Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1335 I have a national scholar who is unparalleled in the world

ps. Happy Christmas, book friends~~~


Li Hongshu has been proficient in various gambling techniques since he was a child. He can get started with any gambling game in the shortest time and master it to the master level.

If there is a flower of the god of gambling, then Li Hongshu feels that he must be his chosen one.

His luck may not be that incredible, but his clear mind and extremely keen intuition mean that he has never lost an important bet so far.

When he first tried a new thing like Richi Mahjong, he knew it had great potential.

As expected, it didn't take long for him to rely on this game to enter the Tao, and in a very short period of time, he entered the realm of climbing the peak and rising waves, one step away from the supreme unparalleled.

However, he originally planned to break through to the next stage during the competition. After all, there is a long way to go, and he will have to play nearly ten games all the way to the finals, which is completely late.

Before today, he had no worries that he would fall in the first few rounds.

However, this belief began to waver until he saw that his opponent in the next round was Luo Quan.

He had seen Luo Quan's mahjong, and it was completely the unreasonable Yu Wushuang style.

Mahjong players of this style are the rarest, and they often rely too much on luck, so they don't care about polishing their skills. It is easy to be killed by the mahjong players of the other two schools in the early stage.

However, once Yu Wushuang's mahjong players take advantage of the wave of cards, there is almost no solution.

No matter how skilled you are, you can avoid firing cannons or sending away key cards, but you still can't stop others from drawing cards.

Moreover, the top Yu Wushuang Sparrow Master will listen directly to Hu Tian when his luck comes. He cannot stop him at all, and there is nothing others can do.

In Li Hongshu's opinion, Luo Quan's Yu Wushuang's skills are already at the top level. He is as good as eating and drinking, and the speed of making waves is much faster than that of ordinary Yu Wushuang sparrow warriors. It is definitely An extremely formidable opponent.

However, the more powerful the opponent is, the more sense of accomplishment will be brought after defeating it.

If all the people he met along the way were a bunch of noobs, it would make Li Hongshu feel uninteresting.

The other two sparrow warriors had the same idea. After exchanging glances with each other, they both knew who the biggest enemy was in this round.

Although Luo Quan was considered to be the champion before the game started, the three opponents at the same table showed no signs of stage fright. Even after sitting down, they all played extremely powerful cards.

The four auras began to intertwine and compete with each other. Three against one, they were evenly matched in a short period of time.

The brilliance that the four people displayed when they competed with each other through their own luck also made the audience watching the live broadcast exclaim:

"This is the first time I've seen a fateful duel between four masters. Is it so exciting in just the second round?"

"It seems that the draw is indeed random. Four powerful players are divided into one group. It will be a pity for whoever loses."

"I don't know what Luo Bao will do this time. The other three families have made it clear that they want to join forces to deal with her."

"Damn, isn't this cheating?!"

"I can't help it. Luo Bao's luck is too scary. The other three companies, One Karma Law and two Tie Pao Yu, are all more technical in style. Of course, we have to unite when we encounter people who are fighting for their luck."

"Indeed, I would do the same thing if it were me. Luo Bao's manipulation of the world is really scary."

"I don't believe anyone can be so lucky."

"Haha, you will know after watching Luo Bao's drawing of cards."


Before he finished speaking, the four people in the center of the field had already drawn all the cards.

Luo Quan sat on the bank and after putting up fourteen cards, the entire screen exploded instantly:


"Mom, come out and see the mahjong goddess!"

"You really have such incredible luck. Can you draw this kind of card right from the start?"

"How outrageous is this?"

"I really wonder if this has been coded in advance, otherwise how could it be so neat?"

"I, Luo Quan, really didn't cheat."


The reason why the barrage was shocked was because Luo Quan drew a magic card that could theoretically produce the maximum number of rounds!

Currently, the cards in her hand are red, east, east, southeast, south, south, west, northwest, northwest, north and wind!

Just spread out all the cards and draw them according to the rules, that's all.

It's hard to imagine this being the starting hand in a regular game.

"Is this the strength of Luo Quan after harvesting his opponent's luck at close range?" Bai Xingwei was the closest and was stunned at the moment.

I originally thought that Tianhu was already outrageous, but it seems that she is still a little conservative.

And just when everyone was lamenting Luo Quan's incredible luck, she started her own performance again.

"I'm a stick." Luo Quan smiled and placed two south winds facing up and two south winds facing down on the table.

Continue to draw cards, North Wind.

"Hidden bar."

Luo Quan's expression did not change at all when he spoke, but the expressions of the other three families had changed.

The moment Luo Quan stood up his cards, they already felt a huge wave of cards.

Different from the ordinary luck wave, this wave contains terrifying power that can destroy the world. This should be the legendary Shura wave, which can only be set off by a peerless genius who has advanced to the realm of ghosts and gods.

And once the Shura card wave is set off, then a pair of super big cards that is rare in the world is likely to appear next.

And after Luo Quan made two consecutive moves, this super-big deck had already begun to take shape.

Luo Quan, who made consecutive moves, did not stop and immediately reached out and touched his third card.

Dongfeng, keep driving!

The fourth card, West Wind! Fight again!

When Luo Quan blocked all of them, everyone held their breath. The hands of the two referees next to them began to tremble as if they were having a convulsion.

Luo Quan now only has one red hit left. If he draws another red hit next, it will be the return of the four directions, which can form the largest theoretical battle type, namely the big four joys (the engraved marks or bars of the east, west, south, and north winds), the word one color (all are these tiles in the white hair of East, West, South), Four Kongzi (four bars, also called the Eighteen Arhats), Four Hidden Carvings (all the Kong tiles are drawn out by oneself, and then one is hung alone).

Six times the battle, 192000 points!

This kind of trick should only exist in theory. So far, I haven’t seen anyone on the Internet actually playing tricks.

After all, the probability of having a four-bangzi, also known as the Eighteen Arhats, is only one in 430,000. If you want to do a four-bangzi at the same time, the east, west, north, and south winds are blowing. This probability will probably be increased by one in 430,000. square.

What's even more outrageous is that this is a scene that was discovered on the first patrol outside Luoquan, which is almost as good as Tian Ting.

If this goes wrong, how lucky will it be? Finally, with everyone watching, Luo Quan touched his fifth card.

Unfortunately, it’s a blank slate.

Although they are both word cards, Whiteboard and Hongzhong are not a good match.

Looking at the two cards in front of him and hesitating for a moment, Luo Quan felt that the red one was more festive, so he played out the white board and scored a single red card.

After seeing that Luo Quan did not call Hu, the other three people breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I didn't mess up, and I still have a little bit of hope.

If Luo Quan messed up, the game would have ended in the first game.

But before there is no fool, no matter how big the card is, it is of no use.

Luo Quan has hit the whiteboard now, so the whiteboard must be safe for his mouth.

But any card other than the whiteboard is very dangerous.

Considering that Luo Quan's card wave was so unfavorable when he first came up, and the big four and four kongs came out, he had no reason not to make a single color in this case.

Therefore, the card she keeps has a high probability of being a red or making a fortune.

Li Hongshu lowered his head and glanced at the red center that he had touched. Counting the red center that he got from the beginning, he had already collected the red center pair.

These two cards must be taken to death and cannot be released under any circumstances.

Thinking of this, Li Hongshu already had the idea of ​​winning.

If Luo Quan's hand is to make a fortune, that's it. If it's Hong Zhong, then before Luo Quan realizes that Hong Zhong is about to run out of cards, he must speed up and do the Yaojiu, which is the easiest way to cheat!

I believe the other two people can also see the current situation. As long as they don't hit the jackpot or make a fortune, they will most likely be safe.

If Luo Quan deliberately played a card to confuse everyone and held any one of the ten thousand tubes in his hand, it could only mean that Luo Quan's skills were higher than everyone thought.

If she can resist the temptation of the four directions returning to the center and choose the more reliable Hu Fa, coupled with such incredible luck, then she deserves to win!

Thinking of this, Li Hongshu no longer had any scruples, quickly played the unnecessary waste card, and then gave his boss a look.

In this situation, it is extremely dangerous for Luo Quan to draw cards. The best situation is to have a three-person turn with the Shangxia family. After getting all the cards that need to be taken and touched, let Luo Quan draw cards. This will reduce the chance of her touching herself.

Mahjong players who can reach the level of rising to the peak are not ordinary people, not to mention that they are all from the Tiepaoyu school that is best at defense. With just one look, Li Hongshu's family immediately understood and started giving each other food and drinks.

After a while, the three families had all made their own straight or two straight numbers.

Seeing that he couldn't get any cards, Luo Quan started spinning the red card in his hand, but he was not in a hurry.

It was just my first chance to get so lucky. Even if I never get such a big name again, it probably won’t be much worse.

So even if she lost this round, she was very confident about the direction of the entire game.

The only pity is that it would be such a waste of nature if the Eighteen Arhats who returned from all directions did not succeed in the end.

Just as she was thinking about it, her opponent's threesome was already over.

Li Hongshu, who has the best poker luck, has already laid out three, four, five, and three, four, and five tubes. He still has seven cards left in his hand. He may have listened to the cards.

If this card cannot be drawn next, it is likely to be given away by the other two companies, which will directly make your own game full of cards.

So, success or failure depends on this!

Thinking of this, Luo Quan decided to believe in his luck in playing cards, and without hesitation extended his right hand to Paishan to grab the cards.

How can it be repaired? Yaoji!

Looking at the Yaoji carvings that his previous family had already displayed, Luo Quan could only play out the Yaoji he had just obtained and continue to listen to the red results.

At this time, she has realized that something is wrong with the situation. Whenever another card is played, she will consider giving up the word one color. It is nothing more than twice the number of games. If there is no Hu Cheng in the end, there will be nothing.

It's a pity that I can only wait for another round.

Soon, the four people all drew and played their cards, and nothing happened for the time being.

What Luo Quan touched this time was a whiteboard. The moment she saw the whiteboard, she had a sentence that she didn't know whether to say or not.

If she had hit red in the first round, she would have touched herself now.

There is no way, there is no regret medicine to take in the poker game.

I was just typing on the whiteboard, and the other three people might have guessed that I had a red card in my hand or that I was going to make a fortune.

But they probably never dreamed that they could get the whiteboard back, so maybe they were wary?

So Luo Quan decisively hit a red hit and changed the score to a blank slate.


Li Hongshu directly grabbed the red center hit by Luo Quan and couldn't help but smile: "The four bars are scattered, the game is lost."

"I'll wipe it!" Luo Quan's eyes widened immediately, and he calculated over and over again. It turned out that she didn't realize that there were three red cards in someone else's hand!

The so-called four bars are broken, which means that if two or more people have four bars, then the game will become a draw and will be restarted directly.

After seeing that it was a loser, all three people at the card table except Luo Quan smiled.

It was really dangerous. Fortunately, they disrupted the order of the cards and allowed Li Hongshu to touch the red card, which was a decisive blow to Luo Quan.

Fortunately, Luo Quan typed out a white board instead of a red one at the beginning, otherwise she would have touched herself just now.

It was thanks to the presence of these two that Luo Quan's Sifang Guizhong had no room for action and successfully survived this disaster.

It can be seen from Luo Quan's expression that he was quite depressed at not being able to fool this deck of cards.

It's such a pity to have an unprecedented deck of cards that are all over the sky, and it's just a short step away from being able to draw it yourself.

It's a pity, but she won't regret her decision.

After all, she didn’t have her clairvoyance, so the red card on the white board was a 50-50 choice. Who knew that her opponent could get three red cards?

It can only be said that her luck is a bit worse, while her opponent's luck is pretty good.

But anyway, the game is lost, there is no win or loss, everything starts from scratch, and you may not be able to draw the Tianmantian card again in the next game.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan's expression put on a smile again, and he began to look forward to what cards he would play in the next round.

At the same time, passers-by who were watching the live broadcast were wailing everywhere.

Most of them are not fans of anyone, they just like mahjong.

So basically everyone hopes to see Luo Quanhu, so that this game can be directly recorded in the history books.

It's a pity that her opponents are not fools, and their luck is not bad. In the end, she still fell to the single-hanging red.

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