Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1336 I have a national scholar who is unparalleled in the world

"Wow, it was almost, just almost!"

"Sometimes it doesn't work if you are too lucky. But the two single tags left by Fan Luoquan are ten thousand tubes, and the other three companies don't dare to feed each other so blatantly."

"Luo Bao's luck is hovering between a burst of luck and a draw, but the key to losing this round is that he didn't make the right choice in the first round. If he had left a blank slate and hit a red hit, he would have been much more comfortable in the follow-up."

"You have open your heavenly eye. Without opening your heavenly eye, who would know that your opponent can touch three red cards?"

"The main reason is that the three red cards are too outrageous. If it weren't for the four bars being scattered, Luo Quan would still have a chance to win if he changed the cards."

"It's really such a pity. What a pure four-year-old and eighteen-year-old man. I've played thousands of games and I've seen such a scene."

"According to probability, a person might not be able to encounter one even if he fights ten thousand times."

"If this is nonsense, it will probably go down in history."

"By the way, are all the mahjong warriors of the Yu Wushuang school so powerful? Can they even start with such a big card?"

"I know several Yu Wushuang sparrow masters, but none of them are like Luo Quan. When people improve their luck, they have to wait for the wave of cards, but Luo Quan did it just by talking about it."

"I agree, Luo Quan should be divided into a separate sect, called God's Hand, Yu Wushuang is such a rotten fish."

"Haha, God's hand sounds quite domineering."

"Indeed, he was almost nervous."


Amid heated discussions among fans, the second game officially began.

I don't know if the super big cards in the first game used up all his luck. The cards Luo Quan touched this time were all nine cards, which was quite bad.

The so-called nine cards refer to 190,000 tubes and various character cards.

These cards are not dependent on each other, and they have no use after being obtained individually. Therefore, if there are too many nine cards, they are regarded as old cards. If there are more than nine such cards in the hand, it is nine types of nine cards, which can be compared with the previous game. It was as if the four bars were scattered and the game was announced directly. This was regarded as a kind of protection for those who were too weak.

But this time Luo Quan got seven nine cards, two of which were ten thousand, one of nine, Dongfeng got rich, red in red, and the other cards were relatively scattered, neither in pairs nor connected.

"Damn, I've never seen anything so bad."

Luo Quan expected to get a nine-barrel card. In this case, he might still have hope of becoming an old man (there are only 190,000-barrel cards in Hu cards).

It's a pity that what you touch is a seven-bar card.

Luo Quan glanced at his twenty-five items and immediately curled his lips. There was a sentence in his heart that he couldn't say.

Luck is conserved in the fruit board. The last time you drew a super big card, your luck reached its peak. If you failed to win, things naturally started to go downhill in the second game.

With the card type in front of me, it is difficult to break the Yaojiu, which is the easiest way to win. Depending on the next card, there is still some hope for getting it right.

In short, we mainly focus on defense, waiting for luck to return again, and then do something big.

But even though Luo Quan had bad luck with cards, he didn't know what to do with a bad hand.

But in the eyes of the other three families, it was a different story. After experiencing the life and death moment in the first game, these three people no longer had any doubts about Luo Quan's "strength".

This is definitely a monster that can block the killing god at its own pace. With the luck of Tian Ting Da Si Xi Si Zhuang Zi, even if he calls those sparrow warriors from the Supreme Unparalleled Realm, it is impossible to do it.

It felt like luck alone was not enough, she also had to have a pair of invisible hands hidden in the mahjong machine to help her operate it.

Although he managed to escape being eliminated in the first round thanks to the cooperation of the three companies, as long as this luck lasts, Luo Quan can continue to get big names.

Luo Quan hasn't revealed any cards yet, but who knows what kind of incredible cards she has in her hand?

So after the three people looked at each other, they all decided on the strategy of playing, which was to feed each other cards as quickly as possible, and do whatever they could, without giving Luo Quan a chance to start.

Luck cannot exist for a long time after entering a poker game. One player can only maintain half a banker or four games.

Therefore, after surviving these four rounds, Luo Quan's luck should have declined, and everyone will have to rely on their own abilities.

Although playing cards like this is a bit rogue, in order to deal with Luo Quan, it is also a last resort. After all, this is a competition, and if you want to win the competition, you must do whatever it takes.

As a result, Li Hongshu and the other three began to feed each other cards continuously, just like in the first game, and soon they got mad.

Self-examination and identification of the first nine, each family gets 1000 points.

The income is mediocre, but a 100-point lead is still a lead.

And the next few games were almost the same routine, until the end of the fourth game in the east.

If the fight continued like this, Luo Quan would probably be defeated by this method of cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

This situation has also caused tension among fans:

"Thanks to a few mahjong warriors who have reached the peak and made waves, can we still make this dirty play like three against one?"

"It's understandable that you want to win the game, but it's really too ugly to play like this."

"I, Luo Quan, just showed my cards and played them. I can't win anyway, so I'll just humiliate them severely."

"Did Luo Bao's luck suffer too much in the first game?"

"It's about to go south. Luo Quan has the lowest points in the game right now. If he doesn't get a big name, he will probably go far away."

"To be honest, it's a bit difficult. For other Yu Wushuang sparrows, their luck at cards increases from small to large, and as they play later, their luck at cards gets stronger.

Luo Bao's move was just like the other way around. It was extremely hard at first, and then it stretched his hips more and more. "

"It is indeed like this. There are several nine-card games at the beginning. After several games, it is difficult to hear the cards once."

"I feel like Luo Bao is having a hard time."


Fans were busy analyzing Luo Quan's embarrassing situation, and Luo Quan was indeed very annoyed by the cheating style of the other three companies.

But this is just a cheating style of play, not cheating.

They didn't say a word to each other, and they relied entirely on eye contact and analysis of the game to feed cards. This was actually a manifestation of technology that ordinary people really couldn't do.

So Luo Quan had nothing to blame, and besides, the game was only halfway through, so it was too early to start sighing now.

She didn't believe that her luck would always be this bad. Luo Quan was still very confident about his luck.

To put it bluntly, no child cries every day, and no gambler loses every day!

If you don’t even believe in your own luck, it’s better to say goodbye to this game as soon as possible.

In this way, Luo Quan ushered in the Southern Game in a calm mood. It seems that the card luck is still ridiculously bad. At a glance, there are a lot of nine cards.

After counting carefully, there are exactly nine cards, so it counts as nine kinds of nine cards, and you can ask for a repeat.

But just when Luo Quan was about to raise her hand to signal the referee, an idea suddenly flashed in her mind.

Who said that nine kinds of nine cards must be hopelessly bad?

There is a card type that is full of cards, which means you need to gather all nine cards to win. It is known as one of the most difficult card types of winning cards - Guo Shi Wushuang, also known as the Thirteen Yaos.

If you want to be unparalleled in the country, you need 190,000 tubes, plus the white hair of the east, west, north, south, and any one of the above cards.

The name sounds very domineering, and the difficulty of Hu cards is not that high.

And because only one of each type of nine cards is needed, once you choose to be a national warrior, there is almost no turning back. If someone draws any of the nine cards, it will be declared that it is impossible to make a national warrior in this round. Unparalleled.

And because being a national warrior is very easy to identify, it is easy for others to see what you want to do, so if you are determined to defend, you have to rely on yourself to get rid of it, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of being a national warrior.

However, who let Luo Quan touch the nine kinds of nine cards?

Although this is a card type that is so bad that you can choose to reopen it, no matter how bad the card is, there is still a glimmer of hope. Guoshi Wushuang is the nine types of nine cards!

Of course, in most cases, people who encounter nine kinds of nine cards will choose to restart. After all, it is not that easy to get all the national warriors.

But if there is no dream, what is the difference between it and salted fish?

There were only six or seven types of nine cards in the past, but this time there were nine types of nine cards in the magic way, and they were all non-repetitive, which meant that my card luck was back!

If God doesn't take what he wants, he will suffer the consequences, so Luo Quan decided to make a big one. If he is lucky, he can end the game directly.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan did not ask the referee for a restart, but calmly watched his opponent draw and play the cards.

After entering the Southern Game, Li Hongshu and others felt that Luo Quan's poker luck had declined and that he had truly entered the stage of deciding whether to stay or leave, so they all cooperated and started to become a big player.

However, they would never have thought that Luo Quan's card luck had not disappeared, or that the previous success was just accumulation, and now it finally exploded.

"It's my turn." Luo Quan reached out his hand excitedly and grabbed a card.

Taking a closer look, he saw that it was a nine tube, which was exactly the kind of nine cards that he lacked.

Now Luo Quan felt calm and calmly played a trip.

Now, she has collected 191,9 tubes and 9 items, as well as the East, West and South Wind Whiteboard to make a fortune.

There are still two cards left to draw the Guo Shi Wushuang.

It was at this moment that a long-lost wave of Shura cards rose into the sky again, suppressing all the luck of the other three people.

Of course, such a big movement could not be hidden from the people at the same table. As a mahjong player of the law of cause and effect school, Li Hongshu was even more sensitive to this change. The hair on his back suddenly stood up, feeling that a huge crisis was coming.

"Did you get the Yimantian card again?" Li Hongshu looked at Luo Quan's expression and the three cards she played, and fell into hard thinking.

This time she didn't show any flaws. She only showed a set of three, but she couldn't tell what she was going to do.

Zhong Fa Bai? Fourth birthday? Or is it all the same color as Wanzi or Zongzi?

Even if the Law of Cause and Effect Sparrow has the ability to see through the mountain of cards, he can only do it after playing several rounds. This is the first round. At most, he can make his own game to lure Luo Quan to the bait, but it is impossible to understand Luo Quan. Quan wants Hu or something.

Thinking of this, Li Hongshu, who felt extremely embarrassed, could only play a double with hesitation.

Since Luo Quan doesn't want sets, it means that there may not be many strips in his hand, or he may not be able to make a straight without one or two.

Compared with one, which is easy to play big cards, playing two is obviously a good choice, followed by five and eight.

However, I didn’t have 58 items in my hand, so I had better run away with 2 items first.

After fighting out, there was no response from Luo Quan, which made Li Hongshu let out a long sigh of relief.

Sure enough, my analysis was correct.

Three more rounds, no, two more rounds, and his law of cause and effect will take effect, and he will be able to see through Luo Quan's true intentions, so that he can respond.

Feeling the wave of Shura cards that were still building up, Li Hongshu felt that the situation was not that bad, at least Luo Quan must not have listened to the cards yet.

Soon, it was time to draw cards again in Luoquan.

As long as it is Hongzhong or Yaoji, then she will be the unparalleled national scholar. If she is lucky, she will be able to stand upright in the next round.

Take a deep breath and draw a card.


"Nice!" Luo Quan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and typed out a card of 70,000.

This expression aroused the alarm of others, knowing that she was one step closer to drawing or winning cards.

When you are already leading in points, it is the best choice to defend well and quickly end the game with some small cards.

So Luo Quan hits 70,000, others who have 70,000 hit 70,000, and those who don't have 70,000 try to avoid hitting Dasheng Zhang.

At the same time, the three people exchanged glances, obviously planning to continue the drama of the fourth round in the East and getting ready to start playing dirty.

However, in the face of Luo Quan's incredible luck, even if the three of them joined forces, it would not be enough.

On the third round, nine barrels were obtained. Luo Quan fired four barrels horizontally and decisively declared to stand up straight.

Now she has 191,9 and 19 tubes in her hand, and with the east, west, north, and south winds, the white board will bring wealth and red, and she can do whatever she wants with another nine cards.

And this is not just an ordinary Guo Shi Wushuang drawing card, it is a very rare Guo Shi Wushuang Wu Zhen thirteen side!

Just like the previous Big Four with Four Kongs, it is also a Y Man Tian card that is difficult to make in actual combat unless you follow the rules of the card.

However, unlike in the first game in the East where a red card was singled out, Luo Quan had thirteen choices of random cards this time. She did not believe that the other three players could not fire a single card.

Even if she doesn't click, she can still draw by herself, and the probability of winning a bad card is still very high!

At this moment, Luo Quan's Shura Pai Wave had completely taken shape, and its overwhelming momentum made the other three people almost breathless.

As a possessor of the law of cause and effect, Li Hongshu had already discovered some clues at this time.

The cards Luo Quan played seemed messy, with thousands of tubes, but no nine cards.

A bold guess is that Luo Quan is either working on Guo Shi Wushuang or working on the Great Three Elements or the Great Four Happinesses.

Therefore, the word cards cannot be played, and the 190,000 tubes cannot be played, so the rest of the cards are most likely safe.

Li Hongshu quickly shared this information with the other two companies, and then began to feed each other cards based on this restriction.

After a while, these three people came to the edge of Pinghu again.

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