Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1324 The Miracle of Life

"Okay, Luo Bao, these long legs are twisted like noodles. I've practiced it."

"You say you won't dance, but if you really dance, you will dance better than anyone else."

"Luo Quan is like this. He has always been honest and upright."

"One thing to say, although Luo Bao and Leon danced very well, they still felt like they were boring."

"The dance moves are like this, there's nothing you can do about it."

"Whatever, it just looks good and fun. There's no need to make so many demands."


Amid the teasing from fans, Luo Quan and Leon completed the third subject.

To be honest, Luo Quan actually felt quite embarrassed at the beginning, and felt like his personality was shattered.

But while dancing, she broke the pot. After breaking through the layer of shame, the rest was all about enjoyment.

"Haha, I have a hunch that our subject three will set off a bigger wave of following the trend abroad."

After Leon finished dancing, he looked full of excitement and wished he could drag his sister to dance the Northeastern society again.

Luo Quan was so frightened that he ran away when he saw how energetic Leon was.

That’s it for Subject 3. Although the movements are a bit awkward, if they are done cleanly and neatly enough, they are still entertaining to watch.

In society, it's just embarrassing, fucking opening the door to embarrassment. It's so embarrassing, just one or two actions back and forth, nothing new at all.

If she were really allowed to jump into society, her slippers would probably be dug into her back.

After returning to the room and turning on the live broadcast, Luo Quan was immediately ridiculed by fans.

Everyone is saying that her aesthetics are getting lower and lower. She used to just watch earthy videos, but now she has started to dance earthy dances. Will she develop into shooting earthy videos in the future?

When they thought that Luo Quan might perform such extraordinary abstract stunts as "Once Upon a Time in the Northeast" in the future, fans flipped back and forth between being so angry that they wanted to vomit blood and having extremely high expectations.

I want to watch it, but I think it will ruin the character.

This feeling is quite confusing.

In fact, Luo Quan herself has been trying to reduce her personality. She has told fans countless times that except for the most beautiful personality in the world, she does not recognize any other labels.

Only in this way will her personality not collapse.

But there are some labels that she doesn't recognize and don't exist. At least before today, the flower of the mountain, the top star with bright stars, and the old artist with both virtue and art were all his personas.

But after skipping subject three today, the word "Luo Quan" fell directly into the dust, as if it was rolling in mud.

There must be a huge question mark as to whether the first few relatively tall characters can continue to exist.

At Station B, everyone was very tolerant and regarded Luo Quan's dance as a whole event and an act of joy, so the comments they sent out were mainly ridiculing.

But on Weibo, Luo Quan faces much more malice.

A group of people directly used the topic to play on it, saying that Luo Quan had a problem with his aesthetics, and that he would dance like this, which was simply low-spirited.

In addition, subject three was criticized again as it happened to be a hot search topic, so both Luo Quan and Leon encountered a lot of ridicule.

But the reason for the criticism is actually quite outrageous.

The reason is that many customers come to Haidilao, and for the sake of a happy atmosphere, employees will skip subject three.

The service tenet of Haidilao is to meet most of the needs of customers.

So the employees skipped subject three.

But maybe the rustic dance disturbed the surrounding guests, so they took a video and posted it online to criticize, saying that people who dance like this are simply unreasonable.

Then the media began to work hard, saying that subject three was vulgar, affected public order, and was vulgar.

And this incident happened almost at the same time as Leon Luoquan skipped subject three.

The two were on trending searches together, and of course they were scolded together.

If that's all it is, it's nothing more than local entertainment being criticized and laughed at by the noble class once again.

Just like a certain migrant worker said before that he felt very happy after eating a meal at KFC in a big city, and then he was laughed at by the crowd, saying that what makes KFC so happy is that he can eat whatever he wants, right?

A more superior tone is simply that KFC dogs don’t eat it.

Of course, the person who said these things may have a dog that really eats well. After all, there are a lot of videos showing off wealth on Station B. The dogs in the owners’ homes are all eating wagyu, and they really can’t see KFC clearly.

However, the people who say these things may not know that junk food that they would never even look at may be something that some people would only be willing to eat once during the holidays.

Behind this sense of superiority is the huge gap between rich and poor.

Some people are enjoying steak, red wine and caviar, and wonder how in the world anyone can be so happy eating a KFC meal?

And some people will feel satisfied if they can eat a meaty lunch.

This difference, if not experienced personally, those in the cloud would never be able to imagine it.

In China, people rooted in the soil account for more than 90% of the population.

This number of people may never know what Starbucks is in their lifetime.

Their biggest form of entertainment is those cheap smartphones costing around 2000 yuan, using Douyin Kuaishou, laughing and looking at the people with similar social status to them, dancing to funny and earthy subject three.

Then, driven by the overwhelming fatigue after another busy day, I turned off my phone and fell asleep.

Subject 3 is actually just a representative. Today this earthy dance is popular, they ridicule it, tomorrow that earthy song is popular, they criticize it, the day after tomorrow the earthy style video becomes popular, they will still boycott it.

The reason for this is to emphasize their own excellence and distinguish the class gap between them and the general public.

In fact, as long as these vulgar content does not affect others when filming and the content is not vulgar, even if it is a little vulgar, you should not suffer such treatment.

But there is no way, who lets the right to speak rest in the hands of others.

If this were a novel, there's no certainty that this situation is going anywhere, and Luo Quan and Lyon aren't certainly going against public opinion.

But reality is often much more magical than fiction.

Less than five hours later, subject three became popular again.

But this time it happened not at home, but abroad.

In the annual international dance competition, a group of master-level international dancers danced a local dance from China - subject three, in front of all the audience and judges.

This is their reorganization after completing the competition performance. It can be said that the dance competition is work, and subject three is life.

When the brainwashing DJ's ancient song played, and when these dancers performed earthy movements one after another, the scene immediately became extremely magical. This thing was ridiculed by most people in China, but it turned out to be very popular abroad, and everyone from dancers to ordinary people were dancing. It seemed like a nationwide challenge to subject three.

After this news became a hot search topic, it became somewhat unpopular.

I just scolded this thing in the morning, and in the afternoon there was a wave of cultural export. Should I praise it or continue to scold it?

Bragging, it seems like I am slapping myself in the face.

Cursed, the culture that cannot be exported by the various colleges that have been built with huge sums of money is exported by subject three. If you are still scolded, then what do those colleges count?

So this is really hard to comment on.

Those who were still complaining about Luoquan in the morning, most of them were mute in the afternoon, and the remaining ones were harsh, saying that they just went to the countryside and danced as the Romans did, and it made you happy.

And Luo Quan finally spoke out after being complained about all morning:

"This is a dance of Tu Yi Le in itself, and my dancing it is also an act of Tu Yi Le. There is no need to give any extra value to it and my behavior.

Just like these dance champions, if everyone sees the subject three they dance and finds it interesting and fun, then that’s fine.

After all, Tu Yile is good.

If you have to get to the bottom of everything and put a value on it, then life will be too tiring. I would rather take it easy and not think about anything carefully.

Isn’t it just for fun to watch the short videos on Douyin Kuaishou station B? "

To sum up the whole article, I am telling everyone not to take everything too seriously, otherwise you will lose.

There is so much pressure in society, and many people seem to be doing something wrong, so there is no need to add trouble to each other. Isn't it better to be happy and have fun?

At this point, the storm about her is finally over.

But the explosion of subject three has just begun.

The movements performed by those foreign dance champions in subject three were quite standard, and they were obviously well prepared.

This shows that before Luo Quan and Lyon became famous, Subject Three was already very popular abroad, and even these dance champions were willing to perform a related job on such a stage.

This can also be seen from TikTok’s popular video list. The content related to subject three is skyrocketing. I believe that it will not be long before it becomes a phenomenal dance like the horseback dance and the ghost step dance.

As for Lyon and Luo Quan, who have gained a lot of popularity, their videos have also received a lot of views abroad.

Two big stars have already taken the lead, and I believe more foreign stars will soon join the dance ranks.

Compared with domestic celebrities who like to wear clothes, many foreign celebrities are actually more down-to-earth. They usually post anything on Twitter or Instagram.

Even if he wants to fight with someone, he will do it himself and never let his fans get involved.

This behavior also makes them appear more human.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Luo Quan.

She is now preparing to film "The Wolf of Wall Street", and it is still filming in Shanghai.

Isn’t it bold to make a movie with an American background in China?

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

Didn't Hollywood writers go on strike a while ago, demanding an increase in wages?

After a long period of wrangling, the two sides finally formulated a new labor contract. Although it was not as much as initially mentioned, the screenwriters finally got their wish for a salary increase.

When the actors saw that the screenwriters' salaries had increased, they immediately wondered why others could get an increase but they couldn't?

So just as the screenwriters stopped, the actors went on strike and started making trouble again.

In the United States, there is no such thing as if you don’t do something, others will do it. The Actors’ Union organizes a strike, and all actors will respond to the union’s call. Once it starts, the entire industry will come to a halt. It means nothing if they don’t let you film in Hollywood. Can't take pictures.

Therefore, just a few days after the start of production in Hollywood, it fell into a shutdown again, and the two parties were about to start a protracted wrangling.

If nothing else happens, there may be no chance of construction starting before next spring.

But it's not impossible. Didn't Luo Quan just propose one, and let the actors come to China to shoot movies?

Anyway, the script has been changed by her, the director has been changed, and the actor's contract has been re-signed. This means that it has nothing to do with Hollywood. At most, the investors are going to American companies.

Besides, the filming location is in China. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. No matter how long the hands of the Actors Guild are, they can't control it.

This proposal was approved by many investors.

This movie has been delayed for more than half a year, and it is really not a problem to continue taking off the clothes. The method proposed by Luo Quan is almost the most perfect solution at the moment.

At present, the main actors have started to apply for visas to shoot movies in China. There are not many extras in one scene, so they can find them locally in China.

In addition, there are not many outdoor scenes in this movie. The main locations are companies and villas. The problem of atmosphere can be solved by setting up these two scenes.

As for the original director of "The Wolf of Wall Street", although his life is currently out of danger, depending on the situation, it will be several months before the new version of "The Wolf of Wall Street" is released until he recovers.

Filming was about to begin. Luo Quan also explained the situation to his fans in the live broadcast room and asked for about a month's leave.

Then, she entered the fantasy world again, collected the vegetables she had grown during this period, and then started a new round of planting.

Although she has obtained the status of Succubus Queen, there is no obvious improvement for Luo Quan yet.

In other words, the players provided her with a lot of attribute points.

However, it is worth mentioning that the priesthood of the Mother Goddess of Life has grown a lot since she left.

The strength of this priesthood depends entirely on the number of believers.

As the number of believers increases, the divine power increases rapidly.

As the divine power increases, more and more rewards can be provided.

Luo Quan took advantage of this and also greatly increased his cultivation level.

She felt that if she continued like this, she would probably advance to the next level within three years.

By then, she will be a true master.

In this way, we are one step closer to taking the lead with Ye Zhining.

When he thought of this, Luo Quan couldn't help but smile with joy.

But after letting him leave the fantasy world, a change happened to her body that almost made her mentally explode on the spot.

The cause of the matter was that the golden elixir in its Dantian split open.

As mentioned before, after she ate a golden elixir, Luo's Dantian directly condensed a perfect golden elixir, and he also became a monk in the elixir formation stage.

During the recent period of time, the cultivation level has increased greatly, and promotion has become a matter of course.

The next level of Dan formation is Nascent Soul.

However, this Nascent Soul is a little different from what Luo Quan thought.

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