Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1325 Are you really pregnant?

Chapter 1325 Are you really pregnant?

"An abnormality has been detected in the host body, and the cause is being analyzed..."

After Luo Quan's cultivation level improved, the system suddenly said this to her, which immediately made her feel worried.

Because this situation has never happened before, her physical strength is actually very high. If it were not a serious problem that may lead to obsession, the system will never issue such a reminder.

So Luo Quan immediately meditated on the bed, and then used his spiritual consciousness to examine the inside of the body to see where the problem was.

The problem was quickly found, it was the location of the Dantian.

The Fire Golden Elixir that was originally entrenched in the Dantian now disappeared for some unknown reason and turned into a mass of gray energy.

Moreover, this energy body is still gradually moving deeper and deeper. It seems that the destination is not to return to Dantian, but...

When Luo Quan thought of this, his body suddenly trembled and his anus tightened.

"Damn, something is really going wrong!"

Luo Quan opened his eyes suddenly and immediately asked the system: "System, please tell me, have you figured out what the problem is?"

After a few seconds of silence, the system finally responded: "Now there is good news and bad news. Host, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Are you doing this again?" Luo Quan was speechless, rolling his eyes and saying, "Let's talk about the bad stuff first."

"The bad news is, you may be missing a way to save your life."

Luo Quan frowned when he heard this, but he relaxed quickly: "It doesn't seem to be that bad. I already have many ways to save my life. If I don't even have the previous ones, I will have one more or less." There doesn't seem to be much difference between the two.

But you still have to tell me why there is less. "

The system answered: "Originally, your previous cultivation level on the immortal path was in the realm of pill formation, and there was a nine-turn golden pill in your dantian, which can be said to be one of the highest-grade golden pills.

If you are willing to devote yourself to cultivating immortality, you can achieve very high achievements with this golden elixir.

Logically speaking, after advancing to the Dan Formation Stage, you will reach the Nascent Soul Stage. Having the Nascent Soul is equivalent to having an extra life. Even if your physical body dies in the future, the Nascent Soul can still find a new body and then be reborn.

But now that your Nascent Soul is gone, it is equivalent to losing a life. "

"So that's it." Luo Quan pondered for a moment, feeling that the situation was not as bad as he thought, and then asked: "What about the good news?"

"The good news is, you're going to be a mother."

Luo Quan: "………………"

Silence, silence is Cambridge tonight.

Even if Luo Quan tried hard, he couldn't imagine that the good news the system said would be this.

"Am I going to be a mother?"

In order to confirm this, Luo Quan lengthened each word and asked loudly.

"Yes, you are going to be a mother." The system confirmed this statement again.

"What about the baby's father? I can't give birth to the baby by myself, right?" Luo Quan laughed angrily. Although she took a lot of sexy photos, she is still a young girl, even with boys. She has never held her hand. Doesn’t this taint her innocence out of thin air?

"You don't have children, or you are both the child's mother and the child's father.

The Nascent Soul is originally an extension of your soul, equivalent to two souls in one body, but you have the control.

But because the power in your body is so complex, including immortality, martial arts, holy light, divine power of life, the power of charming original sin, and all kinds of power to enter the Tao.

All these forces merge within your body. They should be in conflict with each other, but somehow they reach a perfect balance.

The final result of balance is that your Nascent Soul has its own consciousness and becomes a brand new life.

She will use your body as a breeding ground to develop and be born in the way of a normal creature, and this child is completely grown by your power. There is absolutely no problem in saying that she is your blood relative.

So, you are both her mother and her father.

Of course, when the child is born, he will definitely call you mom. Although a single-parent family has a certain impact on the child's physical and mental health, it will not completely..."

"Okay!" Luo Quan rudely interrupted the system's narration, already beginning to panic inside.

Although she had thought about having children in the future, she never thought that she would get pregnant by herself.

Although similar symptoms have been reported medically, her condition certainly cannot be explained scientifically.

The power in the body was neutralized, and then she became pregnant in a daze. This is probably a new thing in the world.

The key is that everyone in the world knows her identity as the Virgin and believes that she will become pregnant alone.

Luo Quan is a person who doesn't believe in fate, but this situation seems to be so doomed.

Of course, it wasn't that she couldn't accept the little life in her belly.

It's just that everything happened too hastily and I was not mentally prepared at all, so I was a little panicked inside.

I am worried about how to answer her questions about the father after the baby is born.

Growing up without a father, how should one make up for it?

This is what Luo Quan is most worried about.

After all, she herself has been dependent on her mother since she was a child, and she knows the impact of a child lacking father Luo's love in childhood.

"By the way, how long does it take to give birth to her? Is it also ten months?"

After pondering for a long time, Luo Quan raised such a question.

After all, the baby is not conceived in a normal way, so it will be somewhat different from ordinary babies.

“It’s hard to say, it mainly depends on the mother’s vitality. The stronger the vitality, the faster the baby will grow.

A host like this can be born in about five to six months, maybe seven to eight months. "

"What you said means you didn't say anything." Luo Quan simply rolled his eyes.

But knowing the specific time, we can make more detailed arrangements next.

Gradually, Luo Quan began to lie down and look up at the dark ceiling, stroking his belly, and began to imagine the days after the birth of this little life.

This will definitely be a cute and well-behaved little guy who has inherited her beauty and intelligence, but I don’t know if he will be a boy or a girl, with black hair or blond hair.

As for the name, it cannot be hasty. It must be nice and meaningful, and preferably have cultural connotations.

This matter must be considered in the long term and cannot be rushed...

The next day, Luo Quan gathered the whole family in the living room.

Mom, dad, brothers, sisters, and friends including Wen Xia. There are a few people who like to stay up late, and they all look sleepy at this time.

It was obviously still a while before lunch, so why did they wake up?

"Everyone, I have something very, very important to say."

Luo Quan looked at the dozen or so people in the room with great seriousness, his tone a little nervous.

"What's going on? Are you going to fall in love?" Leon yawned and collapsed on the sofa, eager to fall asleep.

He stayed up late last night watching the Premier League, and has only slept for six hours so far. He still needs another two hours of sleep to feel refreshed. If his sister hadn't been so serious about it, he would probably be able to fall asleep again in just ten seconds.

"I am pregnant."

Luo Quan said four words quickly, then blinked and observed the expressions of the people around him.

Everyone was almost stunned for a moment, and then Wen Xia laughed loudly: "Don't be kidding me. You have been at home during this period. Where did you get pregnant?"

"That's right, sister, you can't be both a father and a mother at the same time, right?" Li Ang thought Luo Quan was telling a joke to them, so he didn't take it seriously and got up to go back to the room to sleep.

"I'm really pregnant, it happened yesterday." Luo Quan touched his belly and said very seriously.

At this moment, everyone around who was still laughing could no longer laugh.

"Quanquan, are you serious?"

Luo Ni stared at her daughter's face, trying to see if she was joking.

"Where's the report? Where's the pregnancy test stick? You can't just open your mouth and get pregnant, right?" Wen Xia was also very rational and did not get too excited about her friend's shocking news.

After all, Luo Quan didn't have a boyfriend. Everyone in the room knew that he didn't have the conditions to get pregnant.

However, Luo Quan had already guessed that he would encounter such a situation, so he spent about three minutes explaining to them the process of his pregnancy.

Regarding the affairs of Huanyu, Wen Xialion and the others all know it, so it makes sense.

Mom and dad need to speak a few more words, but it’s not impossible to understand.

In short, after a rigorous explanation, Luo Quan did inform everyone of the fact that he was pregnant, and made everyone ready to welcome this new life together.

"Oh my lady gaga!"

Leon was not even a little bit sleepy at this time, so he got up from the sofa excitedly, shouting with bright eyes: "Hey, okay, I'm going to be an uncle, I'm going to be an uncle, hahahaha~~ ~"

"Be steady!"

Eric pushed Leon back onto the sofa.

As the head of the family, he was still relatively calm at this time, although his hands were shaking like chicken claws: "Daughter, you said that the child was conceived by yourself because of your cultivation, then she is Is it your clone, or your biological flesh and blood?"

"Both flesh and blood, there is no doubt about that." Luo Quan replied decisively.

"Is the baby a boy or a girl?" Wen Xia stumbled over her words because of the surprise.

Others did not perform much better, either with tears in their eyes or dancing and cheering.

Leaving aside Leon and Mia, among the female artists in the entire company, Luo Quan is currently the first and only one who is about to give birth to a baby.

The meaning of this is really difficult to describe in words, but one thing is certain, everyone is happy for the emergence of this little life.

"It's a girl." Luo Quan replied to Wen Xia.

She had already asked the system last night, and after scanning, the system determined that this was a girl, and there were no twins, there was only one.

"How's the girl? She will definitely be a beauty when she grows up." A group of female relatives in the room whispered to each other, "What about the name? It's definitely Luo. What name sounds better?"

Luo Quan smiled and said, "I haven't thought about it yet, but I'm not in a hurry. It's still early before she is born, so it will definitely be in time."

"Okay, from today onwards you can take good care of your baby at home. Don't do any housework. In addition, you must drink a bowl of chicken soup every day. You must supplement your nutrition!"

As someone who has been there, Luoni certainly knows that what pregnant women need most is to supplement nutrition and reduce fatigue, so she directly plans to raise Luo Quan to be fat and fat, so that her granddaughter can be fat and fat like her mother.

However, when Luo Quan heard his mother's arrangement, he seemed a little dumbfounded: "Mom, I've only been pregnant for one day, and I haven't reached the point where I can't even do housework.

I am just pregnant, not sick, and my body is not that weak. "

"Bah, bah, bah!" Luo Ni said three times in a row, wanting to pat her daughter, but in the end she didn't dare to do it, so she could only glare at her: "Don't say such unlucky words!"

People in the older generation are a bit superstitious, especially on such a happy day, they cannot listen to this.

Luo Quan could understand his mother's reaction, so he didn't say much. He just hoped that his mother would not use the earthwork from his hometown to deal with him.

Before reading the news, Luo Quan had seen the news about my mother covering her pregnant daughter with a quilt in the summer, saying that it could alleviate confinement sickness and make the baby healthier.

In the end, the daughter was killed by the heat, killing two people. It was simply a human tragedy.

This is the terrible thing about feudal superstition. What is even more terrible is that there are still a large number of people in China who believe that feudal superstition is the wisdom left by their ancestors.

Therefore, science education really has a long way to go.

Of course, Luo Quan still trusts his mother. After all, when she was pregnant, she didn't perform any operations that were difficult for ordinary people to understand. She just had normal fetal care, normal delivery, and normal confinement.

In fact, in foreign countries, pregnant women don’t pay much attention to it at all. They can be as high as they want during pregnancy. After giving birth, mother and child are equally active.

Of course, this may also be related to the physical condition of pregnant women.

But when it comes to physical fitness, Luo Quan is not sleepy.

Her physique is currently the best on earth. If any pregnant woman has problems, she will not have problems.

Therefore, Luo Quan's current mentality is very relaxed. He will inform everyone about the pregnancy first, and then it's time to rest and work.

Maintaining a good attitude is more useful than eating ten bowls of chicken soup.

After notifying the earth side, Luo Quan returned to the world after eating lunch.

She has not been back since the World Girls finals. Wen Xia has been running around, leading the girl group to appear on many TV stations, and their popularity is rising.

As a mentor, not many people pay attention to me.

But when I come back this time, it is estimated that the attention will not drop for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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