Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1321 Actors

As soon as the Phoenix Legend Group opened their voices, the atmosphere was immediately pushed to a climax.

Originally, the songs they sang were relatively popular, and since it was their first time to hold an online concert, they were even more excited than usual.

That is to say, the area of ​​Luo Quan's room is limited, which is really not enough for Leon to perform, otherwise he would probably be able to jump to the sky with his feet.

After singing two songs, Leon was sent out by Luo Quan, who was still unfinished.

If she lets this brat stay any longer, her ceiling will be knocked down by him.

"Haha, Leon is finally gone. I feel like he wants to sing two more songs for everyone."

"Brother-in-law is really in a high state. What if we can't keep screaming offline?"

"You called me brother-in-law too? That's obviously my brother-in-law!"

"Stop arguing, this is everyone's brother-in-law!"

"Share wives, right? You guys have a lot of fun."

"Keep singing, keep singing, I haven't attended such a fun concert for a long time."

“Although it’s online, the atmosphere and experience are no less than offline.”

"It would be great if Luo Bao could do some dancing. Just singing seems a bit monotonous."

"Isn't singing enough? I wish Luo Quan could sing to us every day."

"That's what I said, but I still need to enrich the content of the singing transition section."


Looking at the comments posted by fans, Luo Quan knew that this was indeed an area that needed improvement, but after all, it was an online concert, and the areas for improvement were relatively limited.

You can't let her dance a subject for everyone to cheer up, right?

This stuff is quite popular recently, and I guess fans would like to have fun watching it.

But she had only seen this dance, but she couldn't dance it.

Besides, she's not Leon's kind of character who can carry abstraction to the end.

Therefore, it is better to save such an abstract dance for later and let Leon perform it.

After taking a sip of the drink and resting for a while, Luo Quan stood up and started preparations for the concert again: "I told you yesterday that there will be many new songs in today's concert, and the next one will be the Chinese new singers.

Let me reiterate, this song has nothing to do with other singers, so please don't make random guesses. "

It's okay not to say it, but this statement actually means that there is no three hundred taels of silver in this place.

"Luo Bao, are you hinting at something?"

"Do you still need a hint? Hasn't this been made known to everyone by netizens long ago?"

"Okay, the concert next door is about to start. We can definitely compare it then."

"Do you still need to compare? After singing the song "Yong Ai", there is no comparison at all. I have not seen a performance that is better than this song "Yong Ai" this year!"

"Indeed, it's so amazing. I feel like Yongai is going to become famous."

"I don't know why, but I feel that actors have a greater chance of becoming famous."

"If it sounds good, it will become popular. If it sounds good and Shang Luoquan sings it, it will definitely become a hit."



Fans are very optimistic and confident about what will happen after the new song is finished.

But they were only half right.

For celebrities, whether it is themselves or their works, the popularity is divided into four levels from low to high: cool, red, hot, and explosive.

But above this, there is another level called Phenomenal Level.

The so-called phenomenon level refers to a grand event that causes widespread discussion in society and a large-scale follow-up of the entire network.

Back then, Xiao Shengyang's sketch made him famous all over the country. He was able to make money all spring long. This is called a phenomenon.

Only if one work can reach this level, then as an artist, you basically don’t have to worry about it in this life.

Luo Quan has produced several phenomenal works before, but as for songs, it seems that this year has not been particularly explosive.

However, the emergence of the actor perfectly filled this gap for her.

When the gentle piano sounds, the actor's winter begins at this moment.

"Simple, simple way of speaking.

Please omit the progressive emotions. You are not an actor, so don’t design those plots.


Some songs only need to sing the chorus to know that they are going to be a hit.

And for some songs, you only need to hear the intro to know that it will be a hit.

"Nocturne" achieves the ultimate in this aspect, and although the actors are slightly worse, they can still capture the audience's ears in a very short period of time.

What's more, Luo Quan suddenly had a voice that sounded like a royal sister, making people unable to help but immerse themselves in her singing.

In this blurred dream, the climax of the song comes:

"I turned a blind eye when I was supposed to cooperate with you in the performance.

forcing someone who loves you to improvise

When did we start to put away the bottom line

Follow the changes of the times and watch those clumsy performances


Hearing this, the fans all smiled excitedly.

Such a catchy song can only be heard often in Luoquan.

In this era where experimental songs are so popular, it seems that the weirder the melody of the song, the stronger the musicality and the more depth it has.

You can't question it yet. If you question it, it means you have no culture and no connotation, and you can't feel the beauty in it.

To be honest, a song like this, which is not much better than Howl of the Devil, is really beautiful.

Fans believe that making music, especially pop music, should be simple like what "Actor" sings, and the intention of writing the melody should be simple. Don't deliberately make the melody beyond the understanding of ordinary people for the so-called depth.

If it's really for complexity or musicality, wouldn't it be better to just compose a symphony?

After all, even the simplest symphony can basically beat almost any other type of music in terms of musicality.

As for pop music, the name of this category is to make it clear to creators that the primary motivation for your creation is that the songs are pleasant and easy to sing.

The so-called experimental music is just an excuse for not being able to create good melodies.

Among those foreign experimental music tycoons, which one is not a pop tycoon with many best-selling hits?

People have reached the peak of popularity before they start to study deeper music.

However, these domestic singers are still having a smooth and smooth career, as if they are building rockets, and they are completely whimsical. “Actually, I am the only one in the audience.

In fact, I also see that you are a little reluctant to give up,

The scene is also used to us pulling back and forth,

What are you thinking about?


As the last sweet song sounded, "Actor" came to an end.

Luo Quan finished this emotional monologue with his gentle singing voice that was a little royal.

The song ended with the lingering accompaniment. Luo Quan maintained a deep expression of being intoxicated in the music and seemed quite involved.

After posing for several seconds, she finally opened her eyes: "How about it, do you think this song sounds good to you?"

"It sounds like it's going to explode!"

"Luo Bao's songs will never disappoint us. I feel like this new song is going to be a hit."

"It's simple and nice. I felt like I could sing it after just listening to it once."

"Hurry up and post the full version online, I can't wait to start the single cycle."

"Also, isn't there a song in multiple languages? Hurry up, hurry up!"


Luo Quan looked at the barrage and smiled slightly: "I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry, tonight is still a long time, the songs must be sung one by one, and the surprises must be enjoyed bit by bit, right? "

After hearing this, the fans immediately stopped making trouble.

Tonight was indeed a long night. The concert, which was originally scheduled to last only four hours, ended at two o'clock in the morning. Even so, the fans were still reluctant to let Luo Quan go.

I know that when she went off the air, the popularity of the live broadcast room was still over 150 million. This number is already comparable to the knockout stage of the League of Legends global finals.

As for Weibo, most of the hot searches related to Luo Quan’s concert were bombarding the rankings throughout the night, and they never stopped at all.

A total of four new songs were released tonight, among which the actor's song was the most popular. Less than two hours after the song was finished, it reached the top of the charts on Weibo, Douyin, and Bilibili.

It is foreseeable that there will be many covers and videos using it as BGM tomorrow.

However, the actor's popularity has just begun to ferment, and its melody will be played everywhere throughout the winter. This is a true phenomenon, with enough dominance to maintain the popularity for an entire year.

In addition to the actors, the other three new songs Luo Quan sang in the online concert were also very popular and were on the hot song list almost as soon as they were released.

These three songs are "Apologize" in English, "Moonlight Serenade" in Japanese, and "Heaven" in Korean.

They are all songs of moderate difficulty and require a good voice to sing beautifully.

However, compared with other songs at the concert, the difficulty gap is still obvious, and it even sounds a bit simple to fans.

At the end of the concert, "Jiuer", "Little River Flowing Water", "My Heart Will Go On", and "Unravel" took turns to sing.

If most people sing a song like this with a pitch that rises instead of falling, their throat will probably hurt after singing.

Luo Quan sang them almost in one breath, taking a break of less than five minutes, drinking some water, and chatting with fans for a while.

Such a high-intensity singing also made countless fans worried, and they sent barrages to Luo Quan to take it easy and not to hurt his throat.

Luo Quan's answer was very heroic, saying that this level of intensity was not a problem at all for her in her twenties.

If you exercise regularly, your early twenties are the peak stage of a person's physical fitness.

This peak period lasted until thirty before it began to decline.

Before you were thirty, you would have felt like an iron man, as if no matter what you did, there would be no physical problems.

However, after the age of thirty, with the onset of various chronic diseases, you will suddenly understand why the average life expectancy in ancient times was so short.

Of course, no matter how uncomfortable it is, it will only happen after the age of thirty.

Luo Quan is twenty-three, which is the time when he is in his prime and all body functions are at their peak.

Not to mention singing four difficult songs in a row, if this number is multiplied by four, it can still be endured.

This was actually a routine practice in the music industry in the past. Many celebrities held tour concerts, but they held several concerts a week. How could it be possible without a good voice?

So what Luo Quan did was actually a routine operation.

But at an age when celebrities can be praised for paying taxes on time, this operation has become a matter of course.

Dedication is the most important foundation that a star needs to master, but this virtue seems to no longer exist in today’s fresh meat.

And Luo Quan is just a little more dedicated than ordinary fresh meat, but still not as good as those old-timers.

After all, Luo Quan was either chatting or singing during this concert, and there was no singing or dancing at all.

In the past, those old-timers not only sang well, but also danced very well.

So it wasn't like no one encouraged Luo Quan to dance during the concert.

However, the clothes she wore meant that she couldn't make too many movements, so she had no choice but to politely decline the fans' request.

Her reply was that if she had a chance in the future, she would change into clothes that were more convenient for dancing before she could sing, and then she would just sing and dance and rap all at once.

The concert finally ended after singing for six hours.

But for many passers-by, everything has just begun, because the October Land is about to start singing.

Now that there are so many god-level scene gems in Luoquan, October Dadi will just wait for a 46 or 46. If there is a car accident scene, he will probably be nailed to the pillar of shame.

However, whatever you are afraid of will come to you. Under the situation where it is inevitable to compare the two people's live performances, Axin, the lead singer of October Land, has changed from his usual liveliness, and his words are a bit wimpy.

It is probably because of the rhythm of the Internet these days that he has had insomnia and anxiety, so even at his happiest concert, he can't see too many smiles, and he is always out of breath when he sings. Out of breath.

The good news is that this concert is indeed real singing, and every word comes from A Xin's mouth.

However, this also further confirms that those previous performances were all fake.

Because the two concerts were not separated by too long, according to the frequency of eight concerts in ten days before October Earth, I have completely recovered after so many days of rest, and the songs I sang should be as stable as a CD.

As a result, the sound was broken and the camera was snapped, and it looked exactly like the scene of a car accident.

This is completely different from the concert in Mainland China where one person sang.

At this point in the analysis, the answer is basically very obvious.

It's just a way to make money through lip-synching, but not many people knew about it before. Now that the incident has come to light, they have no choice but to use such a bad idea to clear their name.

In addition, the treble of the 10-beat E6 did not appear.

Axin's throat was almost torn, and he couldn't go up in the end, and it was very unpleasant.

In this way, they are still the better parts of the car accident scene. You can imagine how unpleasant it is for them to sing about the bad parts.

(End of this chapter)

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