Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1332 Shura Card Wave

Chapter 1332 Shura Card Wave

"You won't be able to see it before the end of this year. Let's wait until next year. We should be able to see it at the end of the Spring Festival next year."

Luo Quan thought for a while and gave fans a conservative number.

In fact, there are only about two months left before the Spring Festival, and the release speed is still quite fast. Ordinary directors would definitely not dare to boast about such a success.

But for Luo Quan, finishing filming within two months is already a routine operation, and it is not uncommon for it to be completed faster.

However, although fans are urging Luo Quan to make movies quickly, some procedures still have to be completed.

After all, Hollywood has just received the news that filming will start in advance. It will take at least a week to get everyone's visas. Even if they start filming as soon as they get off the plane, it will still be ten days later.

So the next ten days should be the easiest ten days in the next two months.

Originally, Luo Quan wanted to stay in the house and take a good look at the precautions for pregnant women.

However, because Huanyu is very concerned about the situation of himself and the Holy Son, he has to go there from time to time.

In fact, it is equivalent to inspections, but they are more frequent than here on Earth.

However, considering the importance of the Holy Son to Dawn Church, this approach can be understood.

And Benjamin III also said that since she has just become pregnant, she will need to do more inspections. After a while, there will be no need to go through so much trouble. There will no longer be such frequent inspections until the due date arrives.

Luo Quan also knew that they were doing it for his daughter's good, so he always cooperated.

However, after she completed the examination two days ago, she would return to Earth after chatting with Ye Zhining and Bai Xingwei for a few words, but this time she seemed unable to leave.

"It has been detected that a competition that is very suitable for the host is about to be held. It is recommended that the host sign up to participate."

Luo Quan was shocked by the sudden reminder from the system.

Very suitable for his own game. This description seems to have never appeared before.

So Luo Quan immediately asked Bai Xingwei: "Weiwei, are there any particularly grand competitions held in Huanyu recently?"

"Yes, the Sparrow God Competition." Bai Xingwei almost blurted out, "Are you interested? I just happened to sign up, so you should also sign up quickly, and let's compete in the qualifiers together."

"Sparrow God Competition?" Luo Quan's expression became very strange, thinking, do we really have that thing?

It wasn't until Bai Xingwei clicked on a mahjong icon with a red center on it that Luo Quan knew that the game she was talking about was this.

"Is this Richi Mahjong so popular in the world now that there is even a competition for hegemony?" Luo Quan asked with confusion on his face.

This thing was originally used during the live broadcast of Huanyu Girl. She took it out to play with the girls to relieve her boredom.

Later, it was filmed in a daily vlog, and then it became popular inexplicably.

There seemed to be a lot of people interested at the time, but Luo Quan always thought that people loved the show "Girls of the World" so much that they loved it, and they didn't really have much enthusiasm for playing Mahjong.

But now it seems that my idea is a bit too arbitrary.

"It's not just popular?" Bai Xingwei shook her head and sighed, "Talizhi Mahjong is now one of the most popular games in the world. Whether it is online or offline, whether it is playing points or real money, the popularity is so high. It is one of the best.

Take this Sparrow God Tournament as an example. The current level of attention is no worse than that of the Universal Girl. "

"Is it so outrageous?" Luo Quan fell silent when he heard this, then lowered his head and quickly browsed the news.

After watching it for a long time, she finally understood.

It turns out that Richi Mahjong, a new thing from the earth, has been blessed by extraordinary power in the world.

Just like after she released the fantasy world on the world, because the work was so good, she could directly enter the fantasy world and obtain various rewards from the world.

As for Riichi Mahjong, as a game, it is also so good that people can get extra rewards while playing.

And not only Luo Quan, the carrier, can get it, but all other players can also get the same treatment when playing straight mahjong.

What's more interesting is that the rewards for playing Richi Mahjong are not as rich as those in Fantasy World. When playing Richi Mahjong, people can only get one reward, which is to improve their luck.

Everyone has times when they are lucky and unlucky, and generally speaking these two situations are conserved.

That is, you may draw a lot of cards today and get a single withdrawal, but you will probably have to make a big guarantee before you can get a withdrawal tomorrow.

In layman's terms, if you go out to hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

But if you choose to play Richichi Mahjong, and there is a wave of luck cards while playing Richichi Mahjong, then the winner of this round can absorb the loser's luck and have good luck for a period of time, and there is no need to worry at all. There will be bad luck later.

Because all the bad luck you should have had was borne by the other three losers in the card game.

In other words, the current mahjong game has become a gamble that uses luck as a bargaining chip.

Moreover, the luck absorbed will only last for a certain period of time, and it is not absorbed forever, so everyone does not have to worry about losing the luck all the way to zero.

So even if you lose miserably today, if you endure bad luck for a period of time, there will always be a chance for a comeback.

It is no surprise that such a game with relatively low risks and very high returns can become popular.

What's more, when it first appeared, it was in the phenomenal variety show Universal Girls, which was much better than spending huge sums of money on advertising.

So even before World Girls ended, the popularity of Riichi Mahjong was already very high.

And with the personal participation of a large number of anchors, the popularity of this emerging thing has increased exponentially.

Then came the end of capital. Mahjong was transformed from a casual game into a competitive game that can be ranked up, and then multiple levels of club events were developed.

There are city levels, regional levels and even planet levels.

In short, the mahjong competition is in full swing now, and the number of ordinary players and players is as numerous as the stars in the sky.

Under such excellent momentum, the first Sparrow God Competition came into being.

This competition is actually equivalent to the S competition in lol. It is the supreme competition of this game. Not only mahjong masters from all over the world are invited to participate, but fans and players from other planets can also sign up to participate.

Luo Quan is very lucky. Today is the last day to register for the Sparrow God Competition. Registration will end early tomorrow morning, and then the first round of eliminations will begin immediately.

If it weren't for the system reminder, she might have missed this game.

"Speaking of which, if I win this competition, what benefits can I get? Are there any mission rewards or anything like that?"

After Luo Quan learned the news about the competition, he seemed a little eager to try.

"After officially participating in the competition, missions may appear, and after the host wins the championship, it can absorb the luck of other contestants."

The system's answer was a bit ambiguous, but since it didn't explicitly say it couldn't be done, it meant that there might be mission rewards.

Luo Quan's eyes were filled with anticipation when he thought that by playing mahjong he could not only harvest other people's luck, but also obtain props such as promotion cards. That’s right, Luo Quan has regarded other players as leeks that he can harvest at will.

Based on her luck in playing cards, no matter how good others are at playing cards, aren’t they just going to watch her play tricks?

So, Luo Quan immediately signed up to participate in the game, nicknamed Tianhu Kai.

The first preliminary round is online. After promotion, that is, at noon a few hours later, you have to go to the offline guidance venue to continue the competition.

The first round won't last long, each group can be completed in about ten or twenty minutes, so you don't have to worry about insufficient rest time.

"Have you signed up?" Bai Xingwei saw Luo Quan operating the optical machine and immediately put his head over.

"You must sign up. After all, it's a game I brought from Earth. Wouldn't it be a pity that I, a porter of mahjong, can't play it?" Luo Quan said confidently.

"I thought you would dislike the lack of challenge and just stop participating." Bai Xingwei said with a sour tone.

As a mahjong lover, she really envied Luo Quan's luck in playing Tian Hu.

There are so many types of tricks in Riichi Mahjong, and she would never dream of playing Guo Shi Wushuang or Nine Lotus Lanterns once.

But every time when playing ranked, it is quite rare to be able to play bigger cards, such as seven small pairs, one-stop or all-color.

More often than not, I can only do the smallest single piece.

Or, fall directly into Hu Dapai's path.

She had played with Luo Quan several times before, and her luck in starting and making wild moves couldn't be described with the word "monster". She had never seen such outrageous luck!

If there is a mahjong god somewhere, then Luo Quan must be the mahjong goddess who is doted on by the gods.

Otherwise, there is no scientific knowledge that can explain why she has such good luck in every game.

If she did not participate in this competition, there would still be some suspense about who the champion would be.

Now that you have signed up, you have basically booked the championship. After all, in mahjong, no matter how big the card is, can it be bigger than Tianhu?

Facts have proved that it can indeed happen.

In the early hours of the morning, Luo Quan entered the competition room and got ready.

After verifying the identity of the players, the first round of competition officially begins.

Each player starts with 25000 points and plays a total of six half-banks. After one family loses points, the final scores of the four families are calculated. The person with the highest score advances to the second round at noon.

This kind of game system is much better than determining the outcome in one game. After all, mahjong is too random.

No matter how lucky you are, if you meet someone who is extremely lucky, you will definitely lose one or two games and be eliminated directly.

But if you are playing six and a half dealers, then there is a high probability of avoiding this happening. After all, people cannot be lucky all the time.

Except Luoquan.

Because her game had not started yet, Bai Xingwei sat next to Luo Quan and watched her operations.

Then, I saw how she started by grabbing a set of Xiaosanyuan's two-way listening.

(ps small three yuan is any two tiles in the white board, fortune red, or kong, and the remaining one is a pair, plus the other two straight or random tiles, if I remember correctly, it should be like this

Two-way listening means that you can listen to the cards if you are short of two key cards)

The card type is three white boards, three red cards, one fortune card, four to five to six thousand, thirty six, and two cakes.

It was an experience that Bai Xingwei had never had before when she started to touch such a card type.

It was Luo Quan's turn to draw a card, advance seven pieces, and play two cakes.

After three rounds, enter Zhang and make a fortune.

Luo Quan put three of them into his river of cards and did not choose to stand upright.

"Isn't this already a trick? Why not stand straight?" Bai Xingwei's eyes were full of doubts.

In her opinion, Xiao Sanyuan is already a good Hu card. Although there are only two times, there are no five or eight cards in the current card river, which means there is a high probability that she will draw it.

Choose Li Zhi at this time, and wait for another self-touch, and you will make a lot of money.

"Why am I standing upright when I'm only three yuan?" Luo Quan pinched his chin with a smile, "The rare white hair is just one short of the three secrets. If you get another one to make a fortune, you are sure to be full, as long as you are stupid Just end the battle early."

As soon as he finished speaking, six bars were obtained. Luo Quan played seven bars horizontally and chose to stand upright.

Bai Xingwei curled her lips: "You are really confident. Are you not afraid that others will notice that you are doing big three yuan, so you just won't hit the red mark?"

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "It's only been a few laps, how can you tell what I'm doing just by looking at Paihe.

Besides, I don’t have no escape route at all. Even if they see that I’m playing big three yuan and don’t hit red, I can still play small three yuan by playing with six tricks. If I score less, it’s a little less, but as long as I can cheat, it doesn’t count. Bad. "

"That's true." Bai Xingwei nodded, feeling that her thinking was a bit simplistic.

Or maybe it's because she has too many tricks to deal with the Yaojiu, so she naturally feels that a card that can be tricked is already good, so when she saw Xiao Sanyuan, she felt that she should hurry up and stop talking, so as not to be run away by the opponent.

However, she ignored the fact that when others played small three yuan, they had to wait for several key cards. By that time, they were already in the middle and late stages of the game, and the Hu cards must be difficult.

But Luo Quan achieved two-way listening right from the start. Who would have known that she was doing three-dimensional listening?

And with the protection of overlord luck, even if no one fires the gun, the Hu cards will still come into her hands.

Sure enough, after Luo Quan stood upright for less than two turns, a red center appeared on the screen.


Luo Quan clicked on the Hu card without hesitation, and then dazzling special effects appeared on the screen.

This is also a feature of the Mahjong King app. When Hu plays the tiles all over the sky, this very cool special effect of Hu tiles will appear.

The battle card that Luo Quan played this time was the Big Three Elements. Even without the addition of the Three Dark Engravings, it was already one of the largest battle cards.

Luo Quan is the banker. He draws his own money when he is full and gets 32000 points.

After just the first game, she was already far ahead of the other three players.

Vaguely, a wave of Shura cards began to gather on her body.

(End of this chapter)

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