Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1320 Unparalleled Beauty

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!


It is such a difficult song at the beginning. Although the high notes are not as exaggerated as those of E5 and E6, Luo Quan's voice is real throughout the whole process, and it is filled with a lot of angry sounds and long sounds.

For ordinary singers, this is a song that can take their breath away after singing it in its entirety. Many singers at Station B have painful expressions and distorted bodies when singing this song.

It’s not that they don’t want to control their bodies and manage their expressions, it’s just that this song requires too much physical function. If the hardware is not good enough, they may be out of breath halfway through the climax.

However, looking back at Luo Quan, her body seemed very relaxed throughout the whole process, just swaying gently with the rhythm, and her expression was deeper when she spoke, creating a sense of sadness about not being able to love.

There is no ferocious expression or excessive body shaking, and the whole process brings a sense of joy to the audience.

Of course, the clothes she is wearing are not suitable for excessive shaking.

She already has a swollen figure, and it is quite difficult to wrap her up with the small amount of fabric in the dress.

It's okay if it doesn't move, but if it continues to adjust the pendulum like October Earth, I'm afraid it will be ready to come out immediately.

Seeing that the popularity of the live broadcast room is about to exceed 100 million, Luo Quan must be more cautious to avoid any accidents.

Besides, her typhoons have always been relatively subtle.

Some singers are very passionate and can express themselves on stage.

However, Luo Quan's emotions obviously couldn't be so intense.

Of course, if she was allowed to chat with everyone like an old friend, there would still be no problem.

"How's it going? Do you like this song?"

Although there was no one in front of him, Luo Quan still interacted with fans like he was at a concert.

The way fans responded changed from cheering and screaming to posting barrages:

"As expected of Luo Bao, the scene can be as stable as this."

"Then the question is, is there a place for this song to be on E6?"

"Luo Bao has said before that after reaching Group 6, it is difficult for her voice to be pleasant anymore, so she rarely writes pop songs with high notes like E6. Although this song "Winter Flowers" is quite difficult, the high notes It’s really not that exaggerated.”

"What's the point of just screaming into the E6 without any sense of beauty? The first priority is that it sounds good before you can think about anything else."

"Indeed, Luo Quan's five groups of clear enunciation are outstanding, and her strong mixed voice, which is comparable to a lion's roar, is the true embodiment of her singing skills."

"As a pure passerby, I strongly recommend Luo Bao to show it to everyone."

"The level 20 fan card is just a passer-by, right? By your standards, others are probably worse than Xiao Heizi."

"This is indeed a good idea. It is difficult to suggest Luo Bao come back again."


Seeing that the fans' voices were so strong, Luo Quan certainly followed suit and sang one of her best songs, "Yong Ai".

Yongai is the abbreviation of this song, the full name is I will always love you, the English name is "I will always lovr you".

This song is considered one of Luo Quan's most popular songs in the United States. At its peak, it was even called the second national anthem by netizens.

And Luo Quan also got the nickname "America's Golden Voice" with this song.

It's because this song is so classic. I don't know how much fame and status it has provided to Luo Quan from its release to now. The only songs that can be compared with it are probably "My Heart Will Go On" and "Farewell Time".

It is precisely this kind of handed down classic that allows Luo Quan, who has hardly been active in the American music scene, to have a very high status.

There, she basically belongs to the legendary existence.

The songs dominate the charts and have countless classics.

But in places other than the player, it is very difficult to see her again.

Therefore, fans can only put their emotions into her music. "Everlasting Love", which is excellent in all aspects, has become a collection of emotions and has been promoted to the altar.

In China, although this song is not given that much value, it still has some value.

In addition to being great to listen to, the song is a touchstone for pop soprano singers.

Those who can sing "Eternal Love" must have the best talent and skills.

And those who can sing it well are all top singers.

As for Luo Quan, that is another realm.

If you compare singing Yongai to a martial art, some people need 20 years of skill, and some people need 50 years.

As for Luo Quan, he started five hundred years ago and has already entered the category of cultivating immortals.

As one of her best songs, Luo Quan's emotions when singing "Eternal Love" are always the most difficult for other singers to copy.

That kind of deep love that lasts until death, no one else has that taste except her.

Just like My Heart Will Go On, even if someone is close in terms of singing skills, in the hearts of music fans, they just feel a little bit behind.

It can be said that this is the filter of the original song, or it can be said that it is psychological factors at work.

Of course, this actually has a lot to do with the gap in singing skills.

After all, no matter how others cover the song, they are only trying to get closer to the original singer. There is currently no scene that can claim to surpass the original singer.

Thanks to the lack of concert venues and the fact that it has no special meaning in China, Luo Quan has performed the song "Yongai" far less often than other popular songs.

So when the song started playing, many fans thought Luo Quan was releasing a new song.

It wasn't until the climax of the first section came that many people discovered from Luo Quan's low singing that they had heard this song before.

The first climax of Yongai is very soothing, the tone is as low as sleep, and it has an ethereal feeling.

Although it is in English, the songs are not very difficult and most of them are very everyday expressions.

With the English lyrics at the bottom of the screen, many fans can sing along.

But as I sang, everyone shut up.

Because Luo Quan actually moved up the key, originally the highest note only required a song from group 4, but now she mentioned it to group 5, which is a whole octave difference.

More importantly, Luo Quan always used his real voice in the song's climax, and didn't even bother to use forced mixing.

This is not only a perfect embodiment of singing skills, but also an extremely arrogant display of one's own talent.

C5, this tone is already a watershed for male singers.

Being able to go up there, even to scream, is a talent.

But if you can stably play C5 and maintain the quality of your singing, you are a first-class singer.

But for Luo Quan, performing at this stage is as simple and natural as a fish swimming in water.

However, as Luo Quan's voice sang higher and higher, fans were shocked to find that she seemed not satisfied with the high notes of the 5 sets.

Is she planning to join the 6th group with her real voice?

Such a crazy idea emerged in the minds of countless people.

If this is really done, it will be even more explosive than the 10-shot E6.

Because of Ah Xin’s 10-beat E6, even if he is trying hard to make a career out of it and yelling at the top of his lungs, there is still a slight chance that he can get ahead with his falsetto.

But Zhensheng's C6 is completely a model of what God rewards with food.

If you can't sing this kind of thing when you're born, then you won't be able to sing in your lifetime, not even if you have bleeding from the back of your throat.

If Luo Quan really does it, tonight's concert will hopefully become the most explosive concert this year.

Fans like them will also be very lucky to witness this divine ceremony.

As the song reached its final climax, Luo Quan went all the way up to the key level. If there was not a more intense explosion, it would be very difficult to end. The accompaniment disappeared.

There was silence in the room.

The scrolling speed of the barrage also slowed down, and countless listeners involuntarily tightened their microphones, nervously anticipating the upcoming song.

At this time, Luo Quan had a beautiful and confident smile on his face.

Her state was very relaxed from beginning to end, even now.

Next, she will use a high note that will destroy the world to make this concert an eternal classic.

After five seconds of silence, the fans felt as if five hundred years had passed, so long that they could hardly bear it.

Suddenly, the accompaniment sounded.

Luo Quan opened her bright flaming red lips and used her extremely high-pitched and moving voice to captivate all the listeners.

This is like a sonic weapon modified by Venus. While lifting the lid of the human and heavenly spirits, it is also giving them a double massage of their eardrums and souls.

Any beautiful and exquisite singing voice will make people feel physically and mentally happy, and this kind of high pitch can promote the secretion of adrenaline.

Excitement, excitement, enjoyment, joy, these are the only emotions left by all fans at this moment.

C6 treble is not uncommon, but the real sound of C6 is rare.

Luo Quan sang for twelve beats with his real C6 voice, and his enunciation was extremely clear during this period.

This is completely a god-like singing skill, and mortals only deserve to pay homage to it after seeing it.

As the song ended, countless fans burst into tears with excitement, and countless fans expressed their inner thoughts and feelings with trembling hands:

"My singing will ring throughout the century!"

"A song of eternal love that shakes the world!"

"From today on, I declare, Luo Bao, you are my god!"

"It's really amazing. Someone can really sing to such a level!"

"This is a 12-beat real high C. Are Luo Quan's throat and lungs made of steel?"

"From now on, there should be no need for any controversy over the seat of the Queen of Singing. Once Yong Ai comes out, who will compete with her?"

""Unravel" is not convinced!"

"You seem to be an old fan. It's rare that you still remember this song."

“This song has indeed had a stellar performance, but it’s not on the same level as Yong Ai.”

"Indeed, Yongai is a heavy artillery that can open and close easily, capable of enchanting people with just one shot.

Unravel is a fighter that can perform various difficult moves and is extremely flexible. "

"I'm quite good at metaphors, but I like Luo Quan's "Fire Rain Burning Love" better. Although it is a new song, the new singing method is really addictive."

"Don't worry, Luo Quan can sing these songs to everyone one by one."

"Haha, this concert is really a bargain. You can hear a music feast for less than a dime. It would be great if I could come to such a concert every month."

"Once a month? This is the one time in a year that I burn high incense. It's not like you don't know how lazy Luo Bao is."

"Actually, it's okay to sing less. With Luo Quan's singing style, if he really performs eight shows in ten days like a certain band, I'm afraid he won't be able to sing for a year or two before losing his voice."

"It doesn't matter. You can learn from advanced experience and make a half-player. If it doesn't work, you can still play CDs."

"He started to criticize my brother again. Ninety-nine percent of the CD and one percent of the real voice are just lip-synching?"

"Indeed, after all, Einstein said that the 1% of genuine singing is more important than the 99% of lip-synching."

"Damn, are you using Einstein's famous sayings like this?"

"It's so shameless. Luo Bao is obedient, let's not imitate him."

"One more song, one more song!"


Fans who were completely intoxicated urged Luo Quan to continue singing.

But since it is an online concert, it certainly cannot be all about singing.

There must be audience interaction.

In the past audience interaction sessions, two lucky people were usually selected to take the stage.

Those who have flowers will send flowers, and those who don’t have flowers will send blessings. Then Luo Quan will give the two lucky ones a big hug and a seat in return.

Every time like this, fans on and off the field would go crazy with jealousy and gnash their teeth with jealousy.

That was Luo Quan's hug. Many people didn't have the chance to get close to her.

And these two Bs can actually hug Luo Quan, which is simply envy to us.

So every time this happens, everyone will expect to be the lucky one, and at the same time, they will mentally criticize those guys who are really qualified.

Fortunately, this time I don't have to worry about anything annoying happening.

Because it is watched online, during the interactive session with the audience, they just want to send flowers, but they don’t have the opportunity to hug.

So this has become a pure chat session.

Of course, Luo Quan also opened his mailbox, read several letters from fans, and then thanked all fans for their love and support.

After feeling that he was almost rested, Luo Quan took a sip of warm water and called Leon in.

How can it be considered a concert if just one person sings solo?

Luo Quan could not invite many celebrities he knew well, but there was no problem in asking Li Ang to come over to help out.

"Okay, the Phoenix Legend is here."

"Phoenix Legend? What a strange nickname."

"It was chosen by Luobao fans. Later it became popular abroad. In the United States, it is called Legend of Phonix."

"Haha, are you so good at translating? It sounds so awesome."

"It sounds unclear in English, but it sounds a bit rustic in Chinese."

"The name is average, but the songs they sing are really classic."

"It's been a long time since I heard Leon rap."

"I want to hear rap god, but I don't know if I can have it."


While the fans were busy sending messages of support to the newly debuted Lyon, Luo Quan also completed the debugging of the machine.

The two of them each had a microphone and began to sing today's collaborative song: "Love the way you lie".

It is also a classic among classics.

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