Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1340 Too Rapid Development

Chapter 1340 Too Rapid Development

Luoquan doesn't know whether A shares will rise, but Bilibili's stocks will definitely rise back up.

After all, the real target this time is the Second Pig and Goose Factory. Stocks in other industries have been affected. They are falling hard now, but there is no problem if they want to rise back.

Although Bilibili has a lot of games, it is the least competitive among all its peers. It relies entirely on the quality of the games to attract a large number of players for micro- or medium-level gaming.

A person who spends millions of krypton dollars may not necessarily have a significant improvement in gaming experience in the game. After all, in most of her games, spending tens of thousands of krypton dollars has basically reached the upper limit.

And tens of thousands of dollars is not even enough to get started in the MMO online games of Zhugoose.

It is foreseeable that these two online games will face a relatively difficult situation for a long time to come.

I just hope that this restriction on gold-based mobile games is just a technical adjustment. If similar restrictions are imposed on anime, videos, and film and television dramas in the future, she will really vomit blood.

Although there are no signs yet, who can say for sure?

For a company as big as Penguin, the stock price suddenly collapsed without any news in advance.

So, wait and see and cherish it. After a while, short videos, live broadcasts, and goods may simply disappear.

The next day, Luo Quan got good news and bad news.

The good news is that the actors in Hollywood have secured their visas and are on the plane.

If nothing else happens, it will be officially launched in three to five days.

As for the bad news, she found that her belly was getting bigger.

Her lower abdomen had always been flat and tight before this. When she tightened her muscles, two obvious vest lines could be seen, but overall it did not appear too protruding.

But when he woke up and looked in the mirror this morning, Luo Quan found that his belly had become a little bulging.

It’s a different kind of drum than getting fat.

If you gain weight, there will be some sagging in the bulging area. This is caused by the heat of gravity due to the fat.

But this one looks like an inflated balloon, inflated but not drooping.

Luo Quan noticed something was wrong almost immediately, and then carefully pressed his hand gently.

It's not flatulence or anything, it's probably because of Ning Ning.

But she didn't expect that Ning Ning would grow so fast, and it would only take a few days for her to show her pregnancy.

Although this level can only be noticed by oneself, and the outside world can't see it by wearing casual clothes, the speed of this growth is really amazing.

Benjamin III had reminded herself that the Son of God would grow faster than ordinary babies, but she remembered that he would not be born until five to six months.

Looking at the situation, I'm afraid Ning Ning will be born in less than four months.

Maybe it's because she has taken too many nutritional supplements recently?

The nutritional supplements here do not refer to the chicken soup and pork rib soup that my mother stewed. Although she also takes these conventional supplements every day, it is just to reassure her family.

The supplements she really took were the various natural and earthly treasures given to her by Ye Zhining.

Anyway, Ye Zhining gave her a food list, and the system said there was no problem, so she just ate according to the list every day.

The taste of these supplements is relatively average, but I have to admit that after eating them, the body will still feel very comfortable, and the body can feel the powerful energy they contain.

Perhaps it is these supplements that allow Ning Ning to develop at an even faster rate?

Luo Quan didn't know if this was the reason, but after thinking about it, this was probably the only explanation.

He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to grow so fast. Luo Quan, who couldn't make up his mind, immediately went back to Huanyu and found Ye Zhining to ask about the situation.

The main reason why I didn't ask Benjamin III was because I didn't want him to take the opportunity to propose connecting himself to the Holy City again, so as not to waste a lot of time.

After arriving at Ye Zhining's palace, the maid quickly went to report it.

Ye Zhining, who was enjoying the flowers in the imperial garden, heard that Luo Quan was coming and immediately drove over.

"Haha, why are you back so soon? Do you miss me?" Ye Zhining smiled broadly, still as narcissistic as ever.

"I encountered a little problem." Luo Quan said and rubbed his belly, "Look if my belly is bigger than before. If it is because Ning Ning grows faster, then this speed will not be the same. What problems could there be?"

When Ye Zhining heard this, she lowered her head and looked at it carefully. After a few seconds, she said with a smile: "You are overthinking. It is just normal premature development. You have taken so many supplements. If it doesn't produce any effect, Doesn’t that mean eating in vain?”

"Is that so?" Luo Quan nodded thoughtfully, "So if Ning Ning grows beyond expectations, is it normal?"

"Four months." Ye Zhining raised four fingers, "According to the amount of supplements you take, Ning Ning will be born in four months at most, and she will be healthy."

"That's a good thing." Luo Quan smiled, "In the past few days, I feel that no matter how early I go to bed, I will feel sleepy when I get up. It would be good if I could end this state early."

"Extraordinary pregnancy is like this." Ye Zhining chuckled and comforted Luo Quan, "A body that has been full of vitality for a long time will suddenly have an extra life-sharing energy, and it will definitely become uncomfortable.

Fatigue and weakness are normal. My mother had a similar situation when she was pregnant with me, so you don’t need to worry at all. "

"I'm not worried. The main reason is that I don't have much experience in pregnancy for the first time, so I worry about Ning Ning's safety when I encounter situations I don't understand."

Luo Quan lowered his head as he spoke, looking at his belly with extremely gentle eyes, and gently stroking the clothes outside his belly, as if stroking his daughter's head.

At this time, she was blooming with the brilliance of motherhood.

Ye Zhining's eyes were in a trance, as if she was seeing her mother.

what is this? The Holy Body of Mother is born to be a mother?

Ye Zhining had the urge to laugh out loud, but because the atmosphere was so warm and harmonious, she finally endured it and let Luo Quan feel the subtle feeling of becoming a mother.

Because she has never been a mother, Ye Zhining cannot give Luo Quan much advice in this regard, so shutting up and watching quietly is the best way.

After Luo Quan rubbed his belly for a few minutes, he found that his fingerprints had a tendency to be smoothed away.

Sure enough, doing one action for too long will produce some strange tactile sensations.

Putting down his hand, Luo Quan stood up, said hello to Ye Zhining, and then returned to Earth.

As soon as I came back, I saw a text message from my mother, asking her to come downstairs as soon as she came back.

Thinking there was something urgent, Luo Quan ran downstairs with his slippers on.

This scene was more frightening than the people in the living room, and her mother immediately came to support her: "My aunt, which pregnant woman dares to jump like you?!"

"Aren't you in a hurry and asked me to come down?" Luo Quan said doubtfully, but also slowed down. Luo Ni couldn't laugh or cry: "I asked you to go downstairs and drink tomato and pork ribs soup."

"Hey, I thought it was a big deal." Luo Quan said and sat on the sofa. At this time, his father also brought over the tomato and pork ribs soup that had just been served.

In addition to tomato ribs, the soup also contains yams, carrots, and corn, which can be said to be quite rich, and they are also vegetables that Luo Quan likes to eat.

Of course, it would be more comfortable if we could have another serving of sweet and sour pork ribs, but it’s a pity that we can’t come.

"By the way, why was there no one in your room just now? What world did you go to again?" Luo Ni asked about this with a curious expression.

"I encountered a little problem, so I went back." Luo Quan said, pushing his belly up: "Didn't you notice that my belly has gotten bigger?"

"If you stand up like this, your belly will become bigger no matter how small it is." Wen Xia couldn't help but make a joke.

"Look carefully." Luo Quan grinned, "Does it feel a little different from usual?"

As soon as these words came out! Only then did the others cast their eyes carefully.

"It seems... it's a little different from usual." Leon thought for a while and subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch it, but he felt it was inappropriate, so he changed his hand movement to a position of supporting his chin without leaving any trace. .

"Let me take a look." Luo Ni didn't have so many worries and started directly, but her movements were very gentle.

"It's indeed a little bigger. Isn't it fat?" After touching it, Luo Ni showed a surprised expression.

"You see, when have I ever gained weight since I was a child?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes, "Isn't it obvious what this is? It's just that Ning Ming has grown fat."

"How is that possible?!" Luo Ni's eyes widened in surprise.

Luo Quan chuckled: "I wasn't sure at first. I only found out after I went back to Huanyu."

Next, Luo Quan recounted the conversation with Ye Zhining just now.

After everyone heard this, they were all amazed, and then they all became happy.

"So, I will be an uncle soon?" Li Ang laughed, and then muttered: "Then should I prepare a red envelope or something for my eldest niece?

Yes, be sure to prepare a big red envelope! "

Luo Quan originally wanted to say why he was so polite, but seeing Leon's expression of excitement and anticipation, he ultimately didn't say such a thing.

Isn't it strange that there are so many people? After all, it was Leon's uncle's intention.

"Then the question is, will the baby develop so fast after birth?"

After Wen Xia thought for a while, he asked this question.

Then, the entire living room fell into a brief silence.

"It... seems like I haven't asked yet." Luo Quan scratched his head, not knowing how to answer.

Yes, since the baby develops so quickly in the belly, will it remain the same after birth?

Ordinary people can conceive as early as ten months, but Ning Ning can be born in four months, with a growth rate of 2.5 times.

So after birth, wouldn't it be possible to reach adulthood at the age of seven or eight?

Thinking of this, a group of people suddenly felt that this thing was a bit too magical.

"It shouldn't happen. Maybe it's just because it's in my stomach. After all, I have a special physique and I've taken so many supplements during this period." Luo Quan said.

Although many children hope that they can grow up quickly, Luo Quan feels that it is more important to let Ningning have a complete childhood.

If I suddenly became an adult, I don't know how much fun I would lose.

But if Ningning really grows too fast, then it seems that it is really difficult for her to interfere.

After all, this change occurs in the body, and objectively it is not clear whether it is good or bad.

"Let's wait until the child is born first. Maybe she will return to normal after leaving the mother's body." Luo Quan never wastes too much time on things he doesn't understand, so he comes to Jurong directly to discuss it later.

After all, all the children in the world are well-fed and well-fed as soon as they are born, and have an excess of nutrients.

However, the growth rate is still about the same as that of the earth, which means that supplements will not have much impact on children after birth, so she does not need to worry so much.

"There's really no need to rush. Anyway, it's still four months before Ning Ning is born. If it doesn't work, just go to Huanyu and ask and we'll find out."

Luo Ni can draw inferences from one instance to another. After knowing that there is a know-it-all in the world, she no longer has to worry about what problems her daughter will encounter.

The technology of the two civilizations is not at the same level at all. Many troublesome problems on the earth have perfect solutions in the universe, so Luo Ni is not worried about the situation of her daughter and granddaughter at all.

With alien black technology here, what else do we need to be afraid of?

Instead of thinking about whether these things are available or not, it is better to think about what to do tonight to feed the few mouths in the house.

"By the way, sister, are you planning to tell your fans about your pregnancy at some time, or are you planning to keep it a secret?"

Leon looked at his sister's belly and meant something.

Now that the growth rate has increased so much, it is estimated that within a month at most, clothes will no longer be able to cover the pregnant belly.

He is also someone who has been with pregnant women from beginning to end and knows the size of a pregnant woman's belly at what time.

I'm going to go on stage to sing in a while, and then I'll be caught off guard with a big belly on stage. Is that okay?

I'm afraid the entire Weibo will collapse over this.

Rather than being turned upside down when the time comes, it is better to make a plan early to facilitate the response after the incident occurs.

"If you can hide it, hide it. If you can't hide it, tell it. You don't have to think so much."

This was Luo Quan's answer.

In fact, the jewelry she got from Ye Zhining was just so that she could keep it hidden.

At least before her daughter was born, she didn't want too many people to know about it.

However, plans usually fail to keep up with changes. Maybe one day she changes her mind and feels that it is not good to deceive her fans, so she suddenly tells everyone the truth in the dead of night.

I believe that most fans will send her congratulations and blessings. Of course, there will definitely not be a few fans who break their guard for this.

In short, the entire Internet should be very exciting by then.

(End of this chapter)

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