Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1334: Unfortunate Luck

"It must be true. There is a video on the Internet, and everyone will know it once they see it."

Luo Quan answered the barrage's question and at the same time directly pulled out all the videos of himself playing mahjong with Wen Xia, Bai Xingwei and the others.

On the screen, Luo Quan just flatly touched fourteen cards, and then directly pushed them down to complete Tianhu.

Moreover, in the next few games, there were two times of wild bewilderment and another one of wild bewilderment. People who didn't know thought she had turned on some modifier.

Because she was always being stupid, no one, including her, had any gaming experience. She would often knock down other people's cards before they even finished sorting them out.

So for the sake of everyone's happiness, Luo Quan took the initiative to give up his position and let Xu Yanqing behind him fight.

When she got out of the way, she also said, "My luck is not suitable for playing cards. I'm so stupid when I touch it. How can others play?"

Such Versailles' speech does not sound arrogant at all even now, because it is all true.

Although Luo Quan did not mess up Tianhu in this online preliminary round, he did play a full game once, which is already very rare. No matter how much money you play mahjong all night, you may not be able to win a full game, let alone That's nonsense.

Or maybe it was just the preliminary round and Luo Quan was just having fun, so the scene didn't look as scary as before.

But once she gets offline and can start a poker wave at close range, she will probably be able to see her Tianhu again.

"Those who can be favored by Heavenly Father will definitely not have bad luck. I just don't know what the upper limit of Luo Bao's luck is."

"If you are so stupid, what kind of upper limit do you need? If you can be a master of Tianhu, no matter what kind of master the opponent is, there is no way he can survive the fourth game in the East under her hands."

"I don't believe that anyone can do it four times in a row. This is not in line with the laws of science."

"Huh? Are you talking about science with the Yu Wushuang poker player? Once she rides the wave of poker, it will only be a matter of time before the Hu card becomes bigger or smaller."

"Girls who love to laugh will not have bad luck. Not only does Luo Bao love to smile, but he also has good looks. It is completely understandable to have such luck."

"I'm looking forward to Luo Bao playing cards all over the sky again later. I want to see the Nine Lotus Lanterns. It seems that few people have played this card before."

"The Sparrow God has played countless games. The Nine Lotus Lantern appears no more than a thousand times, and the pure Nine Lotus Lantern only appears thirty-six times."

“I don’t know how many times this competition will happen.”

"It's almost impossible. The probability is really low."

"If it does come out, it will probably come from someone like Luo Quan, who is from the Yu Wushuang school. I don't think Hu Jiulian's treasured lantern has anything to do with skill, it just depends on luck."

"Compared to this, I still prefer the four-bar one. It looks so neat and tidy."

"I have sorted out the four bars when they fell apart. I haven't seen the four bars very often."

"These are things that us bronze and black iron players should not worry about. It would be good if we just study and understand things honestly."

"Haha, it's too real."


Mahjong is a game that is simple but not simple. One hundred and thirty-six cards contain endless possibilities.

As the largest and most difficult type of mahjong, the Mantian tile is the dream of all mahjong players. The happiness you get from making it once can probably be compared with the wedding night.

Of course, for Luo Quan, that's all. After all, she has made several Yamantian cards, so it is not a rare thing.

I’ve had a Royal Flush in Texas Hold’em, I’ve had Spring in Landlords, I’ve played mahjong, and I’ve been playing Russian Roulette with five bullets for more than ten rounds.

With her incredible luck in gambling, even the God of Gamblers, the Saint of Gamblers, and the King of Gamblers all combined wouldn't be enough for her.

That is to say, in China, this kind of thing cannot be put on the stage, and it is difficult to show off, otherwise she will get a few more nicknames.

In fact, she usually doesn't touch these things, and playing mahjong is just for fun.

After all, as a Yuzhou native, playing mahjong is considered a traditional art in my hometown. From an eight-year-old child to an eighty-year-old woman, no one can play mahjong.

Apart from hot pot restaurants, the most popular shops on the streets are mahjong parlors.

It can only be said that fortunately Yuzhou and Shuzhou are not strict in this regard. If it were stricter, it is estimated that half of the people on the street would be arrested.

As the quintessence of the Chinese nation, Mahjong’s popularity in China, especially in the southwest, is almost unrivaled.

But what is more embarrassing is that none of the Mahjong world champions in recent years are from China.

Of course, she has little interest in reviving the great cause of national hemp glory, but she is still very interested in harvesting other people's luck in the world, and she is very interested.

At present, I have easily advanced to the preliminary round. I don’t know who my next opponents will be...

After sleeping for seven hours, Luo Quan rubbed his eyes and got up.

In the past, I would have been in a state of high energy after waking up after seven hours of sleep. I don't know why I feel a little tired now, as if my physical fitness has regressed ten years, and I have returned to the time when I stayed up late to do questions for the sake of grades.

Is it because of the baby?

Luo Quan looked down at his stomach and felt that this was the only explanation.

It may be due to the impact of pregnancy. Mothers do need more rest time, and since Ning Ning is the Son of God, she must be extremely talented and requires more energy to develop than ordinary babies.

So when she was in her belly, she might draw a lot of her own life energy for development needs.

But as long as it's what my daughter needs, it doesn't matter if she's a little tired. Anyway, Zhi Ning and the Pope have prepared a lot of nutritional supplements for her this time. She can eat one kind every day for a week without taking the same kind. She will definitely not let Ning Ning Hungry.

It should be noted that if fatigue becomes normal in the next period, she will have to rest early in the future.

Nowadays, people tend to be night owls in their daily lives. Going to bed at twelve o'clock is not very late, and it is even more common to go to bed at one or two o'clock. Who still remembers when you were a child, watching TV and seeing that at nine o'clock, the adults in the family would rush in and get angry, making you angry? Go to bed quickly?

On the other hand, in the past, there were few entertainment activities, and the hand strength was limited to flipping. It was already very good to be able to play QQ. However, unlike now, the functions are as complete as a computer.

But there is definitely nothing wrong with going to bed early. In the future, I might have to go to bed earlier than ten o'clock to see if this can alleviate the fatigue.

After washing his face and gargling his mouth, Luo Quan finally felt much more energetic.

She will have to play three games in a row. Normally it takes about two hours to complete. I hope she will have better luck this time and resolve the battle as soon as possible. Then she can go back to the house and take a nap, so as not to lose energy all day long. “Hey, you look like you didn’t sleep well last night. Are you too excited to win the game?”

When Bai Xingwei saw Luo Quan, her first words surprised her, so she asked, "How do you know I didn't sleep well last night? Are the dark circles under my eyes so obvious?"

Luo Quan took out his cell phone, switched the camera to the front, and took a photo.

There are no dark circles under the eyes, and the skin is as fair as jade as always, with no dullness or discoloration at all.

Bai Xingwei smiled and waved her hand: "Whether a person has slept well or not can be felt from his energy and energy. I am a warrior in the God Refining Realm, so I still have this sense."

As she spoke, she looked at Luo Quan's belly carefully, her eyes seeming to penetrate her skin. After a while, she sighed: "The little guy in your belly is growing so fast. Yesterday, the breath of life was still relatively small. It looked like a little chicken, but now it’s almost turning into an eagle.”

"What a little chick, it's too ugly." Luo Quan complained helplessly about Bai Xingwei's adjectives, and at the same time touched his belly proudly: "And my daughter will be a phoenix in the future."

"I understand, let's call her Feng Chu." Bai Xingwei nodded thoughtfully.

Luo Quan was speechless when he heard this.

Obviously Feng Chu is a compliment, but since the Crouching Dragon Feng Chu meme became popular, it seems that these two good words have become somewhat discredited.

"Forget it, Fengchu, just be Fengchu, as long as you know it in your heart." Luo Quan thought for a while, but finally was too lazy to pick out the words, "Let's go, the promotion competition will definitely be fierce later, Xingwei, you have to work hard oh."

"I don't have any expectations for myself. If I can't finish last, I will be successful."

Bai Xingwei's main character is a loser. After all, she doesn't have incredible luck like Luo Quan, and her own skills are relatively average, so she is very satisfied if she can make it out of the preliminary round. She doesn't care about the rematch later. Everything is earned.

Different levels have different expectations. Luo Quan's expectation for himself is to win the championship. After all, harvesting luck is a winner-takes-all game, and only the champion will gain.

And she doesn't want her luck to be harvested by others.

In this way, the two came to the offline competition venue of the Sparrow God Competition through the teleportation array.

It is a spacious hall with a table and four chairs placed every three meters.

The armchair is quite high-end. It is suspended in the air. It should be a wonderful experience to sit up and feel like playing games with the magnetic field.

But as soon as Luo Quan walked over, a group of Holy See guards walked over, followed by the person in charge of the Sparrow God Competition.

The person in charge looked to be in his thirties, holding a handkerchief in his hand and wiping sweat constantly. When he saw Luo Quan, he immediately ducked behind him to say hello.

Soon, several employees came over carrying a solid wood round-bottomed chair. The chair was also covered with a layer of velvet-like cushions, which looked quite luxurious.

"My Lady, this is a chair specially prepared for you. After all, the suspended seat still has safety risks, and this kind of chair is safer."

The person in charge said to Luo Quan respectfully, not sure if it was because he was too nervous that his voice was shaking very badly.

Although Luo Quan doesn't like others to influence her choices, she is not a person who ignores good and evil.

This chair suspended in mid-air is indeed novel, but if it falls to the ground, the consequences may be serious, so it is better to keep your feet on the ground.

"Put it down. Thank you all for your hard work." Luo Quan politely thanked the employees.

Several employees were a little out of breath while moving the chairs. When they heard Luo Quan's thanks, they immediately puffed up their chests and said with a smile that it was not hard at all.

Then they looked at each other, as if they wanted to say something, but they didn't dare to speak.

Luo Quan saw their hesitation and asked, "Do you have something to tell me?"

"Indeed." A brave barefoot young man among the employees nodded and said with a shy smile: "We are all your fans, so we want Madam Luo... to sign your name."

It sounded like this employee was indeed a fan. Luo Bao almost blurted out the words. However, thinking of the identity of Our Lady of Luoquan and the fact that the Holy Cult Guards were watching eagerly next to him, if he really called Luo Bao out, he would probably not have any good juice to eat, so he hurriedly Changed his mind.

"Want to take a photo?" Luo Quan has always been very generous to fans. As long as there are not too many people, fans will not refuse her to take photos and sign autographs.

" it really okay?" Several employees showed surprise in their eyes. They didn't expect Luo Quan to be so easy to talk to.

The employees who originally asked Luo Quan to sign autographs were already prepared to be reprimanded.

Unexpectedly, Luo Quan's smile and words were as warm as the spring breeze. Not only could he sign autographs, but he could even take photos!

Before the employees could react, Luo Quan had already walked up to them, stood together with their backs turned, and took a selfie with a light camera.

Then, he took out the pen he had prepared with him and signed each of the employees' names.

Several employees whose wishes were over-satisfied expressed their gratitude incoherently, and when they left, they were so happy that they couldn't leave.

After seeing off the employees, Luo Quan looked at the Holy Guards again: "Do you want to sign autographs and take a group photo?"

This group of Holy Guards is the elite of the Church of Dawn. Let them go into battle to kill the enemy and sacrifice their lives for the Holy Mother without batting an eyelid.

However, they had never seen such a battle before, and they thought that this Virgin seemed to be too close to the people and had no airs at all.

However, Our Lady has no airs, and they cannot lose their sense of proportion as guards, so they all waved their hands to express that they must do their job well, which is to protect the safety of Our Lady.

There are many people in the competition venue, and who knows what accidents may happen. In this environment, they cannot be distracted and do other things.

Hearing what the guard said, Luo Quan could only give up.

Soon, the first game of the rematch began. The four players still played eight games and one half.

Luo Quan, as the one who won the most in the preliminary round among the four at the same table, was the first to be the banker in the semi-finals.

Luo Quan didn't know any of the other three players at the same table, so he didn't waste any time and started the card game directly.

But what Luo Quan didn't know was that the players at her table were not very talented.

Except for her, the other three are all masters of climbing mountains and waves.

So when the coded mahjong was delivered to everyone by the automatic mahjong machine, three waves of tiles of different colors rose into the sky, and the three of them chose to set off the wave of tiles.

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of the people around him.

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