Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1331 A real business war is all about waiting for the opponent to be stupid

ps. Thanks to book friends Shitou KK and Mercury’s Masked Superman for the book coins. Thank you for your support!


Regarding real business wars, Luo Quan can only say that they are far more interesting than those described in novels.

In the business wars in the novel, the protagonist is like a strategist, strategizing, as if he can get things done just by relying on his extraordinary calculation ability and prophetic intuition.

Everyone around him was panicking, as if the company was going to collapse soon, but in the end, it turned out that everything was under the control of the protagonist.

As long as the script is not too brainless, many people will still be willing to watch this kind of business war when it is made into a TV series. After all, pretentiousness and slaps in the face are one of the most attractive themes in novels and TV series.

But in reality, where do so many business geniuses with open eyes come from? Some of them are just all kinds of outrageous operations that make people feel stupid.

For example, in the U.S. stock market a while ago, several large Wall Street companies attempted to make money by shorting a gaming company.

Everything was normal at the beginning, and it was about to enter the harvesting stage, but suddenly the situation took a turn for the worse.

The reason is that this game company used to be the childhood memories of many young Americans. Many people bought their first game console and first game card from this company.

As we all know, childhood memories are the most sacred and inviolable, and a man will remain a teenager until his death. Even if he has experienced so many ups and downs in society, there will still be some romanticism left in his heart.

Therefore, retail investors do not want to see this company that carries their childhood memories be shut down by the vampires who control the stock market.

Therefore, retail investors banded together and bought all the stocks no matter how many stocks those vampires sold.

As a result, the company's stock price rose like a rocket, and it instantly became the most beautiful guy in the stock market.

Here is an introduction to what short selling is.

The so-called short selling means that the employer predicts that a company's stock price will plummet in the future, so it borrows the company's shares from the stock exchange and then sells them.

Wait until the stock price plummets, then buy the shares and return them to make money on the price difference.

The stock market is sensitive. When a company begins to sell a large amount of shares, other shareholders will definitely follow suit, trying to quickly sell their shares to make money before the price drops to the limit.

This leads to a vicious cycle of lower and lower stocks, so once a company is targeted by a venture capital for shorting, the stock price is likely to collapse.

But if the company has sufficient cash flow, that's a different story.

There are only so many stocks in a company. After you buy all the stocks that others are selling, you have to add more money if you want to buy them again.

As soon as you add money, everyone knows that the company's stock is selling well, and the stock price will naturally go up.

Once the stock price starts to skyrocket, it will definitely be a nightmare within a nightmare for venture capital institutions that are doing short selling.

When you borrow stocks, no one cares how much you sell them for.

But when the time comes, you must repay the amount you borrowed plus interest.

Even if the stock price was 100 when you borrowed it, and the stock price became 10,000 when you repaid it, you still have to repay it at 10,000.

Therefore, once you are short-selling and encounter a sniper attack by a big bull who is richer than you, it is a high probability that you will lose everything.

Originally, it was impossible for these retail investors to compete with venture capital institutions on their own.

Even if Americans are rich, an ordinary retail investor can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to speculate in stocks.

As for venture capital institutions, which one doesn’t have hundreds of millions of dollars in liquidity?

However, the situation is different when all retail investors unite.

One person is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, one hundred is worth tens of millions, and ten thousand is worth more than one billion!

As for a venture capital institution, most of its cash is thrown into the stock market to wait for the ups and downs. It is absolutely impossible to raise so much money in a short period of time.

If a venture capital institution discovers that someone is attacking it at the beginning, it decisively gives up short selling and pays some blood to return the shares, then it won't be a huge loss.

But human nature is greedy. The organization thought that its peers were causing trouble, and since it was also very powerful, it wanted to compete with the other party, so it invested a lot of money.

When ordinary colleagues see how determined they are, they will most likely give up directly.

However, this time the opponent was not timid at all and immediately spent more money than these capitalists.

As a result, the game company's stock price has soared dozens of times, far exceeding its original value.

This abnormal price increase also attracted the attention of many passers-by. After knowing that this was a battle between ordinary people and Wall Street capitalists, countless ordinary people chose to join this battle.

They want to use their scattered savings to become a puzzle piece against the capitalists.

Maybe they may not be able to get rich overnight, but it would be very satisfying if the capitalists could go bankrupt.

After all, in the past, ordinary people like them were the ones being cut off by the capitalists in the stock market. Now that they finally have the opportunity to fight back, how can they let it go?

As a result, the incident became more and more serious, and eventually even half of the world knew about it.

The game company's stock price has been skyrocketing, and the venture capital firm that attempted to short-sell has been in trouble.

There were no strong men who cut off their wrists in the beginning, but now it is too late to withdraw. If you give in, you will lose all your money, and the entire organization will be severely damaged.

In order to continue fighting with these retail investors, the bosses of the institutions borrowed a lot of money from other institutions to fill the gap.

But as the old saying goes, there is strength in numbers.

As thousands of leeks contributed their savings, ordinary people finally saw hope of defeating the capitalists.

If stocks continue to behave like this, we will soon see many trapeze artists appear on Wall Street.

However, a dramatic scene happened. After thinking about countless self-rescue methods, this venture capital institution finally chose the simplest and crudest one, which was to unplug the network cable.

Yes, just unplug the network cable.

They contacted the stock exchange and directly cut off retail investors' access to stocks on the grounds of server failure, thus allowing themselves to successfully escape.

As soon as this move came out, public opinion in the world financial circle was in an uproar.

In the stock industry, there are always profits and losses. Since you want to short-sell and destroy other companies, you must be aware of the backlash.

Now retail investors are fighting back for their childhood memories. All operations are reasonable and legal. But you, a shameless person, can't afford it and even unplugged the network cable. Where is the integrity?

The most important thing in doing business is integrity. With the current situation, the reputation of this venture capital institution has been completely ruined.

And even if the network cable is unplugged, the funds invested in the early stage will not return much. It can only be said that the institution has avoided bankruptcy, but it still suffered huge losses.

On the other side of the story, that is, the retail investors in the United States, they used this battle to defend the dignity of leeks, and at the same time told all capitalists that leeks are not easy to cut. As long as we unite, we can defeat you funds. All the powerful financial giants.

As for what this story tells, Luo Quan feels there is no need to elaborate.

That is to say, you have to be careful when doing business with Americans, because the other party may have no bottom line and no moral integrity.

If everyone can make money or can cooperate happily, but if he can't make money or even loses money, he will probably start to resort to off-market tricks. Of course, similar examples exist in China, and they can often be seen in the news.

For example, the chairman takes the lead in stealing money from a rival company, the chairman drugs and poisons his competitors, the chairman is ostracized by the board of directors and leads his subordinates to confront the company's security guards, etc.

It can be seen from these news that company bosses love to take the lead in domestic business wars.

It doesn't matter if it's not illegal to arrive, if something happens it's true, and I don't even bother to spend money to find someone to do it for me.

The final program effect is enough to leave a name in the abstract history of the Chinese Internet. It is a case that makes people laugh at first sight.

Compared with these comedic cases, of course there are also serious cases.

Just now, a fan mentioned "The Wolf of Lujiazui" to tease about the new movie he was going to make.

In reality, a nationally renowned private equity fund trader in Shanghai died unexpectedly.

Private equity funds, in layman's terms, are a group of wealthy people who don't like to appear in the public eye and hand over their money to a trader for investment.

When you make money, everyone enjoys it.

But if you lose money...

Anyway, the trader who died unexpectedly was said to have lost most of his money a while ago and was said to be running away abroad.

As a result, he was fished out of the Huangpu River not long after.

Surveillance footage captured him going out for a night run at eight or nine in the evening. The autopsy revealed that he accidentally fell into the water.

A trader with hundreds of millions of dollars in his hands does not sleep at night, does not discuss life with beautiful women, and runs at night in the cold wind of less than 10 degrees Celsius. What kind of sportsmanship is this?

Another thing is that the street lights in Shanghai should be repaired.

If there hadn't been something wrong with the street light, it wouldn't have caused a big living person to run into the Huangpu River on the 9th night.

In fact, netizens know this very well. They are just managing money for big bosses. When they were making a lot of money in the past, they were so famous that they could be called the Chinese Stock God.

But once he lost money, how could the boss let him go?

Since the money is still not paid, the only option is to pay back the life, and the boss sends someone to form a special group.

If he really dared to run away, that would be the fate of the whole family being ganged up on.

Now that he is the only one who dies, this is the final outcome.

In the adult world, after making some decisions, you need to bear the cost of the response.

Therefore, just by looking at these few cases, we can get some clues about how deep the financial industry is.

Luo Quan is going to film "The Wolf of Wall Street" this time, and a lot of people will definitely be cueed.

They may be dissatisfied, but they certainly can't come up with any good solutions.

Because the Luoquan people are in China, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so they can't control her at all.

Of course, there will certainly be no shortage of attacks from public opinion. After all, The Wolf of Wall Street in its previous life was scolded badly by Wall Street elites after it was released.

After all, in the movie, almost all of the elites who control the stock market are portrayed as scammers who only engage in pyramid schemes.

Although that may indeed be the case.

"If you want to see a story about a financial genius who makes a fortune by constantly buying stocks, you will probably be disappointed."

Luo Quan saw the trend of discussing this aspect on the barrage and immediately said: "This is actually a story about a bad guy. In terms of the specific plot, it is a bit like the less funny trilogy of trafficking in human beings."

What is the Trafficking Trilogy?

It was the pinnacle of Chinese sketches, and it was a very rare sketch that was made into a series during the Spring Festival Gala. The same characters would appear on stage every year to develop a coherent plot.

The plot of the Kidnapping Trilogy can be summed up in two words: deception.

"What Luo Bao means is that the protagonist of this movie is a big liar?"

"I guess he relies on his sharp tongue to confuse people's minds."

"When you say that, I'm looking forward to it even more. I just want to see how Li Anhui turned into a big liar."

"It's been a long time since I've seen Leon show off his acting skills. The movies he's been in recently are all about handsome and domineering CEOs. I beg Luo Bao to give him a chance to show off his abilities."

"Indeed, such a young actor spends all his time trying to be cool. Although he is indeed very handsome, he can't keep wasting his talent like this."

"You are sexist at first glance. If it were Luo Quan who wore a sports vest and short shorts every time to look beautiful in movies, would you refuse?"

"Then I still have the time to watch a movie."

"Sure enough, people shaking are double standards."

"Nonsense, Lyon's female fans are all on Weibo. Of course they would rather watch Lyon act handsome. It's understandable that we male fans would like to see his acting skills."

"It's true that Luo Quan's female fans on Weibo want to see her career continue to prosper. The more awards Luo Quan wins, the happier they will be."


I have to say that the arguments of fans sometimes make sense.

Luo Quan also knew what they wanted, so he nodded and said, "Don't worry, everyone, this movie requires a very intense performance from the protagonist.

So fans who want to see the acting skills explode will definitely get what they want this time.

I guarantee that you will see a drama that will make you thoroughly addicted. As for how enjoyable it is, you will have to wait and see for yourself after the movie is released. "

The barrage immediately scrolled quickly:

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words."

"I hope Leon can win another Best Actor this time, and then the number of honors far away will be the same as Luo Quan."

"Both siblings are both best actors, right?"

"After the Best Actor joins the cast, they still have to part ways. If these two people collaborate on a movie, they should be able to hide themselves well."

"It's a beautiful idea, but it's probably very difficult to achieve."

"So the question is, when will The Wolf of Wall Street be released?"

"Urgent, urgent, Luo Bao, can you tell me something?"

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