your fans.

And actually singing at a concert is a kind of responsibility.

I am a person who likes to sing very much, and I feel that it is a joy for everyone to hear my singing.

I believe this is also the original intention of many singers, which is to make everyone happy for my singing.

Holding a concert can make money and bring happiness to fans. This is originally the best of both worlds, but some people even lip-sync on such occasions, which is really stupid.

I think that singing truly at a concert is the most basic bottom line for a singer. If you can't even do this, I suggest you don't do this. "

The words were not sharp, but the final attitude expressed the three words zero tolerance very clearly.

The only pity is that Luo Quan did not name him, which disappointed netizens who wanted to see rivers of blood flowing:
"Luo Bao is still as positive as ever, but it would be even more perfect if he added a few more words to curse the land of October."

"What's the use of adding it? Fans are not so popular. If you ask me, just ban it directly and kill it as a warning to others. Let's see who dares to lip-sync in the future!"

"Good idea, but no one took it."

"According to regulations, the first time you lip-sync will not be severely punished, just a fine. If you do it a second time, your license will be revoked and you will not be able to hold any more concerts in the future."

"Haha, then I really hope that October Dadi will lip-sync again soon, so that they can be completely cooled down."

"I'm not a fool, how could I commit suicide again on the cusp of such a storm?"

"If you were really smart, you shouldn't lip-sync. Once the news comes out, decades of reputation will be wasted."

"There is no need to discuss this and the band that is already famous. What I want to think about is whether Luo Bao can take this opportunity to hold a show, even if it is online."

"Is there any necessary connection between taking this opportunity to hold a concert and lip-synching in October Dadi? If you want to hear it, just say so."

"Let me take this opportunity to show you my true singing ability. Luo Bao's live singing is really something that people will never tire of listening to."

"Second the proposal! I hope Luo Bao comes to play tonight!"


Seeing how enthusiastic the fans were, Luo Quan thought that he had nothing to do at night anyway, either playing games or chatting. In this case, he might as well sing to the fans, so he nodded:

"Since everyone likes listening to music so much, we can't hold offline concerts, so there's no problem holding one online. The microphone I use on my computer is also specially prepared for sound collection. It's a little worse than the microphone used in concerts, but fat guys It's enough to enjoy the music.

Let's set the singing time at eight o'clock tomorrow night. We will sing for four hours in a row and it will be called a real concert. "

As soon as this news came out, not only the fans in the live broadcast room, but also the marketing accounts and self-media who were squatting in the live broadcast room were also excited.

Fans are excited because they can listen to Luo Quan sing. Although they can hear a few songs every night these days, the amount is too small, just like scratching an itch. This time they sang for four hours in a row, which is not enough to make them fly. ?

What makes the self-media excited is that they finally got big news.

Is this a provocation or criticism from Luo Quan to October Earth’s lip-synching behavior? She wants to use genuine singing to tear away the fig leaf of the lip-synching artist.

If this is true, how should October Land respond?
Coincidentally, just when Luo Quan announced that he would perform an online concert tomorrow night! October Dadi also posted a promotional Weibo.

It was said that the concert would be held in three days, and they would broadcast the entire concert live, using actual actions to prove that they did not lip-sync.

This Weibo announcement and Luo Quan's live broadcast are two separate things. Not many people know about both, and the trending search has only just started.

So everyone didn’t know that Luo Quan also held a concert, so they simply started complaining about October Earth’s Weibo post:

"Everyone said you lip-synced in previous concerts. How can you prove that you haven't done it before when you actually sing this time?"

"Your idea is more or less desperate. Does singing really this time mean that you didn't lip-sync before?"

"I thought that the public opinion this time would make you calm down a little, but before you wipe your butt clean, you are going to hold a concert again to make money. You are really crazy about money."

"Come on, let's see how good you are without lip-syncing this time. If it doesn't match up with the last concert, then you can just wait for a lawsuit."


Up to this point, fans have only complained about October Dadi's plan to prove his innocence through live broadcast.

And as the fact that Luo Quan also held a concert became a hot search topic, the trend in the comment area immediately changed:

"Okay, okay, you're so careful, right? Now you can see Luo Bao and October Dadi's confrontation."

"Wouldn't it be a disastrous loss? How many singers in China can match Luo Bao's popularity?"

"Besides, Luo Quan doesn't have the habit of giving crazy concerts. It's not easy to hear her singing for four hours straight."

"October Dadi is not known for its singing skills. This year, it held concerts with great intensity. There were nearly ten concerts in more than a month, and there were only four or five concerts in less months. In the first two concerts, my voice was so crotch-like.

Now I have to sing again without a long break, and this time there is a high probability that the plug-in will not be enabled. You can imagine what a car accident will be like at the scene. "

"I am a 50-year-old person, and my body functions have long since aged, so it seems a bit abnormal not to lip-sync."

"Fart, the 60-year-old star in Che is dancing again and again, and his level has not dropped much. It's simply because October Dadi himself neglects to exercise and spends all his free time at concerts."

"No more nonsense, I'm just looking forward to it. Let's see whether Luo Bao's genuine concert is more popular, or whether October Dadi's self-proven innocence concert is more popular."

"I am a pure music person! I hope this concert can be more topical. It would be better if it can be directly discussed."

"If you can't tear her apart, what level of fighting power does Luo Bao's fans have? No one dares to mess with her."

"Haha, why does it sound like Luo Quan is the bad guy? October Earth sounds so pitiful."


It can only be said that the occurrence of some coincidences is full of the feeling of fate.

For example, just when Dadi was about to prove his innocence in October, Luo Quan announced that he would hold a concert.

Is this for sniping?

People finally came up with a way to try to calm down the storm.

You immediately jump out to rock the boat, and in the same way.

If it's a second- or third-rate singer, that's it. By then, it is estimated that all aspects of data annotation will not be as good as October Earth, and it will not have any impact on this self-proven innocence concert.

But if the opponent were replaced by Luo Quan, the situation would be completely different.

Just compared to the performance during the concert, Luoquan's taillights could not be seen even in October during its heyday, let alone the voice now, where the voice is seriously aged and worn, and has been destroyed by high-intensity workload.

In the scene three days later, there will definitely be weakness in the October land, and broken sounds and breathlessness are even more likely events.

But even if there is a car accident, it can be covered up by the atmosphere of a concert.

But if a perfect scene comes to Luoquan, it will become a public execution.

From now on, these two concerts will be remembered in the history of the Chinese music scene.

And October Earth will be used as a negative example and completely nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away.

Luo Quan's current behavior is completely denying them a way to survive.

You said there are so many dates for concerts, why do you have to choose a date so close?

This must be just to cause trouble, Luo Quan's conscience is really bad.

Thinking that there are probably only three days left before October is completely disgraced, countless fans on the Internet showed malicious smiles and began to look forward to that time.

"I really didn't want to cause trouble."

After seeing the hot search, Luo Quan felt very strange in his heart, and immediately explained: "Fans, you have to testify for me. It was you who wanted to hear me sing, so I decided to hold an online concert.

And when I said I wanted to do it, there was no news from the other party on Weibo. "

Fans also think this is a complete coincidence, but they certainly can't say this in the live broadcast room:
"There's no need to explain Luo Bao, so what if you are here to cause trouble? A band that commits fraud like this needs to be dealt with properly."

"Haha, I can finally see the river of blood flowing."

"Whether you did it accidentally or on purpose, it doesn't matter now. In this situation, netizens will just think you did it on purpose."

"It's okay, Luo Bao, behave well this time and try to nail the coffin board for them, so as not to cause trouble in the future."

"Luo Bao should be in front of October Earth. Could it be that after she finished singing, the other side just gave up resistance?"

"No, I really want to hear the scene of the car accident. Just thinking about it makes me very hungry."

"Speaking of which, will there be new songs at the concert tomorrow night?"

"If you ask here, you will definitely not find it, but Luo Bao likes to surprise everyone, so there will definitely be a new song when the time comes."

"When everyone thought it would come out, it didn't come out in the end. Isn't this a surprise?"

"Damn, you're so timid, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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