Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1333 Unparalleled Good Luck

"How about it? My poker skills are very good. I can directly maximize my profits."

Luo Quan pointed at the big yama on the screen and raised the corner of his mouth at Bai Xingwei proudly: "How can the small three yuan compare to the big sanyuan? I won this round, and then I can do some random tricks." You can advance easily by breaking Yaojiu."

"How much does this have to do with your card skills?" Bai Xingwei was dissatisfied and envious at the same time, "You start with a small three-yuan two-way listen, and then you enter a card with almost no waste. If you don't draw it for ten rounds, you don't even have a lot of hands. No one is as lucky as you."

As mentioned before, everything in the world can enter the Tao. Although Mahjong is a new thing, a few months are enough for a group of masters to practice it to the realm of Tao.

But after all, we are just getting started, so the current level of mahjong players is not as detailed as other professions, and there are only four in total.

From low to high, they are the first glimpse of the door, the glimpse of the leopard in the tube, the peak of the mountain and the waves, the supreme and unparalleled.

As long as you have the talent to enter the Tao, you are at least a bird player with the ability to reach the top.

Players of this level can create waves of cards when playing mahjong to strengthen their luck and achieve the effect of playing larger numbers of cards.

In fact, it is equivalent to a luck valve that can be controlled by itself.

Most people's luck is good and bad, and only a few people are always lucky or always unlucky.

And those who have reached the level of reaching the peak and making waves have the ability to control their own luck.

Even in a world full of extraordinary masters, these abilities are very powerful.

And on top of this, the Supreme Unparalleled One possesses powerful luck that can change one's fate against the odds.

Currently, there are only four such top players, and they also occupy the top four spots in the standings on the Queshen App, and are regarded as gods by countless players.

However, it is said that there is another realm above the supreme and unparalleled realm, called the realm of ghosts and gods.

It is said that the luck of the bird in this realm is unpredictable, and his skills are unrivaled. As long as he plays the cards correctly, it is absolutely impossible to win in the end.

According to the rule of winning in mahjong, you can harvest the luck of the loser. The final winner of this Sparrow God Competition is likely to leap into the realm of ghosts and gods after gathering the luck of all the losers.

However, in Wen Xia's view, the first bird hand in the world to enter the realm of ghosts and gods has already appeared, and that is Luo Quan in front of him.

Bai Xingwei has rarely seen this kind of Yang Shou playing card game even among those supreme-level sparrow players.

It is true that card waves can bring good luck, but it does not mean that you will get good luck immediately if you set off a card wave. There needs to be a development process. Generally, the bird hand sets off the card wave - waits for the card wave to rise - and rides on it. Top card wave - luck surges.

No one can come up with all kinds of crazy cards right away, unless they are the kind of monster who has made a py deal with Lady Luck.

Luo Quan is obviously such a monster. Her luck does not need to be actively used by herself. It is a passive skill that always exists and can reach its peak as soon as she gets started.

As for the side effects...

Bai Xingwei took a look at Luo Quan's starting hand in the second game. It was obviously not as exaggerated as the first game.

However, there are still only a few cards left to play the Yaojiu. It probably won’t take more than a few rounds to listen to the cards.

With such a huge lead, Luo Quan does not need to recruit any big names in the future, and just a few small-time players will be able to advance stably.

After all, a butt is still a beard, and no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

So Luo Quan didn't think about big names at all in the next few sentences. He just acted on whatever brand he was quick to deal with.

After breaking the unit nine three times in a row, Luo Quan's score exceeded 60,000 points after the fourth round in the East.

In the remaining four rounds, unless someone can play double the number of cards in the sky, such as the pure Nine Lotus Lantern or the Unparalleled Thirteen Faces of the National Warrior, it will be almost impossible to catch up with Luo Quan.

Although everything is possible on the card table, luck is obviously not on the side of Luo Quan's opponents.

There were eight rounds in a half village, four rounds each in the southeast. In the end, the game was not completed in all eight rounds. In the second round in the south, Luo Quan made a fool of himself and directly deducted all his points, ending the game early. Gambling.

"It's awesome, Luo Bao, you're almost the same as Di Hu and Qi Mantian." Wen Xia was a little jealous of Luo Quan's luck at first, but now he only has envy and admiration.

Tian Hu means that the banker plays the cards after playing the first cards in the hand, while Di Hu means that the player plays the cards before the first four cards of the game are played.

Luo Quan almost succeeded in playing all the tricks, so you can imagine how outrageous his luck with the cards was.

Of course, from the perspective of the other three sparrow players, Luo Quan just had better luck. He just made a big mistake at the beginning, and then made a mistake again in the end.

But only Bai Xingwei knows how easy it is for Luo Quan to master these tricks.

And this is still her routine operation. You must know that when she fought Luo Quan before, she had performed Tianhu and Dihu several times.

Others calculate the numbers when playing Hu cards, but Luo Quan calculates the time when playing Hu cards. A game of mahjong, including the time to catch the parry tiles, takes less than half a minute on average. A half-man game can be played in five minutes.

If it were anyone else, if it were a sparrow player who had less time to think, I'm afraid the game wouldn't have been finished yet.

This is the horror of Luo Quan.

Now, the terrifying Luo Quan has successfully advanced to the offline level and will face three new unlucky guys in eight hours.

Wen Xia felt that Tianhu did not appear in Luo Quan this time, probably because of the online competition and the inability to harvest luck from the air.

After everyone comes face to face offline, Luo Quan's true abilities will probably be revealed. I hope that the three unlucky guys will not be heartbroken by Luo Quan.

As for Luo Quan, she is completely immersed in the joy of promotion.

Although she had long expected that she would win easily, as long as she won the game, no matter whether it was easy or not, she was very happy. As a saying goes, a small win is not a loss.

The final reward is almost nothing except after promotion.

The system said that she could gain luck by participating in the Sparrow God Tournament, but her luck didn't seem to change at all after the first round.

I don’t know if it’s because you can’t harvest online mahjong, or if you have to finish the finals before you can start harvesting.

If it's the latter situation, it will probably be at least a month later if you want to get it done, and I don't know if I can make time to participate during this period.

After the game was over, Luo Quan remembered to share his participation in the game with fans all over the world.

These guys are now guarding their social accounts every day, clamoring for her to share more updates and live broadcasts.

In fact, I just want to witness Ning Ning's growth process with her.

Luo Quan has always been a person who likes to share. She is very happy that fans are so concerned about her daughter's condition.

If it was after birth, she would definitely not let her daughter show up frequently, but now, since she can only see her belly anyway, it seems there is no harm in live broadcasting for a while.

So after Luo Quan finished the game, he simply stopped sleeping and started the live broadcast.

"Damn it, why did Luobao suddenly start broadcasting late at night?"

"Why don't you sleep at night? Staying up late is not good for your health."

"Just because staying up late is bad for your health, Luo Bao simply chose not to sleep."

"Fuck, God's logic."                                                                                        Don't do this if you are pregnant. Young people do have capital to squander, but they still have to consider their own circumstances."

"Luo Bao is only in his early twenties. In the world, he is still in bloom, so he shouldn't be in poor health."

"So young? I thought Luo Bao was at least fifty or sixty."

"That's too old. In the second-level civilization, this is already half the age of stepping into the coffin."

"Fortunately, Luo Bao came to Huanyu, otherwise her life would only be a mere hundred years. It would be a pity to die like this."

"So Heavenly Father guided her to the world, allowed her to become a Virgin, and had a long life. How generous and compassionate this is."

"That's almost it. The killing is all the result of your heavenly father, right? This is obviously the result of Luo Quan's own efforts."

"Indeed, if you don't take any credit, go to Heavenly Father, that's all."

"If you dare to disrespect Heavenly Father, you will be in trouble in the future!"


The barrage always caused quarrels in various ways. Luo Quan watched for a while and interrupted without laughing or crying: "Don't start a fight or quarrel. There is no need to argue about this trivial matter.

In addition, aren’t you curious about why I started live broadcasting in the middle of the night? "

Fans immediately responded:

"Of course you miss me. Do you even need to ask? My wife is really naughty."

"I guess, it seems like your boy wants to be the adoptive father of the Holy Son."

"It's a beautiful idea, but you have to ask my Wushuang Iron Fist first if he agrees."

"Actually, it's okay for me to be the wife of the Holy Son. The gender doesn't have to be so tight. In this way, Luo Bao will be my mother-in-law."

"This one is even more heavyweight."

"Everyone is off topic, right? Luo Bao didn't ask why Luo Bao went live so late."

"Yes, why is Luo Bao still live broadcasting so late?"


After some banter, Luo Quan finally had the opportunity to announce: "I participated in the Sparrow God Competition. I just finished the preliminary round and successfully advanced to the offline competition."

Luo Quan said as he posted the game he just played.

It’s okay if you don’t say it, but the barrage immediately exploded:

"What, Luo Bao actually participated in this competition?!"

"Okay, okay, so I can sit at the same table with Luo Quan tomorrow."

"I remember that Luo Bao brought this game from Earth, right? Speaking of Luo Bao's card skills, I haven't seen her play much before."

"The level of being invincible feels like it is at least the level of reaching the top of the mountain, or even the supreme level!"

"Is it such an exaggeration? But I don't seem to have seen her name on the list of sparrow gods."

"That's because she's too good and thinks playing mahjong is boring, so she doesn't bother to play ranked games. When the Universal Girls hit the airwaves, she showed off her skills in a small way, and she was simply too strong to be defeated. ."

"Is it so outrageous? What kind of school does Luo Bao belong to?"

"It should be Yu Wushuang, and he is one of the top three Yu Wushuangs in the world."

"I'll go, this rating is a bit high."


The so-called schools are actually three ways of playing cards in mahjong, namely Yu Wushuang, Tie Pao Yu and Law of Cause and Effect.

Yu Wushuang, what people say is that he has incredible luck. It is easier than any bird player to set off waves of cards and obtain strong card luck, making it easier to play big cards.

A sparrow hand with this kind of talent requires almost no skills. Once luck comes, it can be said that a god can kill a god when he blocks it, and a Buddha can kill a Buddha when he blocks it.

Tiepaoyu is also called scientific mahjong. It is just like driving Alpha Dog to play with others in Go. It emphasizes on maximizing the effectiveness of the cards. Every time a card is played, touched, eaten, or Kong is the optimal solution, and the pass is extremely powerful. computing power to make yourself close to invincible.

As for the law of cause and effect, this is one of the rarest talents. A bird player with it can see through the mountain of cards and understand the direction of the entire card game. That is, playing cards by intuition, knowing which cards should be played and which cards should not be played.

These three schools have their own advantages, disadvantages and restraints. Among them, Yu Wushuang is the least unreasonable, Law of Cause and Effect requires the most talent, and Tie Pao Yu has the highest minimum limit. However, if you want to reach the upper limit, you must have a head comparable to that of a robot.

And such geniuses are probably even rarer than those with the other two talents.

As for Luo Quan, who is just trying to make ends meet, he still belongs to Yu Wushuang, who relies on luck to make ends meet.

But only Bai Xingwei knew that Luo Quan was not Yu Wushuang at all.

Yu Wushuang needed a certain amount of preparation time if he wanted to ride the wave of pai, but Luo Quan didn't need this kind of foreplay at all, and it felt a bit like getting what he wanted.

I'm afraid this cannot be explained by pure luck. It is estimated that she has some blessing from the goddess of luck.

That is to say, Goddess of Luck has no church now, otherwise she would be as lucky as another Holy Mother.

"To be able to make a big three yuan out of nowhere, Luo Bao is so lucky."

"I was very happy for a long time even though I was a small three-yuan player. Luo Quan could actually make a big three-yuan game, and he was still in the competition."

"Haha, Luo Bao can actually be a little greedier and make a big three yuan plus four dark engravings."

"It's not necessary. From God's perspective, Luo Bao'er's opponent has already realized that something is wrong and is ready to stop Luo Bao's big name with Yaojiu Pihu, but it's still a step too late."

"I can only say that Luo Bao was extremely lucky. He started with a small three yuan two-way draw. My grandma can win this kind of card."

"It's just the preliminary round, and it's online. The offline competition is the stage where the masters really perform. When the time comes, there will be as many waves as dogs, and the entire venue will probably be covered by the huge wave of cards."

"The person who said this probably hasn't seen the video of Luo Quan playing cards in Universal Girls. That's called Pai Lang!"

"If that video is true, I would like to call her the number one bird player in Yu Wushuang."

"It's just a few Tianhu, nothing to be surprised about."

"Tianhu? Is it true?"

"Luo Bao, you speak for yourself"


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