Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1330 The Wolf of Lujiazui

Chapter 1330 The Wolf of Lujiazui

After reading the report, Luo Quan took the empty bowl and basin downstairs.

There were not many people in the living room, only Leon and Mia were watching TV series on the home theater.

After seeing Luo Quan coming downstairs, Leon immediately jumped up and said in a fuss: "Hey, sister, you can just say no to me for such a trivial matter. There is no need to go downstairs in person."

Luo Quan was speechless: "I'm just pregnant, but it's not my leg that's broken. I can't go downstairs?"

"Isn't this because I'm afraid you'll be tired?" Leon explained at the same time as he took the basin and bowl from his sister's hand.

"I'm not that weak yet." Luo Quan said and sat down on the sofa next to Mia, making Mia's eyelids twitch.

As a "experienced person", when Mia was pregnant, how could she dare to make such big movements? She didn't dare to sleep too soundly for fear of turning over and pressing her belly.

This lady is good, and she considers herself an athlete. At this time, it is not a good thing to be too agile.

Not only Mia, but Leon himself trembled when he saw it, but because his sister hadn't shown her pregnancy yet, he resisted the urge to shout "God."

"By the way, Lilion, tell the investors in Hollywood and ask them to send all the actors over. I plan to start filming the movie in advance."

Luo Quan reached out and picked up a banana from the coffee table and said as he peeled it.

"Start shooting in it so sudden?" Leon looked a little surprised, "At this time, everything over there may not be ready."

"In my case, I can only start shooting in advance." Luo Quan opened his hands and highlighted his belly with a swimming ring, which he didn't know whether to show pregnancy or fat.

"If I don't finish filming the movie now when my belly is not too obvious, why don't I wait until my belly gets bigger and then I can continue filming?" Luo Quan said confidently.

Why can Mu Guiying become the number one representative of women and men?

Because she was pregnant with Liujia and could still go into battle to kill the enemy, and finally gave birth to a big fat boy safely.

This courage, this luck, and this physique are as good as Nezha's.

Although Luo Quan has a stronger physique, she does not have such courage. It is best to be more honest in the later stages of pregnancy. There is no problem in going out for a walk, but it is not realistic to shoot a movie and talk to actors.

So Luo Quan planned to get things done first before his figure was out of shape.

When Leon heard this, he was moved in his heart.

He didn't expect that even after his sister got pregnant, she would still be thinking about it.

"Sister, you are so kind. I don't even know what to say to thank you." Leon looked at Luo Quan with tears in his eyes. He just hugged her thighs and cried loudly, shouting: "Elder sister is like mother." Such disgusting words.

"Stop sensationalizing and get down to business. Do you understand efficiency?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes at him and urged.

After receiving Luo Quan's order, Leon immediately went back to his room to send a message to investors.

Soon, things were settled.

Although the investors didn't understand why Luo Quan had to start filming in advance, Luo Quan was now the biggest among the entire crew. The investors begged Luo Quan to make the movie, and of course their request was met unconditionally.

What's more, the filming was started in advance. Of course, the investors wanted the film to be completed as soon as possible more than anyone else. Therefore, after receiving the news from Lyon, the investors immediately applied for visas for the actors to film in China.

As soon as the visa is issued, everything can be packed and sent directly to China.

As for the various equipment used in making movies, they are actually available in China. The hardware is not much different from Hollywood. Moreover, this movie does not have any special effects lenses, so post-production is not that troublesome.

The only thing that needs to be studied is how to arrange the scene to look like an office building from the last century.

If the filming location is in the United States, this won't be a problem. You can probably find it ready-made with a little effort.

But now in China, it is not so easy to find.

If it doesn't work, you can only build one.

But it’s not complicated anyway, and it probably won’t cost much to build one right now.

If nothing else goes wrong, "The Wolf of Wall Street" will start shooting within half a month, and the filming should be completed within two months.

With luck, Chinese audiences can watch the movie during the Spring Festival.

Of course, the large-scale content of the original work will definitely need to be extensively deleted.

Although these contents are intended to reflect the corruption of the financial circle, if they appear too many times, they may seem to be on the sidelines.

Therefore, Luo Quan feels that a few large-scale shots of this kind are enough, and there is no need to appear as frequently as in the original work.

If it were to be filmed according to the original work, then whether in China or the United States, the film would have to be labeled a 18-ban film, which would be a very big restriction on the box office.

After finishing the movie, Luo Quan returned to the room and started the live broadcast as usual.

She has no reason to stop filming for a long time before the new movie starts shooting.

In the past, it was always broadcast live for everyone, but now it is suddenly stopped. There is no guarantee that it will not cause some speculation.

In order to avoid this happening, of course Luo Quan appeared in the live broadcast pretending that everything was normal.

"Everyone, after this afternoon, I have just been looking at last month's financial statements, so the broadcast is a bit late."

Luo Quan explained the reason why he started broadcasting so late, which also aroused the curiosity of fans:

"Financial statements? Are they from Quanshui Entertainment or Bilibili?"

"2021 is coming to an end. Luobao can be said to have made a lot of money this year, right?"

"Fantasy World, a game that has been online for less than two months, has already made a lot of money. It made a billion dollars in the first month. Many games that have been sold for ten years will not sell this much."

"There is still room for improvement. It is still only the pre-season version. When the official version is launched, the number of players will only increase."

"I think this game is fun just by watching the host play it. Unfortunately, the game is too big and my 500G hard drive can't fit it at all."

"Now that there is a cloud game service, you don't need to download it. You can play it directly on the cloud server. You have one hour of free time every day."

"Indeed, even an old and small laptop can play it. If you watch some ads every day, you can play for an hour for free. Don't be too comfortable."

"I choose Bilibili Mall to buy a real machine and play locally."

"One thing to say, Bilibili Mall has been doing pretty well in recent months. There are far fewer fake and shoddy products, and the prices are quite affordable."

"Nonsense, you don't care who is the boss now. How can Luo Bao tolerate those big rats below him making trouble when he is in power?"

"It is recommended to increase efforts. If we continue to operate like this, I will buy all my figurines at Station B in the future."

"By the way, what are you going to do with the New Year's Eve party this year? I think other stations have already announced their lineups."

"Damn, I wouldn't have realized that this year would be over in about ten days until you told me."

"2021 has passed in the blink of an eye, and it will be 2022 soon."

"Time flies so fast. I was only eighteen when I first met Luo Bao, and now I'm almost twenty-four."

"Twenty-four, isn't it half a step into thirty? As the saying goes, a man is thirty-one flowers, and a woman is thirty..."

"You're just a scumbag, there's nothing bad to say."

"You can't say that. Even if Luo Bao is older, she is still a mature woman, and her charm is still there."

"Haha, it doesn't feel like a serious compliment, it just feels like a greasy feeling."

"As you get older, Luo Bao really doesn't think about having a child?"

"Even if you want it, you want it from me. Why are you, an outsider, so anxious?"

"Good guy, do people nowadays have hysteria so easily without any warning?" "I'm afraid, there are a lot of bad guys on station B who want to steal my wife."

"Everyone likes to daydream, right?"

"I was dreaming and didn't want to be caught in the dark."



I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but the fun people in the barrage actually mentioned children.

Luo Quan originally wanted to use this topic to test everyone's attitude, for example, asking: What will everyone think if I get pregnant one day.

First, check the fans' opinions. If there is no particularly violent reaction, then she will simply admit it directly, so as not to hide it all day long and add burden to her heart.

But when the words came to her lips, she finally did not speak.

She is still a little worried. Although she says that she has no idol baggage, she is really worried that fans will lose fans on a large scale because of this.

She wasn't really afraid of being scolded, after all, normal people wouldn't scold a mother who had just given birth to a child.

But it was different for someone like her who suddenly became pregnant and couldn't tell who the father of the child was.

When the time comes, fans will definitely ask who the child's father is, and she can't make up a completely non-existent person. This is a very difficult point to deal with.

She had already thought of several ways to do this, but none of them felt particularly perfect and she needed to continue to think about it.

Therefore, Luo Quan finally chose to hide it.

Fans, on the other hand, did not notice the subtle change in Luo Quan's expression at all. Even if they did, they probably would not think about pregnancy.

After all, if you don’t see this kind of thing with your own eyes, which fan would believe it?

"Station B has started serious preparations for the New Year's Eve party. We have calculated enough this year and the celebrities we can invite will definitely be big enough, both domestic and foreign. Everyone is looking forward to it."

After Luo Quan suppressed his desire to talk, he answered fans' questions.

"I hope we can invite October Dadi to perform a big pendulum singing, and the effect of the show will definitely explode."

"Hahaha, you want to ruin my reputation."

"That's too outrageous. Just keep a line in your behavior so we can meet each other easily in the future."

"Why do you have to leave a thin line? You're a band lip-synching at a concert. It's good that I won't ban you. Do you have to show off that you're doing a great job?"

"That makes sense, but I even saw Luo Quan at the New Year's Eve party."

"Luo Bao might as well just treat New Year's Eve as his concert."

"You are really a talent, this is a great idea!"

"Second the motion!"


While chatting, these fans started to think nonsense.

Of course, Luo Quan was not sure about giving them a chance to discuss freely, and immediately said: "There will be a lot of people at the New Year's Eve party, and not all viewers like me, and even if they like me, they may not be willing to just look at me.

So for the sake of excitement and richer content, I definitely can’t be the only star. "

As soon as these words came out, fans immediately became excited:

"You can't be the only one. Are you sure you want to perform on stage?"

"Okay! As long as you're willing to go on stage, just make it as short as possible!"

"My requirements are not high. Just sing two or three songs. It would be even better if I can also dance."

"Indeed, I haven't seen Luo Bao dance in the Pure Land for a long time. I suggest you dance this time."

"I just quit not long ago, and you're addicting me again, right?"

"After watching so many dances performed by Wu Jian, Luo Bao's Pure Land of Paradise has to be the most touching. Its agility and elegance cannot be imitated by others."

"You can look forward to it now."


If it were normal, seeing so many fans asking her to dance in the Pure Land, Luo Quan would definitely agree directly.

But that was before, and now is now, and the situation is completely different.

She didn't know what level of physical strength she could reach and whether she could withstand an exercise like dancing.

If dancing makes her stomach hurt and hurts Ning Ning, then she will really become a bear parent.

Therefore, Luo Quan did not agree immediately and asked the system for its opinion.

The system replied: "According to the host's current physical condition, even the swan dance will not cause any problems, so feel free to accept it boldly."

With these words, Luo Quan became more confident.

It seems that the Pure Glazed Body is indeed not a decoration, and there is no need to be so cautious in the future.

"Since everyone wants to see it, I'll just dance it once. Again, just look forward to it." After receiving the confirmation, Luo Quan immediately responded.



"Haha, I knew Luo Bao would not let us down."

"You can see that addictive dance again, long live Luobao!"

"I already have singing and dancing. How about Luo Bao start doing other things like breaking bricks with his bare hands?"

"Thank you for thinking it out."

"By the way, didn't Luo Bao recently take on a new movie to shoot? Is there any follow-up to it?"

"It should be about to start shooting, just in a couple of weeks."

"By the way, what's the name of the movie?"

"The Wolf of Wall Street, but Luo Bao said it will be filmed in Shanghai. I guess it can't be called the Wolf of Wall Street. It has to be called Lujiazui Wolf."

"Damn, God, the wolf of Lujiazui."

"With just five words, I directly imagined a 60-episode business war TV series."

"Sixty episodes? Is this a business war drama or a science fiction drama?"

"Indeed, how do real business battles require so much time to prepare? Sometimes the company boss can get the job done single-handedly when his brain gets hot."

"Is there such a thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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