Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1317 Still popular and popular

"There must be new songs, isn't it obvious?"

Luo Quan never likes to tell the truth. Seeing the fans discussing it so intensely and worrying about gains and losses, he simply revealed the answer to everyone.

"By the way, there are quite a lot of new songs for this fan club. They are basically prepared in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and American languages. They will definitely make everyone happy and satisfied." Luo Quan then added.

Fans immediately became happy:

"I can only say that Fenluoquan is really worry-free. It never shows off any events. It sends out exciting previews in advance, and then the rest is all about enjoyment."

"Actually, it's not all bad. At least tell us the title of the song. (Funny.jpg)"

"Haha, if I tell you everything, there will be no surprises. It's better to leave a little suspense."

"Tell me about the Chinese songs. Anyway, I may not understand the names of songs from other countries."

"It's because I'm uneducated, even though I can't understand it."

"Damn, how can this be called uneducated? This only shows that I am patriotic!"

"A zero score on the English test means you are patriotic, right? Take this duck egg and explain it to your parents."

"It's okay. Let's eat fried pork with bamboo shoots tonight."

"I'm going to make you laugh to death."


In fact, Luo Quan has always felt that a certain level of revelations can make people have more expectations, so on some issues that everyone is very concerned about, she rarely deliberately conceals them, and basically tells them directly.

Regarding singing new songs at the concert, most fans can actually guess what she will do. After all, this is considered a convention.

Since confirming this is not a revelation, would it be more effective if she revealed it a little more?

Just do it if you think of it, since everyone in the barrage was calling for it anyway, so Luo Quan typed two big characters on the screen: Actor.

"This is the new Chinese song I will sing at the concert tomorrow night." Luo Quan looked at the screen and smiled. "This song doesn't have any difficult high notes. It's easy to sing. It should be very popular after it's released."

Fans immediately replied:

"What I'm saying is, if any song you release doesn't become popular, then it won't be on the hot search list."

"There are still some that I haven't played, such as those classical pieces."

"It's normal. It's true that not many people listen to classical music nowadays, so its influence will be smaller."

“Isn’t it normal for classical music not to be on the entertainment news list?”

"I understand the truth, but does this song title have any connotation?"

"What's wrong with the title of the song? It's an actor... an actor..."

"Haha, you must have noticed something is wrong."

"When a singer sings an actor, this means that some singers actually lip-sync on stage and pretend to sing like an actor, right?"

"You are capable of association, can you analyze such a thing?"

"I actually think it makes some sense."

"Luo Quan shouldn't have to worry about anyone. She usually sprays openly and openly. There is no need to use such a secret method."

"Indeed, what is Luo Bao so afraid of? He just scolds anyone who is upset. Do you need to cover it up?"

"Why do you think Luo Bao is like a bully?"

"He is indeed a bully in the music industry. Once a new album is released, other singers will have no chance of survival. Everyone on the Internet is saying this."

"My evaluation is that if there are more bullies like this, good works must be produced only if there is competition. If they all ruin the Chinese music scene, they will die sooner or later."

"Isn't she already dead a long time ago? Luo Bao does not belong to the Chinese music scene, she is a treasure of the world music scene."

"This explanation is okay, but the realm is different."


At such a time, releasing a song with this name is indeed easy for people to associate with it.

But just like fans said, she never minces words when trolling, so this "actor" is not targeting anyone.

But the marketing account didn't care about this, and directly moved the title of Luo Quan's new song "Actor" to Weibo, and also added a title: Luo Quan's new song is suspected to have the connotation of October Earth?

The top ten hot searches came immediately, and people applauded one after another. A lot of people who supported Luo Quan said that he had to be tortured so hard. Even the connotation alone was not enough. I suggested that he be more cruel and give everyone this bad breath. .

From this kind of remarks, it can be seen that netizens really hate lip-synching, or that celebrities are cheating.

A few years ago, this matter might have attracted a lot of attention, but it would not have led to people shouting slogans to completely block it.

Perhaps it is because the economic downturn in recent years has increased the pressure on people’s lives, which has led to increased hostility in people’s hearts.

In addition, celebrities can easily earn wealth that ordinary workers cannot accumulate in a lifetime. This abnormal wealth distribution will also create a certain hatred of the rich among netizens.

So whenever they see a celebrity being unlucky, they will shout loudly, and if there is any stain, they will block it.

However, Luo Quan felt that such an idea was very reasonable and legitimate.

Because celebrities, as public figures, have a very large influence and have a leading role in society in all aspects.

Good stars can bring positive energy, but bad stars can also lead to bad trends.

Therefore, celebrities have an obligation to lead by example and improve their own moral character.

Therefore, it is indeed reasonable for netizens to have high demands on celebrities, and their conditions are never very harsh.

Pay taxes, don’t mess around with relationships between men and women, fulfill contracts, be dedicated, seriously hone your skills, stay humble and friendly, and have three upright views.

Is it difficult to do these things?

Any ordinary person with an above-average moral standard is like this, and it is not too much to ask a star.

However, even with such a small requirement, it is still an impossible task for many celebrities.

Not to mention doing a few of them, it’s already pretty good without violating all of them.

It sounds funny to say this, but it is reality.

Therefore, under such an annoying reality, netizens are not used to celebrities at all. Whenever they do something wrong or say the wrong thing, they will attack them severely, hoping that they will lose their jobs immediately and lose their fortune.

Don't say that netizens are cruel, and don't feel wronged. After all, if you don't know what to do, you have to do nothing but yourself. When you break the law, you have already thought of such a result.

October Earth is pretty good, it’s just lip syncing.

You won't be punished too severely the first time, just don't do it next time.

Not to mention that there are no detailed standards to define this thing, so it is difficult to truly prove that they are lip-syncing. Even if it is a real effort, it will only lose a lot of casual fans. There will still be many idiot fans willing to cut leeks for them.

In addition, lip-syncing is not as good as tax evasion. If the latter happens, it will be cool, but if the former happens, there is a high probability that you can still stay and make money.

Therefore, it is estimated that the following days of October Earth can still go on, but it will definitely not be as moist as before.

It is precisely because there is probably no way to make October Dadi pay the price, so netizens can only increase their verbal attacks.

Passers-by scolded and fans slandered, the current pattern of lip-syncing incidents is actually no different from those of popular celebrities after their houses collapsed.

The good news is that Luo Quan took the lead and sang the opposite drama the day before October Dadi attempted to prove his innocence.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison. Netizens have begun to look forward to who will be better in the concerts of the two parties.

If Luo Quan loses, he can find a lot of reasons, such as the online live broadcast, the equipment and personal preparation are relatively casual, and it is normal for him not to sing well.

If the Earth loses in October, it will probably be ridiculed to heaven, and it will never be able to stand up again.

However, what everyone did not expect was that before the competition began, October Dadi himself began to add material for ridicule.

The day after Luo Quan announced that he would hold a concert, A Xin, the lead singer of October Earth, posted a response, describing his journey in the industry over the years in a tone full of youthful pain literature.

I talked about how difficult these years have been, how grateful I am to my fans, and how much I love music.

There are a lot of eloquence, what I want to express is that I don’t lip-sync.

If that's all, that's it. It's a clarification that fans can empathize with. Apart from a little too much nonsense, there's nothing wrong with it.

but! But he made a big mistake, which was to emphasize his singing skills in his clarification.

How can any singer praise himself for how good his singing skills are? And this is not a boast, it is just bragging, saying that he can sing E10 high notes with 6 beats!

What is the concept of E6?
Anyone who can sing the E5 clearly is already at the level of a first-class singer.

A 10-pai E6, which emits an E5 treble for nearly 6 seconds.

Many singers are worthy of praise if they can produce a momentary E6 at the climax of the song, but she just sang for 5 seconds!
And combined with the context, this is still in the articulation situation.

The number of male singers who can achieve this level can be counted on one hand in the whole world, not to mention the whole country.

Although not everyone can do it, for a lead singer who has been criticized by the public for his singing skills since his debut, now saying that he can sing a 10-beat E6 high note, this is even more outrageous than lip-syncing.

Lip-syncing shows that your character is not good, and this shows that you don't even understand the most basic music theory. You just talk nonsense.

Precisely because such a statement was so explosive, countless music critics and music bloggers in the circle almost responded unanimously, either ridiculing, sarcastically, or directly criticizing it.

When I was lip-syncing before, there were many singers in the circle helping out, mainly singers from Baodao. They all felt that there was no lip-syncing in October, so they supported A Xin and so on.

This is normal, after all, they are old acquaintances, and some of the singers who are doing nothing are signed singers of the same company as A Xin. It is only natural for people to help relatives but not help others.

Although this is wrong, it is still understandable.

But after the incident of E10 in 6 came out, these singers who were still washing their hands became silent.

Because there is really no way to clean it up.

As industry insiders, their singers certainly understand what the concept of E6 is.

High notes of this level cannot be produced just by practicing.

You don't have that talent in your voice. Even if you shout your throat to pieces, you won't be able to produce this sound.

And even if you have such talent and can produce such a high note, if you want to use it in a song and persist for 10 beats, you still need extremely abnormal skills.

It can be said that this is something that only a top singer in the world would dare to brag about.

And A Xin is obviously far away from such a level of investigation.

It's no wonder that so many people in the music area are reacting so violently now, because A Xin told a joke as big as Minke's perpetual motion machine.

As the big guys in the music area spoke out one by one, netizens also joined the battlefield after being educated on the relevant knowledge.

They don't need to know too much, they just need to know that only a few people in the world can do 10 shots of E6.

Of course, there are also fans who say that girls' E6 is different from boys' E6, and boys' E6 is actually equivalent to E5.

Due to their physiological structure, girls have higher voices than boys, and it is easier to produce high notes.

Therefore, it is very, very difficult for male singers to sing E6, but for female singers, it is still at a level that is difficult but not untouchable. At least there are many female singers in China who can do this.

As one of the recognized peaks of domestic female singers' singing skills, Luo Quan's comments are of course indispensable at such an explosive moment.

When she woke up in the morning, Luo Quan had just finished washing up and was still chewing steamed buns. As soon as the live broadcast room opened, there were countless barrages urging her to comment quickly. If it was too late, they might change it.

"Am I missing something?"

Luo Quan chewed the meat buns and said vaguely.

"What's 10 beats and E6? Why can't I understand it?"

Luo Quan looked at the barrage curiously and was confused.

She went to bed very early last night. After staying up late for the past few days, it was time for her to take a good rest. No matter how strong her body was, she could not keep her mind in a high-pressure state. After all, this would have a big impact on her work during the day. .

It's just that I happened to go to bed early last night, so I missed a big news, which made Luo Quan feel quite outrageous.

"How do you evaluate Axin's claim that he can sing E10 in 6 beats? Luobao, you are a professional. How difficult is it for a male singer?"

Someone finally summed it up in the barrage. Luo Quan's eyes widened after seeing it: "10 shots for E6?! Did he really say that?"

Luo Quan quickly opened Weibo and found that the number one hot search was indeed this.

After clicking in and seeing A Xinfa’s article, I confirmed its authenticity.


Luo Quan did not answer immediately, but opened his mouth and smiled for a few seconds.

When fans saw Luo Quan smiling so happily, they themselves also laughed:

"I understand, Luo Quan couldn't hold back after seeing such stupid words."

"Luo Bao's laughter didn't even last for 10 beats, but someone with E6 can sing for 10 beats."

"October Dadi originally wanted to show his face, but ended up showing his butt."

"It's so tragic. I can already imagine how Luo Bao will laugh at others later."

"In this current situation, I can only say one thing, that is, you deserve it!"

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