Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1322 A big job

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!


"The scene of a car accident! The scene of a pure car accident!"

“There probably won’t be a more outrageous concert venue than this this year.”

"Eight shows in ten days, once the chorus is as solid as a CD, after a week's rest, almost all songs have broken notes, horizontal comment: Half open mic ≠ I lip-synced."

"Haha, you are so talented, you even made the couplets."

"Tang Niu's inequality is really amazing, it can be used everywhere."

"I think it doesn't matter whether you lip-sync or not. The key is, after the sharp contrast between this concert and Luo Quan's concert, will the tickets still be sold in the future?"

"I think too much. There are many idiot fans. When the time comes, I can post a few excerpts about youth trauma literature, which will move these idiot fans, and then they will obediently take out their money."

"Besides, it is absolutely impossible for Luo Bao's concerts to be held eight times in ten months. If everyone can see one concert in a quarter, she is considered diligent."

"After offline to online, concerts should be much simpler to hold. Just like today, you only need to prepare a few more sets of clothes, and then ask Leon Wenxia and others to come over and sing a few lines, and the effect is already very good."

"It's a minimalist version of the concert. Luo Quan doesn't care about money and is willing to do this. If it were another celebrity who would have to spend money to enter the live broadcast room, Luo Bao will let you watch it for free."

"It's free in nature. After her concert this time, she donated 30 million out of her own pocket. It's like saying that she spent her own money to hold the concert for everyone to hear. It was purely free of charge!"

"Haha, it's not free. After all, it brings happiness to the fans and contributes to charity. It's very educational."

"So we need to hold more concerts like this. After Luo Quan is impoverished, she will start holding offline concerts."

"The idea is good, but it is too difficult for Luo Quan to be poor now."

"The price of Nikola Motors has increased recently, and her personal assets are almost comparable to those of the top rich women on the Forbes list."

"And she's younger than half the age of those rich women. If I get along with her, my whole life will be worth it."

"Have your sweet spring and autumn dreams."


Although the concert is over, the upsurge of public opinion caused by it has just begun.

On the hot search list the next day, more than a dozen concert-related titles were extremely eye-catching.

However, not all of them are related to Luo Quan's concerts, and many of them are related to October Dadi next door.

Although Luo Quan's concert was held online in China, it also attracted reports from many well-known foreign media.

Especially in the United States, Yong Ai, who used to have a very high national popularity, has become a god. She topped the list of sexy songs overnight, and there is another contender for the Grammy Best Live Performance next year.

In Japan, Luo Quan has already been praised for a long time. After all, she has become an "urban legend" in Japan several years ago and has the right to be exempted from spraying, which only a very few people can obtain.

This online concert was so well done that the Japanese people responded so strongly that they directly gave orders to the directors of the Red and White Song Concert to invite them to Luoquan to participate in this year's Red and White Song Concert.

As one of the best stages for Japanese pop singers, Kohaku Utakai and Takarazuka belong to the palace among the palaces.

However, the nature of the two is somewhat different. The former is mainly popular entertainment, while the latter is a little more serious.

If you want to be on the Red and White Song Concert, you generally need to be a very popular singer, and your ability should not be too bad. After all, if you sing poorly or are caught lip-synching during a live broadcast, your career will probably be severely affected.

The Takarazuka Song and Dance Troupe, in Chinese terms, is the national team. It is not just a once-a-year event, but is more serious than the Kohaku Song Festival.

The singers and dancers who can enter Takarazuka all have decent family backgrounds, outstanding looks and superb dancing skills.

Junko was almost sent to Takarazuka by her grandfather. However, after visiting the Takarazuka Revue twice, Junko felt that the place was too depressing and full of oppression from seniors to juniors, so she finally chose to refuse.

Facts have also proved that organizations with a long history like this often hide a lot of filth that ordinary people cannot see.

Johnny's is like this, and Takarazuka is like this too. Each of them has had a scandal this year, and the stars involved with it have also been implicated.

In comparison, a stage like the Red and White Song Festival, which only sings to celebrate the New Year, does not have so many tricks.

Everyone just comes here to sing and use each other's fame to take their careers and status in the industry to the next level.

Of course, judging from Luo Quan's current celebrity status, her status no longer needs to be improved by the Kohaku Utakai. After all, she is already in a state where she cannot be promoted in Japan.

On the contrary, the Red and White Song Festival is in urgent need of Luo Quan's appearance on stage to create a serious wave of traffic.

Of course, netizens understood this very well, so they spoke in an extremely stern tone. No matter whether the director of the program team went to pray or just resigned, Luo Quan must be invited this year anyway.

If you can't do that, then everyone should commit seppuku.

To be able to say such things, I guess I was jealous of the concert at Station B, and also wanted Luo Quan to come to Japan to sing a song.

However, with her popularity and the fanaticism of her fans, if she really comes, she might not be able to sing more than one or two songs. Maybe it will become her own person just like some of the programs she has participated in before. concert.

Luo Quan is not the kind of person who likes to dominate the audience, but he can't stand the fans who are too enthusiastic and too many.

Originally, she rarely participated in such public performances, but now that she had the opportunity, why should she be caught and beaten up?

This behavior is understandable.

But for other stars who are going to perform, it may seem a little disrespectful.

Of course, there is no solution, that is to arrange for Luo Quan to appear last.

The stars in front changed how they sang. After they finished singing, the rest of the time belonged to Luo Quan. As for how long the show will be extended to end, it is not decided by the program team itself, but by the audience. Have the final say.

However, all this is based on Luo Quan's willingness to come to power.

In fact, there is no need for netizens to give orders at all. The program team of the Red and White Song Club will send invitations to Luo Quan every year.

But Luo Quan even avoided the Spring Festival Gala when he could, so how could he still come to your red and white singing show?

So I was invited every year, but declined every year.

It was the same this year. Not long after the invitation email was sent out, Luo Quan replied, saying that he had to spend time with his family at the end of the year and didn't have time. He would talk about it later when he had the opportunity.

This last sentence was the same thing she said when she refused a few years ago. It was basically a change of soup without changing the medicine.

"Actually, Junko can sing two songs. They should have also sent you an invitation, right?"

Luo Quan asked Junko Yagyu next to him in the living room.

"I've been tired of watching it since I was a child, and I have no desire to perform on it." Junko cracked the melon seeds with a very disdainful tone. Thinking about it, although the Red and White Song Festival is known as the Japanese Spring Festival Gala, the influence between the two is still too far apart.

Besides, Junko's current work center is in China. If she is invited to the Spring Festival Gala, she is still willing to go.

However, in recent years, foreigners have rarely appeared on the Spring Festival Gala.

In the past, during the Spring Festival Gala before and after the 08 Olympic Games, we could still see a few foreign friends performing on stage, but now they are basically gone.

Luo Quan is an exception. After all, she just looks like a foreigner, but she has an ID card.

Moreover, her nationality also means that the audience will not feel too disobedient when she takes the stage. She can perform skits and sing songs, etc., and the effect is still good, as long as she does not perform Peking Opera.

"I still want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, but there is no such opportunity." Leon complained next to him.

Speaking of which, he was invited to this year's Super Bowl halftime show, known as the American Spring Festival Gala. The program team secretly invited leading rap figures from the east and west coasts to make it a big event.

Both newcomers and veterans came together to sing their masterpieces.

Leon, as the king of East Coast pop rap, is of course also invited.

It was he who let music fans know that rap is not just about gangster life, and he was also the one who made music fans know that rap is not just about girls with cars and gold chains, but also reading and reflection on society, as well as descriptions and depictions of gender emotions. demands.

He let music fans know that rap can actually be very musical.

This is the reason why Lyon was able to successfully crown himself king.

The only pity is that the new king of rap did not participate in this Super Bowl in order to spend time with his wife.

For a star like Lyon who is not short of money, life is more important than anything else. No matter how important his career is, it cannot compare with accompanying his wife to watch the meteor shower on Midsummer Night.

As for Luo Quan, that is another level. She still prefers to stay in her room and take a good nap instead of running around performing.

After getting enough sleep, I turn on my computer and start a live broadcast, chatting with fans or playing games.

Just like now, after having lunch, Luo Quan wandered upstairs, turned on the live broadcast, and looked at today's news.

Although noon has passed, the popularity of his concert last night has not diminished at all, and the entire Internet is filled with clips of his singing.

Among them, Yong Ai and the actor have the most views, almost equally.

The former was named the best scene of the year because of his divine performance.

Anything that has the title of "most" will attract attention.

And the name Luo Quan is easy to convince people, so they all come to see the fun.

As for the actors, on the one hand, it is because some netizens said that this song is about the land of October, saying that they lip-synced like acting, which is criticizing them.

When this kind of conflict and opposition is created, it is very capable of stimulating people's desire for gossip.

Not many people care whether it's true or not, they just want to see the blood flowing like a river.

On the other hand, it’s also the actor that this song is so catchy that you’ll be completely hooked after just one listen.

It reached the top of Douyin not long after it was released last night, and its popularity today is even higher than all other new songs.

If nothing else happens, the actor should have the hottest songs before the end of this year.

Although many music critics feel that Luo Quan's guava does not have much depth and is just a good saliva song, which is really below her past standards.

But music fans feel that it is unreasonable to want every song to have so many positive attributes.

Depth and popularity are not mutually exclusive, but if you want to achieve both, even the most powerful creators will need a long time to produce just one or two songs.

It is already very difficult for Luoquan to be able to produce as much as others in one month.

She said before that "The Actor" will be a very popular song.

It's like the tone of the song has been set before it's released. It's a pop guava that caters to the general public. It's enough if it sounds good and is popular.

Many people devalued it as worthless, but little did they know that if the pop music charts were filled with songs of this level, it would really be a return to the heyday of the music scene in the early 2000s.

But unfortunately, such a grand occasion can only appear in the imagination, and now it is definitely impossible to go back.

But Luo Quan single-handedly allowed the music fans to get a glimpse of that prosperous era.

With what may be her last batch of new songs to be released this year, the actor is on fire, and really hot.

In less than two days, it swept the charts of all major platforms with unrivaled status.

Countless up owners are vying to create videos related to it.

Some use it as BGM for film history mixing, and some cover it to give music fans a different feeling.

In fact, because the actors are so good, some variety shows have begun to gain popularity.

Either the songs are played directly in the program, or the celebrities play them on their mobile phones to share their favorite music with everyone.

For a song with such popularity, only one Rakshasa this year can compare with it.

However, that song mainly relied on the connotation of other singers to get out of the circle, so although it was highly discussed on the Internet, no celebrities dared to touch it, just for fear of offending those celebrities who were connoted.

But actors don’t have such worries.

Although there are some analysis on the Internet, this song is lip-synced with the connotation of October Earth.

However, Luo Quan personally denied this statement, and the analysis was somewhat far-fetched, so the discussion was not as intense as Rakshasa.

Moreover, after October Dadi’s Self-Proof of Innocence concert ended, I don’t know if they spent money to reduce their popularity. The hot searches related to their concert basically disappeared without staying on the list for too long.

Therefore, after putting aside these additional values ​​​​given by caring people, actors gradually become pure.

It sounds purely good, it purely makes music fans happy, and it purely makes everyone sing along.

It would be unreasonable for such a song not to be popular.

But even so, its popularity is still beyond everyone's imagination.

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